29th October 2010, 06:17 PM
Read Chapter Two of Linked PDF (
You may have had a sense lately that something is just not right in
your domestic life, not calamitously bad but just bad enough to be
annoying on a daily basis and in seemingly unpredictable ways.
You are not alone. In fact, a huge variety of personal and social problems
trace to a single source.
First an inventory to establish what I mean:
• You have the vague sense that your bed linens are not so much comforting
you as hemming you in, restricting you and just not breathing
as they should;
• To clean your bathtub and kitchen sink requires an inordinate
amount of cleanser and bleach;
• Whereas you remember showers that once refreshed you, they now
leave you only feeling wet;
• It should be pleasure to put on a bright white crisp undershirt but
instead it seems rather routine, dull, even uneventful;
• The mop has a dusky smell of an old rag and you keep having to
replace it to get rid of the reappearing and never disappearing stink;
• Your dinner tonight reminds you of your dinner last night and that
night before, and the flavors seem to be piling up into one big haze.
These are just six of the many dozens of typical symptoms of one of the
most common household problems in American today. What is that problem?
The simplicity of the answer might shock you: your water heater is set
at too low a temperature.
Most people don’t want to think about their water heaters. It is a subject
we would rather avoid. It just sort of sits there like a steel totem pole in
a dusty closet that is otherwise not used for much because there is not room
for much else. The heater itself seems intimidating, plastered with strange
insulating devices and warning stickers. It is something to be touched only
by specialists. We even fear cleaning behind it, worrying that we will be
zapped or scorched.
Sure, we know people who have had to “replace their water heaters”
because their “water heater went out,” but because this has never happened
to us, we don’t worry about it. Besides, what if it turns out that the water
heater has some sort of scary blue flame and a clicking starter or something?
Better to leave it alone so that it doesn’t become volcanic.
All of these impulses are wrong. The water heater can be your friend. It
can be your greatest friend in your struggle to create and maintain a happy
domestic environment. It wants to be useful. There is nothing to be frightened
of. There are no blue flames (they are mostly electric now.) A water
heater is made to heat and hold water. It is begging you to do something
that will change your life from grey to bright white: turn up the temperature!
Chances are that your water temperature is set at 120 degrees. This is
the preferred temperature of the establishment. Water heaters are shipped
this way and installed this way. The regulations on new home construction
mandate it to be this way. Who thinks to change it?
But 120 degrees? Come on. By the time the water leaves the heater and
travels through the pipes and hits the air before landing whenever it is supposed
to land, chances are that it will fall to 118 degrees. In the dead of
Winter, with pipes running under the house, it can be even lower.
Think about this: 118 degrees is the temperature at which yeast thrives.
It is the temperature for proofing. What does that tell you? It tells you that
things can grow at 118 degrees.
In other words, this is too cool! To know what 118 degrees feels like,
imagine a bowl of water that you stick your hand in. It is warm, even quite
warm, but you don’t really have the drive to pull your hand out to keep
yourself safe. You can adjust. You know what? Everything adjusts to 118
degrees: germs, viruses, bacteria, dirt, smudge, sludge, stink, dust, and every
other damnable thing in the world. All of this lives, even thrives, at 118
Revelation 3:16 has it right: “So then because thou art lukewarm, and
neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”
Who came up with the idea that the standard temperature should be
120 degrees? The usual bunch: governments that want to impose a variety
of deprivations on you, anti-energy people who think the less technological
consumption the better, environmentalists who want to stamp out all things
bright and beautiful, litigious lawyers who have intimidated heater makers,
and safety freaks of all sorts. A quick search shows all.
We know these people. They are the people who say we should eat our
own garbage, invite bats to live in our attics, and refrain from killing mosquitoes
in the marsh. They are the ones who gave us toilets that don’t flush and
shower heads that don’t spray. They seem to think we should all go around
dirty and dissatisfied, and that anything resembling clean, neat, and, well,
civilized has to be stamped out.
These people are always worrying about the risks of life, but what about
the health risks of living in squalor of their creation?
Defy them all in one fell swoop! Turn your temperature up to 130
degrees. How hot is this? Contrary to the claims, it will not scald you. Imagine
again a bowl full of water. Put your hand into this temperature and you
will say: “Yikes!” or “Ouch!” or “Yeow!” and pull it right out and shake
your hand in the air. However, it leaves nothing red, no burns, nothing
awful. It is just what used to be called hot water before the lukewarm crowd
changed everything.
How does yeast respond to 130 degrees? It dies. Bread bakers know
this. You know what else dies? All the icky things mentioned above. They
all die mercifully quick deaths at this temperature. Clean clothes! Clean
sinks! Satisfyingly hot showers! Comfortable sheets! Clean-smelling mops!
Plates that come out of the dish washer without dinner build-up on them!
All of this awaits your act of defiance.
A brief note on shoes. Have you ever bought a new pair because your
old ones…stank? Of course they did. Your socks are not getting clean.
They infect your shoes. Oh sure, try to keep it at bay with Dr. Scholl’s. It
won’t work. A shoe stink sticks forever. You thought you had a physical
disability, and embarrassing foot odor problem. Nope. It’s your hot water
How to fix all this? It will take less than a minute. If your temperature
dial is in the open, good for you. Turn it to 130 degrees or higher. There is
a reason these tanks go up to 170 degrees. I read a manual for a dishwasher
that says it wants water of 145 degrees. When I was in the dish-washing
business, you had to use heavy rubber gloves just to get near water. So be it.
If your dial is covered, ignore all stickers and scary warnings about
scalded babies. Take off the steel plate that covers up the setting. Remove
the Styrofoam. There you will find a tiny little dial. Use a dime or a screwdriver
and give the dial a teeny tiny little turn over to 130 degrees. The benefits
will start within hours. Within a day, you will experience the greatest
increase in your standard of living since your gas grill and automated sprinkler
Your new life begins with a comfortable and happy sleep, a blasting hot
and refreshing shower, a crisp T-shirt, and clean socks, followed by breakfast
on a plate so clean it squeaks. Even cleaning up breakfast will be pure
pleasure: the sink gleams, the floor has never been cleaner, and your mop
will end up as fresh as the day you bought it.
Indeed, with a water heater set at 130 degrees, all is right with the
world—at least that part of it that you can control. Even if the whole world
is conspiring against civilization, you can preserve your part of it with the
smallest turn of a screwdriver.
You may have had a sense lately that something is just not right in
your domestic life, not calamitously bad but just bad enough to be
annoying on a daily basis and in seemingly unpredictable ways.
You are not alone. In fact, a huge variety of personal and social problems
trace to a single source.
First an inventory to establish what I mean:
• You have the vague sense that your bed linens are not so much comforting
you as hemming you in, restricting you and just not breathing
as they should;
• To clean your bathtub and kitchen sink requires an inordinate
amount of cleanser and bleach;
• Whereas you remember showers that once refreshed you, they now
leave you only feeling wet;
• It should be pleasure to put on a bright white crisp undershirt but
instead it seems rather routine, dull, even uneventful;
• The mop has a dusky smell of an old rag and you keep having to
replace it to get rid of the reappearing and never disappearing stink;
• Your dinner tonight reminds you of your dinner last night and that
night before, and the flavors seem to be piling up into one big haze.
These are just six of the many dozens of typical symptoms of one of the
most common household problems in American today. What is that problem?
The simplicity of the answer might shock you: your water heater is set
at too low a temperature.
Most people don’t want to think about their water heaters. It is a subject
we would rather avoid. It just sort of sits there like a steel totem pole in
a dusty closet that is otherwise not used for much because there is not room
for much else. The heater itself seems intimidating, plastered with strange
insulating devices and warning stickers. It is something to be touched only
by specialists. We even fear cleaning behind it, worrying that we will be
zapped or scorched.
Sure, we know people who have had to “replace their water heaters”
because their “water heater went out,” but because this has never happened
to us, we don’t worry about it. Besides, what if it turns out that the water
heater has some sort of scary blue flame and a clicking starter or something?
Better to leave it alone so that it doesn’t become volcanic.
All of these impulses are wrong. The water heater can be your friend. It
can be your greatest friend in your struggle to create and maintain a happy
domestic environment. It wants to be useful. There is nothing to be frightened
of. There are no blue flames (they are mostly electric now.) A water
heater is made to heat and hold water. It is begging you to do something
that will change your life from grey to bright white: turn up the temperature!
Chances are that your water temperature is set at 120 degrees. This is
the preferred temperature of the establishment. Water heaters are shipped
this way and installed this way. The regulations on new home construction
mandate it to be this way. Who thinks to change it?
But 120 degrees? Come on. By the time the water leaves the heater and
travels through the pipes and hits the air before landing whenever it is supposed
to land, chances are that it will fall to 118 degrees. In the dead of
Winter, with pipes running under the house, it can be even lower.
Think about this: 118 degrees is the temperature at which yeast thrives.
It is the temperature for proofing. What does that tell you? It tells you that
things can grow at 118 degrees.
In other words, this is too cool! To know what 118 degrees feels like,
imagine a bowl of water that you stick your hand in. It is warm, even quite
warm, but you don’t really have the drive to pull your hand out to keep
yourself safe. You can adjust. You know what? Everything adjusts to 118
degrees: germs, viruses, bacteria, dirt, smudge, sludge, stink, dust, and every
other damnable thing in the world. All of this lives, even thrives, at 118
Revelation 3:16 has it right: “So then because thou art lukewarm, and
neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”
Who came up with the idea that the standard temperature should be
120 degrees? The usual bunch: governments that want to impose a variety
of deprivations on you, anti-energy people who think the less technological
consumption the better, environmentalists who want to stamp out all things
bright and beautiful, litigious lawyers who have intimidated heater makers,
and safety freaks of all sorts. A quick search shows all.
We know these people. They are the people who say we should eat our
own garbage, invite bats to live in our attics, and refrain from killing mosquitoes
in the marsh. They are the ones who gave us toilets that don’t flush and
shower heads that don’t spray. They seem to think we should all go around
dirty and dissatisfied, and that anything resembling clean, neat, and, well,
civilized has to be stamped out.
These people are always worrying about the risks of life, but what about
the health risks of living in squalor of their creation?
Defy them all in one fell swoop! Turn your temperature up to 130
degrees. How hot is this? Contrary to the claims, it will not scald you. Imagine
again a bowl full of water. Put your hand into this temperature and you
will say: “Yikes!” or “Ouch!” or “Yeow!” and pull it right out and shake
your hand in the air. However, it leaves nothing red, no burns, nothing
awful. It is just what used to be called hot water before the lukewarm crowd
changed everything.
How does yeast respond to 130 degrees? It dies. Bread bakers know
this. You know what else dies? All the icky things mentioned above. They
all die mercifully quick deaths at this temperature. Clean clothes! Clean
sinks! Satisfyingly hot showers! Comfortable sheets! Clean-smelling mops!
Plates that come out of the dish washer without dinner build-up on them!
All of this awaits your act of defiance.
A brief note on shoes. Have you ever bought a new pair because your
old ones…stank? Of course they did. Your socks are not getting clean.
They infect your shoes. Oh sure, try to keep it at bay with Dr. Scholl’s. It
won’t work. A shoe stink sticks forever. You thought you had a physical
disability, and embarrassing foot odor problem. Nope. It’s your hot water
How to fix all this? It will take less than a minute. If your temperature
dial is in the open, good for you. Turn it to 130 degrees or higher. There is
a reason these tanks go up to 170 degrees. I read a manual for a dishwasher
that says it wants water of 145 degrees. When I was in the dish-washing
business, you had to use heavy rubber gloves just to get near water. So be it.
If your dial is covered, ignore all stickers and scary warnings about
scalded babies. Take off the steel plate that covers up the setting. Remove
the Styrofoam. There you will find a tiny little dial. Use a dime or a screwdriver
and give the dial a teeny tiny little turn over to 130 degrees. The benefits
will start within hours. Within a day, you will experience the greatest
increase in your standard of living since your gas grill and automated sprinkler
Your new life begins with a comfortable and happy sleep, a blasting hot
and refreshing shower, a crisp T-shirt, and clean socks, followed by breakfast
on a plate so clean it squeaks. Even cleaning up breakfast will be pure
pleasure: the sink gleams, the floor has never been cleaner, and your mop
will end up as fresh as the day you bought it.
Indeed, with a water heater set at 130 degrees, all is right with the
world—at least that part of it that you can control. Even if the whole world
is conspiring against civilization, you can preserve your part of it with the
smallest turn of a screwdriver.