View Full Version : Is the universe a big hologram?

25th October 2010, 08:35 PM

Is the universe a big hologram? This device could find out.

Scientists at Fermilab are constructing a 'holometer' to get a closer look at the fabric of spacetime.

By Ian O'Neill, Astroengine.com
posted October 25, 2010 at 1:26 pm EDT

During the hunt for the predicted ripples in space-time — known as gravitational waves — physicists stumbled across a rather puzzling phenomenon. Last year, I reported about the findings of scientists using the GEO600 experiment in Germany. Although the hi-tech piece of kit hadn’t turned up evidence for the gravitational waves it was seeking, it did turn up a lot of noise.

Before we can understand what this “noise” is, we need to understand how equipment designed to look for the space-time ripples caused by collisions between black holes and supernova explosions.

Gravitational wave detectors are incredibly sensitive to the tiniest change in distance. For example, the GEO600 experiment can detect a fluctuation of an atomic radius over a distance from the Earth to the Sun. This is achieved by firing a laser down a 600 meter long tube where it is split, reflected and directed into an interferometer. The interferometer can detect the tiny phase shifts in the two beams of light predicted to occur should a gravitational wave pass through our local volume of space. This wave is theorized to slightly change the distance between physical objects. Should GEO600 detect a phase change, it could be indicative of a slight change in distance, thus the passage of a gravitational wave.

While looking out for a gravitational wave signal, scientists at GEO600 noticed something bizarre. There was inexplicable static in the results they were gathering. After canceling out all artificial sources of the noise, they called in the help of Fermilab’s Craig Hogan to see if his expertise of the quantum world help shed light on this anomalous noise. His response was as baffling as it was mind-blowing. “It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time,” Hogan said.

Come again?

The signal being detected by GEO600 isn’t a noise source that’s been overlooked, Hogan believes GEO600 is seeing quantum fluctuations in the fabric of space-time itself. This is where things start to get a little freaky.

According to Einstein’s view on the universe, space-time should be smooth and continuous. However, this view may need to be modified as space-time may be composed of quantum “points” if Hogan’s theory is correct. At its finest scale, we should be able to probe down the “Planck length” which measures 10-35 meters. But the GEO600 experiment detected noise at scales of less than 10-15 meters.

As it turns out, Hogan thinks that noise at these scales are caused by a holographic projection from the horizon of our universe. A good analogy is to think about how an image becomes more and more blurry or pixelated the more you zoom in on it. The projection starts off at Planck scale lengths at the Universe’s event horizon, but its projection becomes blurry in our local space-time. This hypothesis comes out of black hole research where the information that falls into a black hole is “encoded” in the black hole’s event horizon. For the holographic universe to hold true, information must be encoded in the outermost reaches of the Universe and it is projected into our 3 dimensional world.

But how can this hypothesis be tested? We need to boost the resolution of a gravitational wave detector-type of kit. Enter the “Holometer.”

Currently under construction in Fermilab, the Holometer (meaning holographic interferometer) will delve deep into this quantum realm at smaller scales than the GEO600 experiment. If Hogan’s idea is correct, the Holometer should detect this quantum noise in the fabric of space-time, throwing our whole perception of the Universe into a spin.

25th October 2010, 08:53 PM
I can only hope for the Chinese to take over as soon as possible.........this Americans with their fancy English are driving crazy............a hologram of the universe?

25th October 2010, 09:18 PM
The universe is a great big holodeck. Data?

midnight rambler
25th October 2010, 09:23 PM
More widely accepted than many think.



midnight rambler
25th October 2010, 09:34 PM
Video 1 of 12


25th October 2010, 10:27 PM
Sounds like Jewish science to me, they have been leading us down one blind alley after another one, for the last 100 years.

Einstein "borrowed" most of his work and never bothered to mention where he got it. The big bang is a big farce. Just one farce after another, with Jewish science leading and spending the way.

25th October 2010, 10:42 PM
No. It's not.

midnight rambler
26th October 2010, 12:48 AM
Sounds like Jewish science to me, they have been leading us down one blind alley after another one, for the last 100 years.

Einstein "borrowed" most of his work and never bothered to mention where he got it. The big bang is a big farce. Just one farce after another, with Jewish science leading and spending the way.

It's precisely this sort of mindset which gives the tribe an inordinate amount of power, power which is not theirs in the first place.

26th October 2010, 01:51 AM
Sounds like Jewish science to me, they have been leading us down one blind alley after another one, for the last 100 years.

Einstein "borrowed" most of his work and never bothered to mention where he got it. The big bang is a big farce. Just one farce after another, with Jewish science leading and spending the way.

It's precisely this sort of mindset which gives the tribe an inordinate amount of power, power which is not theirs in the first place.

Could you be a little more specific as to how I'm empowering the Jews by not believing nonsense science?

26th October 2010, 02:31 AM
Americans with their fancy English are driving crazy............a hologram of the universe?

Its to keep the sheep dazed and confused and thus more powerless. How long did the 'elites' keep to themselves the knowledge that the earth revolved around the sun? Hundreds of years? Thousands of years? The same sh*t still goes on with the same tired institutions and blood, and armies of well paid technical but dull minded men with delusions they are wise.


26th October 2010, 03:29 AM
LOL they find noise and the 'scientist' attaches it to his unprovable pet theory... Absurd!

Twisted Titan
26th October 2010, 09:06 AM
Sounds like Jewish science to me, they have been leading us down one blind alley after another one, for the last 100 years.

Einstein "borrowed" most of his work and never bothered to mention where he got it. The big bang is a big farce. Just one farce after another, with Jewish science leading and spending the way.

I have been meaning to do some research on this

Got Any links on it???


26th October 2010, 09:30 AM
The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein by Christopher Jon Bjerknes (http://www.jewishracism.com/SaintEinstein.htm)

26th October 2010, 01:35 PM
Einstein = jew (http://www.jewishmag.com/59mag/einstein/einstein.htm)