View Full Version : The .22 dilemma

30th October 2010, 04:20 PM
So, I'm visiting the homestate for the Halloweekend and while perusing one of my old fave gun stores I came to the startling conclusion that I was in dire need of a .22 caliber handgun.

I have a $400 budget. Semi autos with rep in this range include the Ruger MKxx series, the Browning Buckmark and the Walther P22.
I'm not terribly inclined to have a full on target quality pistol. Reliability and versatility are the highest priorities.

I would consider a revolver but do not know the standby models in that caliber.

I'm leaving with a .22 caliber handgun this weekend; any anecdotes or advice is much appreciated.

The main use of the gun will be cheap shooting/plinking.

The target aspects of the Browning and Ruger are kind of a turn off. The cheap build of the P22 is a turn off. The threaded barrel on the P22 is a turn on.

I need some suggestions.


30th October 2010, 04:32 PM
Imo if you ever run across a hi standard simi-auto .22 grab it, had one back in the mid 60- 70's that was a tack driver.

30th October 2010, 04:55 PM
Ruger Charger. :o

willie pete
30th October 2010, 05:24 PM
I've got a Ruger MK Series...never had any problems....the only thing is they are a little work to break down, once you get used to it, it's OK....they've sold a lot of them

A friend of mine's wife carried one of these in her purse...it was handy little piece


30th October 2010, 05:58 PM
The little Bersa .22's are supposed to be good if you need compact. I would get the Ruger MII or Browning Buckmark. Just get one of the lighter ones, or the Ruger 22/45.

I've bought used Ruger MII's (with 5" bull barrel)and put thousands of rounds through them without problems. Fun and accurate. A $20 Volquartsen sear will give you a great trigger. These are the most fun handguns you can find, IMHO.

30th October 2010, 08:30 PM
You'll get about 2,000 different opinions on this one... lots of different options for good .22LR handguns.

I've bought/sold quite a few different .22 handguns, and this is my take on it:

Durability: Ruger MKII
Fit/Finish: Browning Buckmark
Accuracy: Beretta NEOS
Concealability: Phoenix Arms HP22A
Most like full-size: Sig Sauer Mosquito or Walther P22

My favorite of all of them is the Browning Buckmark, but all are very good, serviceable weapons... although the last two (Sig and Walther) are somewhat picky about the kinds of ammo they like.

31st October 2010, 10:04 AM
Colt Woodsman/Targetsman. Tack driver and exceptional fit and finish. Not sure if you can pick one up for under $400 though...

31st October 2010, 05:07 PM
beretta neos. it shoots like a laser gun.

31st October 2010, 10:02 PM
I got to play with a Buckmark this weekend and it was smooth as silk. We were using it and a Ruger to hit 18x12 steel plates at 100 yards, so either one is quite a capable .22 pistol. That buckmark was nice though and its within your budget, as is the Ruger MK series.

1st November 2010, 06:41 AM
I ended up getting a Browning Buckmark. I'm not sure the model designation but it has the heavier flat sided barrel and the rubberized grips. No chance to fire it yet nor take pics. When it came down to it I just have a soft spot for the build and ergo of Browning guns and they are synonymous for reliable actions. I hope to test drive it on Thanksgiving when I head up the mountain. I also picked up a pistol case made specifically for the Buckmark with a padded cutout to fit the gun and magazine. Out the door with gun and case and background fee for $440.

1st November 2010, 06:42 AM
Stock photo:


1st November 2010, 07:27 AM
nice gun, i think you'll enjoy it. ;)

Half Sense
1st November 2010, 01:07 PM
Excellent choice. I handled one at a gun show and thought their new grip was a perfect fit for my hand. Plus, it's a proven design that should last a lifetime.

2nd November 2010, 03:12 AM
I ended up getting a Browning Buckmark. I'm not sure the model designation but it has the heavier flat sided barrel and the rubberized grips. No chance to fire it yet nor take pics. When it came down to it I just have a soft spot for the build and ergo of Browning guns and they are synonymous for reliable actions. I hope to test drive it on Thanksgiving when I head up the mountain. I also picked up a pistol case made specifically for the Buckmark with a padded cutout to fit the gun and magazine. Out the door with gun and case and background fee for $440.

Excellent choice!
Mine is almost the same model, identical except for the grips... mine are rosewood.
You can expect a lifetime of reliable service (mine has lasted almost 2/3 of my life!) out of it... just keep it clean and well-oiled. I used to practice by shooting matchbooks at 25 yds... one shot, one kill. Every shot, every time. No bags or rest... unsupported weaver stance... it was unbelievably easy once I got the "knack" of it. Believe it - that pistol is EVERY BIT capable of it! Alas, I am no longer capable of such marksmanship (usually), even though the Buckmark undoubtably still is. However, I can still "bring home" the beer can at the same distance every time! ;D

2nd November 2010, 04:45 AM
I used to practice by shooting matchbooks at 25 yds... one shot, one kill. Golf balls. Much more fun.

1970 silver art
2nd November 2010, 05:16 AM
I never shot a Browning .22 pistol. The only .22 pistol that I shot was my dad's Ruger Mark II pistol. Have fun with your Browning purchase SLV^GLD.