View Full Version : what's this "waiting for superman" movie about?

27th October 2010, 04:08 PM
i see ads for it everywhere. i googled it, all i can gather is it's about schools. i assume it's some movie about how we need to spend more money or something.

has anyone seen it, and could you shed light on what it's about? my facebook feed is full of people i know glowing about it.

1970 silver art
27th October 2010, 04:24 PM
I have not seen the movie it but I think that it is supposed to be about public schools and the things that are being done and that still need to be done to improve the nation's public schools.

27th October 2010, 05:06 PM
Who cares about Surperman when we have Superobama? they both have the power to destroy the world in one day.......at least Superman is Si-Fy.

27th October 2010, 10:24 PM
Same film producer that put together Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" now does a movie on education and America's schools.

Comments from those who have already viewed it:


My take: if it gets mainstream press it is probably lousy and inaccurate. Therefore I will wait for it on netflix or dvd if at all.

27th October 2010, 11:18 PM
In a day or two you can see it here

Channel 131 movies.........or..........QuikSilverScreem

Silver Shield
28th October 2010, 02:31 AM
Bill Gates + Inconvenient Truth producer * Public Schools = garbage

Twisted Titan
28th October 2010, 07:44 AM
Documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim explores the tragic ways in which the American public education system is failing our nation's children, and explores the roles that charter schools and education reformers could play in offering hope for the future. We see the statistics every day -- students dropping out, science and math scores falling, and schools closing due to lack of funding. What we don't see are the names and faces of the children whose entire futures are at stake due to our own inability to enact change. There was a time when the American public education system was a model admired by the entire world. Today other countries are surpassing us in every respect, and the slogan "No Child Left Behind" has become a cynical punch line. Bianca, Emily, Anthony, Daisy, and Francisco are five students who deserve better. By investigating how the current system is actually obstructing their education instead of bolstering it,

Twisted Titan
28th October 2010, 07:53 AM
I read a article in newpapwer about it had a few interesting stats.

It documented how it is easier to Get a Doctors Lisc. pulled for medicine or a Lawyer disbarred from practicing law Then it is to get a unifit teacher fired from their job.

It also talked about the strong arm tactic of the United Fed Of Teachers how they protect their own and demand more more money for dismal results

Randy Weingarden......President of UTF

Joel Klein .................NYC School chancellor

Micheal Bloomberg .....Mayor

Not one of them send their kids to public schools......... they go( went) to "OTHER" schools.

Schools your kids cant go to for a whole host of reasons.