View Full Version : GULF BLUE PLAGUE: It's Not Wise to Fool Mother Nature (synthetic biology)
26th October 2010, 04:40 AM
This deals with "synthetic biology" which the author speculates is part of the Gulf op. Reminds me of the "synthetic red blood cells (" which Cliff Carnicom has found evidence of in chemtrail residues.
The text of this article is verbally recited in the 4 part youtube below. Problem is, his delivery is just a touch s-l-o-w, which makes it tough listening, judge for yourself though. It flashes useful images though so it's a mixed bag. Just read it at the source if the vid/audio version is too tedious.
GULF BLUE PLAGUE: It's Not Wise to Fool Mother Nature (
26th October 2010, 07:07 AM
Very interesting article.
Now think of a couple generations more of these synthetic things, they could be improved and then targeted to humans - so maybe "the mark of the beast" is biologically introduced "vaccine shots" that allow for control?
the white rabbit
26th October 2010, 08:07 AM
Thats some scary real sh*t man !! Must listen 5 stars
1st November 2010, 11:18 PM
Michael Edward
The Gulf Blue Plague
^^ 2nd hour guest on Rense tonight. Repeating @ 11PM PST. I missed the live show but be curious to hear the repeat tonight (repeats a couple more times through tomorrow's new live show).
2nd November 2010, 10:08 AM
Michael Edward (
The Gulf Blue Plague
^^ 2nd hour guest on Rense tonight. Repeating @ 11PM PST. I missed the live show but be curious to hear the repeat tonight (repeats a couple more times through tomorrow's new live show).
The repeat of this hour will be repeating now, beginning ~9:08 AM PST,
6th November 2010, 05:19 PM
This is a general critique of biomass & synthetic biology, only indirectly related to the CT's about agendas to turn the Gulf of MX into a huge biomass/algae farm.
Article overviewing:
The New Biomassters: Synthetic Biology and the Next Assault on Biodiversity and Livelihoods (
Here's the actual PDF report discussed above, 6.6 MBs,
The New Biomassters (
As global attention switches from the new Nagoya Protocol of the Biodiversity Convention to the next climate talks in Cancun, Mexico, ETC Group releases a groundbreaking report that lifts the lid on the emerging global grab on plants, lands, ecosystems, and traditional cultures.
The New Biomassters - Synthetic Biology and the Next Assault on Biodiversity and Livelihoods is a critique of what OECD countries are calling 'the new bioeconomy.' Concerted attempts are already underway to shift industrial production feedstocks from fossil fuels to the 230 billion tones of 'biomass' (living stuff) that the Earth produces every year -not just for liquid fuels but also for production of power, chemicals, plastics and more.
Sold as an ecological switch from a ‘black carbon’ (ie fossil) economy to a ‘green carbon’ (plant-based) economy, this emerging bioeconomy is in fact a red-hot resource grab of the lands, livelihoods, knowledge and resources of peoples in the global South, where most of that biomass is located.
Enabling the next stage of this new grab is the adoption of synthetic biology techniques (extreme genetic engineering) by a wave of high-tech companies partnering with the world’s largest energy, chemical, forestry and agribusiness corporations.
The New Biomassters:
Provides an overview of the bio-based economy being envisioned by many OECD countries and Fortune 500 corporations and being sold to the global South as "clean development," as well as a comprehensive consideration of its wider implications -- a first from civil society.
* Analyzes the impact of next-generation biofuels, the production of bio-based chemicals and plastics and the industrial burning of biomass for electricity, arguing that civil society needs to critique and confront the combined threats arising from these developments.
* Unmasks the industrial players intent on commodifying the 76% of terrestrial living material that is not yet incorporated into the global economy. Sectors with an interest in the new bioeconomy (energy, chemical, plastics, food , textiles, pharmaceuticals, carbon trade and forestry industries) flex a combined economic muscle of over US$17 trillion a year. Visible players in the new bioeconomy include BP, Shell, Total, Exxon, Cargill, ADM, Du Pont, BASF, Weyerhaeuser and Syngenta.
* Explores the safety concerns and threats to livelihoods inherent in the high-risk, game-changing field of synthetic biology. Relying on synthetic biology to provide higher yields and transform sugars could open a Pandora’s box of consequences. See pages 36-41.
* Surveys the industrial landscape of next generation biofuels, including cellulosic ethanol, algal biofuels, sugar cane, jatropha and synthetic hydrocarbon, and sets out the case for why this next generation may be as ecologically and socially dangerous as the first. See pages 43- 50.
* Poses challenging questions about the 'green' credentials of bio-based plastics and chemicals and their future impact on food supplies and world hunger. See pages 50-56.
* Raises important political questions about land grabbing: 86% of global biomass is located in the tropics and subtropics, a simple fact driving an industrial grab that threatens to accelerate the pace of forest destruction and land acquisition in the South in order to feed the economies of the North. See pages 15-18.
* Tallies the investments, subsidies and financial promises being made for the biomass economy. Predictions for the market value of biomass-based goods and services total over five hundred billion dollars by 2020, with the biggest turnover expected in biofuels and biomass electricity. See pages 13-14.
* Challenges common myths of industrial biomass use, including the claims that switching to biomass is carbon-neutral, renewable and green. In fact, burning biomass can even produce more CO2 per energy unit than burning coal. See pages 19-20.
* Details how a key error in the UN climate convention is driving destructive policies. By considering biomass energy as ‘carbon neutral,’ the UN has enabled destructive national renewables policies, carbon trading, and technology transfer activities. This report also examines the new REDD+ provisions in the context of the biomass economy. See pages 20- 24.
* Sets out why we cannot afford any increase in the amount of biomass taken from already overstressed ecosystems. Indeed, industrial civilization may already be taking too much biomass from the systems we depend upon. See pages 24- 26.
* Explores the new suite of technological strategies being proposed by biomass advocates to boost global stocks of biomass, including the genetic engineering of crops, trees and algae. Meanwhile, the geoengineering agenda is increasingly converging on biomass. See pages 27-30.
* Exposes the switch to algae, purported to be the next 'clean green' feedstock and argues the case against industrial algal production. See pages 47-50.
2nd December 2010, 12:09 PM
BP Admits using Synthetic Microbes in Gulf
youtube description:
December 01, 2010
Mike Utsler, Chief Operating Officer of BP's Gulf Coast Restoration, admits publicly "There is a new form of microbiology that is attacking this (oil) plume and using it as a food source". This brief video snippet is taken from a Novermber 7, 2010 broadcast by BBC TWO entitled 'Has the Oil Really Gone?' by reporter Stephen Fry and can be seen in it's entirety at
Notice how Utsler is cut off by his own people at BP immediately after stating this and the interview was abruptly ended.
To understand exactly what this synthetic genome "new form of Microbiology" is, go to:
also see:
THE SOURCE OF THE GULF BLUE PLAGUE: Syntholeispirea Gulfmexicana (BP) (
If you have been following our previous articles, especially The Gulf Blue Plague: It’s Not Wise to Fool Mother Nature (, then you should now begin to understand what is occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. If you haven’t read the previous referenced article, then do so before attempting to understand what is presented here. This paper should be considered an integral continuation of that article.
What is factually taking place in the Gulf of Mexico - in biological and genetic terms - is neither natural nor happenstance. The reality of synthetic microorganisms and artificial genomes is not a newly discovered science even though the lamestream media claims otherwise. [...]
3rd January 2011, 07:36 PM
These people that have unleashed this new synthetic life form onto the world think they're so smart,
but they are in fact the greatest most ungodly fools in all history.
At this point in time, no one can even imagine the magnitude of what the consequence of this will be.
The name Leviathan comes to my mind.
6th January 2011, 06:44 PM
Microbes Mopped Up After Spill
Bacteria Swiftly Devoured Methane Unleashed Into the Gulf of Mexico, Study Says. od=rss_whats_news_us_business
15th January 2011, 10:48 AM
This seems to be more about mutations of existing Gulf life, but it could be mistake or spin re the introduction of synthetic biology.
“Scary”: Scientists find evidence of “bizarre sickness” in phytoplankton and bacterial communities (
3rd February 2011, 01:41 PM
One guys reaction to beepeeoildisaster who posts on you tube and says that there are metal eating microbes down there eating stuff.
20th February 2011, 01:12 AM
I'm seeing more & more Gulf articles taking a conspiratorial view of the Operation, about time! I haven't watched the video, it's 1hr 45 mins, if anyone gets around to watching it before I do please comment. From the first few mins, appears to be audio from a radio show.
Gulf Bio-Terrorism: A Silent & Deadly Enemy Among Us (PART I) (
by Michael Edward
The Gulf Blue Plague is Sanctioned Bio-terrorism
[article at link, includes this video:
youtube desc:
WVPRadio | February 19, 2011 | 19 likes, 0 dislikes
The Gulf Blue Plague is Sanctioned Bio-terrorism
While the vast majority of Americans were deceived into focusing their attention solely on BP's underwater "dog and pony video show" and professed chemical "dispersants," the biological war initiated within the Gulf of Mexico battleground was already a raging bacterial inferno.
Those of us who live on the Gulf Coast have always hunkered down and survived deadly storms, such as hurricanes Charley and Katrina. We have always picked ourselves up from out of the rubble and rebuilt. We are survivors. It's a part of what living in "hurricane alley" is all about. But we have never faced an invisible storm that attacks in absolute silence with no advanced warning. We have never confronted an engineered biological terror that can't be seen nor heard.
We are on the vanguard of the largest cover-up in American history ...
International Common Law Copy Rights by Michael Edward, the World Vision Portal at and The Gulf Blue Plague at
27th February 2011, 05:15 PM
Gulf BioTerrorism: A Silent & Deadly Enemy Among Us (Part II) (
by Michael Edward for
WVPRadio | Feb 26, 2011 | 6 likes, 0 dislikes
In this broadcast from 2/25/11, we discuss NALCO and the proprietary ingredients of Corexit.
"It's like any other product," said Charlie Pajor, a senior manager at the Illinois-based company: "We developed them and we're protecting our trade secret." Roughly 20-odd dispersant products exist, he said, and while they have similar types of components, they "have proprietary recipes like Coca-Cola". (May 5, 2010 archive from
Continue reading article at
International Common Law Copy Rights by Michael Edward, the World Vision Portal at, and The Gulf Blue Plague at
10th March 2011, 10:06 AM
Physician says “this may be a brand new illness” — Swimmer covered in oily substance diagnosed with “rare” bacteria similar to oil-eating microbes (VIDEO) (http://)
10th March 2011, 05:35 PM
The Two Faces of Genetic Engineering (
JD Adams
Genetic engineering differs from the ancient technique of artificial selection in that the manipulation of genetic material occurs in a manner that is totally unnatural.
From the article: The new weapons of genetic engineering -
(SALEM, Ore.) - On one side, the bio-engineering industry promises a utopian world of bountiful food, where sickness and human imperfections are a thing of the past. On the other side is mounting evidence of biological monstrosities that threaten to turn the Earth into a scene from the horror movie "The Island of Dr. Moreau."
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