View Full Version : Being MENTALLY PREPARED is the most important thing

9th November 2010, 12:16 PM
I don't know if I've ever seen the world as volatile as I do right now. Literally any day this whole house of cards could come undone and the implications could be catastrophic. We're seeing upward swings in silver of $1 per day, and I think as the dollar continues to collapse we could start seeing $5 silver days. China just downgraded US debt because they are not happy with the reckless money printing courtesy of Bernanke and company. I was at the gym today thinking about all this and I looked at all the people around me who have literally no concept of this giant collapse that could happen at any minute. They have no concept of what money is, what a paper FRN represents, how easily it could collapse and how this has happened many times over and over again in history. When the dollar collapses, I wonder how the multitudes of people will try to understand what is exactly happening? I wonder how they will react as they had no idea that anything like this was even in the realm of reality? For that reason, people like us who understand the game, and the intricacies of fiat money collapse will be much better prepared than those who do not, simply because we understand it, saw it coming and know what to expect. Thoughts...?

9th November 2010, 12:18 PM
the money collapse, at least for me, happened a few years ago. i don't even see prices in FRNs anymore, i see ounces.

9th November 2010, 12:33 PM
I said this to the GSUSers I had the pleasure of meeting up with this past weekend: When the collapse comes, most people will have no idea why, and they sure as hell will not be informed enough to know that it was fractional lending, usury and fiat that got us here.

A lot of us here think that everything will get better eventually after the collapse of the economy. I don't at all. I think the economic-political ignorant outnumber us by 100:1, and although we're more likely to survive and perhaps even thrive from being prepared, they will still outnumber us.

In order for this country to get better, it's got to rebuild without loans. Most people are not up for that kind of long term struggle. Most people will want something to fix it quickly. They will be offered loans to rebuild and take them without a moment of hesitation, ensuring their continued slavery.

Rinse. Repeat. :-\

9th November 2010, 12:43 PM
A lot of us here think that everything will get better eventually after the collapse of the economy. I don't at all. I think the economic-political ignorant outnumber us by 100:1, and although we're more likely to survive and perhaps even thrive from being prepared, they will still outnumber us.

I mentally envision boxing for some reason. I think a collapse of the economy, we're all going to be taking punches, so to speak. At least we'll see them coming, and prepare best we can to take the punches head on, maybe even punch back as well. For 99% of the population, they won't see it. It's usually the punch you don't see, in boxing, that knocks you out.

Folks are going to wake up from the knock-out punch, then panic.

9th November 2010, 01:14 PM
I actually got worried this am watching silver run up so quick, thinking the collapse is upon us, then I thought again, as I reassured myself, I will be fine I have all preps in order, got a good spot in the hills, It will be fine.
(for a while)

I felt an erie feeling of being all alone, that I don't have anyone else to depend on, and its all on me.
Kinda scary.

But I am very resourceful ;)

Twisted Titan
9th November 2010, 01:54 PM
I actually got worried this am watching silver run up so quick, thinking the collapse is upon us, then I thought again, as I reassured myself, I will be fine I have all preps in order, got a good spot in the hills, It will be fine.
(for a while)

I felt an erie feeling of being all alone, that I don't have anyone else to depend on, and its all on me.
Kinda scary.

But I am very resourceful ;)

From all of GSUS to you ;D


9th November 2010, 01:58 PM
Posted that long ago, the first thing is mental and then physical........with those two you can do anything.

9th November 2010, 04:02 PM
In order for this country to get better, it's got to rebuild without loans. It also has to rebuild without deceit. I doubt either will happen.
Our rulers have been planning and steering this whole mess. Whatever happens will make them even more powerful because they planned it that way.

I don't look forward to any "collapse".

9th November 2010, 04:24 PM
I was at the gym today thinking about all this and I looked at all the people around me who have literally no concept of this giant collapse that could happen at any minute. I took my daughters to the park today and saw two guys walking 6 dogs (probably paid to walk 'em). Dispite the day being beautiful, I found myself wondering how many of those dogs will wind up on a dinner table.

For the most part I try to put my worry aside and savor the good times that we have left.

My wife is pregnant with our son. A very pleasant surprise but another source for worry. Kids were born and survived the depression and although we're just getting by financially, I know if things crash we'll be able to deal with it a lot better than those with a lot more money but no idea of what's up.

9th November 2010, 05:29 PM
sorry about that RJB, very bad time to have kids.......hope that you can take care of your pecious litte bundle of joy.

9th November 2010, 05:34 PM
sorry about that RJB, very bad time to have kids.......hope that you can take care of your pecious litte bundle of joy.
I do appreciate the genuine concern you have, but It's always a good time to have kids, and I will take care of him. People have weather volcanoes, iceages, bankers and invading hoards (sometimes the same thing).

This wasn't planned, but it's what God wants. Who am I to argue when given a gift?

Filthy Keynes
9th November 2010, 06:15 PM
Just a note: There is nothing wrong with a loan as long as the asset (gold) gets transferred from one to another. What isn't right is fractional reserve loans.

1970 silver art
9th November 2010, 06:24 PM
For me, I try to become mentally prepared by not worrying about it because there is nothing that I can do to stop a collapse if/when it comes. I just concentrate on living my life the way that I see fit and to just try to stay happy despite the economic gloom and doom. I am really just a part of the sheeple population.

9th November 2010, 06:53 PM
I am really just a part of the sheeple population.
Baaaa--aaaa-aaaaaaaaa ;D

9th November 2010, 08:48 PM
For that reason, people like us who understand the game, and the intricacies of fiat money collapse will be much better prepared than those who do not, simply because we understand it, saw it coming and know what to expect. Thoughts...?


Relax. K-os is still vacationing in an RV and I just bought a big screen HDTV to watch it all go down while munching popcorn.


9th November 2010, 09:15 PM
I agree whole heartedly Madfranks, I've been preaching this for a long time now. The ability to wrap your mind around the ramifications of what has been done to our monetary system and the consequences of its failure is the key to survival. Sadly though, most can't or won't think of these things, insisting that ignorance must be bliss, believing that the current status quo will always stand. In my mind I picture it as the mother of all sucker punches, only in this case the majority of people intentionally blind folded themselves with apathy and or stupidity.

If someone isn't able to prep any at all but is aware of what's brewing when the SHTF they will be a thousand light years ahead of those that get blindsided by the events that transpire, thinking it's all a giant surprise. Imagine the mind fvck in that!!!!

9th November 2010, 09:45 PM
I hate it when this happens.........go back to my old post and you will see whay I said about mind and body and everyone ignores it.........but now you have someone else who post about it and you guys give him credit like if he just had an original idea THE BIGGEST ONE IN THE WORLD.........crap, maybe I should stop posting here because I am way to far ahead of most you you >:(

Sorry guys but you know me.........I don't hold back :oo-->

9th November 2010, 10:02 PM
Humility is difficult to acquire. The man that smiles as he looks over the valley of the prepared, needs no award, other than the nice view?


9th November 2010, 10:33 PM
Well Micky........one more time.........you know me, or should.........by now hahahahahahahah.

To tell you the truth is not a matter of humility or of being number one .......... what pisses me off if that for many years I have been telling people what to do in order to be ready and to most people I am only a joke.........all the way back from GIM I posted some pictures of my preps so that people would not think that I was full of it when I told them to do the same, just today Agnut read me an article, long one, where this guys said it all in five pages and it was like if I was the author of the same.........in a way it makes me glad to see that others do agree with me but at the same time it makes me angry that he didn't wrote it three or four years ago instead of only a couple of days ago........all of them have access to the same info as I do, and many times to better one, so why can't they see what what my eyes have seen? and taken action with that info?.........to many I am a jerk and that's ok because this jerk is sitting in his first class coach class seat and smiling while looking out the window at the sheeps running around.

Anyway......nite nite.

Hatha Sunahara
10th November 2010, 10:06 AM
There are a lot of arrogant people who are going to become polite and tactful all of a sudden? I've prepared myself for those that won't. Hard times have a leveling effect. There are no VIPs in a collapsing system. It's all cash and carry. Yet I still dread the prospect of having to be the LAW myself. My guiding principle is The Golden Rule. Violators will wish they weren't. I see a lot of opportunities coming up and I'm prepared.


10th November 2010, 10:29 AM
What the hell is going on..........Mouse answered back to what I posted and even gave me a thank you and now is gone.............HEY MOUSE did you deleted your own post or did the power that be take it out.....if you didn't take it out yourself I then will get the hell out of here.............please answer this post... thank you.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
10th November 2010, 10:31 AM
For some reason this post makes me think of this movie:


Silver Shield
10th November 2010, 10:38 AM
Posted that long ago, the first thing is mental and then physical........with those two you can do anything.

My sig line says it all...

When you are aware, you can prepare.

10th November 2010, 11:59 AM
You can "prepare" but you will never be ready........even me :boohoo

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

10th November 2010, 06:13 PM
Unfortunately there is the "whole package" problem - even if we get what's going down, most people do not. And they will resent us for it big time. K-os is correct - there will not be a recovery back to where things were sane and reasonable any time soon. There are too many parasitic beings in the system now, and with the system itself falling apart they will all want a piece of us directly or indirectly. Part of being mentally prepared for this is understanding the resentment of "hey, you have something, you have to share it with me" - this is the same mindset that got us here to begin with. Only problem was the ones that shared never had anything tangible either and that makes the majority losers twice. It will be like a crowded rat cage and no kibble - once the food and water run out they start to eat each other. That's what's coming - T has it down, and so should you. Arm yourself to the teeth and be ready for the unimaginable. This thing is not going to be pleasant.

11th November 2010, 01:03 AM
There are a lot of arrogant people who are going to become polite and tactful all of a sudden? I've prepared myself for those that won't. Hard times have a leveling effect. There are no VIPs in a collapsing system. It's all cash and carry. Yet I still dread the prospect of having to be the LAW myself. My guiding principle is The Golden Rule. Violators will wish they weren't. I see a lot of opportunities coming up and I'm prepared.


Unfortunately there is the "whole package" problem - even if we get what's going down, most people do not. And they will resent us for it big time. K-os is correct - there will not be a recovery back to where things were sane and reasonable any time soon. There are too many parasitic beings in the system now, and with the system itself falling apart they will all want a piece of us directly or indirectly. Part of being mentally prepared for this is understanding the resentment of "hey, you have something, you have to share it with me" - this is the same mindset that got us here to begin with. Only problem was the ones that shared never had anything tangible either and that makes the majority losers twice. It will be like a crowded rat cage and no kibble - once the food and water run out they start to eat each other. That's what's coming - T has it down, and so should you. Arm yourself to the teeth and be ready for the unimaginable. This thing is not going to be pleasant.

double addition to my GSUS quotes file

Silver Shield
11th November 2010, 03:25 AM
You can "prepare" but you will never be ready........even me :boohoo

"To be ready is not"... Ponce

I agree with you Taoist philosophy but there is a huge level of understanding that must occur before the mind can calm itself in the storm.

By questioning everything the mind becomes flexible and adaptible to new realities, information, and situations.

By seeing the BIG picture one is no longer fooled to go down the wrong path wasting energy, time, and resources.

I will be as flexible and adaptable as a palm in a hurricane.

I will see the sun shine again.

Silver Shield
11th November 2010, 03:56 AM
Unfortunately there is the "whole package" problem - even if we get what's going down, most people do not. And they will resent us for it big time. K-os is correct - there will not be a recovery back to where things were sane and reasonable any time soon. There are too many parasitic beings in the system now, and with the system itself falling apart they will all want a piece of us directly or indirectly. Part of being mentally prepared for this is understanding the resentment of "hey, you have something, you have to share it with me" - this is the same mindset that got us here to begin with. Only problem was the ones that shared never had anything tangible either and that makes the majority losers twice. It will be like a crowded rat cage and no kibble - once the food and water run out they start to eat each other. That's what's coming - T has it down, and so should you. Arm yourself to the teeth and be ready for the unimaginable. This thing is not going to be pleasant.

I have often said "don't talk to sheeple there is no upside."

In my own life I do talk to many sheeple.

In fact my whole Academy is all about sheeple conversion into wide awake, free and independent people.

Most sheeple are truly unaware, honest, and misguided very nice people who I believe wtshtf will be a great help as they go about honestly rebuilding their lives.

The Mad Max scenario that everyone is afraid of is really a fear of the Psychopath.

I spend a lot of time in the Academy identifying and dealing with this predator.

I would agree with K-OS if you have these people in your lives.

Emotional freedom is part of my Total Freedom concept and riding yourself of toxic relationships from these deranged beings is vital for your own freedom, sanity, happiness, and preparedness.

When it all comes down if you are surrounded with good people who fell on hard times but are honest to goodness people, you will be the richest man in town.

Then they will be ready to hear the truth.

The lesson here today is identify and get rid of those toxic people in your lives now while the sun is shining it could be a matter of life and death soon as the predator becomes desperate.

P.S. I have busted Twisted's balls for years now because he lives in the hot zone. This is because I lived in the New York area too and part of my massive action was to move to a better part of the country where people are much friendlier, Cleveland for me.

Think long and hard about not only your circle of friends but your community as a whole. IMO the 3 area of the most psychopaths is NY because of it's financial power, DC because of it's political power, and LA because of it social power.

The psychopath is drawn to these power centers like moths to flames. This occurs out of their desire to control others and the fact that many of them are rejected from their communities because if their behavior.

If you live in these areas and to a lesser extent any big cities, along with areas without food or water...
Be afraid very afraid.

11th November 2010, 09:25 AM
The few people who I talk to, in person, listen to what I have to say and then they tell me "Your problem is that you come from Cuba where everything is bad"........well........that's a problem that I wished that everyone of you have had and you would then be as well prepared as I am.......if anything it enhanced my view and perspective of what is to come.

Just because my English sucks it doesn't mean that my mind sucks.

Silver Shield
12th November 2010, 05:07 AM
Ponce, you are one of the few Cubans I know that is not blinded by the Republican party.

And yes, your English sux ;)

12th November 2010, 06:23 AM
For me its would be finding a second set of eyes "in the know", one set has to sleep while the other stands watch.

Silver Shield
12th November 2010, 01:40 PM
For me its would be finding a second set of eyes "in the know", one set has to sleep while the other stands watch.

That is what we are here for... :-*

12th November 2010, 01:47 PM
"Love thy neighbor, but be prepared to kill everything within small arms range."