View Full Version : rand paul

mick silver
2nd November 2010, 07:43 PM
it look like we got rand paul in office today .... the first of many shot to be fired came from the great state of ky

willie pete
2nd November 2010, 07:58 PM
it look like we got rand paul in office today .... the first of many shot to be fired came from the great state of ky

Good Job ...going to celebrate with some fine Kentucky bourbon? :D

mick silver
2nd November 2010, 07:59 PM
i open a jar of white lighting about and hour ago

willie pete
2nd November 2010, 08:02 PM
i open a jar of white lighting about and hour ago

:o :o ...what's the vintage on that Mick? ...last week? :lol

mick silver
2nd November 2010, 08:03 PM
my buddy just made it today

mick silver
2nd November 2010, 08:04 PM
hey were my pics willie

willie pete
2nd November 2010, 08:07 PM
hey were my pics willie

I'll look around for some.... so you count the vintage for white lightning in hours.. :D :D Damn Mick.....be careful around open flames... :D

mick silver
2nd November 2010, 08:10 PM
firing up a j not a good idea when you drinking this stuff

2nd November 2010, 08:38 PM
Rand Paul Speech


Very well done

Now Paul and DeMint an army of 2, 98 to go ;)

WSJ: Rand Paul victory ‘sends Fed critic to Senate’

Rand Paul has defeated incumbent Jack Conway in bid for Kentucky Senate

Aaron Dykes
November 2, 2010

nullPOSTED 7:40 PM CST — Rand Paul has been “projected” the winner over incumbent Jack Conway uniformly in the mainstream press, and is expected to be named Senator-elect in Kentucky. Numbers that have come in since the polls closed appear very close to the latest polls published just prior to the election, showing a double-digit lead for Rand Paul. In this election, his victory is one identified with the Tea Party, with the GOP struggle against President Obama, and/or with Libertarian- and Constitutional- conservatives everywhere.

But the system knows that more than anything, Rand Paul represents an anti-establishment tide.

Immediately following news of his win-apparent, the Wall Street Journal published an article cutting right to the bottom line of what his presence in the Senate could signal once the election fervor dies down: Rand Paul Victory Sends Fed Critic to Senate

Phil Izzo cites that “Retiring Sen. Jim Bunning, who Paul succeeds, has been the chief Fed critic in the U.S. Senate,” in Kentucky, indicating that Rand Paul could inherit Bunning’s place on the Senate Banking Committee. Izzo goes on, “Of course, there’s no guarantee that Paul will take Bunning’s spot on the Senate Banking Committee. But judging from his interest in the Fed, it seems likely that Paul will seek a spot on the influential panel.”

Without a doubt, Bernanke and the others must be wondering whether greater scrutiny will come upon the Federal Reserve with the election of Rand Paul. Already, his father, Congressman Ron Paul has become one of the strongest voices against the institution, and the economic crisis has put greater focus on the Fed. The high profile calls to audit the Federal Reserve, under a bill sponsored by Ron Paul, have gained significant support.

In the Senate, the amendment brought by Sen. Jim DeMint to audit the Fed was blocked. But now Rand Paul could make the Federal Reserve an issue in the Senate again. That would be a significant challenge to the establishment and a victory for the grassroots movement to restore sound money.

Aaron Dykes is frequent writer for Infowars.com and webmaster for JonesReport.com. He is also a videographer, researcher and editor who has worked on numerous documentaries and video reports.


The WSJew article is here

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703778304575590453211535636.html?m od=WSJ_ele_main

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:03 PM
it look like we got rand paul in office today .... the first of many shot to be fired came from the great state of ky

Congrats on your new closet neocon senator.

2nd November 2010, 09:18 PM
To midnight rambler

get a grip or are you already gone?


you think he is a neo con, Ass what ever
Get your facts correct before posting, you are drunk. brainless dumb&ss

2nd November 2010, 09:24 PM
Drudge is reporting both houses in landslide.

Check it out.

Many political blogs predicting Obongo is going to
have huge scandals unleashed against him like Clinton.
We will see. Apparently that is why Rahm is going to
Chicago, that is ground zero for all the scandals.
They are all in on it.

If true lots of distractions.

More " change " is coming.

2nd November 2010, 09:26 PM

SLV, don't be a stranger to these forums old friend.

I like your fighting spirit. We need it like the old days.

I think he is referring to some of Rand's comments
that seem exactly that, but maybe he made statements
to get the media off his back, we shall see . I don't
think he would disappoint his father.

2nd November 2010, 09:29 PM

SLV, don't be a stranger to these forums old friend.

I like your fighting spirit. We need it like the old days.

Yes SLV Stay with us in this time, we need us to stay focused,

Not sure if I said anything bad,

Let me know

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:30 PM
To midnight rambler

get a grip or are you already gone?


you think he is a neo con, Ass what ever
Get your facts correct before posting, you are drunk. brainless dumb&ss

I submit you could not be more clueless, and I suspect you're the one who's inebriated.

On Rand Paul's own website he's stated his unwavering support for the war in the sandbox as well as the Zionist state of Israel.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:35 PM
Rand Paul as apologist for BP.


2nd November 2010, 09:40 PM
To midnight rambler

get a grip or are you already gone?


you think he is a neo con, Ass what ever
Get your facts correct before posting, you are drunk. brainless dumb&ss

I submit you could not be more clueless, and I suspect you're the one who's inebriated.

On Rand Paul's own website he's stated his unwavering support for the war in the sandbox as well as the Zionist state of Israel.

You are crazy, but please submit the addition that Rand Paul bows down to Israel. I am waiting. .......

The facts are that his difference is that 911 was concocted by mysterious and untraceable AL CIA Dda and for this I am very unhappy, perhaps a way to make sure that he is not killed in any way before the tonight.

yes the mysterious AL CIA Da Does not in any way exist. Anything happens and it is the boogeyman.

You are a government plant or an idiot.

you are both

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:45 PM
Two-faced Rand Paul accepts money from senators who voted for TARP.


midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:48 PM
Rand Paul as Zionist errand boy, and shows his boner for Iran.

"Israel and the United States have a special relationship," Rand's position paper begins. "With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries."

"As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself."

"Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone."


2nd November 2010, 09:49 PM
Oh ok so when a person gets $ that will go somewhere and accepts this he is a target.

Sorry Government man, that does not fly. The $ were going somewhere.

You must be at most 21 years old and very stupid. Sorry but facts.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:52 PM
Oh ok so when a person gets $ that will go somewhere and accepts this he is a target.

Sorry Government man, that does not fly. The $ were going somewhere.

You must be at most 21 years old and very stupid. Sorry but facts.

I posted facts.


Remove the scales from your eyes.

If voting accomplished anything the banksters would have their shyster brethren outlaw it.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 09:57 PM
More fun facts for you.

Rand Paul promotes the meme of "terrorists" on the loose and the use of military tribunals to prosecute "terrorists" (often times mostly innocent bystanders who had the misfortune to get ratted out or plucked up in some sweep) on Cuban soil.


Wake up from your slumber!

2nd November 2010, 09:58 PM
please submit the addition that Rand Paul bows down to Israel. I am waiting. .......

The United States Special Relationship with Israel

By Dr. Rand Paul
Candidate, United States Senate

Israel and the United States have a special relationship. With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.

The free trade agreement that has existed, and been subsequently strengthened, between our countries since 1985 is a tremendous mutual benefit. As a United States Senator, I would work against the growing protectionist sentiment in our country and defend free trade with Israel.

I would never vote to place trade restrictions on Israel, and I would filibuster any attempts to place sanctions on Israel or tariffs on any Israeli goods.

The issue of Palestine is incredibly difficult and complex. The entire world wishes for peace in the region, but any arrangement or treaty must come from Israel, when she is ready and when her conditions have been met.

I strongly object to the arrogant approach of Obama administration, itself a continuation of the failures of past U.S. administrations, as they push Israel to make security concessions behind thinly veiled threats.

Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America and certainly not the United Nations. Friends do not coerce friends to trade land for peace, or to give up the vital security interests of their people.

As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.

Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone.

It is not the place of outsiders to meddle or pass judgment or to use our power or relationship to force Israel to go against her own interest for the sake of “peace.”
Peace is a laudable goal. But it is just that – a goal. It is not an end at any cost.

It makes no sense to me that the United States provides Arab countries hostile to Israel with $12 billion in annual financial and military aid. Many of the weapons that Israel would face in a Middle Eastern conflict would have come directly from our government. I find this appalling. In the Senate, I would strive to eliminate all aid to countries that threaten Israel.

Finally, Iran has become increasingly bellicose towards Israel. Thankfully, Israel has one of the bravest, most elite military forces in the world. I would never vote to prevent Israel from taking any military action her leaders felt necessary to end any Iranian threat.
Just as the United States would not follow the will of another country in the face of our national security, we shall not limit the options of Israel in this area.

Finally, I believe the United States should increase the pressure on Iran. I would mandate that all publicly managed investment funds divest from Iran immediately.

We should not be subsidizing any company that does business with Iran, and we should not allow U.S. companies or those with funds from U.S. taxpayers to enrich Iran through its national energy program. I would fight to end all subsides to American corporations that do business with Iran, including so-called renewable energy companies that work through Brazil to provide support to Iran and empower its dictators dangerous nuclear saber rattling.


Rand Paul sucks the circumcised for shekels. Read it and wake up fool.

2nd November 2010, 09:59 PM
Oh ok so when a person gets $ that will go somewhere and accepts this he is a target.

Sorry Government man, that does not fly. The $ were going somewhere.

You must be at most 21 years old and very stupid. Sorry but facts.

I posted facts.


Remove the scales from your eyes.

If voting accomplished anything the banksters would have their shyster brethren outlaw it.

What you posted was bullshit


Paul condeming the raid on the flotilla to Gaza


Ron Paul: Gaza is a Concentration Camp, Israel is Starving Palestinians

http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/36478_Ron_Paul-_Gaza_is_a_Concentration_Camp_Israel_is_Starving_P alestinians

and this


http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/36478_Ron_Paul-_Gaza_is_a_Concentration_Camp_Israel_is_Starving_P alestinians

2nd November 2010, 10:01 PM
@ midnight rambler

Sorry but you are an idiot

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 10:02 PM
Are you denying that this comes directly from Rand Paul?

The United States Special Relationship with Israel

By Dr. Rand Paul
Candidate, United States Senate

Israel and the United States have a special relationship. With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.

The free trade agreement that has existed, and been subsequently strengthened, between our countries since 1985 is a tremendous mutual benefit. As a United States Senator, I would work against the growing protectionist sentiment in our country and defend free trade with Israel.

I would never vote to place trade restrictions on Israel, and I would filibuster any attempts to place sanctions on Israel or tariffs on any Israeli goods.

The issue of Palestine is incredibly difficult and complex. The entire world wishes for peace in the region, but any arrangement or treaty must come from Israel, when she is ready and when her conditions have been met.

I strongly object to the arrogant approach of Obama administration, itself a continuation of the failures of past U.S. administrations, as they push Israel to make security concessions behind thinly veiled threats.

Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America and certainly not the United Nations. Friends do not coerce friends to trade land for peace, or to give up the vital security interests of their people.

As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.

Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone.

It is not the place of outsiders to meddle or pass judgment or to use our power or relationship to force Israel to go against her own interest for the sake of “peace.”
Peace is a laudable goal. But it is just that – a goal. It is not an end at any cost.

It makes no sense to me that the United States provides Arab countries hostile to Israel with $12 billion in annual financial and military aid. Many of the weapons that Israel would face in a Middle Eastern conflict would have come directly from our government. I find this appalling. In the Senate, I would strive to eliminate all aid to countries that threaten Israel.

Finally, Iran has become increasingly bellicose towards Israel. Thankfully, Israel has one of the bravest, most elite military forces in the world. I would never vote to prevent Israel from taking any military action her leaders felt necessary to end any Iranian threat.
Just as the United States would not follow the will of another country in the face of our national security, we shall not limit the options of Israel in this area.

Finally, I believe the United States should increase the pressure on Iran. I would mandate that all publicly managed investment funds divest from Iran immediately.

We should not be subsidizing any company that does business with Iran, and we should not allow U.S. companies or those with funds from U.S. taxpayers to enrich Iran through its national energy program. I would fight to end all subsides to American corporations that do business with Iran, including so-called renewable energy companies that work through Brazil to provide support to Iran and empower its dictators dangerous nuclear saber rattling.

Based on your response, I submit that at the very least Rand Paul is a two-faced whore for the Zionists and neocons.

2nd November 2010, 10:03 PM
Book I wish I could thank you twice

Good man

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 10:06 PM
Rand Paul is a fascist?

"Rand supports robust funding for our military. Under Dr. Paul’s vision, the percentage of our federal budget spent on national defense would increase." -FROM HIS OWN WEBSITE

In other words, who cares about deficits when we have the MIC beast which needs feeding.


2nd November 2010, 10:09 PM
Are you denying that this comes directly from Rand Paul?

The United States Special Relationship with Israel

By Dr. Rand Paul
Candidate, United States Senate

Israel and the United States have a special relationship. With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.

The free trade agreement that has existed, and been subsequently strengthened, between our countries since 1985 is a tremendous mutual benefit. As a United States Senator, I would work against the growing protectionist sentiment in our country and defend free trade with Israel.

I would never vote to place trade restrictions on Israel, and I would filibuster any attempts to place sanctions on Israel or tariffs on any Israeli goods.

The issue of Palestine is incredibly difficult and complex. The entire world wishes for peace in the region, but any arrangement or treaty must come from Israel, when she is ready and when her conditions have been met.

I strongly object to the arrogant approach of Obama administration, itself a continuation of the failures of past U.S. administrations, as they push Israel to make security concessions behind thinly veiled threats.

Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America and certainly not the United Nations. Friends do not coerce friends to trade land for peace, or to give up the vital security interests of their people.

As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.

Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone.

It is not the place of outsiders to meddle or pass judgment or to use our power or relationship to force Israel to go against her own interest for the sake of “peace.”
Peace is a laudable goal. But it is just that – a goal. It is not an end at any cost.

It makes no sense to me that the United States provides Arab countries hostile to Israel with $12 billion in annual financial and military aid. Many of the weapons that Israel would face in a Middle Eastern conflict would have come directly from our government. I find this appalling. In the Senate, I would strive to eliminate all aid to countries that threaten Israel.

Finally, Iran has become increasingly bellicose towards Israel. Thankfully, Israel has one of the bravest, most elite military forces in the world. I would never vote to prevent Israel from taking any military action her leaders felt necessary to end any Iranian threat.
Just as the United States would not follow the will of another country in the face of our national security, we shall not limit the options of Israel in this area.

Finally, I believe the United States should increase the pressure on Iran. I would mandate that all publicly managed investment funds divest from Iran immediately.

We should not be subsidizing any company that does business with Iran, and we should not allow U.S. companies or those with funds from U.S. taxpayers to enrich Iran through its national energy program. I would fight to end all subsides to American corporations that do business with Iran, including so-called renewable energy companies that work through Brazil to provide support to Iran and empower its dictators dangerous nuclear saber rattling.

Based on your response, I submit that at the very least Rand Paul is a two-faced whore for the Zionists and neocons.

no I think that Rand is only a sell out because of the influence of the Israeli lobby like every other person in Congress except his father, is it all about making sure you do not die or is is it about conjoining with the devil. We will find out very fast. Israel is the devil no doubt.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 10:14 PM
Oh, and then there's this.

"Dr. Paul would not hesitate to authorize swift military action to destroy the threat, and he has clearly stated he would have done so in Afghanistan."


As most intelligent people who are awake and aware already know, there is no link whatsoever between Afghanistan and 9/11 as the supposed attackers were all from Saudi Arabia. Even the vaunted FBI could not establish a link between Afghanistan and 9/11.

I assert that Rand Paul is just another trained monkey doing what he's told.

2nd November 2010, 10:17 PM
Don't diss Rand Paul or his zombies might stomp your head in...

2nd November 2010, 10:19 PM
Oh, and then there's this.

"Dr. Paul would not hesitate to authorize swift military action to destroy the threat, and he has clearly stated he would have done so in Afghanistan."


As most intelligent people who are awake and aware already know, there is no link whatsoever between Afghanistan and 9/11 as the supposed attackers were all from Saudi Arabia. Even the vaunted FBI could not establish a link between Afghanistan and 9/11.

I refer to my above post, can you read???

perhaps not as navy persons only can swim.

My above post shows this, get a grip Navy Dumbass.

Do you really know what you are doing and how you are killing Americans?

Once again you are an ignorant servant, go for it, how much $ will you have. Id%ot.

Filthy Keynes
2nd November 2010, 10:22 PM
I am hoping Jake Towne gets in for PA. He's a MONETARY REFORM guy and full AUSTRIAN ECONOMIST.


2nd November 2010, 10:34 PM
Oh, and then there's this.

"Dr. Paul would not hesitate to authorize swift military action to destroy the threat, and he has clearly stated he would have done so in Afghanistan."


As most intelligent people who are awake and aware already know, there is no link whatsoever between Afghanistan and 9/11 as the supposed attackers were all from Saudi Arabia. Even the vaunted FBI could not establish a link between Afghanistan and 9/11.

I assert that Rand Paul is just another trained monkey doing what he's told.

Quite incorrect

you are a liar

Ron and Rand Paul have both stated that they supported the invasion of Afghanistan because there was a "
direct link" that the FBI still cannot fathom. The invasion of Iraq was a take over and our own President admits this and laughs about it.

Mister Government person, get your shit straight before you come here as you are an armature.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 10:35 PM
no I think that Rand is only a sell out because of the influence of the Israeli lobby like every other person in Congress except his father, is it all about making sure you do not die or is is it about conjoining with the devil. We will find out very fast. Israel is the devil no doubt.

So what you're saying is that it's okay to be "a little bit of a sell out" so long as you can make people feel warm and fuzzy that they've been given what appears to be an alternate choice? You say we will find out very fast, I'm saying we already know, based upon his own utterances and what's on his own official Rand Paul 2010 website. I think it's established that he speaks out of both sides of his mouth, and this of course makes him just another liar in Congress. And if he didn't ride in on the coattails of his father then he would have NEVER been (s)elected to the senate on his first attempt. Also, if the banksters and their pals don't want someone in Congress, then they just don't get in, or stay in for very long if they happen to slip past them initially. I say Rand Paul was put into that position because the banksters and their MIC pals WANT him there.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 10:39 PM
Oh, and then there's this.

"Dr. Paul would not hesitate to authorize swift military action to destroy the threat, and he has clearly stated he would have done so in Afghanistan."


As most intelligent people who are awake and aware already know, there is no link whatsoever between Afghanistan and 9/11 as the supposed attackers were all from Saudi Arabia. Even the vaunted FBI could not establish a link between Afghanistan and 9/11.

I assert that Rand Paul is just another trained monkey doing what he's told.

Quite incorrect

you are a liar

Ron and Rand Paul have both stated that they supported the invasion of Afghanistan because there was a "
direct link" that the FBI still cannot fathom. The invasion of Iraq was a take over and our own President admits this and laughs about it.

Mister Government person, get your sh*t straight before you come here as you are an armature.

I don't see how anyone in their right mind can tie 9/11 and Afghanistan together, it defies reason.

And interestingly, no one has ever called me an armature before.


2nd November 2010, 11:14 PM

Somebody in this thread PM'ed me a meanie post... you should reply to ximy...

2nd November 2010, 11:15 PM
send me an IM and I will respond. Otherwise I will assume that you are nothing more than a government shill.

Wish to prove me wrong? then contact me, otherwise I will and others should not ever respond to you.

With respect


midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 11:18 PM

Somebody in this thread PM'ed me a meanie post... you should reply to ximy...

I got a nastygram too. I inquired if they had been drinking. Crickets.

2nd November 2010, 11:24 PM
They are a good source of protein. Just have to be cooked right.

And what is that picture supposed to represent? Sorry just asking

2nd November 2010, 11:28 PM

Somebody in this thread PM'ed me a meanie post... you should reply to ximy...

I got a nastygram too. I inquired if they had been drinking. Crickets.

Okie-Dokie midnight, since he hasn't answered back, I'll chalk it up to drinking and push it no further... :D ximy

midnight rambler
2nd November 2010, 11:29 PM
They are a good source of protein. Just have to be cooked right.

And what is that picture supposed to represent? Sorry just asking

If you're asking about the image I posted, it's the image of an armature.

2nd November 2010, 11:52 PM
midnight rambler your a trolling ignorant progressive or your drunk (unsophisticated). (my apologies for mirroring your mirroring)

You have no smoking gun. Israel can do what it wants. It should not do it with a cent of American taxpayer's money or protection. And of course there is a special bond. Their mafia has hijacked our countries and their Abrahamic mind control shepherd's America's Abrahamic mind control. Cutting banker bailouts, social programs etc. by 20% and military defense spending by 10% would increase the percentage of money spend on military defense as example.

And yes one of the things I don't like about Rand is he talks like a politician. Anyone who would win a senate seat is a sellout of some sort. Way to infer the obvious. OMG a politician that talks like a politician. I may not trust any particular politician, but till shown otherwise, I'm willing to assume a son will not sell out his father.

Of the other candidates in that district, who was better than Rand and why?

Now one can make a nihilistic case voting is a waste of time. Sure it probably will be Buildaburger Roney vs. Clinton in 2012. But can one not try to have say a Ron Paul have a shot at it if enough wake up in time? Even if just to help wake up more people in the run up? Can't we have a night or two a year one thread to raise a toast and enjoy some good cheer? So make the case all is hopeless or quit wasting your time in this thread.

3rd November 2010, 04:46 AM
WTF do you asshats want?

You think Rand should have exposed the Zionist cabal while running for the senate?

Grow the F*CK up!

Say whatever you want about Rand and his father, all i know is this.

They are publicly calling the FRB into question.

I am under no illusions that the nation under its current system can be saved, BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE A COUPLE OF GUYS WHO JUST MIGHT WAKE A FEW MORE FOLKS UP BEFORE THE COLLAPSE!

3rd November 2010, 05:35 AM
WTF do you asshats want?

You think Rand should have exposed the Zionist cabal while running for the senate?

Grow the F*CK up!

Say whatever you want about Rand and his father, all i know is this.

They are publicly calling the FRB into question.

I am under no illusions that the nation under its current system can be saved, BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE A COUPLE OF GUYS WHO JUST MIGHT WAKE A FEW MORE FOLKS UP BEFORE THE COLLAPSE!


3rd November 2010, 06:40 AM

And some here worry that he didn't bare his teeth.

3rd November 2010, 06:45 AM
The FED gets destroyed, along with the dollar and we usher in a new regional/global currency.


That is where we are headed. Any leader kowtowing to Israel is another card carrying member of Rothschild's Politcal Brothel (RPB™).

"you are all morons."

3rd November 2010, 06:52 AM
firing up a j not a good idea when you drinking this stuff

Especially not if you are in CA, apparently.


3rd November 2010, 06:54 AM
oh, he won, awesome. now there can be 2 pauls going on fox news to rub their hands together and talk about thomas jefferson. i'm so happy.

3rd November 2010, 07:08 AM
You think Rand should have exposed the Zionist cabal while running for the senate?

Rand Paul's pre-election pledge declaring total loyalty to "Israel" to get himself elected by AIPAC is nothing less than Treason:

The United States Special Relationship with Israel

By Dr. Rand Paul
Candidate, United States Senate

Israel and the United States have a special relationship. With our shared history and common values, the American and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us across the many thousands of miles between our countries and calls us to work together towards peace and prosperity for our countries.

The free trade agreement that has existed, and been subsequently strengthened, between our countries since 1985 is a tremendous mutual benefit. As a United States Senator, I would work against the growing protectionist sentiment in our country and defend free trade with Israel.

I would never vote to place trade restrictions on Israel, and I would filibuster any attempts to place sanctions on Israel or tariffs on any Israeli goods.

The issue of Palestine is incredibly difficult and complex. The entire world wishes for peace in the region, but any arrangement or treaty must come from Israel, when she is ready and when her conditions have been met.

I strongly object to the arrogant approach of Obama administration, itself a continuation of the failures of past U.S. administrations, as they push Israel to make security concessions behind thinly veiled threats.

Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America and certainly not the United Nations. Friends do not coerce friends to trade land for peace, or to give up the vital security interests of their people.

As a United States Senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.

Whether it is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, combating Hamas-linked terrorists in Gaza or dealing with potential nuclear threats in the Persian Gulf, Israeli military actions are completely up to the leaders and military of Israel, and Israel alone.

It is not the place of outsiders to meddle or pass judgment or to use our power or relationship to force Israel to go against her own interest for the sake of “peace.”
Peace is a laudable goal. But it is just that – a goal. It is not an end at any cost.

It makes no sense to me that the United States provides Arab countries hostile to Israel with $12 billion in annual financial and military aid. Many of the weapons that Israel would face in a Middle Eastern conflict would have come directly from our government. I find this appalling. In the Senate, I would strive to eliminate all aid to countries that threaten Israel.

Finally, Iran has become increasingly bellicose towards Israel. Thankfully, Israel has one of the bravest, most elite military forces in the world. I would never vote to prevent Israel from taking any military action her leaders felt necessary to end any Iranian threat.
Just as the United States would not follow the will of another country in the face of our national security, we shall not limit the options of Israel in this area.

Finally, I believe the United States should increase the pressure on Iran. I would mandate that all publicly managed investment funds divest from Iran immediately.

We should not be subsidizing any company that does business with Iran, and we should not allow U.S. companies or those with funds from U.S. taxpayers to enrich Iran through its national energy program. I would fight to end all subsides to American corporations that do business with Iran, including so-called renewable energy companies that work through Brazil to provide support to Iran and empower its dictators dangerous nuclear saber rattling.

:soap Zionist Tool

midnight rambler
3rd November 2010, 07:17 AM
Now one can make a nihilistic case voting is a waste of time.

Here's what voting does for you, no more, no less:

1) Establishes one as a U.S. Citizen (I'd like to see someone defend this one)

2) It sanctions bad behavior, and in many cases treasonous acts since both parties are really just two faces of the same party, the in-party and the out-party

3) It makes one feel good about themselves while really accomplishing little more than 1) and 2).

As has been said before, if voting actually accomplished any good it would made illegal.