View Full Version : our school board wants a $55 million bond referendum

4th November 2010, 06:46 AM
they raised property taxes 7.5% last year. also, last year they started a $14.50 per student fee to assemble after school (for example, 20 girl scout troop wants to meet after school in the gym, they have to pay $290 per meeting).

wasn't enough. now, they want $55 million dollars.

i'm listening to an am radio call in show about it. the superintendent is pissed off people don't want to give him the money. he doesn't understand why people wouldn't want to help?

not long now, not long.

4th November 2010, 06:57 AM
We (Americans such as myself) have become numb to dollar amounts. I initially looked at the title and thought, "Meh, what else is new?"

And then I thought 55 MILLION DOLLARS!!! ??? Seriously, do you know what a normal person could do with that amount of cash?

4th November 2010, 06:58 AM
guess what they need it for? roofs. $55 million dollars for roofs.

4th November 2010, 07:13 AM
They should just print it,
oh wait.....

In my neck of the woods, the school budget gets voted down every year, and every year they trim 0.01% of it and pass it though anyways.
This f*cker has run off the tracks and nothing is going to get it back on, so enjoy the ride, watching all the parasites dry up and fall off the teat.

4th November 2010, 07:25 AM
Is this the whole state school board or just the administration of one school?

Watching Max Keiser today and the main topic was why are the Irish taking in it in the rear when it's not their debt and how the French and Spanish have been rioting for weeks/months. Guess we know how it's gonna go down in the US.

Reminds me of a Twisted Sister song.

4th November 2010, 07:28 AM
they raised property taxes 7.5% last year. also, last year they started a $14.50 per student fee to assemble after school (for example, 20 girl scout troop wants to meet after school in the gym, they have to pay $290 per meeting).

wasn't enough. now, they want $55 million dollars.

i'm listening to an am radio call in show about it. the superintendent is pissed off people don't want to give him the money. he doesn't understand why people wouldn't want to help?

not long now, not long.

What state or metropolitan area do you live in/near?

4th November 2010, 07:32 AM

one school district, the city's population is about 100,000.

how could you possibly spend $55 million on roofs for middle schools? there must be some super, secret language they aren't telling anybody about that $40 million of it is really for pensions or something.

4th November 2010, 08:08 AM
In Australia we had a federal funding for schools program over the last 3 or so years. I can't remember the billions amount but it was all rorted. New car parks while the transportable class rooms that had been setup 10 years ago were not made into permanent class rooms.

School gyms that can't be used because they don't have fire doors and things like that.

4th November 2010, 08:15 AM
Those things always pass in my area! I hate it. The last one was a billion for new schools:(. And I just received a letter yesterday stating that our school district is in "Title I District improvement" because they've failed the "no child left behind" criteria two years in a row for math. Nice. We are putting both boys in a private school next year.

4th November 2010, 08:23 AM
The state superintendent is threatening to take over 3 schools in my district and the NEA is up in arms crying like school girls (pun intended).

I hope he does and fires each and every one of them.

The school district I live in is bloated with NEA lackey's who have never worked a real job in their life, but get paid well above teachers else where in the county or the state for that matter.

Yet the student test scores or terrible.