View Full Version : Ruppert: God On The Table: Attempting A Useful Discussion of Mankind’s Spiritual

5th November 2010, 01:30 PM
I still keep an eye on what Mike Ruppert's up to- though I'm far less a devotee than I was say 5 years ago. This essay is posted free on his new(ish) collapsenet.com membership site. It's slightly hard to identify "the point", perhaps that Abrahamic faiths have been great contributors to getting us to this "collapse" point, and that "earth-based spiritual philosophies" will help us survive? I think it's more fodder for discussion (& a subtle pitch to join collapsenet?), than an attempt to provide specific answers, but give it a skim and see if you don't see something different in it. I'll spread it over 2 posts- there are a few hyperlinks I'm not copying over here.

GOD ON THE TABLE (http://collapsenet.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=341:god-on-the-table-1-november-2010&Itemid=130)

Attempting A Useful Discussion of Mankind’s Spiritual Future


Michael C. Ruppert

© Copyright 2010, CollapseNet, Inc. Please Distribute Widely

November 1, 2010 – Arguably, the cause of the collapse of human industrial civilization has been a fundamental disconnect in consciousness that has led humankind to tell itself that it is exempt from the laws of physics and nature – that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet. That certainly defines the issue in terms of our survival because nothing less would permit continued expansion of human population and resource consumption.

Mankind is essentially expecting (or demanding) that technology overturn the laws of physics, chemistry and especially thermodynamics/energy. By definition, anything that can overturn natural laws is God. Under this construct, technology is, in fact, a religion. I think its, perhaps unwilling, “messiah” was René Descartes – the guy who said that empirical knowledge was the supreme knowledge (another disconnect) and therefore, by implication and application, the God of Knowing. This was a perfect mate for an infinite growth monetary paradigm and we are just awakening to the fact that its actual imperative is to kill us and all life on the planet.

Today we are awash in technology… and we are also dying. We are, in fact, killing ourselves with it. We make better weapons. We make better devices that require the extraction and consumption of more raw materials and then require us to throw away the energy and resources in old ones. We poison ourselves and our environment with chemicals and then we turn to chemistry to create drugs (using a lot of oil and energy) to imperfectly cure the diseases we ourselves created.

Having recognized that technology is essentially a religion we can also – without great emotional charge – say that technology can be judged as a religion to be either a success or failure; either outcome being measured by whether it adds to the health, longevity and survival of our species or hinders it.

I think the same tests are beginning to be applied to all religions. Soon they will be applied with a fury.


An essential component of all of western (Abrahamic) religions is the theme of man’s “dominion” over the earth. That is the disconnect which is killing us. All other life obeys physical laws. In fact our so-called dominion depends on that. But we have believed, justified and acted as though we were exempt simply because we are “man”. This is a distinct difference between western religions and “eastern” religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism which loosely place man as an integral part of – but not supreme – in a spiritual universe. If however, we consider the Church of Infinite Growth – as expressed through fiat currency, fractional reserve banking and compound interest – we see that Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist faiths have, by (to one degree or another) encouraging detachment from or acquiescence to the material world, not prevented their adherents from suffering the same fate as we Westerners. We’re all going down more or less together and no religion anywhere has spared its adherents from what’s taking place. While western religions preached the unsustainable and the impossible, eastern religions have acquiesced to infinite growth saying essentially that the spiritual world is more important and the physical realm can be discounted. -- So much for those belief systems. The Abrahamic religions offer the ultimate bailout if the books aren’t balanced here -- there’s always the Afterlife. I personally believe there is an afterlife, but not like this one. According to those following what Moses (allegedly) wrote, there has to be someone/thing to be rewarded and someone to be punished.

There’s an old saying that says that there are no atheists in foxholes. As the world marches headlong towards places that make foxholes look cozy, what will be demanded by humankind is a spiritual construct or cosmology that actually and tangibly deals with the crisis at hand.

I love a line I heard Bruce Springsteen deliver at a concert. “The Church of Rock and Roll doesn’t promise you life in the hereafter. The Church of Rock and Roll promises you life… right now!” – Cartesian science cannot measure heart and soul. Music and art most certainly do. That is why music and playing in my band New White Trash figure so prominently in my life now, just as music, dance and art did in the lives of our ancestors. And that is why CollapseNet will always encourage these as an essential part of Lifeboat building. Man indeed, does not live by bread alone.

A good question to ask then is, “Are there any spiritual practices which originate from and teach a way to live rightly and in balance with this world?” Is there an instruction manual that teaches us how to live here?


Earth-based, native belief systems have never to my knowledge relied on printed and codified rules. A book cannot be an ultimate authority. The earth is. It is possible, however, to direct you to an indigenous elder named Red Elk who conveys, as clearly and as eloquently as I have ever seen, what I understand to be earth-based spirituality. I strongly encourage everyone to take the time to watch this short and poignant video which well-summarizes earth-based spiritual philosophies (video below) as I know them and what we ascribe to here at CollapseNet. [I urge the reader to stop and watch this wonderful video here and return to this essay.]


5th November 2010, 01:32 PM

I am no expert on these beliefs, merely a beginning student. I remember once asking one of my teachers, Skip Mahawk, an elder of the Dakota Sioux in Oregon, if I had a chance of becoming a human being in the way indigenous spiritual traditions defined them – that is, people who lived in complete or near-complete harmony with nature and who had respect for the earth and for all living things. I have never seen a Native American laugh so hard

I have a lot to learn.

My limited experience and study has led me to believe that earth-based spiritual practices are rooted in the concept that God never made any mistakes. (Who’s going to argue with Him?) Somebody who knows please correct me if I’m wrong.

One of the greatest crimes, in my opinion, of Abrahamic religions has been to falsely associate earth-based faiths such as paganism and Wicca with devil worship. I just saw it again on a NATGEO Special and it made me cringe. My research shows that paganism, Wicca, the Druids and native/indigenous faiths (all centered on the earth and spirit rather than man) do not even recognize an Abrahamic devil, let alone worship one. I have not found one which looks for, or even recognizes, a “Number-One Bad Guy” with a nameplate on his desk.

The lie about earth-based religions was convenient because these spiritual practices stood in the way of “progress”, control, expansion and infinite growth. Calling pagans and Druids devil worshippers justified their slaughter in the eyes of misguided Christian theologians.

Even within the Abrahamic religions evidence can be found of an understanding of the perfection of creation. As an example of that, in the Old Testament book of Isaiah and the prophecy of Habakkuk appears the statement, “God’s eyes are too pure to behold iniquity.” -- There are no such things as iniquities in God’s world. How could there be? God, by definition, does not make mistakes. The universe that God created and which was described in John1 which says that God (the Word) created everything that was created and there was nothing that was not created by God.

What Abrahamic religions have done is to interpret that God won’t tolerate iniquities and that has been the rationale for all the abuses which have followed, “In the name of God I kill, loot, plunder, rape or exterminate you.” To tolerate something gives it existence and power.

I have experienced earth-based religions referring to good and bad or darkness and light but I have yet to encounter one that advocates an “overcoming” or final victory of one over the other. As with Taoism and Buddhism, what I have encountered thus far in my study and experience of earth-based spirituality is an emphasis on balance between the two on this plane and a loving acceptance or embrace of both as elements of a cyclical rhythm of existence, like the seasons; like day and night.

Essentially, humankind’s biggest and most-enduring spiritual activity -- living in an earth-based consciousness -- was as valuable (if not more so) to people as a flint, an axe, water, food or shelter. And it was treated as such.

So where does that leave us?

In the many successful 12-Step recovery programs, the Second Step says that we “came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” (12-Step programs originated from mystical teachings found in and common to almost every religion). And – distilled down – the only real things this step requires are a recognition that there actually is a power greater than us and that we (either as individuals or collectively) are not it. Those facts are already in evidence. What the step calls for is a conscious connection to that higher power and an appropriate (i.e. working) relationship with it.

What I am suggesting in this article is a simple concept: Healing the disconnect between ourselves and the rest of creation and the laws which govern this universe is an essential step in saving our own lives, perhaps all life on the planet. Throughout most of man’s history this cosmology was referred to as relating to the spirit world, in recognition of the fact that everything, whether animate or not, whether visible or not, has a spirit. In historical perspective, “religion” is a very new word. The concept of spirit is as old as mankind itself.


Judging from the abundant evidence around us, not only have we taken exceptional and unjustifiable liberties with the construct of dominion, we have completely trashed our only source of life (the planet) in the process. At minimum, we have been disgraceful stewards and poor husbands.

A psychology experiment from the 1970s really unmasks the fundamental flaw that comes, I believe, with the Great Disconnect. In that study a group of well-adjusted, pre-screened college students from Stanford University were arbitrarily separated into prison guards and inmates. In relatively short order the situation deteriorated to the point where the experiment had to be terminated. Brutality, psychosis, breakdowns and a continued escalation of conflict required the expenditure of more and more physical and emotional resources until serious harm and injury was imminent… and chaos (entropy) the unavoidable and looming end result. What happened in this experiment is a compelling and a stark metaphor for the Great Disconnect as human industrial civilization flails helplessly, creating ever more chaos with every new solution it proposes. At this level of consciousness there are no solutions.

This study went sideways almost immediately. So did mankind’s internalization of the Great Disconnect which is essentially the knowledge of “good and evil” as described in Genesis 1. The difference is that there was always room to expand, start over, and deny. There were other lands to explore and conquer, people to exterminate, resources to use and plunder, all the while repeating the catechism, “We’ll get it right this time, or next time and we’ll be forgiven even if we don’t”… Not anymore.

This disconnect has severed our species in just the last few hundred years from the intuitive and innate wisdoms and philosophies that protected us as a species for our first two million years of existence. That’s a lot of stored up wisdom and experience that has been pushed aside… as if by an oil-powered bulldozer and a Rockefeller-owned printing press or a Murdoch-owned TV station. And that disconnect has been hugely reinforced and facilitated by the influence and power of organized western religions, namely Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


Organized religion has been a major player in bringing us to this horrific crisis. The cozy co-existence between “religions”, politics and money is revealed pretty clearly if one steps back and examines the historical interactions with the leaders of these religions and the expansion of industrial civilization over the last four centuries. Let’s face it; Christianity has obviously had the best “business model”, but only in an infinite-growth paradigm.

Perhaps nowhere is this historical “coziness” revealed more starkly than in the almost-perfect alignment with Catholicism’s need to proselytize, expand and convert the heathens with Spain’s hunger for resources, territory and wealth from the 1400s through the 1800s. Protestant Britain’s ruthless oppression of pagans and Druids accomplished the same thing. The same can be said of American bible-thumpers who demonized native peoples and exterminated them “in the name of God” in North America in the 1800s, or the way in which Christian Evangelism worked hand-in-hand with the CIA and the Rockefeller family to colonize and subjugate Latin America.* And it is abundantly true of the emerging spiritual theme of the Tea Party movement which, according to several recent polls is populated by the same people who would burn the Koran and exterminate Muslims. Those same polls also showed that a dominant belief among Tea Party members was that the United States is a Christian nation.

As long as continued and wasteful expansion produced tangible, if imperfect and unequal “progress” that symbiotic partnership worked by enabling secular and clerical power elites to consolidate and enlarge their control and influence over… us, the people. I would include financial elites as a separate class in this trinity as well.

But as collapse unfolds and as religions fail to adapt to or address changing needs and circumstances, the flaws in mankind’s disconnect become more apparent and more manifest. We have now come full circle back to the imperative of having a cosmology that shows us how to get along in this world. The laws governing the physical universe are real limits to our self-indulgent behavior. They are real limits to growth. They have been a very effective, unbreachable and arguably essential playpen.


The fundamental or non-negotiable truths of CollapseNet’s philosophy are articulated in our Compass Points. The Compass Points originate in the laws of physics, so I have complete confidence in their relevance to the world in which we live and their usefulness in helping as many people as possible (regardless of belief) to survive. I wrote them coming almost purely from a rational, rather than a spiritual perspective. And yet, as I look at them in the context of this article I see and feel how much they resonate and align with this spiritual belief which I also hold. I see and feel no disconnect, no division.

In our Lighthouse Directory you will see many entries for spirit-based teachings and resources. We will actively seek out and list ones that are earth-centered because of their direct relevance to and alignment with our Compass Points. We will not exclude any other religious or spiritual links on any basis unless they contradict the Compass Points. For example I would love to see a directory link to a black Baptist congregation in Manhattan I heard about that is actively preaching that its members must become debt-free as a part of their spiritual health. All we ask is that if one submits a link or article that reflects or supports a religious group or philosophy that you clearly identify it up front, as we have done here.

I have drawn a clear differential boundary here between spiritual beliefs that mandate living in conscious partnership with all of creation as the foundational step in sustainability. Those that promulgate humanity’s superiority to and division from the rest of creation are on the other side of that line. This, I believe, is a clear description of where we are going in the next step of our conscious and chosen evolution. This is not a step backward, because if we take the consciousness and knowledge attained through five centuries of Cartesian worship – rebalanced with the imperatives of partnership and respect – we will indeed be a “new and improved” species.

The bottom line to all this is that when and if mankind is able to free itself from the labels of good and evil, victor and vanquished, and especially the concepts of dominion and servitude, the only thing left to do with all things that exist in this universe will be to respect them.


· -- I strongly recommend “Thy Will Be Done – The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil” by Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennet (1995, Harper Collins). This seminal work is the book I modeled “Crossing the Rubicon” after. It remains the most chilling and abundantly documented work showing the deep, dark and very ugly, bloody and brutal connections between Christian missionaries and intelligence services I have ever seen. In a book ostensibly about religious work one finds some of the most horrific and brutal acts or murder, treachery and betrayal by the CIA and its forbears ever produced.

27th November 2010, 06:23 AM
i have trouble looking to Ruppert for spiritual anything.

i'm glad he recovered from the great stress he experienced after the attack on and closure of FTW. i used to be a FTW subscriber.

i understand his choice to abandon 9-11 - he was one of the best 9-11 investigators. but he now advises people to ignore the biggest pieces of evidence - the collapse of WTC1/2/7.

i could understand if he just told the truth - "it's stressful to think about, so i don't want to think about it."

but compared to Ruppert Rev. 1 - i feel like he's had a lobotomy.

27th November 2010, 06:40 AM
Perhaps nowhere is this historical “coziness” revealed more starkly than in the almost-perfect alignment with Catholicism’s need to proselytize, expand and convert the heathens with Spain’s hunger for resources, territory and wealth from the 1400s through the 1800s. Protestant Britain’s ruthless oppression of pagans and Druids accomplished the same thing. The same can be said of American bible-thumpers who demonized native peoples and exterminated them “in the name of God” in North America in the 1800s, or the way in which Christian Evangelism worked hand-in-hand with the CIA and the Rockefeller family to colonize and subjugate Latin America.* And it is abundantly true of the emerging spiritual theme of the Tea Party movement which, according to several recent polls is populated by the same people who would burn the Koran and exterminate Muslims. Those same polls also showed that a dominant belief among Tea Party members was that the United States is a Christian nation.

No mention of the evil Talmud jews who consider everybody else sub-human goyim...lol.

27th November 2010, 06:56 AM
Perhaps nowhere is this historical “coziness” revealed more starkly than in the almost-perfect alignment with Catholicism’s need to proselytize, expand and convert the heathens with Spain’s hunger for resources, territory and wealth from the 1400s through the 1800s. Protestant Britain’s ruthless oppression of pagans and Druids accomplished the same thing. The same can be said of American bible-thumpers who demonized native peoples and exterminated them “in the name of God” in North America in the 1800s, or the way in which Christian Evangelism worked hand-in-hand with the CIA and the Rockefeller family to colonize and subjugate Latin America.* And it is abundantly true of the emerging spiritual theme of the Tea Party movement which, according to several recent polls is populated by the same people who would burn the Koran and exterminate Muslims. Those same polls also showed that a dominant belief among Tea Party members was that the United States is a Christian nation.

Ruppert avoids the discussion of Jewish criminality the way Vampires avoid Daylight.

i wonder who his Collapsenet investors are ?
No mention of the evil Talmud jews who consider everybody else sub-human goyim...lol.

15th May 2012, 07:27 PM
EVOLVE OR PERISH -- Michael Ruppert Leaves [CollapseNet] -- Gives Ownership to Staff (http://www.collapsenet.com/blogs/entry/founders-corner/2012/05/10/evolve-or-perish)

Posted by MikeRuppert on Thursday, 10 May 2012

For more than thirty years I have worked tirelessly as an author and investigative journalist. (Not counting the day jobs.) The last two of those years have been dedicated to Collapsenet and its mission of alerting and preparing people around the world for events we all now recognize and which no longer need explanation.

The load has been heavy, requiring my attention seven days a week, sometimes more than 12 hours a day. And as that load has been heavy, so has the necessary business of managing cash flows effectively in vastly uncertain economic conditions. There's the business, and then there's the business of the business.

Recently, several things became clear more or less at the same time. From my perspective, my day-to-day ingestion and analysis of as many as eighty news stories and videos was less and less useful. In the last two months I have arrived at a clear awareness of multiple “systemic” failures in human civilization which cannot possibly be reversed in this world as it currently operates and approaches crises. Those include economic and climatological conditions, Peak Oil, the killing of the Gulf of Mexico, and the ongoing, uncontrolled nuclear disaster at Fukushima which is now recognized as the single greatest immediate threat to human existence. My country is an open fascist state and the Constitution I was taught to revere is a rotting, gutted corpse -- roadkill on the oil-paved highway of infinite growth.

For those who have followed me for many years, and read the “map” I have constructed through my writings, you will recognize that in a real-life contextual sense, we have reached the end of my map. Our Mother Earth, humankind and every species that lives here is about to enter incomprehensibly uncharted territory. Whenever I have entered the wildernesses of my life, I have gone alone and that is the way I must travel now.

For years I have longed to be relieved of this duty of living in and documenting the horrors of this world every day to give guidance and analysis. However, I felt it my duty to pursue that as long as required.

...I will remain as a Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer but only in an inactive role. From time to time I will make contributions and offer advice but this is a move that needs to be clear and well-defined for the new C.E.O...

A part of me believes, no it knows, that somehow, some way, a new Golden Age is coming. Its screams of birth are the screams that we hear now, as the pain, suffering, death and confusion of collapse visit every nation and hearth on earth. Before a new house -- one that includes a safe place for all life -- can be built, the old one -- the one that is sick, putrid, corrupt and dying -- must be completely destroyed and defeated. It will achieve the fulfillment of its death wish. It will be satisfied with nothing less. There is no easier, softer way. Embrace the death of the old that you may experience, participate in, and rejoice in the birth of the new.

From my view this is, and always has been, spiritual warfare... and nothing less. I never thought I would live to see these times. Now I am able to enter them as a coherent, integrated soul, hopefully reflecting and spreading the light we will all see when we finally reach the Hundredth Monkey.

Pass the popcorn.

15th May 2012, 08:28 PM
Dang, that was a major serving of DOOOOM! And from one of the Masters of DOOOOM! too.




11th June 2012, 09:03 PM
No mention of the evil Talmud jews who consider everybody else sub-human goyim...lol.

us vs them... is exactly what they want. All religions claim that they are the "one" and the others bad... I definitely agree with Ayn Rand who said that "genealogy" is a tool for racism/discrimination. That genealogy can easily be used to accuse an innocent. Many jews have been misguided/disinformed too. It is not because the jewish elites are as corrupted as ours that we have to blast them all.

However it is all good to expose deeds from another race and culture but in the end taking responsibility for "what it is" is the only duty we have as human beings.

not speaking to Book especially but everybody on here.

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

11th June 2012, 09:09 PM
He's a hippie now. He worships Gaia and thinks that the whole system is collapsing on itself and the best he can do is step back and enjoy life/nature. He even grew fucking pony tail. Just listen to his radio show:

11th June 2012, 09:17 PM
The Old Edition of the Key was CENSORED, the New One is Not (http://www.unknowncountry.com/journal/old-edition-key-was-censored-new-one-not#ixzz1x9TSBed0)

I know now why so many people tune me out. They're captives. Sleepers. Rendered passive in the face of a world that is disintegrating before their eyes. Well, they might be fodder, but I'm not and neither are you, or you wouldn't be here reading this right now.

We are outside of the context of control that rules this world. Now, I don't think that it is necessarily evil. What it is doing is making sure that the full shock of what is coming impacts the human species as intensely as possible.

So, why are we outside of the enormous barnyard that contains the vast majority of the human species? The answer is obvious to me: there is a different fate in store for us, and for all who wake up and join us. We are here because we are able to face the unknown, not with answers that, in the end, are just guesswork, but with the truest and most human of all responses: the question explored with care and intelligence, but left open.

I agree completely but think it is just mind boggling that talking about it is so difficult

11th June 2012, 11:18 PM
He's a hippie now. He worships Gaia and thinks that the whole system is collapsing on itself and the best he can do is step back and enjoy life/nature. He even grew fucking pony tail. Just listen to his radio show:
http://prn.fm/category/archives/the-lifeboat-hour/ (http://prn.fm/category/archives/the-lifeboat-hour/#axzz1xY4YvFis)

I listened to his 6/10 show; he spends about the latter 2/3 of it describing his "bottom" wrt alcoholism in 1983, joining AA, not drinking or smoking pot for 21 years, having a glass of wine in '04 when writing his book Crossing the Rubicon. It was a spiritual discussion re his faith in a higher power, he referred to as God but stressed you don't need to believe exactly the same way. He was trying to use that discussion as a model for why we should keep hope alive, faced with this apparently dark future.

He left unspoken whether his '04 "glass of wine" led to the classic relapse where X days/weeks later he's back in the ditch of active alcoholism- it seems he's made references to smoking pot in recent years though.

I thought it was interesting what illuminati insider Aldus Huxley said of AA co-founder Bill Wilson, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_W.#Legacy

Wilson is perhaps best known as a synthesizer of ideas,[39] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_W.#cite_note-38) the man who pulled together various threads of psychology, theology, and democracy into a workable and life-saving system. Aldous Huxley called him "the greatest social architect of our century,"[40] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_W.#cite_note-39) and Time magazine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_%28magazine%29) named Wilson to their Time 100 List of The Most Important People of the 20th Century.[41] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_W.#cite_note-40) Wilson's self-description was a man who, "because of his bitter experience, discovered, slowly and through a conversion experience, a system of behavior and a series of actions that work for alcoholics who want to stop drinking."

12th June 2012, 04:19 AM
He's a hippie now. He worships Gaia

I am sorry but such a caricature is so cliche... hippie because of his pony tail? Worshiping Gaia because he tenders a garden and lives in a remote area?

after all the damages we did to Earth with our debt/usury driven hyper-consumerism, carrying for Earth is perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with that.

what I meant to say here is that we dont pay enough attention to the way we speak and using "cliches" is part of the "mind-control" agenda". Something to chew on.

12th June 2012, 07:09 AM
us vs them... is exactly what they want.
www.nkusa.org/ (http://www.nkusa.org/)

Pat posted a video interview not too long ago that stated a similar version.

The modern day jew wouldn't be, without haters and the holocaust, it completes them.


12th June 2012, 09:20 AM
what I meant to say here is that we don't pay enough attention to the way we speak and using "cliches" is part of the "mind-control" agenda".


Like your own avatar Goldissima?


12th June 2012, 09:46 AM
I am sorry but such a caricature is so cliche... hippie because of his pony tail? Worshiping Gaia because he tenders a garden and lives in a remote area?

after all the damages we did to Earth with our debt/usury driven hyper-consumerism, carrying for Earth is perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with that.

what I meant to say here is that we dont pay enough attention to the way we speak and using "cliches" is part of the "mind-control" agenda". Something to chew on.

I added the hippie thing, but he literally says he worships Gaia all the time. I'm not against Michael Ruppert, I actually like him, and follow his work. I just don't agree with him on everything.

12th June 2012, 08:30 PM
Pat posted a video interview not too long ago that stated a similar version.
The modern day jew wouldn't be, without haters and the holocaust, it completes them.
Good interview... though I am dead serious, it is not because the elites are bent on sustaining conflicts of all kinds that we can bash a whole culture/race. The PTB have NO nationality, for them it is like a chess game and we are the pawns.

I am all for a pertinent critique and pointing a finger at those who destroy humanity, really

12th June 2012, 08:45 PM
Like your own avatar Goldissima?


I am not a hippie Book. But I just dont see why you have to blame the entire jewish race or make it seem like it every time you have the opportunity to do so. I have read several postings of yours mentioning "the jews".... and to be fair you are not the only one doing this. I chose to say something today as this thread was calling for mature debate on spirituality.

But since you are a christian, doesnt the Bible say something like: In the beginning was the Word

language is a frequency that sets life events into motion... so senseless discrimination will eventually get back at you/us. Genealogy and genocides are linked (how interesting, 2 Gs) .

12th June 2012, 08:52 PM
I added the hippie thing, but he literally says he worships Gaia all the time. I'm not against Michael Ruppert, I actually like him, and follow his work. I just don't agree with him on everything.

thanks for explaining... though what I said is truly important, anybody who gets the big picture should consider changing/improving one's vocabulary. Just explained Book why.


12th June 2012, 10:50 PM
But I just dont see why you have to blame the entire jewish race or make it seem like it every time you have the opportunity to do so. I have read several postings of yours mentioning "the jews".... and to be fair you are not the only one doing this.

Oh. GSUS is infested with anti-semites and you are offended.


13th June 2012, 05:44 AM
Spiritualism can bring Spiritism to life.


The key aspects of the*Gospel According to Spiritism*are:

The revelation of God is continuous because mankind is slowly evolving to a higher level, making it necessary to perfect the doctrine. The first revelation was through Moses, the second through Christ (modern Spiritists argue that it was previously tried in Greece with Socrates but failed), and the third one was from God himself through his messengers (Spiritism).
Spirits are immortal and live several lives (reincarnations) to perfect their moral and their intelligence until they are able to be in the presence of God.
Every revelation elaborates on the previous, instead of revoking it.
Morality is mostly based on love (spiritual love, that is, not carnal love) for everyone and anyone.
Love must be put to practice.
Charity (the practice of love) must not seek retribution.
Religion must be free.
Marriage is not indissoluble, if there is no agreement anymore, this proves that God never united the couple.
Outside charity there is no salvation.
Everyone will eventually be saved, though it may take an unimaginably long time for some (see universal reconciliation).

Allan Kardec Prayers… (http://godssoldier4life.com/prayers/)

Amongst my ‘imperfections I recognise that I am especially inclined to…,*and if I am unable to resist, it is because I have already acquired the habit of giving in to it.

Because You are just, You did not create us guilty but with equal aptitude for good and for bad. If I have preferred the bad road it was because of my free-will. But for the same reason that I had the liberty to do wrong, I also have the liberty to do good and therefore to change my pathway.

My actual defects are the remains of the imperfections I brought from my past existences; this is my original sin, from which I may liberate myself through the action of my will and with help from the good Spirits.

Accordingly, protect me kindly Spirits, and above all my Guardian Angel, by giving me the strength to resist evil suggestions and so be victorious in this battle.

These defects are the barrier which separate us from God, and each defect surmounted is a step further along the pathway of progress which will draw us nearer to Him.

13th June 2012, 06:49 AM
I am all for a pertinent critique and pointing a finger at those who destroy humanity, really

Many are Idahoans... though there are some WOPS about...

There is a proper measure of "cruelty to correct" (a celebratory toast to indifference of difference) snakes aren't all bad, remember.

Some just use a dramatically gargantuan measuring cup... which needs the pointing out

Ps. I'm not for waterboarding anyone, race or religion. :)

13th June 2012, 07:37 AM
He's a hippie now. He worships Gaia and thinks that the whole system is collapsing on itself and the best he can do is step back and enjoy life/nature. He even grew fucking pony tail. Just listen to his radio show:

actually, i thought that was one of Ruppert's better webcasts.

he sounds calm, and well-spoken. sort of like a DJ, but without the big booming voice & typical MSM programming.

in terms of content though - Ruppert left me behind when he started advocating ignorring major evidence from the 9-11 crime scene.

whether or not Ruppert works for Israel, he behaves as if he works for Israel.

13th June 2012, 08:58 AM

...you are a christian


13th June 2012, 09:15 AM
lol @ awoke

20th June 2012, 08:01 PM
Oh. GSUS is infested with anti-semites and you are offended.


Book, power and evil has no skin color and no culture. And I for one believe that the isreali people have been the most fooled, the west come 2nd.

Infested? Everybody is entitled to his opinion.... all I know is that I will not succumb the us vs them in any fashion.

20th June 2012, 08:10 PM
in terms of content though - Ruppert left me behind when he started advocating ignorring major evidence from the 9-11 crime scene.

yes I agree...

20th June 2012, 08:33 PM
...And I for one believe that the isreali people have been the most fooled...


The poor guy. He is a victim.


20th June 2012, 08:43 PM

The poor guy. He is a victim.


But at the same time, the obvious distrust and disliking around here for the Jew is no different. Just a different propaganda machine. The games within the games.............. I personally dislike the zionist pricks running this circus, whether they be Jew/Christian/Muslim/whatever. The people are just pawns in this show.