View Full Version : EXPLOSIVE–Senate Foreign Relations Committee Investigates Zionist Groups

General of Darkness
11th November 2010, 05:49 PM
Should be interesting.

EXPLOSIVE–Senate Foreign Relations Committee Investigates Zionist Groups in 1961-1963 For Their Role in False Flag attacks against America
Posted: November 10, 2010

–Ed. note–There is no other word to use for this except simply EXPLOSIVE. As Grant Smith of www.irmep.org points out, newly classified documents originating from Senate Foreign Relations committe investigations reveal that Israel and her agents were being investigated for “false flag” attacks on America.

On October 21, 2010 the National Archives and Records Administration released Box #1 (of 67) from sealed US Senate records about the activities of non diplomatic representatives of foreign governments active in the United States. The formerly classified documents reveal the rationale for extensive investigations and Justice Department enforcement actions in 1962-1963. Top US lobbying firms, public relations consultants and foreign lobbying groups were ordered to submit records under threat of subpoena to Senate Foreign Relations Committee researchers.

A declassified March 17, 1961 three-page memorandum outlines why the Senate Foreign Relations Committee focused intensely on the Jewish Agency, the American Zionist Council and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (then functioning as the AZC’s lobbying division, before incorporating):

“In recent years there has been an increasing number of incidents involving attempts by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels…..there have been occasions when representatives of other governments have been privately accused of engaging in covert activities within the United States and elsewhere, for the purpose of influencing United States Policy (the Lavon Affair).”

The “Lavon Affair” refers to a false flag Israeli terrorist bombing plot code named “Operation Susannah” against US and other targets in Egypt. It was designed to reverse US policy pressuring British withdrawals and reverting control of the Suez Canal to Egypt. Israeli agents infiltrating as Arabs were discovered, arrested and criminally prosecuted in Egypt when their explosives malfunctioned, leading to a crisis in the Israeli government and relations with the US.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which mentioned the Lavon incident twice in three pages, expressed caution about investigating such sensitive matters. “There would undoubtedly (even with care) be instances which would lead to foreign governmental protests, to violent attacks by special groups in the United States…”

The declassified Senate memo suggested three avenues for Senate investigation. “I. Public receipt of testimony from Department of Justice and Department of State….II. Public receipt of testimony from selected law and public relations firms….III Executive (perhaps public) receipt of testimony on the Lavon Affair, and similar ‘grey area’ activities…”

The Senate record of the May 23 and August 1, 1963 hearings on Israel lobbying outline covert activities, but many were heavily redacted at the insistence of the Jewish Agency and its allies in Congress. No testimony on the Lavon Affair or any other false flag attacks was ever given during the investigation.



11th November 2010, 06:00 PM
Should be interesting.

EXPLOSIVE–Senate Foreign Relations Committee Investigates Zionist Groups in 1961-1963 For Their Role in False Flag attacks against America
Posted: November 10, 2010

–Ed. note–There is no other word to use for this except simply EXPLOSIVE. As Grant Smith of www.irmep.org points out, newly classified documents originating from Senate Foreign Relations committe investigations reveal that Israel and her agents were being investigated for “false flag” attacks on America.

On October 21, 2010 the National Archives and Records Administration released Box #1 (of 67) from sealed US Senate records about the activities of non diplomatic representatives of foreign governments active in the United States. The formerly classified documents reveal the rationale for extensive investigations and Justice Department enforcement actions in 1962-1963. Top US lobbying firms, public relations consultants and foreign lobbying groups were ordered to submit records under threat of subpoena to Senate Foreign Relations Committee researchers.

A declassified March 17, 1961 three-page memorandum outlines why the Senate Foreign Relations Committee focused intensely on the Jewish Agency, the American Zionist Council and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (then functioning as the AZC’s lobbying division, before incorporating):

“In recent years there has been an increasing number of incidents involving attempts by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomatic channels…..there have been occasions when representatives of other governments have been privately accused of engaging in covert activities within the United States and elsewhere, for the purpose of influencing United States Policy (the Lavon Affair).”

The “Lavon Affair” refers to a false flag Israeli terrorist bombing plot code named “Operation Susannah” against US and other targets in Egypt. It was designed to reverse US policy pressuring British withdrawals and reverting control of the Suez Canal to Egypt. Israeli agents infiltrating as Arabs were discovered, arrested and criminally prosecuted in Egypt when their explosives malfunctioned, leading to a crisis in the Israeli government and relations with the US.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which mentioned the Lavon incident twice in three pages, expressed caution about investigating such sensitive matters. “There would undoubtedly (even with care) be instances which would lead to foreign governmental protests, to violent attacks by special groups in the United States…”

The declassified Senate memo suggested three avenues for Senate investigation. “I. Public receipt of testimony from Department of Justice and Department of State….II. Public receipt of testimony from selected law and public relations firms….III Executive (perhaps public) receipt of testimony on the Lavon Affair, and similar ‘grey area’ activities…”

The Senate record of the May 23 and August 1, 1963 hearings on Israel lobbying outline covert activities, but many were heavily redacted at the insistence of the Jewish Agency and its allies in Congress. No testimony on the Lavon Affair or any other false flag attacks was ever given during the investigation.



They'll probably whitewash it, but it's not like Americans would give a sh*t anyways.

11th November 2010, 07:56 PM
...newly classified documents originating from Senate Foreign Relations committee investigations reveal that Israel and her agents were being investigated for “false flag” attacks on America.


Our jew-controlled Media will never report this or bring this to the attention of Goyim America.
