View Full Version : Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys IN ENGLAND

27th October 2010, 10:01 PM

Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys IN ENGLAND (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1324194/Mohammed-popular-baby-boys-ahead-Jack-Harry.html)


Excellent video that relates to this news story...

General of Darkness
27th October 2010, 10:32 PM
While i have no dog in this hunt from a religious stand point, I do recognize the "change" that's occurring from a demographic stand point.

28th October 2010, 01:13 AM
You can thank people like bill gates who openly admits that population growth reduction is a good thing, and you can thank the politicians who voted for cap and trade. Of course, it's easier to hate the brownies cuz looking at the mirror would reveal a bunch of masters that servants are too cowardly to do anything about.

28th October 2010, 06:59 AM
same doo doo, different zio-colony,

"Conquest Through Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=552)"


also see the latest BroN article, 10/27:

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=567)

While BroN doesn't address it, it's also telling that the zio-overlords of Europe have in recent decades focused on allowing Scary Moozlemists in particular to immigrate massively into Europe, as this sets the stage for a 'helpful wave of public fear & anger' over the perceived 'Scary Moozlemist Invasion'. :o

Mix in a series of spectacular false flag attacks fraudulently blaming Scary Moozlemists, and a relentless propaganda campaign orchestrated by 'The Hate Mongers Among Us (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-hate-mongers-among-us-(great-vid-re-propaganda!)/msg130016/#msg130016)' (Ground Zero Mosque! Sharia Law! Booga Booga! :o) designed to inflame and misdirect our fear and resentment towards the wrong enemy; and the stage is set for the zio-overlords' long planned "clash of civilizations", where the zio-overlords have scripted that Christianity and Islam destroy each other through a decade or two of "endless wars".

Don't fall for it. ;)

Twisted Titan
28th October 2010, 07:15 AM
You can thank people like bill gates who openly admits that population growth reduction is a good thing, and you can thank the politicians who voted for cap and trade. Of course, it's easier to hate the brownies cuz looking at the mirror would reveal a bunch of masters that servants are too cowardly to do anything about.


28th October 2010, 08:16 AM
All throughout history, the conquerors and victors would breed and multiply, and take over the nation that they invaded.

From this historical perspective we can gather that Islam has conquered England, and Mexico has conquered the United States.


28th October 2010, 09:51 AM
Oh No It Isn't (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/pdfdir/namesnr1010.pdf)! Funny how the MSM just make shit up to stir debate. It's not even in the top 10. Assuming we're now believing govt. statistics, of course ;)

28th October 2010, 11:03 AM
Oh No It Isn't (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/pdfdir/namesnr1010.pdf)! Funny how the MSM just make sh*t up to stir debate. It's not even in the top 10. Assuming we're now believing govt. statistics, of course ;)

from book's dailymail link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1324194/Mohammed-popular-baby-boys-ahead-Jack-Harry.html),

"A total of 7,549 newborns were given 12 variations of the Islamic prophet Mohammed’s name last year, such as Muhammad and Mohammad."

It may be that statistics.gov.uk counts each spelling separately, rather than lumping them all together as "variations of Mohammed", thus sending each variation way down the list from the top 10.

Or the "story" could be pure zio-MSM "scary moozlems booga booga!" agitprop BS altogether. But, we know that's not plausible! ;D

28th October 2010, 12:49 PM
same doo doo, different zio-colony,

"Conquest Through Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=552)"


also see the latest BroN article, 10/27:

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=567)

While BroN doesn't address it, it's also telling that the zio-overlords of Europe have in recent decades focused on allowing Scary Moozlemists in particular to immigrate massively into Europe, as this sets the stage for a 'helpful wave of public fear & anger' over the perceived 'Scary Moozlemist Invasion'. :o

Mix in a series of spectacular false flag attacks fraudulently blaming Scary Moozlemists, and a relentless propaganda campaign orchestrated by 'The Hate Mongers Among Us (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-hate-mongers-among-us-(great-vid-re-propaganda!)/msg130016/#msg130016)' (Ground Zero Mosque! Sharia Law! Booga Booga! :o) designed to inflame and misdirect our fear and resentment towards the wrong enemy; and the stage is set for the zio-overlords' long planned "clash of civilizations", where the zio-overlords have scripted that Christianity and Islam destroy each other through a decade or two of "endless wars".

Don't fall for it. ;)

Very good points Pat Colo!

28th October 2010, 04:31 PM
You can thank people like bill gates who openly admits that population growth reduction is a good thing, and you can thank the politicians who voted for cap and trade. Of course, it's easier to hate the brownies cuz looking at the mirror would reveal a bunch of masters that servants are too cowardly to do anything about.


For those of you who are too busy to spare the 3 minutes on Twisted's video:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion . Now if we do a really great job of New Vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

28th October 2010, 04:35 PM
translation = abortion, poison them, stall them out until they die waiting for health care.

28th October 2010, 07:38 PM
That the shpil Bill gates gave when he was accepted into a small circle of TPTB people. He was allowed to create a Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and hide more than a few Billion a year from taxes, unharmed (works like this: you take a billion dollars, and give out 10 million with a huge hoopla in press. works out to be about 1% tax). Nobody seemed to notice, of course since foundations is TPTB modus operandi.

In exchange for acceptance, Bill had to start giving out these globalist speeches, none of which are actually accepted even by clueless techie types.

29th October 2010, 07:43 AM
And there coming to America too!


29th October 2010, 08:13 AM
That video is a pathetically obvious piece of brainwashing shit. (WWE Video)
They present it like it's a wrestling threat from wrestler to wrestler, but his little translator buddy is there to incite emotion in the arab-speaking circles. They're talking to YOU, America.

He's nothing a .40 cal couldn't stop.

29th October 2010, 08:17 AM
You can thank people like bill gates who openly admits that population growth reduction is a good thing, and you can thank the politicians who voted for cap and trade. Of course, it's easier to hate the brownies cuz looking at the mirror would reveal a bunch of masters that servants are too cowardly to do anything about.


For those of you who are too busy to spare the 3 minutes on Twisted's video:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion . Now if we do a really great job of New Vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

because we are making too much carbon and it's killing the earf!!!


29th October 2010, 08:21 AM
That video is a pathetically obvious piece of brainwashing sh*t. (WWE Video)
They present it like it's a wrestling threat from wrestler to wrestler, but his little translator buddy is there to incite emotion in the arab-speaking circles. They're talking to YOU, America.

He's nothing a .40 cal couldn't stop.

2010 version of the Iron Sheik.


29th October 2010, 08:55 AM
That video is a pathetically obvious piece of brainwashing sh*t. (WWE Video)
They present it like it's a wrestling threat from wrestler to wrestler, but his little translator buddy is there to incite emotion in the arab-speaking circles. They're talking to YOU, America.

hey show some respect, that brainwashing sh*t was produced by the great Steven Speilberg! :baa


29th October 2010, 09:50 AM
2010 version of the Iron Sheik.


2nd one lol...jabrony jew



Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 10:40 AM
All throughout history, the conquerors and victors would breed and multiply, and take over the nation that they invaded.

From this historical perspective we can gather that Islam has conquered England, and Mexico has conquered the United States.


One wonders if the Brits would have fought Germany as stubbornly as they did in 2 wars had they known that the ultimate result would be demographic eclipse by Muslims. My guess is they would not have.

Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 10:42 AM
Oh No It Isn't (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/pdfdir/namesnr1010.pdf)! Funny how the MSM just make sh*t up to stir debate. It's not even in the top 10. Assuming we're now believing govt. statistics, of course ;)

from book's dailymail link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1324194/Mohammed-popular-baby-boys-ahead-Jack-Harry.html),

"A total of 7,549 newborns were given 12 variations of the Islamic prophet Mohammed’s name last year, such as Muhammad and Mohammad."

It may be that statistics.gov.uk counts each spelling separately, rather than lumping them all together as "variations of Mohammed", thus sending each variation way down the list from the top 10.

Or the "story" could be pure zio-MSM "scary moozlems booga booga!" agitprop BS altogether. But, we know that's not plausible! ;D

Pat, Just convert already.

29th October 2010, 11:46 AM
Pat, Just convert already.

NO WAY DLT!! :-[ I know better than to fall into that trap! That would put me at odds with the Global Usury Empire!!

Makes you wonder whether this isn't the root of why the Zionist/Rothschild Global Usury Empire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) propagandizes the West so relentlessly about the threat of Scary Moozlemists who wanna take over the world booga booga!


Scary Moozlemist investors profit by adhering to faith (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/02/09/MN2D15J4HD.DTL&tsp=1)

Matthai Kuruvila, Chronicle Religion Writer
San Francisco Chronicle February 8, 2009

(02-08) 20:43 PST -- As credit markets have imploded, triggering a global economic crisis, Islamically correct investors have seen a change of fortune: The conservative principles this small group of devout Muslims clung to during the economic heyday has insulated them from the worst of the past year's suffering.

Their renunciation of the interest-based economy kept them away from investments in financial services companies, whose stocks have collapsed, and out of traditional mortgages.

"There was a time two or three years ago that Islamic finance was considered simply too conservative," said Professor Ibrahim Warde, author of "Islamic Finance in the Global Economy" and an adjunct professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. "Right now, many people are recognizing that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing."

Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes, which represent benchmarks for Islamically correct investment categories, have been outperforming their non-Islamically compliant counterparts by 3 to 4 percent in key indexes. The two Amana Income and Growth funds, the largest Islamic mutual funds in the country with $1.2 billion in combined assets, have been outperforming the S&P 500 in the past year by 13 and 7 percent, respectively. (Both Amana funds also outperform the S&P index on 5- and 10-year comparisons.)

Bay Area residents who bought homes through an Islamically compliant lender in San Jose, the Ameen Housing Cooperative, don't have to worry whether their lender will work with them if they lose their jobs. Islamic lenders are required to work in good faith with distressed borrowers to figure out ways to make payments manageable - and co-op leaders say they will.

Islamic investing

Warde and other Islamic finance experts and investors caution that the crisis doesn't mean that Islamic finance is a better model than Western capitalism. They say Islamic finance, a system of ethical finance supported on an institutional level, provides unique insight into an economic meltdown created in part by financial practices forbidden by strict observance of Islam.

"I don't think there's anything miraculous about Islamic finance, or that it's a panacea," said Warde, who will be speaking at a UC Berkeley School of Law symposium on the issue this month. "But we can understand why Islamic banks did well in the current financial environment."

Renouncing interest is the high-profile element of Islamic finance that relates to the current economic crisis. For Islamically correct investors, that means there are limits to how much debt a company can have or how much profit it can derive from interest-based investments. That criterion eliminated the possibility of holding stocks in financial services companies, like Citigroup or Washington Mutual, whose stocks lost 86 percent or all of their value last year, respectively.

Avoiding crisis' practices

Islamic finance also prohibits selling assets you don't own, selling someone's debt and engaging in high-risk investments. Thus, there was no participation in practices that have been blamed for Wall Street's meltdown: complex derivatives trading, short-selling and the $30 trillion market in credit default swaps.

While Islamically correct investing is a booming industry, it hardly guarantees good returns. The Iman Fund, run by Allied Asset Advisors and one of the largest Islamic mutual funds in the country, has performed worse than the S&P 500 and others in its category, according to Morningstar, a mutual fund rating service.

But performance alone isn't the point of compliance with Islamic law, known as sharia. For the committed, investing finance with faith is about living with values.

"We don't claim to our investors that we're going to be consistently outperforming the market because we have sharia criteria," said Monem Salam, director of Islamic investing and deputy portfolio manager for Saturna Capital, which manages the Amana funds. "We're going to give our investors the best return they can (get) based on the criteria. If that means outperformance on certain indices, then great."

The Islamic principles playing out across the larger stock market are also playing out in smaller, if no less significant ways for ordinary investors.

Housing cooperatives

In San Jose, the Ameen Housing Cooperative has helped roughly 30 members buy homes without mortgages. Yet the recession has had "no impact whatsoever" on the co-op, according to board member Humayun Sohel. The reasons have much to do with an Islamic requirement that the lender and the borrower share the risks and rewards of a loan.

Ameen members pool their money to give out loans. Borrowers put at least 30 percent down, and monthly payments are based on local rental values. Monthly payments pay down debt and pay dividends to Ameen members. In its 13-year history, Sohel said, Ameen has given a quarterly dividend of at least 3.8 percent and as much as 7.8 percent to co-op members.

When the deed of transfer is finally given to the borrower, Ameen members get a slice of the home's increased value - or take a loss if the price has gone down. With the median home price dropping as much as 40 percent in Santa Clara County and many worrying about their jobs, Ameen remains confident.

Borrower loses equity

As long as the borrower is earnest, Sohel said, Ameen will work to reduce payments, though that may mean a borrower doesn't gain equity or possibly loses some. If someone cannot pay at all for an extended time, Ameen will rent the home instead of selling it and locking in the loss, which is what banks do during foreclosures.

"What we are counting on is riding out this difficult time," Sohel said.

Islamic compliance also precludes investing in things Muslims are expected to avoid, like pornography, tobacco, alcohol and gambling. Those prohibitions drew Juveria Aleem to the Amana funds. But the Oakland Web designer feels like the relatively lower losses on her investments have only reaffirmed her faith.

"Not only was I keeping myself spiritually clean by not engaging in that in my life, but financially, it was helping me," Aleem said. "You cannot ever truly go wrong by practicing the principles of your faith."

Islamic finances

-- The second annual Islamic Finance Symposium, "Islamic Finance: Resilience in a Time of Financial Crisis," is a daylong conference on Feb. 28 at UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law. To register, go to: links.sfgate.com/ZGBS.

-- For more information on the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes, go to: links.sfgate.com/ZGBT.

-- For more information on the Ameen Housing Cooperative, go to: www.ameenhousing.com


Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 01:39 PM
To fight usury you are willing to turn Britain, and no doubt all of Europe, over to a foreign people? Not good, man. Not good.

Pat, Just convert already.

NO WAY DLT!! :-[ I know better than to fall into that trap! That would put me at odds with the Global Usury Empire!!

Makes you wonder whether this isn't the root of why the Zionist/Rothschild Global Usury Empire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) propagandizes the West so relentlessly about the threat of Scary Moozlemists who wanna take over the world booga booga!


Scary Moozlemist investors profit by adhering to faith (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/02/09/MN2D15J4HD.DTL&tsp=1)

Matthai Kuruvila, Chronicle Religion Writer
San Francisco Chronicle February 8, 2009

(02-08) 20:43 PST -- As credit markets have imploded, triggering a global economic crisis, Islamically correct investors have seen a change of fortune: The conservative principles this small group of devout Muslims clung to during the economic heyday has insulated them from the worst of the past year's suffering.

Their renunciation of the interest-based economy kept them away from investments in financial services companies, whose stocks have collapsed, and out of traditional mortgages.

"There was a time two or three years ago that Islamic finance was considered simply too conservative," said Professor Ibrahim Warde, author of "Islamic Finance in the Global Economy" and an adjunct professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. "Right now, many people are recognizing that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing."

Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes, which represent benchmarks for Islamically correct investment categories, have been outperforming their non-Islamically compliant counterparts by 3 to 4 percent in key indexes. The two Amana Income and Growth funds, the largest Islamic mutual funds in the country with $1.2 billion in combined assets, have been outperforming the S&P 500 in the past year by 13 and 7 percent, respectively. (Both Amana funds also outperform the S&P index on 5- and 10-year comparisons.)

Bay Area residents who bought homes through an Islamically compliant lender in San Jose, the Ameen Housing Cooperative, don't have to worry whether their lender will work with them if they lose their jobs. Islamic lenders are required to work in good faith with distressed borrowers to figure out ways to make payments manageable - and co-op leaders say they will.

Islamic investing

Warde and other Islamic finance experts and investors caution that the crisis doesn't mean that Islamic finance is a better model than Western capitalism. They say Islamic finance, a system of ethical finance supported on an institutional level, provides unique insight into an economic meltdown created in part by financial practices forbidden by strict observance of Islam.

"I don't think there's anything miraculous about Islamic finance, or that it's a panacea," said Warde, who will be speaking at a UC Berkeley School of Law symposium on the issue this month. "But we can understand why Islamic banks did well in the current financial environment."

Renouncing interest is the high-profile element of Islamic finance that relates to the current economic crisis. For Islamically correct investors, that means there are limits to how much debt a company can have or how much profit it can derive from interest-based investments. That criterion eliminated the possibility of holding stocks in financial services companies, like Citigroup or Washington Mutual, whose stocks lost 86 percent or all of their value last year, respectively.

Avoiding crisis' practices

Islamic finance also prohibits selling assets you don't own, selling someone's debt and engaging in high-risk investments. Thus, there was no participation in practices that have been blamed for Wall Street's meltdown: complex derivatives trading, short-selling and the $30 trillion market in credit default swaps.

While Islamically correct investing is a booming industry, it hardly guarantees good returns. The Iman Fund, run by Allied Asset Advisors and one of the largest Islamic mutual funds in the country, has performed worse than the S&P 500 and others in its category, according to Morningstar, a mutual fund rating service.

But performance alone isn't the point of compliance with Islamic law, known as sharia. For the committed, investing finance with faith is about living with values.

"We don't claim to our investors that we're going to be consistently outperforming the market because we have sharia criteria," said Monem Salam, director of Islamic investing and deputy portfolio manager for Saturna Capital, which manages the Amana funds. "We're going to give our investors the best return they can (get) based on the criteria. If that means outperformance on certain indices, then great."

The Islamic principles playing out across the larger stock market are also playing out in smaller, if no less significant ways for ordinary investors.

Housing cooperatives

In San Jose, the Ameen Housing Cooperative has helped roughly 30 members buy homes without mortgages. Yet the recession has had "no impact whatsoever" on the co-op, according to board member Humayun Sohel. The reasons have much to do with an Islamic requirement that the lender and the borrower share the risks and rewards of a loan.

Ameen members pool their money to give out loans. Borrowers put at least 30 percent down, and monthly payments are based on local rental values. Monthly payments pay down debt and pay dividends to Ameen members. In its 13-year history, Sohel said, Ameen has given a quarterly dividend of at least 3.8 percent and as much as 7.8 percent to co-op members.

When the deed of transfer is finally given to the borrower, Ameen members get a slice of the home's increased value - or take a loss if the price has gone down. With the median home price dropping as much as 40 percent in Santa Clara County and many worrying about their jobs, Ameen remains confident.

Borrower loses equity

As long as the borrower is earnest, Sohel said, Ameen will work to reduce payments, though that may mean a borrower doesn't gain equity or possibly loses some. If someone cannot pay at all for an extended time, Ameen will rent the home instead of selling it and locking in the loss, which is what banks do during foreclosures.

"What we are counting on is riding out this difficult time," Sohel said.

Islamic compliance also precludes investing in things Muslims are expected to avoid, like pornography, tobacco, alcohol and gambling. Those prohibitions drew Juveria Aleem to the Amana funds. But the Oakland Web designer feels like the relatively lower losses on her investments have only reaffirmed her faith.

"Not only was I keeping myself spiritually clean by not engaging in that in my life, but financially, it was helping me," Aleem said. "You cannot ever truly go wrong by practicing the principles of your faith."

Islamic finances

-- The second annual Islamic Finance Symposium, "Islamic Finance: Resilience in a Time of Financial Crisis," is a daylong conference on Feb. 28 at UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law. To register, go to: links.sfgate.com/ZGBS.

-- For more information on the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes, go to: links.sfgate.com/ZGBT.

-- For more information on the Ameen Housing Cooperative, go to: www.ameenhousing.com


29th October 2010, 01:51 PM
To fight usury you are willing to turn Britain, and no doubt all of Europe, over to a foreign people? Not good, man. Not good.

What a supremely idiotic straw man fallacy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man_fallacy). You must not think highly of GSUS readers' intelligence.

Please review as many times as necessary DLT,

same doo doo, different zio-colony,

"Conquest Through Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=552)"


also see the latest BroN article, 10/27:

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=567)

While BroN doesn't address it, it's also telling that the zio-overlords of Europe have in recent decades focused on allowing Scary Moozlemists in particular to immigrate massively into Europe, as this sets the stage for a 'helpful wave of public fear & anger' over the perceived 'Scary Moozlemist Invasion'. :o

Mix in a series of spectacular false flag attacks fraudulently blaming Scary Moozlemists, and a relentless propaganda campaign orchestrated by 'The Hate Mongers Among Us (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-hate-mongers-among-us-(great-vid-re-propaganda!)/msg130016/#msg130016)' (Ground Zero Mosque! Sharia Law! Booga Booga! :o) designed to inflame and misdirect our fear and resentment towards the wrong enemy; and the stage is set for the zio-overlords' long planned "clash of civilizations", where the zio-overlords have scripted that Christianity and Islam destroy each other through a decade or two of "endless wars".

Don't fall for it. ;)

Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 02:06 PM
Pat, No offense. I don't have anything against you personally, but you are probably the last person here who I will follow links from. But as a fellow American I feel obliged to warn you against dhimmitude. Don't do it!

29th October 2010, 02:23 PM
To fight usury you are willing to turn Britain, and no doubt all of Europe, over to a foreign people? Not good, man. Not good.




Was kosherized by a foreign people long ago...lol.


29th October 2010, 02:35 PM
Pat, No offense. I don't have anything against you personally, but you are probably the last person here who I will follow links from. But as a fellow American I feel obliged to warn you against dhimmitude. Don't do it!

dhimmitude (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmitude): fancy word, that.

Leaving aside your claim of being an American, I feel obliged to warn you against your continuing Talmuditude (http://maxblumenthal.com/2010/08/how-to-kill-goyim-and-influence-people-leading-israeli-rabbis-defend-manual-for-for-killing-non-jews/).

Don't do it! :-*



MSM: "Ground Zero Mosque! OH NOES!!!" :o

Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 02:39 PM
Book, True, Kosherization is an ugly, tragic fact; but there was always the possibility, through the sheer minuscule numbers of the Jews, that our white nations would throw off the parasite, but when you talk about demographics, and the majority name being Mohammad, which is to say that foreigners outnumber the British by physical blood and flesh, then you are talking the end of a people.

Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 02:43 PM
Pat, No offense. I don't have anything against you personally, but you are probably the last person here who I will follow links from. But as a fellow American I feel obliged to warn you against dhimmitude. Don't do it!

dhimmitude (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmitude): fancy word, that.

Leaving aside your claim of being an American, I feel obliged to warn you against your continuing Talmuditude (http://maxblumenthal.com/2010/08/how-to-kill-goyim-and-influence-people-leading-israeli-rabbis-defend-manual-for-for-killing-non-jews/).

Don't do it! :-*



MSM: "Ground Zero Mosque! OH NOES!!!" :o

Pat, You seem unaware of the fact that the world can offer up more than one antagonist, and being against one does not mean being for the other. Wouldn't it be nice that the world was so simple. When the Spanish reconquered Spain and booted out the Muslims, you know who else got the boot?

29th October 2010, 03:17 PM
True, Kosherization is an ugly, tragic fact; [...] throw off the parasite,

Ataboy DLT, you've got it down now...

integrate, integrate, deviate;
integrate, integrate, deviate... ;)

Pat, You seem unaware of the fact that the world can offer up more than one antagonist,

"Our boy DLT is slipping the goy at GSUS
the old Talmudstick real sneaky-like!"

"Yeah, he said, 'more than one antagonist',
heh, heh heh, heh!" ;)

Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 04:33 PM
That's right, Pat - I'm a Jew and you unmasked me. ::)

PS -- good lord but you are a kook. ;D

29th October 2010, 04:42 PM


Desolation LineTrimmer
29th October 2010, 04:55 PM

29th October 2010, 05:01 PM
That's right, Pat - I'm a Jew and you unmasked me. ::)

I didn't say you were joosh.

Lots of gullible Gentiles also busy themselves propagating your same sort of joo-spew on internet forums.

Rank & file "Christian Zionist" dupes, for example.

30th October 2010, 06:47 AM
Pat, let's say the twin towers were imploded on 9\11 by Zionist elements intent on the total domination of
earth. OK, I'll say that is likely. Now compare the obvious intent of the leaders of western civilization to import Muslims into western countries to implanting slow motion explosive devices that will take down the culture and race of each of these countries. Each time a muslim baby (Mohamed) is born, we are seeing the detonation of a planted explosive device which will eventually destroy us as a people.

I have nothing against Muslims, just as I have nothing against a hungry tiger. I think the mulims belong in Muslamia though and I certainly wouldn't take the hungry tiger out of the jungle and put him in my family room.

We are being purposefully destroyed.

This is obvious.

Desolation LineTrimmer
30th October 2010, 10:24 AM
After Isabella and Ferdinand reconquered Spain in 1492 ( or thereabouts) they expelled the Moors and the allies of the Moors, the Sephardic Jews.

30th October 2010, 01:20 PM
After Isabella and Ferdinand reconquered Spain in 1492 ( or thereabouts) they expelled the Moors and the allies of the Moors, the Sephardic Jews.

Then, by "coincidence".......Chris Columbus sails out and "discovers" the west in that same year ::)

Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born! Carved heads, that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.

And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America. Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque, and remnants of other masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means," Allah will deliver you sometime in the future." In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.


Desolation LineTrimmer
30th October 2010, 01:34 PM
After Isabella and Ferdinand reconquered Spain in 1492 ( or thereabouts) they expelled the Moors and the allies of the Moors, the Sephardic Jews.

Then, by "coincidence".......Chris Columbus sails out and "discovers" the west in that same year ::)

Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born! Carved heads, that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.

And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America. Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque, and remnants of other masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means," Allah will deliver you sometime in the future." In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.


This is the first I ever heard that the Carib Indians were Muslims. Were the Aztecs and Incas Muslims too?

30th October 2010, 01:42 PM
^^^Don't know, I guess you would need to consult your high school history book again.

Desolation LineTrimmer
30th October 2010, 02:59 PM
^^^Don't know, I guess you would need to consult your high school history book again.

Standard histories, whether high school, college, post graduate, or armchair rest and relaxation on a rainy day don't support the claim that the Carib Indians were Muslim.

30th October 2010, 08:26 PM
Muslims have a long history of using gold and silver as money. The Carib indians were far too simple for such. Also, the accounts I have read stated that they went almost naked. Muslims have pretty strict dress codes, even in extrememy hot conditions, no?

If the carib indians were Muslims, then I think things would have been far different in the Carribean. They likely would not have been killed off and perhaps Columbus and his men would have been lucky to escape with their lives as converts.

30th October 2010, 08:59 PM
The problem with Columbus is that he either never swam to America, or couldn't possibly pass the opposite wind and currents (such as Gulfstream) and either never swam or left from equatorial Africa.

What you don't get taught in school that if you leave out of Nigeria or Guinea, even on a small boat, it is likely that if you don't drown you will reach America and Caribbean in a few weeks, riding the ocean currents. the other part that they don't teach you in school, to make european nations look old, is that if yo swim out of Asia, like Philippines or Indonesia, or sometimes even Japan, you'll reach american coast, again, due to currents in Pacific coast, no knowledge of navigation required.

So, America was conquered and habituated well before Columbus by Africans from one end, and by Asians from the other. And, no doubt, by a trade tribe. And Columbus was most likely invented by Cosimo Medici and his history rewrites.

31st October 2010, 01:51 AM
I think it is quite likely that Muslim explorers traveled to America hundreds of years prior to Columbus, and they may have had an influence on the native populations. As pointed out ^^^ it is not difficult to go to America from west Africa...

Free energy do you have any links to Columbus being invented by Cosimi Medici?

Desolation LineTrimmer
31st October 2010, 10:45 AM
[quote=Desolation LineTrimmer ]
After Isabella and Ferdinand reconquered Spain in 1492 ( or thereabouts) they expelled the Moors and the allies of the Moors, the Sephardic Jews.

Then, by "coincidence".......Chris Columbus sails out and "discovers" the west in that same year ::)

Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born! Carved heads, that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.

And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America. Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque, and remnants of other masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means," Allah will deliver you sometime in the future." In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.


This website here is pure kookery. They are claiming Islam in America influenced the Constitution of the United States.

Desolation LineTrimmer
31st October 2010, 10:47 AM
After Isabella and Ferdinand reconquered Spain in 1492 ( or thereabouts) they expelled the Moors and the allies of the Moors, the Sephardic Jews.

Then, by "coincidence".......Chris Columbus sails out and "discovers" the west in that same year ::)

Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born! Carved heads, that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.

And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America. Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque, and remnants of other masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means," Allah will deliver you sometime in the future." In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.


This website here is pure kookery. They are claiming Islam in America influenced the Constitution of the United States.

31st October 2010, 11:08 AM
This website here is pure kookery. They are claiming Islam in America influenced the Constitution of the United States.

Yes, strange that a similar constitution has not seen the light of day in more than a thousand years, in the several dozens of Islamic countries...But on the other hand just because one argument is silly, doesn't make all of it silly either... But I would like some references to the claims made. I did a google search on the subject, but the only thing I came up with was regurgitations of what was written above...

31st October 2010, 12:03 PM
read a book called 'they all discovered america'. history is bs.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
Buddha quotes

can't cap. hurt my paw real bad so i am one handed for how long i don't know.

1st November 2010, 08:57 PM
Having just spent some time in Salt Lake City, I learned that the Mormons believe that the people we call Native Americans (or American Indians) are Jews that were cursed and sent from Israel to live here, because they did not follow the commandments.

Interesting, no?

2nd November 2010, 03:51 AM
I think this entire article is a bullshit piece just to further cause division between the WASP and the muslim.
"The white people are going to HATE this! MuuWHahahahaha!" - The luciferian jew.

The problem with Columbus is that he either never swam to America, or couldn't possibly pass the opposite wind and currents (such as Gulfstream) and either never swam or left from equatorial Africa.

What you don't get taught in school that if you leave out of Nigeria or Guinea, even on a small boat, it is likely that if you don't drown you will reach America and Caribbean in a few weeks, riding the ocean currents. the other part that they don't teach you in school, to make european nations look old, is that if yo swim out of Asia, like Philippines or Indonesia, or sometimes even Japan, you'll reach american coast, again, due to currents in Pacific coast, no knowledge of navigation required.

So, America was conquered and habituated well before Columbus by Africans from one end, and by Asians from the other. And, no doubt, by a trade tribe. And Columbus was most likely invented by Cosimo Medici and his history rewrites.

Another thing they don't teach you in school is that Columbus was financed by jews, a majority of his crew were jews, and the first people he told about America were jews. Also, some of the first settlers in America were jews.

Read "The International Jew: The world's foremost problem" by Henry Ford. It's in the first chapter I think.

Desolation LineTrimmer
2nd November 2010, 06:36 PM
This website here is pure kookery. They are claiming Islam in America influenced the Constitution of the United States.

...But on the other hand just because one argument is silly, doesn't make all of it silly either... But I would like some references to the claims made.

One silly argument on a page making very unusual claims calls the whole thing into question. It is a far-fetched claim anyway.

2nd November 2010, 06:41 PM
No he's a Jew, he can't be racist:

30th January 2011, 08:08 AM
I think this entire article is a Bullshit piece just to further cause division between the WASP and the muslim.
"The white people are going to HATE this! MuuWHahahahaha!" - The luciferian jew.

The problem with Columbus is that he either never swam to America, or couldn't possibly pass the opposite wind and currents (such as Gulfstream) and either never swam or left from equatorial Africa.

What you don't get taught in school that if you leave out of Nigeria or Guinea, even on a small boat, it is likely that if you don't drown you will reach America and Caribbean in a few weeks, riding the ocean currents. the other part that they don't teach you in school, to make european nations look old, is that if yo swim out of Asia, like Philippines or Indonesia, or sometimes even Japan, you'll reach american coast, again, due to currents in Pacific coast, no knowledge of navigation required.

So, America was conquered and habituated well before Columbus by Africans from one end, and by Asians from the other. And, no doubt, by a trade tribe. And Columbus was most likely invented by Cosimo Medici and his history rewrites.

Another thing they don't teach you in school is that Columbus was financed by jews, a majority of his crew were jews, and the first people he told about America were jews. Also, some of the first settlers in America were jews.

Read "The International Jew: The world's foremost problem" by Henry Ford. It's in the first chapter I think.

It's the 3rd chapter, but thanks for mentioning it - I just bought a copy of Ford's book but haven't read it yet. I saw your post quoted in another thread and it prompted me to go look it up.

I'll dig into The International Jew pretty soon; it looks pretty interesting.

The story of the Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, with which event Spain’s prestige began its long decline, and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the West, taking a group of Jews with him. They were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator’s plans had aroused the sympathy of influential Jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he consorted much with Jews. The first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a Jew. Indeed, the eventful voyage itself which added to men’s knowledge and wealth “the other half of the earth” was made possible by Jews.

The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella’s jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared under cool research. There were three Maranos or “secret Jews” who wielded great influence at the Spanish court: Luis de Santagel, who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was “farmer” of the royal taxes; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal chamberlain, Juan Cabrero. These worked unceasingly on Queen Isabella’s imagination, picturing to her the depletion of the royal treasury and the likelihood of Columbus discovering the fabulous gold of the Indies, until the Queen was ready to offer her jewels in pawn for the funds. But Santagel craved permission to advance the money himself, which he did, 17,000 ducats in all, about $20,000, perhaps equal to $160,000 today. It is probable that the loan exceeded the expedition’s cost.

Associated with Columbus in the voyage were at least five Jews: Luis de Torres, interpreter; Marco, the surgeon; Bernal, the physician; Alonzo de la Calle, and Gabriel Sanchez. The astronomical instruments and maps which the navigators used were of Jewish origin. Luis de Torres was the first man ashore, the first to discover the use of tobacco; he settled in Cuba and may be said to be the father of Jewish control of the tobacco business as it exists today.

Columbus’ old patrons, Luis de Santagel and Gabriel Sanchez, received many privileges for the part they played in the work, but Columbus himself became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bernal, the ship’s doctor, and suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward.

continued here http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_International_Jew:_The_World%27s_Foremost_Prob lem/Chapter_3

30th January 2011, 08:53 AM
Oh No It Isn't (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/pdfdir/namesnr1010.pdf)! Funny how the MSM just make shit up to stir debate. It's not even in the top 10. Assuming we're now believing govt. statistics, of course ;)


30th January 2011, 09:26 AM
I wonder why Jesus isn't the most popular boys name in the US? :o