View Full Version : Rage spills out on to the streets of FR as Sarkozy and Carla Bruni live it up

General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 06:48 PM
This fucking jew needs to go.


Rage spills out on to the streets of France... as Sarkozy and Carla Bruni live the high life

By Andrew Malone
Last updated at 12:19 AM on 20th October 2010

Their faces contorted with hatred, hundreds of thousands of protesters yesterday wreaked havoc across France, burning schools and cars, and fighting running battles with riot police.

Bloody clashes erupted in 300 towns and cities, sparked by austerity measures aimed at dealing with the global financial crisis.

The outpouring of violence was viewed with horror by other European leaders.
Armed police: Police prepare to fire teargas in Lyons as France faced its sixth day of nationwide strikes and protests

Armed police: Police prepare to fire teargas in Lyons as France faced its sixth day of nationwide strikes and protests
Dragged away: Scenes like this were replicated all over France

Dragged away: Scenes like this were replicated all over France

To the west of Paris, orange flames licked the sky as rioters torched college buildings and blocked roads to prevent emergency vehicles reaching the flashpoints.

The Val D’Huisine College in Le Mans was reduced to charred rubble after the main gate was barricaded by gangs of masked youths determined to prevent the conflagration being brought under control.

Ashen-faced, Claude Boulard, the socialist mayor of Le Mans, said: ‘It’s an utter disaster. The college has burned to the ground. There’s nothing left but cinders.’

A 15-year-old girl was injured when a scooter exploded after it was set alight by rioters.

The insurrection flared as thousands of students joined trade unionists and public sector workers in a nationwide show of strength.

But there was another, more troubling, aspect as hundreds of masked youths – including unemployed immigrants – tried to hijack the national strike by fighting pitched battles with CRS police, who responded with tear gas and baton charges.
Flashpoints: Some protests passed off without violence, but many more throughout France became ugly battles

Flashpoints: Some protests passed off without violence, but many more throughout France became ugly battles

In Paris, 330,000 marched through the centre of the capital in a carnival spirit, assembling at Napoleon’s tomb at Invalides.

The demonstration passed off peacefully, but hooded young trouble-makers could be seen lurking on the edge of the official protest.

In Lyons, youths pelted police lines with rocks and set cars and rubbish bins alight, while at Lorient, in Brittany, gendarmes clashed with a group of 100 militants marching behind 3,000 peaceful demonstrators.


* Sarkozy committed to pushing through pension reform despite French protests turning violent

However, in Marseilles, where the strikes have left huge piles of rubbish on streets across the city, the industrial action appears to have the backing of the people.

One resident, Francoise Michelle, 55, said: ‘Transport, the rubbish, the nurses, the teachers, the white-collar class, everyone who works, we should all be united. If there is no transport today, we’re not all going to die.’

Lorry drivers, oil refinery workers, train drivers and air traffic controllers joined teachers and other public sector workers in the protests. Already, week-long strikes at oil refineries, and blockades of fuel depots, have left petrol stocks perilously low.
Cause: Trade unions are seeking to force the French government to back down on an unpopular pension reform raising the retirement age

Cause: Trade unions are seeking to force the French government to back down on an unpopular pension reform raising the retirement age
Who's to blame? A demonstrator holds a placard which reads 'Sarkozy get out' during a demonstration in Paris

Who's to blame? A demonstrator holds a placard which reads 'Sarkozy get out' during a demonstration in Paris

With thousands of police deployed, gangs of rioters caused mayhem in towns and cities from Paris to Marseilles. More than 400 people were arrested and dozens of police hurt.

Police in Paris, Marseilles and Lyons also reported cash machines being sabotaged, along with other ‘symbols of capitalism’ such as luxury cars, which were set ablaze.

A spokesman for the national police said: ‘There’s an anarchic spirit across the country.’

Last night, Britons were caught up in the travel chaos which has seen hundreds of flights and up to three-quarters of trains cancelled and roads left gridlocked. So far Eurostar has been unaffected.

A defiant Prime Minister Francois Fillon said it was time to break militant workers’ stranglehold on the nation’s oil refineries, which has caused one in five petrol stations to run dry.

He told the National Assembly, France’s lower parliamentary house: ‘No one has the right to hold an entire country, its economy and its people hostage.’
Fired up: Riot police officers react during clashes with masked youths in Lyon

Fired up: Riot police officers react during clashes with masked youths in Lyon

President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to face down the rioters, despite polls showing that more than 70 per cent of people support the protests.

‘The reform is essential,’ he said. ‘France is committed to it and will go ahead with it.’

But the pension bill, which will raise the French retirement age from 60 to 62, is due to be rubber stamped by tonight – virtually guaranteeing further bloodshed and raising the disturbing prospect of a nationwide state of emergency being declared.

Many fear a repeat of the May 1968 riots in Paris when thousands took to the streets to try to bring down the government, leading to genuine fears of a new French revolution.
Outrage: Sarkozy and Bruni spent £660 a day on flowers last year

Outrage: Sarkozy and Bruni spent £660 a day on flowers last year

Jean-Jacques Lambert, 60, from Brittany, said: ‘I remember 1968 very well. There was the same discontent in the air. The students and the unions won’t back down, the government won’t back down.’

Union leaders last night claimed 3.5million people took part in demonstrations. The government put the number at fewer than 500,000.

Grappling with a £30billion pension deficit, not to mention suffering from the worst recession in living memory, Mr Sarkozy is adamant the country must change.

The protesters are fighting to safeguard working conditions which are the envy of most other European countries.

Rattled by the disturbances, Mr Sarkozy last night offered some concessions, including a lower retirement age for physically demanding jobs such as labourers.

That aside, many protesters have been angered by details of his personal extravagance.

He and his wife Carla Bruni spent £660 a day on fresh flowers last year – paid by the taxpayer. They also used public money to settle a £3,000 fine for late payment of electricity and gas bills.

Although Mr Sarkozy recently claimed he would pay back around £5,000 worth of living costs, including bills for toothpaste and dry cleaning, this economy was followed by news that he and his wife had bought a £140million Airbus A340 jet for official presidential business.

The thought of Mr Sarkozy relaxing on his private jet may be enough to keep the rioters motivated for weeks to come.

David Cameron, meanwhile – preparing for the announcement of swingeing cuts today – must be hoping this outpouring of violent protest does not spread across the Channel.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322036/French-strikes-rage-streets-Sarkozy-Carla-Bruni-live-high-life.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz12rLzPa50

19th October 2010, 06:58 PM
France does have a history of beheading figures of authority. Let's keep our fingers crossed boys and girls. ;D

19th October 2010, 07:02 PM
France does have a history of beheading figures of authority. Let's keep our fingers crossed boys and girls. ;D

Sacre bleu! Indeed!

I love this little gem:

"The thought of Mr Sarkozy relaxing on his private jet may be enough to keep the rioters motivated for weeks to come."

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

19th October 2010, 07:14 PM
I'm guessing they don't get that American Idol TV show over there. My guess is you'd have to cancel TV, and all fast food sales for weeks at a time to get a similar effect.

19th October 2010, 07:23 PM
The French see the corrupt pos government for what it is and are doing something about it.
Meanwhile back in america, the citizens that have been thoroughly raped, robbed, cheated, stripped of their rights, polluted by these devils, morally bankrupted, do nothing?

19th October 2010, 07:24 PM
The French see the corrupt pos government for what it is and are doing something about it.
Meanwhile back in america, the citizens that have been thoroughly raped, robbed, cheated, stripped of their rights, polluted by these devils, morally bankrupted, do nothing?

It's the American way! ;)

General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 07:32 PM
Keep in mind, Paris is a multi-cult crap hell hole. These bastards bitch about what's in it for them individually, but allow these cock holsters to over run France with muds, just like the KWA.

19th October 2010, 07:36 PM
France does have a history
history is all that is left

19th October 2010, 07:38 PM
You'd have to literally starve people to death, and even then, it would go on to the point they'd be too physically weak to get off the couch to do anything about it.

Gangster utopia.

19th October 2010, 07:39 PM
The French see the corrupt pos government for what it is and are doing something about it.
Meanwhile back in america, the citizens that have been thoroughly raped, robbed, cheated, stripped of their rights, polluted by these devils, morally bankrupted, do nothing?

Keep in mind that the ONLY reason they are rioting is because the government is taking away "their entitlements". America hasn't done this, the people of france would be just as complacent if they're entitlements had not been touched. No weapons, high taxes, piss poor exports, and high crime in immigrant areas of the country. Same problems we have. Only difference is the french government has to comply with EU rules and can't just print up a trillion to make up the difference. So they screw the populace.

If anything it'll probably wind up a more communist country, as the people are not rioting because of their stolen rights or liberties but their ridiculous "entitlements."

19th October 2010, 07:46 PM
Europe in trouble on every front. They're every bit as much spectators and they already adopted their version of global fiat.

Last I checked, nobody's complaining about the lack of silver in the coin. And didn't they give up their God given right to self protection long ago? Aren't their systems just as corrupt?

I didn't see anybody marching to reduce taxes and end central gov.

19th October 2010, 08:05 PM
Where is the proper DIRECT representation of the French people at the EU ?

...foreign entity would then make the rules

They are used to being ruled by outsiders, I don't think they'll will catch on to the connection. They won't try and dismantle their own central gov nor will they go after the behind the scenes - those who pull the strings from above, beyond the EU.

People put up with corruption as a way of life and they get used to it, the bigger and further up the chain it is the less likely they are to point their finger at it. Few people pay attention to the taxes, fewer pay attention to the money.

They either attack the symptoms or fall for the distractions...

This f*cking jew needs to go.

They may be distracted into taking out or over-throwing a political shill or dictator even from time to time, but go after a root cause system ? Nope..


General of Darkness
19th October 2010, 08:09 PM
They may be distracted into taking out a political shill or dictator even, but go after a root cause system ? Nope..


FM, you call other people sheep and yet you defend the 800 pound gorilla. You need to get knifed in the dick, it might actually protect the sheep from your lies and deflections. ;)

19th October 2010, 08:11 PM
The EU now makes the rules that the french population via Sarkozy has to follow...

When was the last time the french population has its say at the EU ? Does the French population has its says when comes the time to elect the EU members ?

Where is the proper DIRECT representation of the French people at the EU ?

How would you feel if the UN, IMF or World bank imposed the same exact thing in the US via Obama ? ( Prepare to answer as i bet it is already planned for North America )
Angry because you would have lost your entitlements or because a foreign entity would then make the rules ?

UN, IMF, World Bank, and World Health Organization already make rules that the U.S. has to follow. Our "wonderful" "leaders" make sure to take their pay, leave us with the bill and the laws these organizations feel fit to legislate behind the curtain.

If you read the interviews you'll see they are rioting because of lost "entitlements". They don't care about who runs france, they just want "theirs".

Same with America, most people don't give a rats ass whose in charge as long as their "entitlements" don't get touched, there is something "entertaining" on the teevee, and they have plenty of poisoned food to scarf down. The could care less about their rights, liberties, or who pulls the strings.

19th October 2010, 08:19 PM
Did the population of Europe embraced the global fiat that is the Euro or it was simply stuffed hard and deep down there throat ?

Whatever way it happened. It still did happen.

War is a series of success stories. One small success after another, battle by battle the war is won. In the USA eventually the time will be right for this battle too. The spectators continue to be conditioned.

When was the last time central powers have declined in strength and control? Even the spectators out there protesting, the "tea party", all of them, controlled opposition or misguided violence.

19th October 2010, 08:31 PM
Same with America, most people don't give a rats ass whose in charge as long as their "entitlements" don't get touched, there is something "entertaining" on the teevee, and they have plenty of poisoned food to scarf down. The could care less about their rights, liberties, or who pulls the strings.

For most of them...Entirely true :( and i agree.

However, i despise that group of people.

You and me both, the ones who are awake and see the cliff we are approaching are along for the ride knowing whats on the other side. The sheep haven't a clue, and don't really care. Just as long as Team "red" or "blue" gives them their just dues. Ohh but keep government spending down while providing everything under the sun. :oo-->

19th October 2010, 08:50 PM
A little musical interlude, Les Miserables,

Look Down

Do You Hear The People Sing?

19th October 2010, 09:32 PM
France, no fluoride in the water.


19th October 2010, 10:26 PM
It used to be so that you could buy one cup of coffee for one or two finnish markkas before the euro (the exchange rate was 6 markkas to 1 euro in 2000), but these days you're sure to need more than one EURO to do the same.

People did not do or say much against the Euro back then. It seemed like euro just HAD to happen, it was "natural", media never questioned it and gave us no options. I remember there being a lot of "euro education", the conversion rates etc., in elementary schools even. Most people were enthusiastic but some, especially the older people, weren't. Many of us finns deep in our subdued hearts would like to see the old finnish markka back (even if it it's false hope, it wouldn't help a damn thing), but what is there to do?

Most people here seem to think that all protestors are nutjobs who have no lives and nothing better to do. EU is doing wonders to piss of people though, farmers are getting screwed by EU's insane agricultural subsidy policies that have forced aside Finland's own subsidy systems (which actually made sense). Still, we finns don't protest much, and even if we do, people see it as nothing but TV entertainment.

19th October 2010, 10:33 PM
As despicable as their leaders are, many also need to accept responsibility for the fact that they actually placed hope in what they assume is a Santa Clause-like entity (the state) that would provide indefinite cradle-to-grave welfare for everyone.

Now that their socialist paradise is collapsing, I hope that they continue protesting and rioting indefinitely until they realize that their answer isn't more statism--which is unlikely but I'll find it entertaining.

20th October 2010, 07:38 AM
Anger without brains.

"There would be plenty of money to go around to pay for retirement at 60 and welfare for everyone and all the sick days you could dream of and the debt would magically disappear and we could all live like kings if only the president didn't have an airplane."

mick silver
20th October 2010, 08:41 AM
there no rage there it just a show ... if there was true rage the ones stealing every thing would have a rope around there necks ... this whole world about f up .

20th October 2010, 08:51 AM
"Little to NO COST to you"

Every geezer in the USA gets free Medicare scooters because the Obamas live without extravagance. Dey just be plain folk.



20th October 2010, 09:06 AM
A little musical interlude, Les Miserables,


Thanks for the videos PatColo. Les Miserables will be a whole lot more miserable this time around. Today they are called "domestic terrorists" and TPTB spent $Tillions of our tax money getting ready. They call it "Homeland Security" now...lol.


Filthy Keynes
20th October 2010, 09:38 AM






20th October 2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the videos PatColo. Les Miserables will be a whole lot more miserable this time around. Today they are called "domestic terrorists" and TPTB spent $Tillions of our tax money getting ready. They call it "Homeland Security" now...lol.


the "international" version of "Do You Hear The People Sing?" is good too, in light of how this engineered meltdown, & "austerity solution" (neo-feudal-slavery for gentiles) is global,
