View Full Version : Hyperinflation SHTF senario... just wondering...
2nd November 2010, 03:40 PM
If hyperinflation occurs to where we need a wheelbarrow full of greenbacks to purchase groceries, how will the Gooberment pay the military and police to keep kicking our asses...
In sheeple talk: How will they keep order?
...because state paid employees will be just as bad off as the rest of us...???
Will they issue a new currency, demand payment in such, and force the populace to accept it?
2nd November 2010, 04:06 PM
If hyperinflation occurs to where we need a wheelbarrow full of greenbacks to purchase groceries, how will the Gooberment pay the military and police to keep kicking our asses...
In sheeple talk: How will they keep order?
...because state paid employees will be just as bad off as the rest of us...???
Will they issue a new currency, demand payment in such, and force the populace to accept it?
Electronic cards would be the easiest. Unless they bolt (with their 3000 person entourage ( and leave us to fend for ourselves for a bit.
Heck ximmy, most people don't own a wheel barrow or even know someone that has a wheelbarrow.
How do you expect them to have the cash to fill it? :conf:
Joe King
2nd November 2010, 08:20 PM
Aren't wages a lagging indicator?
i.e. the rise in the cost of living relative to wages is taken into account only after the fact of it having gone up.
20th November 2010, 06:24 PM
If hyperinflation occurs to where we need a wheelbarrow full of greenbacks to purchase groceries, how will the Gooberment pay the military and police to keep kicking our asses...
The kind of people they employ to do that will continue doing it for free.
21st November 2010, 01:17 AM
If hyperinflation occurs to where we need a wheelbarrow full of greenbacks to purchase groceries, how will the Gooberment pay the military and police to keep kicking our asses...
The kind of people they employ to do that will continue doing it for free.
Further one of the fringe benefits in being in charge of law and order is that you can confiscate the food of the person you kicked, jailed, killed...
21st November 2010, 05:09 AM
If hyperinflation occurs to where we need a wheelbarrow full of greenbacks to purchase groceries, how will the Gooberment pay the military and police to keep kicking our asses...
In sheeple talk: How will they keep order?
...because state paid employees will be just as bad off as the rest of us...???
Will they issue a new currency, demand payment in such, and force the populace to accept it?
One of the main arguments against hyperinflation is the fact that wages need to rise nearly in step with the rapid price increases for it to be possible.
I think private companies, especially small business owners would not know when, or how much to raise the pay of their employees to keep pace with the cost of rising goods and materials. It would be total chaos and I don't think we'll see it.
I could care less about government employees and how they'll be paid in a hyperinflation scenario.
I entered the work force in 1979 during the high inflation from the Carter years. I received 3 pay raises the first year due to cost of living adjustments.
21st November 2010, 05:24 AM
Yeah, but back in 1979, people could think... ;D
21st November 2010, 05:51 AM
I entered the work force in 1979 during the high inflation from the Carter years. I received 3 pay raises the first year due to cost of living adjustments.
Millions of illegal Mexicans and high unemployment will prevent pay raise demands. As planned.
AARP twiddles its thumbs as Social Security COLA was frozen these past two years. Congress is now sending up trial balloons ELIMINATING the Social Security COLA permanently.
Inflation is their tool for getting American wages down to the level of China wages. Inflation evaporates pensions.
CPI is not a COLA (
21st November 2010, 06:38 AM
Don't worry, its stagflation that is served. :-[
Stagflation can result when the productive capacity of an economy is reduced by an unfavorable supply shock, such as an increase in the price of oil for an oil importing country [or export of productive capacity]. Such an unfavorable supply shock tends to raise prices at the same time that it slows the economy by making production more costly and less profitable. This type of stagflation presents a policy dilemma because actions that are meant to assist with fighting inflation might worsen economic stagnation and vice versa.
Second, both stagnation and inflation can result from inappropriate macroeconomic policies. For example, central banks can cause inflation by permitting excessive growth of the money supply, and the government can cause stagnation by excessive regulation of goods markets and labor markets. Either of these factors can cause stagflation.
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