View Full Version : The Faith-Based Metal

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2010, 09:36 AM

The Faith-Based Metal

Everyone asks about gold. This is the irony: just as Jim Grant tells us (correctly) that we all have faith-based paper currencies backed by nothing, it is equally fair to say that gold is a faith-based metal. It pays no dividend, cannot be eaten, and is mostly used for nothing more useful than jewelry. I would say that anything of which 75% sits idly and expensively in bank vaults is, as a measure of value, only one step up from the Polynesian islands that attached value to certain well-known large rocks that were traded. But only one step up. I own some personally, but really more for amusement and speculation than for serious investing. It may well work and it may not. In the longer run, I believe that resources in the ground, forestry, agriculture, common stocks, and even real estate are more certain to resist any inflation or paper currency crisis than is gold."

We agree that gold is a faith-based metal, although we don't like the term "faith-based". It is more appropriate to say that gold's value is not primarily determined by how much of it gets consumed in industrial, commercial or digestive processes. Gold is not "mostly used for nothing more useful than jewelry", as Grantham claims. It is mostly used as a store of purchasing power. And at a time when there are good reasons to believe that the official money will be subject to increasingly rapid inflation, a reliable store of purchasing power is extremely useful.

While it is true that commodities other than gold can be reasonable stores of purchasing power, gold is best suited to the role. One reason is that so much of it "sits idly" in vaults. The fact that industrial/commercial uses account for only a tiny fraction of its total demand makes gold the only commodity that can be accumulated in large amounts by investors without adversely affecting the economy.

Of course, the reason there is so much gold sitting idly in vaults is that gold has proven itself in the past to be extremely useful as a store of purchasing power. This usefulness relates to its physical properties. For example, it is much easier and cheaper to transport and store $10M worth of gold than to transport and store the same dollar amount of oil or base metals. For another example, diamonds offer the advantage of being cheap and easy to transport and store, but for many people diamonds are disqualified as convenient depositories of purchasing power by their lack of homogeneity (every diamond is different and it takes an expert to assess the monetary significance of the differences) and divisibility. The precious metals (gold, silver and the platinum group metals) are really the only commodities that have near-ideal physical characteristics to be stores of purchasing power, but the platinum group metals must be immediately eliminated from consideration by the fact that all of their supply goes to satisfy industrial/commercial demand.

Land, especially land that generates an income from the production of crops, livestock or timber, could turn out to be an excellent store of purchasing power over the next 10 years, but land has the disadvantage of being illiquid and immobile. You couldn't, for example, move your land in order to sidestep an adverse change in the political environment, and you might not be able to sell it in a hurry.

Common stocks can be good investments if bought at reasonable prices, but they aren't reliable stores of purchasing power. One reason is that the real return provided by the shares of a company will largely depend on the decisions made by the company's management. One wrong decision by management could wipe out a lot of purchasing power.

In summary, Grantham is correct when he says that gold is a "faith-based" metal. Like paper currencies, gold has no "intrinsic" value. Grantham's mistake is assuming that gold's lack of use in industrial/commercial applications makes gold useless. The reality is that a reliable, convenient and widely-accepted store of purchasing power will be very useful at all times, and will deserve a hefty premium at times when a policy of currency depreciation is being aggressively pursued by the stewards of the official money.

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2010, 09:38 AM

Night of the living Fed..........

3rd November 2010, 10:51 AM
Great, another "you can't eat gold" article... *yawn*

3rd November 2010, 12:53 PM
Most metals had even fewer uses before the industrial age, yet were highly prized. Has ANYONE figured out why yet?

Especially gold, being special. Why is it always the holiest/most revered metal in practically every society, even before the modern age?

When the new world was "found" the favorite metal of the natives, for jewerly, was gold. The europeans had this in common with them.

Just tell me why, guys. Just tell me why.

3rd November 2010, 01:06 PM
Looking at the metal like they might look at it.


1. Rare.
2. It's shiny
3. It can be pounded flat until you can see light through it.
4. It does not corrode, rusts or tarnishes.
5. It is beautiful.
6. You can make neat things out of it.


1. Rare
2. It's shiny and can be polished to you can see yourself as others see you.
3. It does tarnish but can be polished.
3. It is beautiful.
4. You can make neat things out of it.

Sure there are more reasons, Just trying to think like they did thousands of years

3rd November 2010, 01:31 PM
Looking at the metal like they might look at it.


1. Rare.
2. It's shiny
3. It can be pounded flat until you can see light through it.
4. It does not corrode, rusts or tarnishes.
5. It is beautiful.
6. You can make neat things out of it.

Add to that, at some time, somewhere, at some point in history... some hot babe told a man
that she thought gold was pretty and she wanted some, which she was promptly given.
Then other women became jealous of the woman that had gold jewlery and men falling at her feet,
so they required their men to buy them or make them some of that same jewlery so other women would
admire and be jealous of them too!
And on.... and on... and on..
If enough women want something, there will be plenty of men trying to get it for them.
If that ever ends, gold and diamonds may never be valuable again.

3rd November 2010, 01:35 PM
because aliens came + mined it, and made us out of apes to mine it for them. duh, don't any of you people read erich von daniken? ;D

3rd November 2010, 01:40 PM
Looking at the metal like they might look at it.


1. Rare.
2. It's shiny
3. It can be pounded flat until you can see light through it.
4. It does not corrode, rusts or tarnishes.
5. It is beautiful.
6. You can make neat things out of it.


1. Rare
2. It's shiny and can be polished to you can see yourself as others see you.
3. It does tarnish but can be polished.
3. It is beautiful.
4. You can make neat things out of it.

Sure there are more reasons, Just trying to think like they did thousands of years

Interesting point about superfine gold/silver foil - in the middle ages churches used to pound gold or silver until it was so flat you could see through it, and apply it over their stained glass windows. The sunshine that came filtering through the window + foil, and killed bacteria in the air. So churches didn't just "feel" holy - they were literally cleaner and healthier than any other area.

3rd November 2010, 02:05 PM
Well I wish I'd read this article 5 years ago instead of buying gold and silver....think of how much better off I'd be if I'd bought more real estate and stocks.

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2010, 02:36 PM
Looking at the metal like they might look at it.


1. Rare.
2. It's shiny
3. It can be pounded flat until you can see light through it.
4. It does not corrode, rusts or tarnishes.
5. It is beautiful.
6. You can make neat things out of it.


1. Rare
2. It's shiny and can be polished to you can see yourself as others see you.
3. It does tarnish but can be polished.
3. It is beautiful.
4. You can make neat things out of it.

Sure there are more reasons, Just trying to think like they did thousands of years

Interesting point about superfine gold/silver foil - in the middle ages churches used to pound gold or silver until it was so flat you could see through it, and apply it over their stained glass windows. The sunshine that came filtering through the window + foil, and killed bacteria in the air. So churches didn't just "feel" holy - they were literally cleaner and healthier than any other area.

Dont forget Farmers droping a silver dollar in a gallon of milk to keep it fresh longer.