View Full Version : Is the FED secretly buying gold?

22nd October 2010, 08:26 AM
Remember a while ago I voiced the rumors about BOA having troubles?
Two weeks later we've heard for the first time of foreclosuregate.

Now, there are rumors about the FED dumping fresh greenbacks on GOLD to shake off asian pegs.

as we know, for many years asians hitched their vagon to USD. they neutralize FED's efforts by buying and stashing greenbacks.
the FED buying gold is the way to break that knot

things can go either way, but in terms of the end game, there are a lot of potential benefits for the FED in such a strategy.
there are resons for them to follow into this direction
US does not have much oil, but it is still notable gold superpower if compared to China, Russia, European Union


I was trying to dig down for the hits

here is what I unearthed:

it is a 2008 interview, and a very thought-provocing one in the retrospect

(remember, it was made way back in 2008):


Friday, December 12, 2008

Former Fed governor hints at big upward revaluation of gold

Interviewed Monday this week on the "Trading Day" program of Business News Network in Canada, former Federal Reserve Governor Lyle Gramley hinted that a big upward revaluation of gold may figure heavily in the Fed's attempt to rescue the U.S. economy.

The program's guest host, Niall Ferguson, an author and history professor at Harvard, asked Gramley, now senior adviser at Stanford Group in Houston, about the seemingly grotesque expansion of the Fed's balance sheet in recent months.

Ferguson asked: "I've heard it said that the Fed has turned into a government-owned hedge fund, leveraged at 50 to 1. Do you feel nervous about what this might actually do to the Fed's reputation?"

Gramley replied: "I think you have to reckon with the fact that one of the Fed's assets is gold certificates, which are priced, as I remember, at $42 an ounce, and if we were to price them at market prices, the Fed's leverage would look a lot less than it is now."

While valuing the U.S. government's claimed gold reserves at today's Comex closing price of around $822 per ounce instead of the government antique bookkeeping entry of $42.22 per ounce would indeed vastly expand the government's monetary assets, it might not be enough to offset the liabilities and guarantees the government lately has taken on. But the job might be done by revaluing the gold to $5,000 or $10,000 per ounce, as the British economist Peter Millar speculated two years ago might be necessary to prevent debt deflation:

just think what he (Gramley) has said and what it means!

the BNN's interview is here:


I know it is a crazy idea. take is or leave it

22nd October 2010, 08:32 AM
yes, Cash for gold is one of their "confiscation programs" In my area it's midwest gold buyers run by 2 very nice "jewish brothers" oye vey.


"This family owned business was started by identical twin brothers Jake and Jordan Sadoff (< reminds me of madoff) along with their mother, Judy."

22nd October 2010, 08:32 AM
gold supression becomes history?
cartel reversed the gear?

22nd October 2010, 08:34 AM
yes, Cash for gold is one of their "confiscation programs" In my area it's midwest gold buyers run by 2 very nice "jewish brothers" oye vey.


"This family owned business was started by identical twin brothers Jake and Jordan Sadoff (< reminds me of madoff) along with their mother, Judy."

streets, I am happy to see you posting,
you are one of my favourite posters here


22nd October 2010, 08:41 AM
yes, Cash for gold is one of their "confiscation programs" In my area it's midwest gold buyers run by 2 very nice "jewish brothers" oye vey.


"This family owned business was started by identical twin brothers Jake and Jordan Sadoff (< reminds me of madoff) along with their mother, Judy."

streets, I am happy to see you posting,
you are one of my favourite posters here


well, thank you for the compliment. Stopping by to see what's going on. Things are progressing fast it seems and I'm waiting for the shout!

Don't forget to ..contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 1:3)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd October 2010, 08:45 AM
yes, Cash for gold is one of their "confiscation programs" In my area it's midwest gold buyers run by 2 very nice "jewish brothers" oye vey.


"This family owned business was started by identical twin brothers Jake and Jordan Sadoff (< reminds me of madoff) along with their mother, Judy."

I notice the vacant spots in the strip malls around my area starting to fill up with cash for gold stores. Complete with flashing neon signs and people standing in near the streets holding up huge "we buy gold" signs.

There is a charity event being advertised around here where people are encouraged to bring their unwanted gold to be exchanged for cash. The jeweler will donate a part of the proceeds to the charity.

Confiscating from the ignorant masses...

22nd October 2010, 08:48 AM
Of course they are. They buy everything, things of great value and things of trash.

They are a private entity. They don't get audited and can do as they please. Do I tell you what to do with your money? They can do whatever they want with the money that they print up.

If I had a printing press which printed up money that everybody was willing to accept, I would also buy everything (of value and not of value). What difference would it make if I were to buy high or buy low? Adding more zeros to the money or printing more of it is a negligable cost , so just buy everything as fast as you can without any concern over anything.

THe private central bank owners have been doing this for decades, actually centruries, actually these tricks go back for,... well, basically forever. Nobody else has any idea how much they have bought or are still buying. They are private individuals in control of the (our) money.

Of course, at this point I would tell you, who cares who they are, THE KEY IS TO DESTROY THE SYSTEM WHICH THEY USE. But I know, I know, it's a lot more fun to point fingers at the criminals and try to stop them that way... so please carry on..., .,... the system's not the problem , it's all about the "who" or about the blacks, or woops, I mean it's all the Jews fault. Yes indeed, where's the general to remind us, where's book? Where's shakin'shoes?

No need to stop the system at all, it's not the fault of centralized money or centralized systems, they are short lived. It's the criminal that are in charge of the thousand year system. Central banks and central powers are a required part of life. Right? :sarc:

22nd October 2010, 08:49 AM
it may become as crazy as this:

if the FED game becomes to buy gold and asians insist on keeping the status quo, the only way they could counter the FED is by selling gold

that would be a crazy thing to do on its own, plus they don't have large stockpiles of gold

they will not be able to hold on for a long

the rumors are that the gold cartel that was working so far to supress the price might have (or about to) reversed the gear

22nd October 2010, 08:57 AM
if the FED game becomes to buy gold and asians insist on keeping the status quo, the only they can counter the FED is by selling gold

Wrong, wrong, and more wrong. They don't do that. What they do is trade their paper for Russian oil. What they do is print up their paper and use it all over Asia and then everywhere. What they do is the same thing our private owners of the money we use do, which is to print, spend and own everything. They do what they are now doing, produce more gold than anyone else and sell none of it, and buy more, more of everything, the good and the bad. They don't need a strong dollar in the end, they need more power in the end. The name of the game is to fleece the people, not to fleece each other. TPTB are a variety of people, why would they want to attack each other, when gaining more control , more power, and more wealth is so much easier and so much better for them?

You want to stop them?

Stop using their money, cut them out of the picture.

But good luck on changing anything. Right now it's about finger pointing and the Mexican farm workers, or rather, the Jews are where you should be pointing... :sarc:

22nd October 2010, 09:02 AM
Wrong, wrong, and more wrong.

"Wrong, wrong, and more wrong" - that's what I was told when I posted about BOA big troubles, :)

two weeks later there were ten threads here about the foreclosuregate and billions BOA will have to pay in buy-backs


22nd October 2010, 09:09 AM
When the dollar is dead PM will surface........PM is the "only" real money, for exchange, in the world.

22nd October 2010, 09:11 AM
we need to consciously resist general tendency of humans for dismissing ( angrily ) any evidence that goes against entrenched personal believes

knoing that about "self" helps keeps the mind open

as I said, those are only rumors, and there is an interesting 2008-th interview with the former FED

do whatever you want with that


22nd October 2010, 09:21 AM
What I was saying wrong about is the claim that Asians will sell gold to counter the fed's buying of gold. That's not going to happen regardless of your prediction track record.

22nd October 2010, 09:26 AM
When the dollar is dead PM will surface........PM is the "only" real money, for exchange, in the world.

the FED must realize that no matter how much money they print, there is only so much gold in the world

think of the end game:

there might be a point in the future when the holder of gold will refuse accepting "paper" no matter how much zerros are on that dollar bill

therefore the ability of the FED to print will amount to nothing!

the ability to print by China will amount to nothing too

the ability to print by Russia will amount to nothing

the ability to print by Japan will amount to nothing

the only thing that will matter at that point is how much gold each of the rivals hold

asians don't hold much gold

the way to screw them is to play the strong card

after the FED trashes all the paper currencies, the FED will become unbelievably wealthy in relative terms ( read the FED statement )
which would allow the FED to squash the rival ( China )
with all that gold the FED will buy out the country from underneath of Chinese elite

Filthy Keynes
22nd October 2010, 09:27 AM
From the OP I didn't interpret as the Fed BUYING gold, I saw it as the Fed REVALUING the gold that it stole from the American people and has claimed for itself.

"Gramley replied: "I think you have to reckon with the fact that one of the Fed's assets is gold certificates, which are priced, as I remember, at $42 an ounce, and if we were to price them at market prices, the Fed's leverage would look a lot less than it is now.""

The higher the price of gold the greater the PERCENTAGE ASSET of gold "on the books" despite the actual quantity of gold not changing. It is possible to "recapitalize" the banks by simply revaluing the gold that is held by the banks (or central bank).

Jim Rickards touches on this in his interview at KingWorldNews. It is worth the listen:


22nd October 2010, 09:31 AM
What I was saying wrong about is the claim that Asians will sell gold to counter the fed's buying of gold. That's not going to happen regardless of your prediction track record.



yes, I agree,

realistically Asian selling of gold is not an option.
basically in the event of gold monetization there is nothing they can do to counter the cartel

22nd October 2010, 09:40 AM
From the OP I didn't interpret as the Fed BUYING gold, I saw it as the Fed REVALUING the gold that it stole from the American people and has claimed for itself.

that is true,
he does not say it directly
it would be insane for the FED to openly announce a change in policy, abandoning the QE-2's debt monetization in favour of gold monetization.

it is unlikely that the FED will openly admit that the next trillion the FED will spend on gold :)

:) The effect of such announcement would have been uncalculable.

what they say may not match what they do

22nd October 2010, 09:46 AM
Jim Rickards touches on this in his interview at KingWorldNews. It is worth the listen:


Keynes, thank you.

I did not know about that.


imagine faces of ll the talkings heads on the news after they heard Bernanke saying "screw you all, the next Trillion we are spending on gold!"

lol :)

Filthy Keynes
22nd October 2010, 10:02 AM
the next Trillion we are spending on gold!"

lol :)

They wouldn't need to spend money - they would just issue a decree that the Federal Reserve has changed the valuation of gold from $42/ounce to $X,000/ounce. The US Government has the power the "declare by fiat" what the price of gold is. The only way it works is by threat of violence, or imprisonment to anyone who disagrees.

22nd October 2010, 10:09 AM
the next Trillion we are spending on gold!"

lol :)

They wouldn't need to spend money - they would just issue a decree that the Federal Reserve has changed the valuation of gold from $42/ounce to $X,000/ounce. The US Government has the power the "declare by fiat" what the price of gold is. The only way it works is by threat of violence, or imprisonment to anyone who disagrees.

How does that saying go? "They that hold the gold, makes the rules" ?

22nd October 2010, 10:38 AM
How does that saying go? "They that hold the gold, makes the rules" ?


phase one: "They that print the money, make the rules" is always followed by the phase two: "gold is money and they that hold the gold, make the rules"

Notice that while in the phase two "They that print the money, do not make any rules anymore". :) I think the FED realises that.

Their ability to print money will amount to nothing. It will give them no power.

Since Asia does not hold any significant gold stockpiles,
accelerating the game into the phase two may be in the FED'sr best interests.

Those issues are so complex that a definite judgement is absolutely out of possibility for a layman like me. I am only viewing that as a hypothetical case (just for fun)

22nd October 2010, 10:45 AM
Of course they are. They buy everything, things of great value and things of trash.

They are a private entity. They don't get audited and can do as they please. Do I tell you what to do with your money? They can do whatever they want with the money that they print up.

If I had a printing press which printed up money that everybody was willing to accept, I would also buy everything (of value and not of value). What difference would it make if I were to buy high or buy low? Adding more zeros to the money or printing more of it is a negligable cost , so just buy everything as fast as you can without any concern over anything.

THe private central bank owners have been doing this for decades, actually centruries, actually these tricks go back for,... well, basically forever. Nobody else has any idea how much they have bought or are still buying. They are private individuals in control of the (our) money.

Of course, at this point I would tell you, who cares who they are, THE KEY IS TO DESTROY THE SYSTEM WHICH THEY USE. But I know, I know, it's a lot more fun to point fingers at the criminals and try to stop them that way... so please carry on..., .,... the system's not the problem , it's all about the "who" or about the blacks, or woops, I mean it's all the Jews fault. Yes indeed, where's the general to remind us, where's book? Where's shakin'shoes?

No need to stop the system at all, it's not the fault of centralized money or centralized systems, they are short lived. It's the criminal that are in charge of the thousand year system. Central banks and central powers are a required part of life. Right? :sarc:
"THEY" created the system. Once this system comes to it's inevitable conclusion "THEY" will just create another one. "THEY" have been doing this for thousands of years. "THEY" are not even "Jews" as you define a Jew... You sound like a broken record, no-one raised the point, before you started the chanting of your mantra!

22nd October 2010, 11:01 AM
"THEY" created the system. Once this system comes to it's inevitable conclusion "THEY" will just create another one. "THEY" have been doing this for thousands of years.

exactly, the way to do such a transition is to rain FRN on us, the gold bugs

lets face it, the populace was already fleaced through CASH4GOLD

who else holds the gold?

we do, we are next in the line

how remaining gold could be forced out of the gold bugs? gold bugs are humans just as CASH4GOLD customers are. Make the offer attractive and we will not be able to resist. Rain cash on gold and all the gold will eventually end up in the pockets of "TPTB". Then the TPTB "who now hold the gold, makes the rules" will reset and reload the Matrix.

22nd October 2010, 11:33 AM
Is the FED secretly buying gold?

Has anybody ever suggested auditing the FED? Maybe Congress can consider that option...


23rd October 2010, 12:15 AM
Is the FED secretly buying gold?

Has anybody ever suggested auditing the FED? Maybe Congress can consider that option...


I don't think an audit will work, but it's definately worth a try.

Still, I think they only have to keep 6 years of records, they being the shareholders of the federal reserve.

There have been a number of audits. The DoD has an audit every year and it's the same story with them. Between what goes to them and their sub contractors, usually over a third of the budget goes missing, been like that for over 20 years consecutively.

23rd October 2010, 12:22 AM
The DoD has an audit every year and it's the same story with them.

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel (http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1047.shtml)


23rd October 2010, 12:30 AM
Pretty much likely to be nothing special. An audit, sure. Give congress a few years to pick who does the audit. Arthur Anderson comes to mind. And besides, it's not against the law for a private entity to buy gold or give money away.

People have been playing with paper money for years, this trick goes back a long time. Most everybody figures that taxes are simply a "needed evil". The worker pays both coming and going.

23rd October 2010, 05:24 AM
The DoD has an audit every year and it's the same story with them.

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel (http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1047.shtml)


"Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books."

Gee, i wonder if they timed the announcement so almost everybody would forget about it ?

23rd October 2010, 05:50 AM
The DoD has an audit every year and it's the same story with them.

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel (http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1047.shtml)


"Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books."

Gee, i wonder if they timed the announcement so almost everybody would forget about it ?

Gee, I wonder if it was just a coincidence that the missile hit the Pentagon, the day after, just were the accountants and the books were...