View Full Version : This is what Meth does to you
2nd November 2010, 09:01 AM
midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:09 AM
Nothing wrong with tweakers that a bullet between the eyes wouldn't cure.
2nd November 2010, 09:22 AM
It's supposed to be a joke. See the sheep? Ha ha.
midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:24 AM
It's supposed to be a joke. See the sheep? Ha ha.
Yes, very dangerous sheep one should be prepared to shoot. A violent encounter with a tweaker is no joke.
2nd November 2010, 09:30 AM
Pfft. They're all sheep.
2nd November 2010, 09:32 AM
personally i'm interested in meth-mouth.
i'm still trying to find out - do meth users teeth decay because they stop taking care of their teeth, or because the meth does something chemically that destroys tooth enamels, gums, etc. ?
2nd November 2010, 09:32 AM
Meth is one of the worst substances on the planet you can ingest recreationally :conf:
2nd November 2010, 09:33 AM
Even politicians are not immune! ;D
2nd November 2010, 09:35 AM
That crap is like a friendly tiger, before it eats you.
Edit: Over the years I have seen some fine people destroyed
and/or killed by that shit!
Know the o/p meant the post as a joke, but just had to say this.
2nd November 2010, 09:48 AM
it turns out the big wave surfing community, including guys like Flea and Peter Mel, has their own contingent of meth users.
Pete has cleaned up, so has Flea. they were part of the "Vince Collier" school of big wave surfing (vs. the more "clean-living" Richard Schmidt school of big wave surfing.)
as it turns out, many of the rides i so admired were performed under the influence.
"According to Sheriff's Sgt. Mike Richards, "The primary cause of death was asphyxia due to ocean drowning from surfing." As reported by the Monterey Herald the autopsy also revealed high levels of methamphetamine in Davi's system. The report revealed .75 milligrams per liter in his system, which is highly toxic especially considering .25 - .5 milligrams per liter are considered to be abusive . When asked if this played a role in Davi's death, Richards responded, that it was "possible, but we can't say for sure."
i also have to wonder if meth played a role in the death of Jay Moriarty. he was a very hard charging Mav's surfer who died on a completely flat day in Tahiti, skin-diving. given his youth & extreme water skills, i can't understand how he drowned snorkeling in 5 feet of water. that plus the black-out on the cause of death for Jay, make me wonder.
in any case, Peter Mel & Flea have been courageous enough to come out and talk about their past meth use.
and ... speaking of Big Wave surfing - i believe the contest in Oregon, Nelscott Reef, is ON today !
20 feet @ 20 seconds - now those are some beautiful waves !
2nd November 2010, 09:51 AM
Even politicians are not immune! ;D
Let me add to that!
2nd November 2010, 10:10 AM
Kryptonite to a meth head. Wave this around in the 'hood to keep them at
2nd November 2010, 11:13 AM
personally i'm interested in meth-mouth.
i'm still trying to find out - do meth users teeth decay because they stop taking care of their teeth, or because the meth does something chemically that destroys tooth enamels, gums, etc. ?
It's a chemical reaction. Meth slowly sucks the calcium out of your bones and your teeth start falling out.
Clearly, just by looking at these people, it sucks a lot of nutrients out of them. Also, it's not as though it's exactly easy for your body to be awake 40-90 hours at a time. You have to burn a LOT of reserve fuel...
2nd November 2010, 11:53 AM
The first guy's mustache improved at least.
2nd November 2010, 12:03 PM
It looks like zombies are real.
2nd November 2010, 12:17 PM;topic=15296.0;attach=469 4;image
the dog in front represents Israel, and the dog behind represents Obama, Pelosi, the Vatican, the Nobel Prize committee - etc. ?
or ... the dog in front represents the Rothschild's ?
2nd November 2010, 12:20 PM;topic=15296.0;attach=469 4;image
the dog in front represents Israel, and the dog behind represents Obama, Pelosi, the Vatican, the Nobel Prize committee - etc. ?
or ... the dog in front represents the Rothschild's ?
The little dog is Joe Biden and if you listen close you can hear him: "Obama, are you back in there? I saw you coming out before."
Don't believe that little dog. I saw him do this yesterday. I asked him what he was doing and he said: "I am hot on the trail of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. And I think I got them cornered now."
2nd November 2010, 12:27 PM
Methamphetamine's primary deleterious effect for teeth is that of halting saliva production. Not a big deal for the duration of a single dose but a serious issue when prolonged with abusive behavior.
2nd November 2010, 12:32 PM
the dog in front represents Israel, and the dog behind represents Obama, Pelosi, the Vatican, the Nobel Prize committee - etc. ?
or ... the dog in front represents the Rothschild's ?
Israel represents the Rothschilds (Global Usury Empire) (
Twisted Titan
2nd November 2010, 01:12 PM
That shit fries your brain like a egg and reduces you to a childlike mentality after enough irriversible abuse has taken place
2nd November 2010, 01:24 PM
That sh*t fries your brain like a egg and reduces you to a childlike mentality after enough irriversible abuse has taken place
i got a clogged ear about 2002 and had a doctor prescribe Sudafed, which i had never taken before.
JESUS ! that sh!t is STRONG. i didn't know what to take. i took a 240 mg "time release", big mistake.
i went skin-diving ... swam about 8 miles. just didn't get tired, or maybe i should say i didn't feel tired.
BUT - even Sudafed screws up your system. it caught up with me. "this stuff is kind of strong, Doc". so i bought some 30 mg, then just decided to stay out of the water and let my ear slowly recover.
i'm surprised Sudafed is legal. but i can understand the temptation of meth - i did enjoy the first time i took Sudafed.
2nd November 2010, 05:16 PM
That sh*t fries your brain like a egg and reduces you to a childlike mentality after enough irriversible abuse has taken place
It's also neurotoxic at most doses and enough exposure will literally fry your neuron endings. It encourages a flood type release of dopamine in the brain, which we naturally make and is associated with action/reward behaviors. However, the brain is not made to have all its dopamine released at once, and so much dopamine literally burns the receiving channels. After the meth has worn off, those neurotransmitter/receiver areas are still all frayed and burned. This is why it sometimes seems like people don't "come back to normal" after the drug has worn off.
I mean I know I'm the token "Drugs aren't that bad" guy on the board, but meth, in my opinion, IS that bad.
2nd November 2010, 05:28 PM
Pictures of average citizens after a traffic stop by your friendly peace officer & his pals...
2nd November 2010, 07:27 PM
2nd November 2010, 08:27 PM
and ... speaking of Big Wave surfing - i believe the contest in Oregon, Nelscott Reef, is ON today !
I looks like the same Peter Mel in the article you posted was also in the finals at Nelscott today. I posted the lineup in the ongoing surfer thread, plus some pics.
Its amazing how bad meth can mess up a woman. I've seen woman that have bodies to die for, but faces so skanky from meth that you wouldn't touch them with a rubber coated ten foot pole.
3rd November 2010, 06:35 AM
what we see is on the outside.
what happens on the inside, i think, might be even worse.
one of the mail-people in our neighborhood is a single mom. technically she's still married, but "Dad" is a meth-head. dad's mother has about 15 acres, so they let her & her children, now in high school, stay there. she's told me a lot of details which i will keep to myself.
Dad had everything, but gave it all up for meth.
it seems like meth does worse than turn you into an animal. even animals take care of themselves, so the metaphor doesn't work.
as with a lot of drugs, my guess is, the first high is enjoyable. then the user, if they can't break free, spend the rest of their life chasing the feeling they got from the first high. THEN they have the emotions of a broken life to deal with - and the physical sensation of rotting teeth, which has got to be super-painful.
3rd November 2010, 07:20 AM
personally i'm interested in meth-mouth.
i'm still trying to find out - do meth users teeth decay because they stop taking care of their teeth, or because the meth does something chemically that destroys tooth enamels, gums, etc. ?
It's a chemical reaction. Meth slowly sucks the calcium out of your bones and your teeth start falling out.
Clearly, just by looking at these people, it sucks a lot of nutrients out of them. Also, it's not as though it's exactly easy for your body to be awake 40-90 hours at a time. You have to burn a LOT of reserve fuel...
No sleep, poor nutrition, dehydration, heart beating at 120+ for days at at time --- many tweakers smoke as well so you can add 2 or more packs of cigarettes a day to the mix...
3rd November 2010, 07:33 AM
I think this thread and the "Old Flame" thread should be merged.
Old flames on meth FTW
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