View Full Version : The Koch Family: Friend or Foe?

5th November 2010, 01:18 AM

All I ever hear about is billionaire George Soros funding Socialist this, and that, but there's another billionaire funding Libertarian causes: David Koch. Koch funds the CATO Institute, and Reason Foundation, Americans For Prosperity, FreedomWorks, the Tea Party, and probably countless others I can't think up of off the top of my head. The father, Fred Koch was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society. So are they good? I'm not asking rhetorically, I really have no clue. The one impressive thing is this guy has been a lot stealthier than George Soros, who many Americans know about now.

Here is a hit piece on him to be fair:

Source (http://www.savethemales.ca/koch.html)

Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"

(Libertarian sugar daddy, David Koch)

Douglas Reed: "The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism' or 'Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or 'Russia'). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case."

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The Sept 20 issue of The New Yorker contains a profile of David and Charles Koch, "The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama."

According to the article by Jane Mayer, the Koch's bankroll a plethora of Libertarian and "right-wing" lobbies, think tanks and foundations, which in turn fund and direct the "grass roots" Tea Party movement.

"The anti-government fervor infusing the 2010 elections represents a political triumph for the Kochs," she writes. "By giving money to "educate," fund, and organize Tea Party protesters, they have helped turn their private agenda into a mass movement."

Mayer neglects to mention that the Koch's are Jews or crypto Jews; instead she tries to give them a "goy gloss."

Patriarch Fred Koch, a founding member of the John Birch Society, was a "real John Wayne type." He was the son of a "Dutch" printer who emphasized "rugged pursuits.' He took his four sons "big game hunting in Africa" and made them do "farm labor at the family ranch."

Surprising then to learn that Fred and his sons are on lists of Jewish billionaires, and "free-enterprise-Fred" made his fortune building refineries for the genocidal Communist dictator Josef Stalin in the 1930's.

Liberals whinge about these nefarious "red necks" who oppose Obamacare and climate change, and lobby for less taxes and government interference. But that's not the real story here.

(Sam Newhouse)

The real story is that Jane Meyer works for another Illuminati Jewish billionaire, publisher Sam Newhouse. Her job is to create the illusion of free democratic discourse. Between the Sam Newhouses and George Soros' on the Left, and the Koch's and the Rupert Murdochs on the Right, a dozen Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish billionaires are able to define political discourse in America.

So while we're busy arguing about government intervention, we ignore the long list of things these billionaires apparently agree on: Israel, 9-11, the war on terror, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Federal Reserve, trillion dollar bank bailouts, liberal immigration policy and "equal rights" for gays and lesbians, i.e. undermining marriage and family by promoting homosexual norms. You can bet they also secretly agree on world government.

This is why nothing important changes. This is why crack dealer and bathhouse boy Barack Obama is our President. Why the conservative alternative is Wasilla AK Mayor Sarah Palin. The Billionaires of Zion are laughing up their sleeves at the goyim.


Koch Industries is the second-largest private company in America after Cargill. "With an annual revenue of $100 billion, the company was just $6.3 billion shy of first place in 2008. Ownership is kept strictly in the family, with the company being split roughly between brothers Charles and David Koch, who are worth about $20 billion apiece...Today, it operates thousands of miles of pipelines in the United States, refines 800,000 barrels of crude oil daily, buys and sells the most asphalt in the nation, is among the top 10 cattle producers, and is among the 50 largest landowners."

According to the New Yorker, "the company has grown spectacularly since their father, Fred, died, in 1967, and the brothers took charge. The company expanded at an unreal rate: its revenues increased from $100 million in 1966 to $100 billion in 2008--that's 1,000-fold growth. The Koch's operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, and control some four thousand miles of pipeline. Koch Industries owns Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster carpet, and Lycra, among other products."

According to researcher Yasha Levine, part of this growth was fueled by corruption: "William Koch, the third brother who had a falling-out with Charles and David back in the '80s over Charles' sociopathic management style, appeared on "60 Minutes" in November 2000 to tell the world that Koch Industries was a criminal enterprise: "It was - was my family company. I was out of it," he says. "But that's what appalled me so much... I did not want my family, my legacy, my father's legacy to be based upon organized crime."

"Charles Koch's racket was very simple," explained William. "With its extensive oil pipe network, Koch Industries' role as an oil middleman--it buys crude from someone's well and sells it to a refinery--makes it easy to steal millions of dollars worth of oil by skimming just a little off the top of each transaction, or what they call "cheating measurements" in the oil trade. According to William, wells located on federal and Native American lands were the prime targets of the Koch scam."


It is estimated they stole $230 million.

http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/tea_party_financiers_owe_their_fortune_to_joseph_s talin_20100418/


Rich Illuminati Jews and Masons not only created Communism in Russia; they created anti-Communism in the USA.

Fred Koch (1900-1967) was a chemical engineer who invented a new process for refining oil. Supposedly, he was shut out of the US by the Rockefellers and had to go to work for Stalin. He built many refineries in Soviet Russia and trained Russian engineers to operate them. Supposedly, he became disillusioned with Communism and became a founding member of the John Birch Society in the 1950's.

The trouble is that according to the 1964-65, Edition of Who's Who, this militant anti-Communist was still building refineries in Russia and Eastern Europe. Moreover, the John Birch society was founded by members of the Council on Foreign Relations, many of whom were Masons, and staffed by former Communist writers.

For example, the founder Robert Welch had been a member of the Communist front "League for Industrial Democracy." William Grede, for many years Chairman of the Executive Council of the JBS was a Fed banker. Robert Love, member of the Governing Council was a 32nd Degree Mason. William Macmillan was a member of the CFR. Writers Eugene Lyons and Harold Varney used to work for the Communist "Workers World." (Helen Peters, "Is the JBS Subversive?" July 1970)

Ralph Epperson was on their speaker's bureau. But they expelled him from the JBS when he mentioned Freemasonry in one of his speeches somewhere. The JBS strongly does not want Freemasonry mentioned.
According to Eustace Mullins, the founder Robert Welch was a 32nd Degree Mason.

Evidently, the same treatment applies to Zionism.


Illuminati insider Harold Rosenthal explained how they pit labor (Left) versus management (Right):

"In modern industry ... capital, which force we represent, is [at] the apex. Both management and labor are on the base of this triangle. They continually stand opposed to each other and their attention is never directed to the head of their problem."

"At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies."

Thus the Illuminati have a monopoly over our minds. By controlling both Left and Right, education and the mass media, the Masonic Jewish billionaires ensure that the masses are tractable. As the late great Alan Stang warned, the Tea Party is a psy-op meant to channel the Patriot Movement into the Left VS Right matrix.

Politics is like a House League in sports. The different teams all are Masons or are beholden to them. Thus, there's little chance of democratic change. Anyone who wants to play must abide by the "rules."

It's amusing to see "progressives" rail against the Tea Party and their sponsors. They are as much billionaire puppets as the rednecks they condemn.

The Illuminati Jewish billionaires have used "anti-Semitism" to give themselves immunity from criticism. However, they are responsible for anti-Semitism and for the suffering of their fellow Jews. Therefore, they don't deserve such consideration.

Source (http://www.savethemales.ca/koch.html)

So are they an Illuminati family who is co-opting those of us who love Liberty, or are they genuine allies? Please discuss.

5th November 2010, 04:10 AM
Genuine allies or genuine liars?

Another Khazar steering us off the cliff.

Silver Shield
5th November 2010, 04:28 AM
Both sides of the paradigm is controlled and this is no different.

The only billionaire that passed my sniff test was Ross Perot.

He rejected the two parties and brought common sense to the babble of elections.

All true competition to their system will be eliminated through various methods, some nice, most not so nice.

Leaderless Resistance is the only way to actively bring down the paradigm.

Or you could just wait for it to collapse on it's own.

5th November 2010, 06:25 AM
Were the Communist/Socialist created by Capitalists?

Twisted Titan
5th November 2010, 06:47 AM
Pay attention to the occult possitioning of his hands.

5th November 2010, 07:11 AM
Pay attention to the occult possitioning of his hands.

Looks quite harmless to me.

5th November 2010, 07:16 AM
......yawn....more controlled "opposition". :oo--> if you believe they will allow a bonafide peoples resistance, dont worry! the republicans have replaced the democrats! all is well now right? :oo-->

Silver Shield
5th November 2010, 07:21 AM
Were the Communist/Socialist created by Capitalists?

Capitalism was first coined by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto.

The entire Bolshevik Revolution was funded and guided by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

The Federal Reserve funded it.

Lenin was sent to Russia with Tons of Gold to fund the Revolution.

The only bank not Nationalized in Russia during the Revolution was Rockefeller's National City bank.


5th November 2010, 03:28 PM
What confuses me though is I thought the Elite played the Republican vs. Democrat line: In other words Big Government Conservativism vs. Big Government Liberalism. At the end of the day it was always Big Government.

The Kochs' fund many Libertarian organizations, which promote small government and Individualism. Libertarianism has for so long been kept out of the mainstream, so I always thought it was dangerous to the establishment. I always thought they wanted an authoritarian world government at the end of the line where government controlled everyone and everything. If you have factions of these guys playing the "other team" how does it benefit them if Individualists grow in number: Wouldn't that be the biggest threat to a Collectivist goal? I'm not trying to challenge what you guys are saying, I'm trying to understand it so I can figure out what their next moves, motives, and beliefs lie.

G. Edward Griffin did a discussion back when the world was in black and white where he says the Elite basically run both sides only to grow the framework needed to finally, one day establish global government/governance. This gave me the best incite I can think of but I like picking your brains as well since most of you have been doing this a lot longer than me, (I'm still in the process of deprogramming.)

Perhaps they promote Individualism only to grow the size of government with another round of the Big Government Conservatives. Just another round of co-opting... Would that sound right?

5th November 2010, 03:44 PM
My take on it is that by supporting and funding controlled "individualistic" political parties and organizations, they can twist and distort the message in such a way as to minimize the number of people leaving traditional political parties for the "smaller .gov" crew. Witness the Anarchistic undertones of modern-day "Libertarian" politics, along with the emphasis on drug legalization, something that is certain to drive away most mainstream Americans looking for an alternative to the republicrats and demicans.

mick silver
5th November 2010, 05:00 PM
i only have a few friends and there not one of them ... the people i trust is a real short list . and we do not allow others in

Twisted Titan
5th November 2010, 06:35 PM
Griffin Truly is a trend setter

I alway enjoy watching his lectures

6th November 2010, 07:17 AM
At the end of part 3 @ 9:55 he is talking about what is in the Communist own literature about how they operate, and he states:


"It explains how they will use radio remote controlled model airplanes can be used to fly explosives into heavily guarded areas, gasoline storage areas, or munitions stockpiles."

Thought that was interesting.....