View Full Version : How do you buy you silver
3rd November 2010, 08:00 PM
Hey people just got my first 10ounce bar today and was wondering what type of bars / coins do you people get and why ?
To me 10 ounce seem the best cause it was close to spot price but also smallish. Though that said i just order a 1kg bar cause it was below spot price per ounce.
midnight rambler
3rd November 2010, 08:06 PM
Anything over a 10 oz bar can possibly be more difficult to liquidate in the future as the price of silver goes up and the larger ingots become more and more suspect without an assay.
Ponce should weigh in here, as I think he only has rounds. In the future I'm only going to be buying 90%, rounds, and 1 or 10 oz bars with well known hallmarks.
3rd November 2010, 08:09 PM
10 oz are as high as I will go. Unless I can afford one 100 oz just because.
I like the 1 oz rounds. SAE's and generics.
You need to look at who you may sell the big bricks too when the time comes.
One also needs to think about that 600 reporting requirement coming up if you live in the states.
3rd November 2010, 08:11 PM
yer live in Australia so no problem with 600 report..Only problem i got with rounds is that they are alot above spot price in Australia
3rd November 2010, 08:14 PM
yer live in Australia so no problem with 600 report..Only problem i got with rounds is that they are alot above spot price in Australia
Will you get that back when the time comes to sell? Or are you starting a core position that is to be held?
3rd November 2010, 08:24 PM
I gather i am just hording silver for a investment so it costing a few dollars more now will not matter when it goes up in price past what i paid.
3rd November 2010, 09:29 PM
Once again...........if you are buying silver for WTSHTF then buy the one oz gereric .999 because no one will have change for a ten oz bar.............
Ponce<----------selling tp at one oz per roll.........of gold that is heheheheeheheheh, inflation.
4th November 2010, 01:22 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
1970 silver art
4th November 2010, 01:32 AM
I buy 1-oz 1970's silver art bars. Hence my user name. Why? Because I am a silver art bar collector. I am not an investor and I am not a SHTF prepper. I just like to collect silver art bars because it is a fun hobby for me.
4th November 2010, 04:26 AM
i used to buy 100 ounce bars until i wised up. now, mostly 5s and 10s.
Shorty Harris
4th November 2010, 04:31 AM
Nothing over 1oz for me. Gen rounds, Bars, SAE's, ML's..Ya know, the usual suspects.
4th November 2010, 05:09 AM
1oz and 10oz
buy local
face to face
cash in hand
Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th November 2010, 06:25 AM
Mix between 1 oz rounds/bars & pre64 90% junk. Whatever premium is lowest when I have the FRNs.
4th November 2010, 10:02 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Wow 45 monster boxes that is impressive!
Twisted Titan
4th November 2010, 10:52 AM
The Mercury Dime is the smallest unit of divisible silver that is easily recognized on face inspection alone.
Buy em.........
Buy em with both hands.......
You wont be sorry.
4th November 2010, 10:54 AM
Buy em.........
Buy with both hands.......
You wont be sorry
I buy my silver with both hands a big smile ;D
4th November 2010, 11:02 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Still sealed huh? I don't have that many monster boxes - but I opened them all and .....a bird in hand, baby. :plll
midnight rambler
4th November 2010, 11:12 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Still sealed huh? I don't have that many monster boxes - but I opened them all and .....a bird in hand, baby. :plll
The first thing I do whenever I get a green monster is to open it up and inspect each roll. That seal means nothing to me.
Twisted Titan
4th November 2010, 11:33 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Still sealed huh? I don't have that many monster boxes - but I opened them all and .....a bird in hand, baby. :plll
The first thing I do whenever I get a green monster is to open it up and inspect each roll. That seal means nothing to me.
I fully agree on that thinking.
Going forward buyers will demand visual inpsection of their product.
As "seal" will hold as much imporatance as a dollar
Count your stacks.
mick silver
4th November 2010, 11:39 AM
i buy 1 ozers mostly but i do have 100 ozers and 10 an 5 ozers but i will buy what i can get my hands on . you can alway trade around for some thing . price is every thing to me ... there a buyer for every thing
4th November 2010, 11:41 AM
Apmex sells these really pretty 1/2 ounce silver rounds, but the premium on them is high. I bought a pile on a dip, and don't regret it.
I figure the premiums are inescapable for specialty rounds, but the half ounce rounds will be easily liquidable.
I also hold 10 ounce bars and 1 ounce rounds, but now I focus on other preps and surival skills.
The silver is just there for bartering. (You should get ammo for this purpose too)
4th November 2010, 11:43 AM
Apmex sells these really pretty 1/2 ounce silver rounds, but the premium on them is high. I bought a pile on a dip, and don't regret it.
I figure the premiums are inescapable for specialty rounds, but the half ounce rounds will be easily liquidable.
I also hold 10 ounce bars and 1 ounce rounds, but now I focus on other preps and surival skills.
The silver is just there for bartering. (You should get ammo for this purpose too)
i have bunch of those 1/2 ounce ones you're talking about. they're super nice.
Half Sense
5th November 2010, 08:24 PM
The silver is just there for bartering. (You should get ammo for this purpose too)
I wonder what will be more valuable WTSHTF...a brick of .22LR or an oz of silver? The brick of ammo is still under $20.
Twisted Titan
6th November 2010, 07:44 AM
The silver is just there for bartering. (You should get ammo for this purpose too)
I wonder what will be more valuable WTSHTF...a brick of .22LR or an oz of silver? The brick of ammo is still under $20.
Ammo without a doubt.
With Ammo you can get silver
Just saying.
6th November 2010, 07:55 AM
The silver is just there for bartering. (You should get ammo for this purpose too)
I wonder what will be more valuable WTSHTF...a brick of .22LR or an oz of silver? The brick of ammo is still under $20.
Agreed. I have a gun store on my way home from work. I stop by every now and again and buy different calibers as if they were rounds (so to speak). Silver is great stuff but other than werewolves it won't stop the bad guys. Those that need it will give you silver. Those that don't will give you cover. Those that want to take it away will stain your floors.
6th November 2010, 09:23 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Wow 45 monster boxes that is impressive!
$600,000 worth of impressive.
Twisted Titan
6th November 2010, 10:04 AM
Bought most of mine in 2001, 45 green monster boxes still sealed.
Wife told me to sell them last year....
I do not listen to my wife very often.
Wow 45 monster boxes that is impressive!
$600,000 worth of impressive.
Is that you???
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