View Full Version : Mike Ruppert: "Time to liquidate some gold, buy survival gear, tools"

25th October 2010, 01:36 PM
Mike Ruppert: "Time to liquidate some gold, buy survival gear, tools"

Sorry I don't have a link or text of the actual article. Ruppert posted it at collapsenet (http://collapsenet.com/) on 10/17, and non-subscribers (like me!) could only read the first paragraph. It said something about an email exchange he'd had with someone, which was posted in the full article, but the gist was-- and individual circumstances will vary widely of course, but he recommended don't be a stinge with your gold if your preps etc aren't in order, sell up to half into this strong market and buy "stuff". The title says it all.

I searched the title hoping it would be reposted free elsewhere. LATOC forum came up but I click the link and it says "private site" and asks for login... didn't feel like registering. Can anyone post the full article here? It would be good to discuss the points made.

25th October 2010, 01:43 PM
I used to think this, but I'm inclined to continue in gold & silver... they will become scarcer while survival gear, tools "should" (yeesh) still be available... and then the bartering begins... ;)

25th October 2010, 01:53 PM
I heard him on his radio show (The Lifeboat Hour) last week saying basically that after survival preps, investing and having on hand any specialized capital equipment you may need to generate future income was more important than parking it in PM's due to the potential for economic disruptions and the potential of not being able to get it at all, or for a reasonable price.

25th October 2010, 02:12 PM
I keep forgetting about his Sunday night "Lifeboat Hour" radio show, so I've never heard it. Is it archived? I don't even see the radio show touted at the collapsenet page anymore.

I used to be a bigger Ruppert fan, FTW subscriber etc... but I became agnostic on Peak Oil, convinced that we're going to collapse regardless, nothing I can do about the ultimate/true reason behind the collapse, so Ruppert became more "another prepper guru" and I felt reading about preps is abundant and free, so don't really see what Ruppert brings to the table which is worth paying for (IE collapsenet membership). I remain interested in his viewpoint on things though, and don't particularly fault him for trying to squeeze some bucks out of his site.

25th October 2010, 04:41 PM
His shows are archived here: http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-lifeboat-hour/

He is still new to this radio thing.
And his band's songs are overproduced, although I like some of the lyrics.

But I think I learned gutting cattle is much like gutting a chicken. One just needs a tractor with a front bucket. :)

25th October 2010, 06:41 PM
His shows are archived here: http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-lifeboat-hour/

He is still new to this radio thing.
And his band's songs are overproduced.

But I think I learned gutting cattle is much like gutting a chicken. One just needs a tractor with a front bucket. :)

thanks, I've been skipping around the archive, found discussion of this topic in The Lifeboat Hour - 10/17/10, between about mins 6 & 10. He's backed off his earlier prediction of gold to $2000 before end of '10, now he says it breaks $2K shortly after that... Says stock market gonna crash, it may/may-not of course, as he then said, Dow's become an index of human misery... which would suggest it keeps going higher!

25 mins into the same MP3, MCR takes a caller asking about silver, he says siver keeps going up too- said some things are going to break open about national PM reserves which will be gold-bullish.

I'm not going out of my way to buy Ruppert's "New White Trash" album..
Ruppert's not really cut out to be a vocalist, but I'm all for him having a good time, creative outlet, etc.

8th November 2010, 02:40 PM
I would say that he should have had his preps in order BEFORE buying and gold.

I'm at the point where we toss out some stuff every year because it "expires" before we eat it. (actually I don't toss till it's 2 years past the "best by" OR "sell by" date).

And the PMs are so that I CAN start a business afterwords.

Hey mr. farmer, I'll give you a ounce of silver for those bushels of wheat
Hey mr. chicken raiser, I'll give you a ounce of silver for those eggs (or chickens)
Hey mr. dairy dude. . . . and so on.

They you take the stuff, mix it all together and open up a bakery or a restaurant.