View Full Version : Nicolas Sarkozy admits Jewish ancestry, press reveals ties to Israeli intel

27th October 2010, 11:26 AM
Not new info IMO, but good details:

Nicolas Sarkozy admits Jewish ancestry, French press reveals ties to Israeli intelligence (http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/10/nicolas-sarkozy-admits-jewish-ancestry.html)

Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt); October 25, 2007

As if his marital challenges were not enough cause for concern, "Sarco the Sayan" has suddenly emerged as the most infamous accolade of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

The influential French daily Le Figaro last week revealed that the French leader once worked for -- and perhaps still does, it hinted -- Israeli intelligence as a "sayan" (Hebrew for helper), one of thousands of Jewish citizens of countries other than Israel who cooperate with "katsas," or Mossad case-officers.

A letter dispatched to French police officials late last winter -- long before the presidential election but somehow kept secret -- revealed that Sarkozy was recruited as an Israeli spy. The French police are currently investigating documents concerning Sarkozy's alleged espionage activities on behalf of Mossad, which Le Figaro claims dated as far back as 1983. According to the author of the message, in 1978, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin ordered the infiltration of the French ruling Gaullist Party, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire. Originally targeted were Patrick Balkany, Patrick Devedjian and Pierre Lellouche. In 1983, they recruited the "young and promising" Sarkozy, the "fourth man".

Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how sayanim function in "By Way Of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer." They are usually reached through relatives in Israel. An Israeli with a relative in France, for instance, might be asked to draft a letter saying the person bearing the letter represents an organization whose main goal is to help save Jewish people in the Diaspora. Could the French relative help in any way? They perform many different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental car agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank sayan could fund someone in the middle of the night if needs be, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police.
And a political sayan? It's rather obvious what this could mean. The sayanim are a pool of people at the ready who will keep quiet about their actions out of loyalty to "the cause", a non-risk recruitment system that draws from the millions of Jewish people outside Israel.

Such talk sends chills down spines, especially Arab and Muslim ones. Indeed, the revelation did not go unnoticed in Arab capitals or come as much of a surprise. Paris can be a sunny place for shady people. When it comes to intelligence gathering on behalf of Israel, a question mark is immediately raised on the moral caliber of the person in question. But, how does this scandal influence France's foreign and domestic politics?
It is of symbolic significance that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was on a state visit to France in the immediate aftermath of Le Figaro 's exposé -- ostensibly to discuss Iran's nuclear agenda and the Palestinian question. Proud and prickly France under its supposedly savvy new president hopes to play a more prominent role in the perplexing world of Middle Eastern politics. On Monday, Sarkozy flew to Morocco, the ancestral home of many of France's Jewry, soon after his Mossad connection was made public. There is no clear evidence that the revelation is to make France any more unpopular in the Arab world than it already is, especially not in official circles.

On the domestic front, however, there are many conflicting considerations. The Jews of France now display a touch of the vapours, in sharp contrast to the conceited triumphalism with which they greeted his election: "We are persuaded that the new president will continue eradicating anti-Israeli resistance," Sammy Ghozlan, president of the Jewish Community of Paris pontificated soon after Sarkozy's election. France is home to 500,000 Jews, mostly Sephardic Jews originally from North Africa and Mediterranean countries.
Sarkozy's own maternal grandfather Aron Mallah, hailed from Salonika, Greece, and is said to have exercised considerable influence on his grandson. Even though raised as a Roman Catholic, "Sarkozy played a critical role in moving the French government to do what is necessary to address the ill winds that threaten the largest Jewish community in Western Europe," noted David Harris, the executive director of the American Jewish Committee. Sarkozy, after all, was a political product of the predominantly Jewish elite neighbourhood of Neuilly-sur-Seine, where he long served as mayor.
France's Muslim minority was far from surprised by Le Figaro 's revelations, even though some may have feigned disappointment. Others have been more forthright. "France is not run by Frenchmen, but by lackeys of the Zionist International who control the economy," lamented Radio Islam, of militant Islamist tendencies. When Sarkozy was France's minister of interior and clamped down hard on Muslim immigrants, calling mainly Muslim rioters "scum" in a widely-publicised interview, they retaliated by calling him "Sarkozy, sale juif [dirty Jew]". Obviously there is no love lost between the five million-strong French Muslim community, the largest in Western Europe, and the French president. He has grounds for concern. He assiduously courts the Israelis. That much is known.

In the scientific annals of French politics there is a cautionary tale of pantomime. French presidents are not always what they seem. There are, however, two key observations concerning Sarkozy. One, is Sarkozy's intention of implementing a "new social contract" between employers and employees, capital and labor. This smacks of Thatcherism. His determination to force a "cultural revolution" in the collective national psyche is a trifle farcical. And unprincipled to boot. He recently introduced legislation -- in tandem with his pension cuts, calling for genetic profiling of immigrants to ensure any relatives intending to immigrate are linked genetically. The strategy appears to be to soften the blow of the social security cuts by appealing to xenophobic racism.
The state of race relations in France is an even more muddled picture than the devastating caricatures by French-African comedian Dieudonne suggest. He is notorious for playing the part of a Hassidic Jew who mimics the Nazi salute. Few politicians blame their troubles on cynical comedians, though, and Sarkozy is no exception. His fans point accusing fingers at the "irresponsible press".
The real magic starts when you power Sarkozy with his ex-model wife. She, after all, played a part in the freeing of the Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian medical doctor. She, too, is of Spanish-Jewish ancestry. But, that may be nothing but an insignificant aside. France, generally, regarded their bust-up as something of a bad joke. Unlike the Americans, the French do not take the private lives of their presidents terribly seriously. There was the late François Mitterrand, for example. Hardly anyone in all France raised an eyebrow when it transpired that he had an illegitimate daughter. The French are more concerned with the ideological orientation and political affiliation of their president and are not in the least interested in their private affairs -- at least not in any political sense.

The interesting twist, however, is that the contest between Cecilia and Nicolas Sarkozy is a comic cross between a lover's tiff and the battle of the sexes. It appears befuddled French voters are being forced to turn a blind eye to their leaders' antics. Sarkozy's divorce follows hard on the heels of the separation of France's first female presidential candidate Ségolène Royal, the "gazelle" of French politics, from her lifelong lover François Hollande barely a month after she lost the presidential race in May. Moreover, at the tender age of 19, Royal sued her father for his refusal to divorce her mother and pay alimony and child support. That was way back in 1972; barely a decade later she won the case against her father. Ironically, Royal's own mentor the late French socialist president Mitterrand was notorious for his extra-marital affairs, the most conspicuous being his love affair with Anne Pingeot and subsequent disclosure towards the end of his life that he fathered an illegitimate daughter Mazarine with her.
And what of the voters? The latest hazard facing the French president has been his socio-economic policies. Sarkozy's showdown with the trade unions threatens to turn into a deciding moment for France. Foreign policy, too, has come under much scrutiny. France has become fanatically Atlanticist under the presidency of Sarkozy. Although, unlike US President George W Bush, Sarkozy does not make much noise about his own dubious religious convictions. The commonest criticism of Sarkozy is that he is overly conscious of his religious heritage, a trait that is not appreciated by the fanatically secular French political establishment. France is culturally the most irreligious country in Europe, itself the most secular and anti-religious of the world's continents.

For a politician acclaimed for his acumen, it is startling that Sarkozy has been tripped up by events he should have seen coming. His sagacity obviously failed him this week. Le Figaro let the cat out of the bag. And his wife, too, after shopping with Lyudmila Putin, the Russian first lady, apparently decided that she had had enough of being treated as "part of the furniture" and made their rift very public.
France is now in the awkward position of having no first lady. The 49 year- old former model, lawyer and political advisor is by no means media shy. "I gave Nicolas 20 years of my life," she told the popular French magazine Elle in a special feature which she asked for personally, despite the awkwardness of its timing. She had long complained of being politically peripheralised. Troubling as that interpretation is, it is in a way a consoling one for Sarkozy. He is now free to handle his opponents without his maverick Cecilia breathing down his neck or, on the contrary, disappearing at crucial moments.
Even with his personal life in tatters, Sarkozy is obliged to hoist the French tricoleur high in the international arena. Which flag is it to be?

The above article can be found here: http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/868/in2.htm

27th October 2010, 11:26 AM

27th October 2010, 11:41 AM
These people are a slow cancer on Western civilization. One cannot be loyal to two masters. They infiltrate and infest contries, societies and organizations like vermin. Once the host is looted and no longer of use to them, they leave the sinking ship and return to the nest for instructions on the next target. They are a cultural cancer and they will bring us all down.

27th October 2010, 11:45 AM
These people are a slow cancer on Western civilization. One cannot be loyal to two masters. They infiltrate and infest contries, societies and organizations like vermin. Once the host is looted and no longer of use to them, they leave the sinking ship and return to the nest for instructions on the next target. They are a cultural cancer and they will bring us all down.

or die tryin

Israeli Nuclear Threats & Blackmail, The Samson Option. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/israeli-nuclear-threats-blackmail-the-samson-option/)

27th October 2010, 12:12 PM
These people are a slow cancer on Western civilization. One cannot be loyal to two masters. They infiltrate and infest contries, societies and organizations like vermin. Once the host is looted and no longer of use to them, they leave the sinking ship and return to the nest for instructions on the next target. They are a cultural cancer and they will bring us all down.


Sarkozy deserves nothing good, for his disservice.

i wonder if Bruni is a Sayan also.

Twisted Titan
27th October 2010, 01:30 PM
These people are a slow cancer on Western civilization. One cannot be loyal to two masters. They infiltrate and infest contries, societies and organizations like vermin. Once the host is looted and no longer of use to them, they leave the sinking ship and return to the nest for instructions on the next target. They are a cultural cancer and they will bring us all down.

In the Old Testament, we can read the story of a typical Jewish operation in any nation they invade. Jews almost always come to a new nation as hapless “refugees,” or prisoners and slaves (having had “difficulties” with their previous hosts).

So it was in ancient Egypt.

A Jew named Joseph was out tending sheep. His brothers were at first going to kill him for his “coat-of-many-colours” and threw him into a pit. (Genesis, 37) But then some Midianite slave traders happened along and we learn in verses 26 and 27 that these Jews decided it was wasteful just to kill their brother, when they could SELL him for a profit.

So his own Jewish brothers sold Joseph as a slave for twenty pieces of silver, and Joseph wound up an Egyptian slave.

In Genesis 39:6, we find Joseph doing such a good job of running an Egyptian household as a slave that the master makes him the “overseer.” In verse 6, the Jewish slave has become so indispensable to the Egyptian master that Joseph is made the boss of the entire Egyptian household.

But Joseph gets in difficulty with the Egyptian’s wife. She claims he tried to rape her. Joseph claims, innocently, that she tried to rape him. (Genesis 39: 12)

Joseph is tossed into prison, where he repeats the pattern: he becomes so invaluable to the prison administration with his clever business suggestions that he becomes boss of the prison!! (Gen. 39:22)

In this choice spot, he becomes a confidant of Pharaoh’s butler, who is in jail. Joseph cleverly interprets dreams for him.

Pharaoh later reinstates his butler, and has a dream he can’t interpret. The butler suggests Joseph. Pharaoh has Joseph brought before him, and tells Joseph about seven fat beeves, and seven thin ones. The wily Jew tells Pharaoh this means Egypt will have seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. (For centuries, in the Nile valley, there were huge floods and then periods of drought, so that “lean years” were absolutely certain to follow “fat” years, and vice versa.)

But young Pharaoh is so impressed with Joseph that he asks Joseph what to do about it. The clever Hebrew replies that Pharaoh must find a man smart enough to gather up huge stores of Egyptian grain during the next seven years. “Surprisingly” enough, Pharaoh picks Joseph as that man, and, in Chapter 41, verse 30 of Genesis, Pharaoh turns all Egypt over to his new Jewish “friend.” Joseph becomes the “Bernard Baruch” of Egypt, with Pharaoh ordering, “Without thee no man shall lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.”

Joseph duly gathers up and stores the grain produced by Egyptian labour, in vast amounts.

When Egypt is drought-stricken, and the Egyptians are starving for food, Joseph begins to sell their own grain back to the Egyptians. (Gen. 41:56)

The same rotten Jews who sold Joseph into slavery now come over from Canaan to buy some Egyptian grain. Joseph, who is selling the grain to the Egyptians, gives grain to his fellow Jews. In fact, he gives the Jews a double order of grain on their second trip, and Egyptian gold in the bags to boot! (Gen. 44:1) Then he kicks all the Egyptians out of his office, and tells his Jewish brothers to bring all the Jews over to live free off Egyptian grain. (Gen. 45:1, 10, 11)

Meanwhile, Joseph is selling back their own grain to the Egyptian farmers who produced it. The king is tickled to death, as the treasury bulges. So Joseph tells the king his brothers and families are on the way, and the king promises Joseph that the Jews will live on “the fat of the land”. (Gen. 45:18)

From the money being paid by the Egyptian farmers to buy their own grain back, Joseph gives all the Jews wagons, equipment, furniture, and doles out 300 pieces of Egyptian silver to all these Jews! (Gen. 45:16, 22)

Next, Genesis 46 describes how a whole ARMY of Jews moves into Egypt, with who “begat” who and all the children and “children’s’ children,” etc. Joseph tells his fellow Jews to lie to the king that they are not shepherds (which he knows might aggravate the king). Instead, the Jews all get free Egyptian cattle and land, the best in Egypt. Gen. 46:34) Not one of these Jews has done a lick of work to produce the wealth they are grabbing. (A familiar parasitic pattern)

Genesis 47, verse 14 reveals that Joseph, Egypt’s Jewish boss, has “gathered up all the money” of the Egyptians, selling them grain.

As a result, in verse 15, we discover that the “money of Egypt fails!”
A depression?

The starving Egyptians plead with Joseph to let them have a little grain because their money is all gone. Joseph tells them, in typical hockshop, Jewish style, that they still have their cattle! So the Jew takes the Egyptian farmers’ cattle! (Gen. 47:16)

The next year, the starving Egyptians again beg for grain. But the Jewish keeper of the granaries (filled by Egyptian work) tells them that they will have to give up their land, too! To survive, the people have to give this Jew their land in the name of the Pharaoh (Verse 20). Joseph then puts them all into “concentration areas” — cities, taking them off their own land! (Verse 21) When the Egyptians are finally reduced to utter despair, starving, without their money, without their land and without their cattle, Joseph puts them back on their own land as SHARE-CROPPERS, at 20% profit! (Verse 24)

Understandably, since Joseph is running the affairs of the Egyptians, the Egyptians are poor, working like slaves and hungry.

But, meanwhile, the hordes of Jews he has brought in are getting “rich and fat” (Verse 27) living off the “fat of the land” — WITHOUT WORK!

Sound familiar?

After 80 years of this process, the Jews have almost everything and the Egyptians are all slaving for the Jews! (The story doesn’t mention what the Egyptians think of the arrangement, but it isn’t hard to imagine.)

George Lincoln Rockwell


27th October 2010, 02:11 PM
I gotta give credit where credit is due: There were those on GSUS who were discussing this months ago.

Looks like they were correct.

27th October 2010, 04:12 PM
I gotta give credit where credit is due: There were those on GSUS who were discussing this months ago.

Looks like they were correct.

@ DMAC, A +

@ T N Egyptian, this has been known for a long time by many,
from very good sources, many people here know many things,
they may yap and not post sources.

Kouchner has a very bad history too, his No 1.
I posted this recently, he mocks his accusers.

Sarcoma ran on " cleaning up " France by cracking
down on all the " disenfranchised youth ", yet France
still burns regularly and he has the lowest ranking
of any " french " President.

Sarcoma is actually of the Jews that Spain kicked out,
the Ottomans invited them in, after they murdered the
Greeks, the city Thessaloniki . They were the tax collectors
and administration. The source for this is a Jewish magazine.
Apparently the Rockefellers have a similar history but the source
for this is a secret Jewish book, 500 printed, only for
high level Jews. Remember me talking about the Janisaries
and the " child tax ", you confirmed this on gim, thanks .

The Sarcoma Jewish mag article I could dig up most likely.

Silver Shield
28th October 2010, 03:16 AM
You can attack the tribe and be called nasty names and turn people away with cognitive dissonance or you can attack their actions and systems like false flags like 9/11, usury, Palestine oppression, fractional reserve banking, distorted media, assassinations, porn, organ and sex trafficking, Madoff ponzi schemes, etc.

You can attack individuals for their actions...
You can attack systems for their results...
You cannot attack a race without limiting the debate from the start.

Attack the source of their power not the possessor of the power.

Twisted Titan
28th October 2010, 05:43 AM
I gotta give credit where credit is due: There were those on GSUS who were discussing this months ago.

Looks like they were correct.

@ DMAC, A +

@ T N Egyptian, this has been known for a long time by many,
from very good sources, many people here know many things,
they may yap and not post sources.

Kouchner has a very bad history too, his No 1.
I posted this recently, he mocks his accusers.

Sarcoma ran on " cleaning up " France by cracking
down on all the " disenfranchised youth ", yet France
still burns regularly and he has the lowest ranking
of any " french " President.

Sarcoma is actually of the Jews that Spain kicked out,
the Ottomans invited them in, after they murdered the
Greeks, the city Thessaloniki . They were the tax collectors
and administration. The source for this is a Jewish magazine.
Apparently the Rockefellers have a similar history but the source
for this is a secret Jewish book, 500 printed, only for
high level Jews. Remember me talking about the Janisaries
and the " child tax ", you confirmed this on gim, thanks .

The Sarcoma Jewish mag article I could dig up most likely.

The Medical defination of Sarcoma is a Malignant Tumor that usally resides in the Bone and is extremely difficult to fight and is often fatal to the host.

Just saying.


7th trump
28th October 2010, 06:11 AM
What you guys dont understand is that these so called jewish people are the tares (their father is satan)................not the wheat, but the tares.
The real true Gods chosen Isrealite People are the Germans, English, French, Russian, Italian, Polish, Fins, Dutch, Swiss, white American, Canadian, Australian and so on.
The Gentiles are the colored people of this world.
The Gentiles are the 6th day creation.
The rest are the 8th day creation, a creation that eventually Christ would come through.
God scattered His people and changed their language in hopes of never building another tower to Heaven.
Whites didnt come from the colored races and colored races didnt come from whites.
Look at all the different white languages compared to any so called jewish language and you should understand and identify whos really who.
If these so called jews were the real Isrealites then why have we not seen any difference in their language when God has scattered them and changed their language.
Where are the many nations that God promised his People would become if what I already mentioned is not them.
These so called jewish things do not refer to themselves as caucasion. But yet those people who settled europe are called caucasions and any Bible scholar knows that the Isrealites after being in captivity went over the caucaucian mountians to settle europe.
Dont short change yourself into thinking these so called jewish people claim they are.......they are not!
If you are of German, English, French, Russian, Italian, Polish, Fins, Dutch, Swiss, white American, Canadian, Australian and so on descent you are Gods chosen.

28th October 2010, 06:31 AM
I was more interested in the now basically proven claim he was associated with Mossad prior to entering office.

Not many goy in Mossad.

Their nationality/religion is a source of power to them. Ignore it at your own peril.

28th October 2010, 08:34 AM
You can attack the tribe and be called nasty names and turn people away with cognitive dissonance or you can attack their actions and systems like false flags like 9/11, usury, Palestine oppression, fractional reserve banking, distorted media, assassinations, porn, organ and sex trafficking, Madoff ponzi schemes, etc.

You can attack individuals for their actions...
You can attack systems for their results...
You cannot attack a race without limiting the debate from the start.

Attack the source of their power not the possessor of the power.

FunnyMoney...is that YOU? Yeah...we should never notice or mention that "the possessor of the power" are jews...lol.


28th October 2010, 11:24 AM

(Just kidding)

28th February 2012, 07:56 AM