View Full Version : OMG! What have we become?

27th October 2010, 08:38 PM
Has the US become the fallen Roman Empire...

...or a Mel Brooks comedy?


You decide!



27th October 2010, 08:51 PM
If you want a metaphor for the Wall Street Banks (the Syndicate), visualize the parasite plastered onto William Hurt's face in the movie Alien. To remove the parasite is to kill the host. The banks have wrapped themselves and are feasting upon the very jugular of the American economy. To kill them we must kill the political and economic system itself and start anew.

27th October 2010, 09:18 PM
What should we do? I think the answer is clear. We should bail out the banks so they can hoard all that money, then scream for austerity for the average american and raise his tax rates. I'd suggest a 1% tax hike on all financial transactions. Of course, our benevolent leaders will say this tax will replace the income tax, but that will only happen down the line, maybe 30, 40 years, and that's when it'll start to be phased out, probably taking another 200 years to completely phase out, but by then, the 1% financial transaction rate will have turned into 10%, but cpi will remain at -1%. The sheeple will continue to "vote for change" on the electronic ballouts, never paying any attention to how the electronic ballout automatically chooses their vote, and anyone who publicly discusses it will be labeled a conspiracy theorist and laughed at on msm.

Land of the free, home of the brave! :lol :lol

27th October 2010, 09:30 PM
What should we do? I think the answer is clear. We should bail out the banks so they can hoard all that money, then scream for austerity for the average american and raise his tax rates. I'd suggest a 1% tax hike on all financial transactions. Of course, our benevolent leaders will say this tax will replace the income tax, but that will only happen down the line, maybe 30, 40 years, and that's when it'll start to be phased out, probably taking another 200 years to completely phase out, but by then, the 1% financial transaction rate will have turned into 10%, but cpi will remain at -1%. The sheeple will continue to "vote for change" on the electronic ballouts, never paying any attention to how the electronic ballout automatically chooses their vote, and anyone who publicly discusses it will be labeled a conspiracy theorist and laughed at on msm.

Land of the free, home of the brave! :lol :lol

Land of the sheep, home of the knave. :baa