View Full Version : The 17th Amendment is the only part of the Constitution that is unconstitutional

3rd November 2010, 07:56 PM

If someone can embed it I would appreciate it.

3rd November 2010, 08:43 PM
Tried to embed. Think it needs a mod to be installed.

3rd November 2010, 09:56 PM
<object width='320' height='260'><param name='movie' value='http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/flash/player.swf'></param><param name='flashvars' value='config=http://mediamatters.org/embed/cfg2?id=201011020004'></param><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'></param><param name='allownetworking' value='all'></param><embed src='http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/flash/player.swf' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' flashvars='config=http://mediamatters.org/embed/cfg2?id=201011020004' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' width='320' height='260'></embed></object>

that didn't work very well.

3rd November 2010, 10:19 PM


3rd November 2010, 10:21 PM

3rd November 2010, 10:28 PM


Still think it needs a mod to the forum code.

4th November 2010, 12:12 AM
I think that repealing the 17th amendment is one of the strongest steps we can take today towards a more representative government. Ironically, electing a senator to his seat is a little bit redundant (we already elect the house) and it removes any teeth the senator may have had, because he's worried about re-election.

Prior to the 17th amendment, senators were apointed by the legislature of the state, and this meant that generally, they were huge bastards. Now, this is actually a good thing, because it means they can go to D.C. and get the job done without needing to worry about stepping on anybody's toes.

And if they aren't doing their job, there's no need to wait for election time to roll around - the state legislature commonly recalled senators and dispatched a new senator who would presumably succeed where the previous one had failed.

It's the system I currently support. I've never heard a sound argument against it, but I do welcome the discussion.

4th November 2010, 03:10 AM
The 17th Amendment is the only part of the Constitution that is unconstitutional

Amendments perform the function of amending. I would hardly focus on this particular amendment as being more or less egregious than others. The several States were never intended to be federal colonies and they actually are not. Instead they have been replaced with federal colonies. As they no longer exist their representation becomes less critical to the mission.

7th trump
4th November 2010, 05:16 AM
The 17th Amendment is the only part of the Constitution that is unconstitutional

Amendments perform the function of amending. I would hardly focus on this particular amendment as being more or less egregious than others. The several States were never intended to be federal colonies and they actually are not. Instead they have been replaced with federal colonies. As they no longer exist their representation becomes less critical to the mission.

Ohh Gee wis Palani.............
The original colonies have not been replaced with federal colonies. You are beleiving more uneducated redneck patri-o-tard myth. I can still get, and have, a certified copy of the original Iowa Constitution. In fact, anyone can get certified copies of their original state Constitutions.
Palani.......do you have any idea why the several states have governors and not presidents?
Ever realise the significants that only "corporations" have presidents and vise presidents. Ever notice that the states have a governor and not presidents and vise presidents. Stop and let that soak in for a minute Palani! Really let that soak in!
You pass this off as the federal government has usurped, by force, "of America" from "The United States". If you look at history you might get the facts straight and just maybe....just maybe you might see through the bastardized patri-o-tard myth's floating out there that ignorant armchair patriot Americans cling to as truth.
Yes, the federal states such as "the state of Indiana" rather than Indiana or "the state of Kentucky" over Kentucky" are here and in place, but they were not done so by force or trickery. The Buck Act came about because by 1938 more than 51% of Americans had volunteered applied themselves into the federal benefits program known as Social Security, also known as FICA.
The federal government could not and has not forced any red-blooded American into Social Security. There is not one instance where the federal government has forced a ssn on any American. Theres only one way for any American to fall under federal authority and thats by applying volunteeringly for federal Social Security benefits.
Heres the statute (something you dont do) verifiying what I'm saying Palani.

(12) the term “Federal benefit program” means any program administered or funded by the Federal Government, or by any agent or State on behalf of the Federal Government, providing cash or in-kind assistance in the form of payments, grants, loans, or loan guarantees to individuals; and
(the Social Security Administration is a federal administration. The individual states have unemployment offices to assist in getting the benefits out to the citizens.)

(13) the term “Federal personnel” means officers and employees of the Government of the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including survivor benefits).[/

Just what exactly is Social Security?
Well for the ignorant out there Social Security is a federal benefit program which is measured by the amount of contributions you contribute into the program in the form of hourly "wages".

TITLE 26 > Subtitle C > CHAPTER 21 > Subchapter A > § 3101
§ 3101. Rate of tax
(a) Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121 (a)) received by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121 (b))—

Do you see the key word here Palani........."survivors"?
I really didnt need to provide 26USC 3101, but I threw it in so theres no mistakening about it.
So Palani do you understand why the federal government went about enacting the Buck Act?
It was enacted because the US Constitution restricts the reach of the government hand into the states except millitary installations and dock yards and such. And since most Americans have volunteered themselves into slavery the buck act had to be enacted so the federal government to control their subject in state lands that otherwise was impossible and unconstitutional. So the reality of it all is the original colonies are still intact (politically) and can be accessed once again if Americans want to be (politically) treated as the People instead of federal US personel better known as "US citizens".

4th November 2010, 05:34 AM
The original colonies have not been replaced with federal colonies. You are beleiving more uneducated redneck patri-o-tard myth. I can still get, and have, a certified copy of the original Iowa Constitution. In fact, anyone can get certified copies of their original state Constitutions.
Would that be the 1846 or the 1857 Iowa constitution you have a certified copy of?

So the reality of it all is the original colonies are still intact (politically) and can be accessed once again if Americans want to be (politically) treated as the People instead of federal US personel better known as "US citizens".
If this is the case then where is their representation in the Senate?

7th trump
4th November 2010, 07:19 AM
The original colonies have not been replaced with federal colonies. You are beleiving more uneducated redneck patri-o-tard myth. I can still get, and have, a certified copy of the original Iowa Constitution. In fact, anyone can get certified copies of their original state Constitutions.
Would that be the 1846 or the 1857 Iowa constitution you have a certified copy of?

So the reality of it all is the original colonies are still intact (politically) and can be accessed once again if Americans want to be (politically) treated as the People instead of federal US personel better known as "US citizens".
If this is the case then where is their representation in the Senate? Good question Palani. I suspect once there is enough (big if) return to being the People something has to change.
There is a website dedicted to this very issue where they are filling in those seats in all the 50 states and electing govenors.
1846 even though it was damaged in a fire.

4th November 2010, 08:20 AM
The original colonies have not been replaced with federal colonies. You are beleiving more uneducated redneck patri-o-tard myth. I can still get, and have, a certified copy of the original Iowa Constitution. In fact, anyone can get certified copies of their original state Constitutions.
Would that be the 1846 or the 1857 Iowa constitution you have a certified copy of?

So the reality of it all is the original colonies are still intact (politically) and can be accessed once again if Americans want to be (politically) treated as the People instead of federal US personel better known as "US citizens".
If this is the case then where is their representation in the Senate? Good question Palani. I suspect once there is enough (big if) return to being the People something has to change.
There is a website dedicted to this very issue where they are filling in those seats in all the 50 states and electing govenors.
1846 even though it was damaged in a fire.

The two of you love to pose as the all knowing, but never share your sources... what is up with that?

Like what website "is a website dedicted to this very issue where they are filling in those seats in all the 50 states and electing govenors"

4th November 2010, 08:28 AM
ANYTHING beyond the 10th ,is a scam.

4th November 2010, 11:25 AM
The two of you love to pose as the all knowing, but never share your sources... what is up with that? I cannot speak for 7th trump but most of what I post is opinion for discussion. If I have a source I am basing my opinion upon I will generally give it. Whether anyone else finds the source credible is another matter.

Like what website "is a website dedicted to this very issue where they are filling in those seats in all the 50 states and electing govenors" I suspect this would be the restore america plan he is bringing up.

De jure governors have also been self appointed for at least 8-10 years. I believe this was handled by Team Law (generally are involved with land patents). They can be found here http://teamlawproductions.com/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=2837b0ef5a20da32a9a273b3ad0edc38 . These type of things could be considered the equivalent of the guy in San Francisco who declared himself Emperor of North America 100 years ago.

4th November 2010, 11:47 AM
ANYTHING beyond the 10th ,is a scam.

I ran across an annotated list of supreme court decisions years ago that showed that very few of the original bill of rights have any application to U.S. citizens. Civil rights were substituted in place of constitutional rights.

Just pointing out that even the 1st - 10th amendments are scams (bait and switch) if you have engaged in contracts that have altered your status.

4th November 2010, 12:03 PM
1846 even though it was damaged in a fire.

I have an original 1846 in addition to the notes of the constitutional convention of 1857.

7th trump
4th November 2010, 12:35 PM
ANYTHING beyond the 10th ,is a scam.

I ran across an annotated list of supreme court decisions years ago that showed that very few of the original bill of rights have any application to U.S. citizens. Civil rights were substituted in place of constitutional rights.

Just pointing out that even the 1st - 10th amendments are scams (bait and switch) if you have engaged in contracts that have altered your status.

Now you are rocking Palani.
You wouldnt have those court decisions would you?

Also are you from Iowa?

4th November 2010, 01:24 PM
You wouldnt have those court decisions would you? I believe this is the document


Also are you from Iowa?
I am in Iowa ( but not in any federal zones ).

7th trump
4th November 2010, 02:13 PM
You wouldnt have those court decisions would you? I believe this is the document


Also are you from Iowa?
I am in Iowa ( but not in any federal zones ).

What part of Iowa? I'm on the east side.
By federal zones do you mean no zipcode?

4th November 2010, 02:41 PM
What part of Iowa? I'm on the east side.
I am not far from the Mississippi.

By federal zones do you mean no zipcode?
That and a half dozen other tricks used to establish federal control.

7th trump
4th November 2010, 02:48 PM
What part of Iowa? I'm on the east side.
I am not far from the Mississippi.

By federal zones do you mean no zipcode?
That and a half dozen other tricks used to establish federal control.

I take it you are not having SS catagorizing your wealth (wages if you are working) as "income".

You familiar with the QC area?

7th trump
4th November 2010, 02:48 PM
What part of Iowa? I'm on the east side.
I am not far from the Mississippi.

By federal zones do you mean no zipcode?
That and a half dozen other tricks used to establish federal control.

Good for you Palani!

4th November 2010, 02:54 PM
I take it you are not having SS catagorizing your wealth (wages if you are working) as "income". SS was opted out of several years ago.

You familiar with the QC area?
I occasionally visit.