View Full Version : so, now we're supposed to be terrified of the ups delivery man?

29th October 2010, 09:31 AM
they could really try harder. i mean, at least make it somewhat plausible...


29th October 2010, 09:34 AM
do what?

29th October 2010, 09:35 AM
turn on the tv or radio, it's all over. they stopped some planes at newark. packages from yemen were found being routed on ups delivery trucks to destinations all over the u.s. they had printer cartridges with some white powder in them, wires, etc. they say they're not bombs, but they don't what they are. some had syringes as well, apparently.

29th October 2010, 09:39 AM
What I find so funny about this (c/o a ZH poster) was that it seems the threats all originated out of England. if you remember, about a week or so ago England was criticizing the US for its redundant and ineffective airline screening process.

Payback bitchez!

29th October 2010, 09:41 AM
turn on the tv or radio, it's all over. they stopped some planes at newark. packages from yemen were found being routed on ups delivery trucks to destinations all over the u.s. they had printer cartridges with some white powder in them, wires, etc. they say they're not bombs, but they don't what they are. some had syringes as well, apparently.

Dam it is brilliant!

Pack goofy stuff that will make the idiots at DHS tighten the thumbscrews on us more... :sarc:

29th October 2010, 09:43 AM
i was sweating bullets for awhile. right after i heard about this, the fedex guy showed up with the nocturnal egyptian's orgone bombs. i was expecting a swat team to storm my house.


29th October 2010, 09:45 AM
i was sweating bullets for awhile. right after i heard about this, the fedex guy showed up with the nocturnal egyptian's orgone bombs. i was expecting a swat team to storm my house.


I would not let my guard down quite yet................. ;D

29th October 2010, 10:13 AM
update per cnn:

"CNN reported that sources believe the devices that came from Yemen were intended for Chicago synagogues."

:oo--> X 10,000

29th October 2010, 10:14 AM
i was sweating bullets for awhile. right after i heard about this, the fedex guy showed up with the nocturnal egyptian's orgone bombs. i was expecting a swat team to storm my house.


mannn I never got my orgone!!

29th October 2010, 10:25 AM
Will they start opening the packages before we get them?............. >:(

Will we have to start opening the packages infront of the driver? or wil there be a second homeland security person to see you open the package?

29th October 2010, 10:40 AM
Will they start opening the packages before we get them?............. >:(

Will we have to start opening the packages infront of the driver? or wil there be a second homeland security person to see you open the package?

This may put a crimp on your black market t/p operations, Ponce!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLD0PgATfM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLD0PgATfM)


Celtic Rogue
29th October 2010, 12:11 PM
Suspitious at best a few days before the elections. Seems to be a lot to do about nothing. The bush guys pulled an increased terror threat before the elections too? Just sayin!

29th October 2010, 12:18 PM
Emirates Flight 201 Being Escorted By Fighter Jets Into JFK Airport (http://www.businessinsider.com/uae-flight-201-2010-10)

29th October 2010, 12:56 PM
:lol .."their targets were synagogues " :lol if they are REAL threats, they ORIGINATED from synagogues!

29th October 2010, 01:21 PM
JDRock? yep, they send it to themself to draw "sympathy" from the wold........

Lol Dogman..........no black market here.......only preventing a black future with a smelly....you know what ;D

midnight rambler
29th October 2010, 01:57 PM
Dry run probing?


29th October 2010, 02:50 PM
Where the FU*K is BARNUM & BAILEY ?

You have got to be kidding me.

This world has become a total and complete sham.

Its time to baten down the hatches guys. Silver,toilet paper,lead etc.

Whats next? Little green men from Mars?

29th October 2010, 02:58 PM
Where the FU*K is BARNUM & BAILEY ?

You have got to be kidding me.

This world has become a total and complete sham.

Its time to baten down the hatches guys. Silver,toilet paper,lead etc.

Whats next? Little green men from Mars?

Yea total loony toons.

Some on cnn are saying now their may be more jumping through hoops and shit for people that fly to go through .

And the men from mars are probably going to hitch a ride on the giant spaceships that are heading this way.

29th October 2010, 03:11 PM
Nice timing to disclose the bomb threat after the close of the markets.
Gotta protect the stock market above all else.

29th October 2010, 03:21 PM
It is pretty pissweak. If I recall a printer cartridge contains both wires and powder and yes it is just days before the vote so time to hit the reminder button and make sure everyone is aware they need protection. How long will this be the lead story? 24 hours or will they get a couple days out of it?

29th October 2010, 04:23 PM
i was sweating bullets for awhile. right after i heard about this, the fedex guy showed up with the nocturnal egyptian's orgone bombs. i was expecting a swat team to storm my house.


mannn I never got my orgone!!

Chad, got yours a day early eh? Good! Now you know why we call them "pucks" or "generators" or etc etc etc, anything else leads to some suspicion!

Cebu, if you didn't get em today, you should have them in hand by monday delivery. I tried to do a faster delivery but your location didn't have it available.

Thanks for letting me gift you.

29th October 2010, 04:24 PM
It is pretty pissweak. If I recall a printer cartridge contains both wires and powder and yes it is just days before the vote so time to hit the reminder button and make sure everyone is aware they need protection. How long will this be the lead story? 24 hours or will they get a couple days out of it?

This shit happens before every election, it's so clear. The night before the 2004 election osama bin laden releases a threatening tape that pushes people into the waiting arms of george bush, yeah right!

29th October 2010, 05:50 PM
President Dude is a laughing stock now and the theater isn't even that good. I'd say the people behind the scenes realize they have a real problem on their hands with this clown and are about to play what they're holding to force him out of office. I almost feel sorry for the guy he's such a loser. Toner cartridges - the new white meat.