View Full Version : Substance stretching for miles in gulf waters creates a stir

25th October 2010, 12:31 PM

The Gulf Coast is up in arms over a new report in the New Orleans Times-Picayune about a huge stretch of what appeared to be weathered oil floating off Louisiana. The report, published over the weekend, came just days after federal officials reiterated their claim that the gulf now contains very little recoverable oil--and mere hours after the federal government announced the opening of another large swath of gulf waters to fishing. Now, all but 4 percent of the gulf is under no restrictions for commercial and recreational fishing.

Numerous fishermen told the paper that they had run across the substance -- estimated to be 2.5 miles long and 300 yards wide -- in West Bay, an open-water area of 35 square miles near Venice, La. According to the Times-Picayune's Bob Marshall: "Boat captains working the BP clean-up effort said they have been reporting large areas of surface oil off the delta for more than a week but have seen little response from BP or the Coast Guard."

The glare of new media attention was apparently enough to spur the Coast Guard into action -- it dispatched a team of pollution investigators Saturday to collect samples from the area.

Researchers have yet to complete any lab tests to confirm the origin of whatever gunk is discoloring the water in the area, one official felt confident enough to say that "based on his observation and what he sees in the sample jars," the culprit is probably nothing more than an algae bloom, according to the Times-Picayune.

But seasoned Gulf fishermen were skeptical of that assessment.

"I've never seen algae that looked orange, that was sticky, smelled like oil and that stuck to the boat and had to be cleaned off with solvent," one fishing boat captain told Marshall. "I'll wait for the lab reports."


25th October 2010, 02:14 PM
"I've never seen algae that looked orange, that was sticky, smelled like oil and that stuck to the boat and had to be cleaned off with solvent," one fishing boat captain told Marshall. "I'll wait for the lab reports."

Probably a new 'bad' 'species of algae growing in the area due to global warming.

25th October 2010, 02:24 PM
All that oil that was never recovered will continue to turn up like a "Bad Penny" for quite awhile. Every time the gov and other sources say it is gone. It shows up again like that bad penny that you can not get rid of. It will take years like the Exxon Valdez spill, Prince William Sound in Alaska still has oil everywhere and not hard to find.

25th October 2010, 02:53 PM
Near Jax: Eyewitnesses ask is “mystery” blob ALGAE or OIL? Miles-long dark, gooey substance NOT ALGAE tests show — Official: “Could have been transported” by currents (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/mysterious-substance)

source article:

One of the more interesting "conspiracy theories" re the Gulf op, is the notion that they're scheming to turn the Gulf into a big (synthetic?) algae farm, for future energy production. There've been 1-2 threads here on this, too lazy to find them, but Sofia Smallstorm is on board, from http://911weknow.com/the-rabbit-hole

The BP Oil Spill

Gulf Stream transoceanic current
The Gulf Stream current crosses
the Atlantic Ocean

Perspective is necessary on this one. The "oil gusher" could have been an asphalt volcano deliberately drilled into, as some have suggested. Methane might be pouring out too. But the main reason for the "oil spill" -- whether it was oil gushing or tar seeping -- may not have been to kill the fish and ruin the economy of the adjacent states. The oil may have been only the pretext. Agenda runs deep -- much deeper than you might imagine.

So what was it all about? Perhaps this bit of analytical theory will make sense: What did BP rush to do the moment "uncontainable" oil began to flood the Gulf of Mexico? They brought out an arsenal of chemical solvents to "thin it out with." Why would anyone in their right mind thin oil to mix it with water (which is what a "solvent" does), when oil does not mix with water anyway and would have kept itself "separate," so to speak?

Because the SOLVENTS were the plan, not the oil. The solvents will turn the Gulf of Mexico into a "dead zone." Think of the effect of chemical solvents on biological cells. Biological cells have two parts -- a nucleus (fat based) and surrounding cytoplasm (water based). The effect of chemical solvents on biological cells is to break through the barriers protecting and separating the cell and to destroy the integrity of the parts of the cell. Picture the algae in the ocean -- the single-celled plants and animals that are the source of nourishment for all life in the marine food chain. Now think of the biggest creatures in the ocean -- the whales, the large sharks, even the dolphins. It is much harder to hurt the big creatures with chemicals than the tiny ones that are the food for everything. When you destroy the viability, functionality and reproductivity of the smallest life forms (algae, plankton, larvae), they cannot survive or reproduce and will not support the chain above them. So "solvents" for the oil that spilled are the means of creating a huge problem in a region of the ocean that has a current (the Gulf Stream) that will conveniently carry that problem elsewhere (see picture at right) ...

Imagine what will happen when it is discovered that marine life in the Gulf is failing at its most basic level -- that of algae and plankton? Synthetic algae will be offered, manufactured in biotech labs, and that will be the "solution" to the problem caused by the BP oil spill. Engineered algae and plankton! -- marvelous -- and better yet, resistant to oil and to Corexit! Hallelujah! This will become the basis for new life in the ocean which will feed the little fish and the bigger fish, all the way up to the whales and dolphins and sharks! You could call it "GMO algae," compliments of Monsanto and associates. Most people commenting on the oil spill have not thought this far ahead. The BP catastrophe is being called Obama's Katrina, but it is far more than a demonstration of corporate recklessness and government incompetency. It may be the start of synthetic biology in the ocean ...

Read more about the chemicals here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/aug/03/gulf-oil-spill-chemicals-epa). And listen to this marine biologist and toxicologist talk about solvents as they affect ocean creatures:


This article was posted at Rense today, again discusses "synthetic biology" which looks to be at work in the Gulf op,

The Gulf Blue Plague (http://rense.com/general92/GULo.htm)
It's not wise to fool Mother Nature
By Michael Edward
The World Vision Portal