View Full Version : Olbermann suspended for donating to dems

5th November 2010, 02:50 PM



Filthy Keynes
5th November 2010, 02:57 PM
The Republicans are the Compassionate Fascists, and the Democrats are the Nazi Fascists. I'd rather be killed and eaten by the compassionate sort.


5th November 2010, 07:41 PM
Aw, the sweet taste of schadenfreude.

Nauseating White guy Olbermann, panderer extraordinaire to Jewish interests, squashed by Jews as the thanks he gets for his race-treasonous services.

5th November 2010, 08:12 PM
Its like that part of the Titanic story right after the chairs on the outter decks start shifting...

Some piggies think if they can raise a snout higher they'll survive out in the ice cold water.

5th November 2010, 08:38 PM
I don't watch the guy other than a few clips on the net over the years, but I know he (& sis madow) are supposed to represent "the (MSM) left"... controlled opposition zio-whores that they are, same as "the (MSM) right". Maybe I'm overly jaded about these MSM stunts, but could this just be a 'look, see how authentic the left/right paradigm really is!' charade?

5th November 2010, 09:06 PM
The episode highlights the blurring line between private actions and journalistic responsibilities as news networks such as MSNBC and Fox try to attract viewers with partisan hosts. Some news organizations allow political donations while others ban them. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., the owner of Fox News, makes contributions to political groups.

My leftist shit don't stink nearly as much as your rightist shit.

6th November 2010, 05:50 AM

Maddow argued that MSNBC's suspension of Olbermann in light of his political donations (without prior network approval) showed that it is a real news organization, as opposed to Fox News, which allows its hosts to engage in political activity without consequence.

"Let this incident lay to rest forever the facile, never-true-anyway, bull-pucky, lazy conflation of Fox News and what the rest of us do for a living," she said.

6th November 2010, 06:00 AM
I will go with Rush on this one. Good way to break his contract without paying money because his ratings sucks.

Twisted Titan
6th November 2010, 06:16 AM
I will go with Rush on this one. Good way to break his contract without paying money because his ratings sucks.

No one is going to pay him the milk money that msnbc does

BTW what ever happened to Rick Sanchez???


6th November 2010, 06:22 AM
his entire network is nothing but the dems campaign headquarter!....his employer donates countless millions of dollars of free advertizing for them and fires olberman for 2,500 bucks.. :oo-->

6th November 2010, 06:45 AM
his entire network is nothing but the dems campaign headquarter!....his employer donates countless millions of dollars of free advertizing for them and fires olberman for 2,500 bucks.. :oo-->
That's exactly what is odd about this.

6th November 2010, 06:47 AM
I will go with Rush on this one. Good way to break his contract without paying money because his ratings sucks.

No one is going to pay him the milk money that msnbc does

BTW what ever happened to Rick Sanchez???


He'll go back to ESPN (now Disney).

There really isn't much difference spinning sports versus spinning the crap that is spewed as news.

mick silver
6th November 2010, 07:52 AM
he needs to be in jail

7th November 2010, 07:37 PM
It's a moot point now.

MSNBC says Olbermann will be back on air Tuesday after 2-day suspension for political donation (http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/sns-ap-us-tv-olbermann-suspension,0,5418229.story)

MSNBC's chief executive Phil Griffin said late Sunday that after several days of deliberation, he had determined that two days off the air was "an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy."