View Full Version : MUST WATCH - Chinese Professor

General of Darkness
25th October 2010, 05:57 PM
Talk about to the fucking point and simple enough that even the Kwans will understand it.


25th October 2010, 06:02 PM
Knowing something and doing nothing about it is like knowing nothing......Americaninsky are ignoramous.

mick silver
25th October 2010, 06:08 PM
up up and away for the night people

25th October 2010, 06:15 PM
Fear mongering.

I see this as playing China as the newest boogieman for the sheep.
Has this been shown any on the TeeVee? If not, the desired effect will not occur.

Here is the latest holdings through August.


(in billions of dollars)

Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug
Country 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

China, Mainland 868.4 846.7 843.7 867.7 900.2 895.2 877.5 889.0 894.8 929.0 938.3 938.3 936.5
Japan 836.6 821.0 803.6 786.7 795.5 784.9 768.5 765.4 765.7 754.3 742.9 747.9 727.5
United Kingdom 2/ 448.4 374.3 362.2 350.0 321.2 279.0 233.5 208.3 180.3 155.5 108.1 126.8 104.3

I am still looking for the Fed numbers. I know its in the 800 range as reported.

25th October 2010, 06:16 PM
So, the "Citizens Against Govt Waste" organization wants support so that the American Empire doesn't fall due to crushing debt, mostly owed to China?

Boy, they sure will be disappointed when they come to the realization that it's already too late.

25th October 2010, 06:29 PM

George S. Goldberger, Chairman

Need I say more? He doesn't even try to hide it.

25th October 2010, 07:25 PM

George S. Goldberger, Chairman

Need I say more? He doesn't even try to hide it.

I can't help but wonder what with names like Schatz and Swindle on the board of directors, Schatz being the past tense of sh*ts and swindle being self explanatory....... :P

General of Darkness
25th October 2010, 07:39 PM
Can someone point out the jewish or zionist part of the video I posted? In fact what you'll find is that jews are changing their direction to China to be their next host. So this video would be in fact in direct conflict of their desires. Are the jews involved there self hating, or did this video somehow fall through the cracks?

Or maybe, just maybe, it's just a good video? Noticed my smite count has jumped up like a mofo too.

25th October 2010, 07:45 PM
Can someone point out the jewish or zionist part of the video I posted? In fact what you'll find is that jews are changing their direction to China to be their next host. So this video would be in fact in direct conflict of their desires. Are the jews involved there self hating, or did this video somehow fall through the cracks?

Or maybe, just maybe, it's just a good video? Noticed my smite count has jumped up like a mofo too.
Rule #1: When some organization has positioned themselves to influence people, they are probably Khazars.

That said, I always check them out to see if they're so bombastic as to show their hand.

As to what angle is being worked here, you can speculate as well as anyone.

25th October 2010, 08:47 PM
They forgot the part about irredeemable debt @ the ending.

25th October 2010, 09:49 PM
Fear mongering.

I see this as playing China as the newest boogieman for the sheep.
Has this been shown any on the TeeVee? If not, the desired effect will not occur.

Here is the latest holdings through August.


(in billions of dollars)

Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug
Country 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

China, Mainland 868.4 846.7 843.7 867.7 900.2 895.2 877.5 889.0 894.8 929.0 938.3 938.3 936.5
Japan 836.6 821.0 803.6 786.7 795.5 784.9 768.5 765.4 765.7 754.3 742.9 747.9 727.5
United Kingdom 2/ 448.4 374.3 362.2 350.0 321.2 279.0 233.5 208.3 180.3 155.5 108.1 126.8 104.3

I am still looking for the Fed numbers. I know its in the 800 range as reported.

Here's some of it:

Carib Bnkng Ctrs 4/ 159.1 150.7 165.2 165.5 153.4 148.4 144.6 143.8 128.5 123.5 114.4 116.9 125.3

4/ Caribbean Banking Centers include Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles and Panama.
Beginning with new series for June 2006, also includes British Virgin Islands.

25th October 2010, 09:51 PM
P.S. You never hear much about the Brits coming to our monetary rescue. $300B+ in one year.

25th October 2010, 10:15 PM
In fact what you'll find is that jews are changing their direction to China to be their next host.




25th October 2010, 10:17 PM
I think everyone is missing the point. The video is right in line with all the other MSM efforts. TPTB understand the following points, so why don't you get it too?

The USA debt that China holds is denominated in US dollars and has no collateral backing other than US dollars.
This means it can be deflated away as the dollar declines in purchasing power.
That means if the Chinese try to dump it or if they try to hold it, in the end they are stuck with a rotten investment, either way.

So how can this rotten investment be made into a better asset for them?
Simple, the cagw institute has shown how: Have the USA live within its means and end all payments like social security and medicare and the rest. Raise interest rates on the debt and try to make it more valuable, regardless of how many Americans will suffer.

I don't believe in the tax and spend society, not one word of it. But things have long since past the point of no return. Workers already paid into the social security system for years and they paid half of all their productive working lives in some form of taxation. Now TPTB would have you believe that they should get nothing back in their retirement years so foreign powers can get a better return on their investments.

Belts have to tighten, but the best way to turn over the apple cart and the best way to throw out the money changers is to do just that. Print up a 2 Trillion dollar bill, put GWB's picture on it and send it to China and say here you go, consider yourself paid, now it's up to you to make change on that. After that, make the FRN obsolete, cancel the Fed mandate, abolish the IRS and coin only gold and silver coins to be used as money.
But watch, none of those things will happen - TPTB will get their way and the middle class and their children will suffer greatly.

25th October 2010, 10:23 PM
...coin only gold and silver coins to be used as money.

But...but...but jews now own all the gold and silver...lol.


25th October 2010, 10:31 PM
...coin only gold and silver coins to be used as money.

But...but...but jews now own all the gold and silver...lol.


No they do not.

Silver is impossible to control, it is nearly completely consumed by industry, it is sitting is spare parts and in garbage dumps. If TPTB or the "jews" want to control silver then they better start combing the dumps like extremely poor people do in slums throughout the globe, collecting just enough to survive.

Gold's number one consumption factor, of which the USA is still the number 2 consumer of, are little things that women like to put on their ears and wear around the fingers and wrists.

With the push of a button, the fiat currency in a criminal's account can be made larger than the net worth of Bill Gates. The same theft mechanism does not apply to gold and silver.

Your one line statement is a total distraction from the point and has me wondering if you are sent to this forum by TPTB. Did you really read my post completely and think about it prior to making that statement? Do you understand that you are suggesting we should not pursue honest systems because there is a "chance" that those could become corrupted despite the fact that we "know" that the current systems are already 100% corrupted.

Somthing smells very rotten and it is definately not the good book.

25th October 2010, 10:44 PM
FM... I took it to read he does not believe this... If anything, a gross misappropriation of where wealth is preserved... but I am only a simple ximy... ???

of course many "chosen" do... BTW... :-\

25th October 2010, 10:56 PM
...coin only gold and silver coins to be used as money.

But...but...but jews now own all the gold and silver...lol.


No they do not.

Silver is impossible to control, it is nearly completely consumed by industry, it is sitting is spare parts and in garbage dumps. If TPTB or the "jews" want to control silver then they better start combing the dumps like extremely poor people do in slums throughout the globe, collecting just enough to survive.

You want silver as money then admit it is very scarce or sitting in garbage dumps. Do you read what you type?


25th October 2010, 11:12 PM
Once silver is money again, at that point all metals will take on monetary value. Copper and all the rest coined into money again, just like it used to be. Of course that's only if people were to demand a medium of exchange not based on fiat which is 100% corruptable.

26th October 2010, 06:44 AM
If TPTB or the "jews" want to control silver then they better start combing the dumps like extremely poor people do in slums throughout the globe, collecting just enough to survive.

Around here most of the scrapyards and computer recycling buyers are Jewish. One of the big scrapyards in the area is owned by Israelis.

26th October 2010, 06:52 AM
There are better ways to educate folks on the unsustainability of the federal behemoth than to fear monger about China taking over the USA.

[creepy movie voice]
YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE. YOU HAVE TO. JOIN US....[/creepy movie voice]

26th October 2010, 08:25 AM
If TPTB or the "jews" want to control silver then they better start combing the dumps like extremely poor people do in slums throughout the globe, collecting just enough to survive.

Around here most of the scrapyards and computer recycling buyers are Jewish. One of the big scrapyards in the area is owned by Israelis.

Owning a junkyard and actually getting the silver out of it are 2 completely different things. When times get really tough around the world, TPTB will have a very difficult time trying to "safeguard" (read "control") everything from mines to junkyards to trash dumps. As energy and dishonest systems crash into crisis after crisis, the logistics of that are going to be beyond the ability of any criminal group. Metals will likely return as money but it could take a half century before things hit rock bottom. A giant war or some large reduction in the population may change things, but I don't believe anyone is going to be able to control the metals at even 2% of the way in which we see them today control fiat.

Twisted Titan
26th October 2010, 08:42 AM
In fact what you'll find is that jews are changing their direction to China to be their next host.




Wow that website is crazy.........

If your rich why work????


26th October 2010, 09:06 AM
Don't fall for all the distractions regarding the supposed "all so powerful, and all so evil jewish clan". This race or that race being the root of all mankind's problems is simply a distraction, division or deception tactic. TPTB DO NOT WORK, THEY STEAL. They do so in quantities with at a min. 8 digits. They don't pose for family photos and have quantities of wealth and power beyond what many think possible. You might find out about some many times removed brainwashed and paid underlings, but those are basically just hired criminals, mercenaries or misguided people.

26th October 2010, 09:27 AM
They typically keep the driver & the support producer in two different places.

If China purchases the U.S. defense system & becomes the conductor & host, who then will become the support?

26th October 2010, 12:25 PM
Noticed my smite count has jumped up like a mofo too.

Haha! Figures.