View Full Version : QE2 to be measured in TRILLIONS not Billions

3rd November 2010, 10:44 AM
WTF!! They're measuring likely QE2 to be in the trillions! If so, then foreign buying/support of the USD is effectively over, and from this point forward the majority of gov't spending will be with monetized debt (money printing). This could be the collapse moment for the USD! And the scary thing is, not one person in a thousand understands the significance of this!!

Link Here (http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2010/11/federal-reserve-plans-second-round-of-trying-to-jump-start-the-economy.html#ixzz14F4wksZF)

Federal Reserve Plans Second Round of Trying to Jump Start the Economy
Or how to buy up trillions of dollars in government bonds and still not make a difference

The Federal Reserve decides today about when to begin its proposed start of QE2, the quantitative easing program in which the Fed will buy trillions of dollars worth of government bonds over the next few months to jump start the economy again. But many economists seem to feel that this action isn't going do much one way or another. In fact, as far economic stimulus goes, it could be a wash.


Link Here (http://www.dailymarkets.com/stock/2010/11/03/fomc-watch-if-the-fed-is-willing-to-go-to-2-trillion-thats-bullish-for-stocks/)

FOMC Watch: If The Fed Is Willing To Go To $2 Trillion, That’s Bullish For Stocks

The U.S. Federal Reserve today (Wednesday) is all but certain to announce a second round of quantitative easing – “QE2.”

Most analysts believe the Fed will pledge to buy another $500 billion in U.S. Treasuries, but I think it will go even further. My expectation is that $500 billion in Treasury purchases over six months will be just a first step, and that the full amount contemplated – as much as $2 trillion – is much larger than consensus.

3rd November 2010, 10:59 AM
I could be wrong, but it's all manipulated. The fed will say it will be several hundred billion, right, but then through fractional reserve at the private banks, it becomes 5 trillion.

19th November 2010, 09:08 PM
Well, that is the beauty of FIAT currency; You can just print as much as ya want.
See, a few more trillion, and we will ALL be rich.
You will recall, everyone in Zimbabwe was a trillionaire, yes?