View Full Version : The Coming Silver Shortage:

31st October 2010, 10:49 AM
Like I keep saying..........When "We The People" take control of silver the coat and ties will have to hide.
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The Coming Silver Shortage:

What determines Price? According to Adam Smith, it is the "invisible hand" of the marketplace. Price is where Supply meets Demand. So what happens when you manipulate Supply or Demand? You control the Price. It really is that simple. The fact of the matte is, that we will shortly witness the "Great Disappearing Silver" caper of 2010.

This will shortly occur when 100% of the silver that only exists on paper disappears from the marketplace. Yes, the Banksters have once more proven that fractional reserve lending has more than one useful application. It is always in their best interest to suppress metals prices as long as we continue to use their worthless paper as currency.

"Nelson Bunker Hunt and Herbert Hunt, the sons of Texas oil billionaire Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Jr., had for some time been attempting to corner the market in silver. In 1979, the price of silver jumped from $6/oz to an all-time record high of $48.70/oz. The brothers were estimated to hold one third of the entire world supply of silver (other than that held by governments). The situation for other prospective purchasers of silver was so dire that the jeweller Tiffanys took out a full page ad in the New York Times, condemning the Hunt Brothers and stating We think it is unconscionable for anyone to hoard several billion, yes billion, dollars worth of silver and thus drive the price up so high that others must pay artificially high prices for articles made of silver. (Source)

Back then, things were so much easier. For a few billion dollars, the Hunt brothers were able to bring the silver market to its knees. They did this through selling futures on their actual silver holdings, and using borrowed money to buy additional futures contracts. In other words, the Hunt Brothers were heavily leveraged and became easy targets for those that wanted precious metals prices to remain low.

But on January 7 1980, in response to the Hunt's accumulation, the exchange rules regarding leverage were changed, when Comex adopted 'Silver Rule 7' placing heavy restrictions on the purchase of commodities on margin. The Hunt brothers had borrowed heavily to finance their purchases, and as the price began to fall again, dropping over 50% in just four days, they were unable to meet their obligations, causing panic in the markets." (Ibid)

If it sounds similar to the stock market crash of 1929, where borrowed money, or margin, was also removed from the market by the Banksters, then we are all making progress in our understanding. Borrowed money is never a good investment tool. The Banksters just raise rates or increase margin requirements and the whole overinflated scheme comes crashing down, like it did with the Hunt Brothers.

With the Hunt Brothers, the Banksters raised credit requirements for investors in the silver futures market. The silver was real, but the money was fake. Take all that fake (borrowed) money out of the market, and the price of silver falls. The Hunt Brothers had created artificial demand (much higher than actually existed) for silver, and price responded by going through the roof.

Today we have a totally different problem. Through the use of silver derivatives (Options), the Banksters have created a huge supply of silver that only exists on paper. This worthless paper is traded just like the real thing in the Options and Futures markets. By trading this non-existant silver, the Banksters can control price by inflating Supply. It is estimated that for every real ounce of silver out there, there are 100 paper ounces being trading in the Options market.

It isn't rocket science.

"In April 2007, Commitments of Traders Report showed that four or fewer traders held 90% of all short silver futures contracts totalling 245 million troy ounces, which is equivalent to 140 days of production. According to Ted Butler, one of these banks with large silver shorts, JPMorgan Chase, is also the custodian of the SLV silver ETF. Some silver analysis have pointed to a potential conflict of interest, as close scrutiny of Comex documents reveals that ETF shares may be used to "cover" Comex physical metal deliveries. This led analysts to speculate that some stores of silver have multiple claims upon them. On 25 September 2008 the CFTC relented and probed the silver market after persistent complaints of foul play.On September 1, 2010, Bloomberg reported that JPMorgan Chase will be closing their Proprietary Trading Desk." (Source)

Now, in a few weeks, this massive financial fraud will reveal itself when real silver investors take possession of real silver and refuse to sell any new futures contracts against the silver they already own. When 99% of the silver that only exists on paper is vanquished from the marketplace, which will take place after this coming election, silver prices will correct to their real value. That means a $29 ounce of silver will be worth $2900. Do the math.

Add to that a collapsing economy, hyperinflation, stock market collapse and a worthless dollar and silver bullion will quickly be bought up by those smart enough to understand the implications of this article. When prices start moving up dramatically, Bullion Operations and Sales will cease and price will move into the stratosphere.


old steel
31st October 2010, 10:59 AM
Do we really want to live in a world where an ounce of silver is priced at $2900.00?

Sounds like huge trouble is right around the corner if he is right.

31st October 2010, 11:09 AM
I think 2,900.00 silver would = doom.

Though on the other hand it would be awesome as 1,000 ounces would buy me a thousand acre farm outright (one ounce per acre). But I believe the banker has another weapon it his evil assed arsenal, the ability to satisfy their shorted contracts with paper "money". Sure silver would skyrocket, but then 2,900 would'nt even fill a gas tank after imo. Unless of course sky high silver prices some how do not affect the current circulating currency, I do not believe it did in 1980.

I admit it, I dunno.......

31st October 2010, 11:10 AM
That's what I am getting ready for "huge" trouble.......99.9% of American don't even know the meaning of huge trouble in what is to come and those are the ones that I am afraid off........ that's why I am ready to run away and to blow up the whole house with as many of them inside as I can get...........all it takes is a 25 lbs of prophane and and 2 five gallons containers of gasoline.

Coming from Cuba I know the meaning of shortage and trouble, we were lucky in that the Cuban people didn't have much to start with so that WTSHTF it waesn't as bad as it will be here in the states where all that you need to do is to open the frig to be able to eat.

The new survivalist mind set of the future will have to contend with the real meaning of the word "survivalist".

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

31st October 2010, 11:35 AM
I don't buy the premise that silver would go up 100x when all the paper is removed from the equation. There is a lot more demand for cheap silver than expensive silver, so as soon as the price dramatically rises, many investors willing to buy in at $25/oz won't buy in at $50, $100, $500, etc. There is not enough demand to push silver up to $2900/oz. I could see it spiking high in the panic and settling around $100/oz. This would make more sense to me.

7th trump
31st October 2010, 11:36 AM
Naaa Ponce..................
Didnt you get the memo?

What you are witnessing is the death blow to the beasts head that rose out of the sea.
Mark my words Ponce..................satan is coming to bring back to life of this one world political beast that received the deadly blow.
But for those unaware satan brings back to life the beast by play acting as Jesus Christ.
Mark those words my freind...............................satan is going to put a chicken in every pot and wipe all debt if you take up allegience to him. Everything is going to be just fine and peachy Ponce!
Most wont know they are being taken by satan when he appears play acts as Christ who given many signs, wonders and powers.

Watch it unfold.
There will be many on 10 day trials who will witness against this fake "instead of christ" where God Himswelf will speak through them to address His children of who they are actuually worshipping.

Mark those words as it will happen just like that!

31st October 2010, 11:50 AM
Do we really want to live in a world where an ounce of silver is priced at $2900.00?

Well, doesn't that mean that fiat currency will be wiped out along with all digital fiat?
Does it mean the wars for Israel could no longer be funded?
Does it mean the banks would collapse?
Would Wall Street collapse?
Would the criminal government collapse?
Would the Jewish media still produce and distribute their lies?
Would the US stop funding Israel?

If all this came to pass, then I'd say, Yes!
Just trying to find the silver lining in the cloud. ^-^

31st October 2010, 11:51 AM
I really don't know how high silver will go.......but.......to a drowning man a small life vest will do inplace of a battle ship.

old steel
31st October 2010, 01:09 PM
Do we really want to live in a world where an ounce of silver is priced at $2900.00?

Well, doesn't that mean that fiat currency will be wiped out along with all digital fiat?
Does it mean the wars for Israel could no longer be funded?
Does it mean the banks would collapse?
Would Wall Street collapse?
Would the criminal government collapse?
Would the Jewish media still produce and distribute their lies?
Would the US stop funding Israel?

If all this came to pass, then I'd say, Yes!
Just trying to find the silver lining in the cloud. ^-^

I really like that silver lining however i'm convinced the Zionist controlled Jewish media would find a way to blame the innocents and use it to divide and conquer what remains.

It's up to we the people to realize the scam and revolt against it.

Still waiting for that part to occur.

31st October 2010, 02:45 PM
Debt and unfunded liabilities. These will require one of two things in the extreme or some of both. Those two options are default or hyperinflation (and then default via currency destruction). I have heard some ridiculous numbers for what the average taxpayer is pinned as "owing" to this debt situation. Even if it is $124,000 per, they will need to multiply my salary by 10 to get that from me. Since I don't see that happening in the next 5 years, I expect there will be some other magic trick played. That trick will be the conversion of the world into a new cashless money system. Call it SDRs (special drawing rights) as if we are drawing value out of the banks. They will REQUIRE that all transactions occur through their computerized tracking system.

If you are willing to take the mark of the beast and surrender your soul to eternal hell they may give you a conversion of worthless dollars to SDRs. All your future earnings (income/salary/commissions/etc) will be in SDRs.

There may be a short time that silver bullion or gold can be used. And then it should be traded for anything necessary or equal in value. Private land that is exempted from tax is a good choice.

31st October 2010, 03:01 PM
I'm not sure about the silver production process, but ...

One of Barrick's facilities in South America outputs 249 tons of Cyanide for every ton of gold produced.

I have a feeling that if the true cost of that gold production were measured, the facility would shut down.

Another facility in Chile (I think) recently was shut down because they don't want the pollution.

Since silver is often a by-product of gold production, silver production also creates pollution.

If it was our own well-water, we would probably not allow such facilities to be operated.

If such concerns were ever to be manifested widespread, it would put a big crimp on production of new metals - and it would be additionally bullish for PM prices.

31st October 2010, 04:16 PM
$2,900? i was planing on buying a cayman island, but if we hit 2,900 i guess i'll be buying all of them. and antigua. and jamaica.

31st October 2010, 06:20 PM
I really don't know how high silver will go.......but.......to a drowning man a small life vest will do inplace of a battle ship.

Who knows how high it will go; but if there's 99x times silver on the books than physical, sooner or later people want their physical pm's. During SHTF, there's potential for it go go higher than we expect.... holy crap, there's nothing to compare this to. The 30's will pale in comparison.

31st October 2010, 06:23 PM
What will happen cannot be compared to 1929 because it will be played in a new stadium with new rules.........where there will be no rules..........anyone that thinks "as is" will not live in the "as it will be"

31st October 2010, 07:49 PM
What will happen cannot be compared to 1929 because it will be played in a new stadium with new rules.........where there will be no rules..........anyone that thinks "as is" will not live in the "as it will be"

Yeah, I agree with Celente that this will be "the World's greatest depression". I agree that there may be no rules, that's why I'm stockpiling food, guns/ammo, & other supplies. My stack of gold/silver isn't to get rich, it's for survival. It still astounds me that people think this "will just blow over", and "the Govt. has spent the 'stimulus money' things will pick up soon". I try to convert them, but their eyes just glaze over when i try to talk about what we talk about here at GSUS.