View Full Version : Max Keiser launches campaign to Crash JP Morgan - Buy Silver!
12th November 2010, 05:03 PM
Max Keiser launches a concerted campaign to bring down major silver market manipulators and all round fraud guys JP Morgan.
See @ 2:55.
He also has some other things to say as Alex Jones shows short video clip where Greenspan admits the financial markets are all a fraud and someone should be chucked in jail.
Max Keiser: “Buy A Silver Coin, Destroy JP Morgan”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/12/2010 13:10 -0500
Max Keiser shares his brilliantly simple plan to bring down the precious metal manipulation cartel (those two terrific guys, JPM and HSBC who have recently been implicated in an avalanche of lawsuits involving silver price manipulation): “if everyone in America buys a silver coin” (which today costs much less then yesterday courtesy of Jim Cramer’s wholehearted, and about 2 years overdue, endorsement of gold last night – a far better contrarian signal than even Goldman’s FX desk ever could be), a plan originally proposed by ZH contributor Mike Krieger, “it would crash JP Morgan” presumably as the margin calls result in a cash collateral requirement in the billions of dollars. The premise, of course, is that since there is not nearly enough silver to satisfy demand, it would by definition, result in an explosion in the price of the precious metal.
More @ Max Keisers web site (
MAGNES is all over this as well: Link... (!/)
I see I got my wish on silver prices for the end of the week. Think I might pull the trigger. Could be the last chance at these prices.
12th November 2010, 05:16 PM
Excellent, reprint it far & wide.
13th November 2010, 12:21 AM
I'm stickying this thread for a while... Hopefully it won't take TOO long to crash J.P. Morgan! ;D
13th November 2010, 12:24 AM
I'd like a bumper sticker!
13th November 2010, 05:12 AM
I'm in for a bumper sticker too.
13th November 2010, 06:44 AM
We should all get a couple hundred and give them freely to our local coin dealers to hand out to their customers, there are alot of people out there who would love these and it could generate extra business for the shops as well while spreading the message far and wide.
Win / Win
Filthy Keynes
13th November 2010, 07:00 AM
Could you make an image 258 x 610 for Facebook?
13th November 2010, 10:33 AM
Could someone explain briefly how exactly this breaks JP Morgan? They are selling contracts on silver that isnt there...why would people taking delivery of physical that is not on the JP Morgan contracts effect them? COuldnt they just continue to sell phony contracts? Sorry, just kind of ignorant on this topic.
13th November 2010, 12:31 PM
Could someone explain briefly how exactly this breaks JP Morgan? They are selling contracts on silver that isnt there...why would people taking delivery of physical that is not on the JP Morgan contracts effect them? COuldnt they just continue to sell phony contracts? Sorry, just kind of ignorant on this topic.
Eventually they will have to cover those nekkid shorts to give the demanded physical, or they will reveal their fraud to the whole planet by defaulting.
18th November 2010, 01:55 AM
18th November 2010, 01:56 AM
Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th November 2010, 06:41 AM
The Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver Manifesto or: How to Get Hedge Funds To Do Your Dirty Work For You And Drive the Price of Silver to $500
1 – JP Morgan has a huge short position in Silver – estimated to be 3.3 billion ounces – tied to an enormous, extremely precarious $65 trillion derivatives position.
2 – Various exchanges around the world have been caught manipulating the price of Silver using ‘naked’ short sales i.e., counterfeiting.
3 – Of all the actively traded commodities traded around the world, Silver is one of the least plentiful and its supply is shrinking, but its industrial uses are multiplying. The ‘networked’ age of global communications is built with Silver.
4 – Hedge funds are taking physical delivery of Silver – adding substantial demand as well as exposing these exchange’s naked short positions – who are already scrambling to deliver – jacking prices up to multi-decade highs – and inspiring these predatory funds to buy more Silver.
5 – There are billions of people around the world who are aware that banks have been committing fraud and embezzlement who are upset that their politicians seem only interested in helping the banks commit more fraud – who are looking for a cheap way to non-aggressively fight back and decapitalize these banks.
6 – Many of these people have the access and wherewithal to purchase 1 ounce of Silver – thus removing hundreds of millions of ounces of Silver from the ‘paper’ market – forcing additional scrambling by dealers to fill orders by buying back short positions – inspiring the funds to buy and take physical delivery of even more Silver – creating a colossal short squeeze – in which JP Morgan stands to be the biggest loser.
7 – Buying Silver is how the world is monetizing its anger at the banks who stole their wealth.
8 – Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver
20th November 2010, 11:26 AM
Buying Silver is how the world is monetizing its anger at the banks who stole their wealth.
Excellent assessment, I'll have to remember that line... :)
20th November 2010, 12:11 PM
About 20,400,000 results (0.24 seconds)
Even while the Asia-Pacific Economic Council (APEC) adjourns in Yokohama, Japan, with no real agreements, a war is brewing. No, I’m not talking about the currency war between China the America. Nor even the trade war between our two countries. I’m not even talking about the big battle between Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito! However, I am talking about an economic war between two super-powers, The People vs J.P. Morgan-Chase Bank. There’s a guerilla war growing on the Internet to crash J.P. Morgan, and the weapon of choice is silver. Their motto is ‘Crash JPMorgan Buy Silver’!
20th November 2010, 12:17 PM
Crash JP Morgan, buy Silver
Just in case you didn't know already there is supposed to be about
31,000 tonnes to 15,000 tonnes silver above ground.
There is thought to have been 140,000 tonnes gold mined in the history as we are told. That isn't chucked away, unlike silver.
Silver has be depleted over the last 60 years and thrown away in landfill, because it's too cheap to recycle effectively and is contained in many products.
I see silver going to roughly the same value as gold, whatever price that is.
Silver reserves below the ground don't amount to too much either, so no one is going to magic loads up any time soon.
20th November 2010, 12:28 PM
Some kind of technical advice here on how to turn your comp into a sampler bot?
I haven't tried it, but someone else can be the guinea pig... ;D
(Do only two windows or so or else google doesn’t allow it)
This little dandy will reload any tab if activated. (right click suggestion below google search and select ‘reload every’ and pick interval “5 Sec”, put it on “Randomize”, then finish typing search term and click search) wacky but it works.
20th November 2010, 01:51 PM
7 – Buying Silver is how the world is monetizing its anger at the banks who stole their wealth.
There's a volume of information packed into that one line.
Silver probably won't get the stolen wealth back, but at least it can stop the continuation.
20th November 2010, 04:32 PM
I've been wondering about the contracts JP Morgan write for silver. I think companies like these often have clauses in them for settlement to be in dollars and not in actual delivery. I guess if depends on the type of contract. If it's an option or a derivative. I'm sure you can see the importance of a contract being settled in dollars compared to delivery.
ok so doing a bit more reading, you can go futures on the comex @ 5000oz. Then take delivery into a warehouse (JP Morgan - Henry Bath) and then take physical delivery from the warehouse. I am not sure if you can take delivery directly from the comex.
So it's possible that either your silver contract does not get delivered into the warehouse but the warehouse says it was received and the comex says it was shipped. Then you get the run around trying to get delivery from the warehouse. Alternatively it does get shipped and it does get delivered but you still get the run around because the warehouse is fudging it's books by fractionalising it's holdings. Customers claims are far greater than inventory.
Then there are the mini contracts of 1000oz. I assume these are warehouse and broker products not comex products due to the size. The same issues can apply here as well - getting delivery. The potential for contracts with settlement options different to delivery seems more likely here because the contracts are non comex contracts.
In the end, the plan of this campaign is to try and dry up the smaller supply units, coins and small bars, 10oz, 1kg, 100oz etc so that the mints need to replenish and they will go to the comex for their supply. This will help draw down available supply and make it more difficult for warehouses like JP Morgan to aquire delivery supply.
I think JP Morgan might be able to fudge it for some time by delay tactics on delivery, settlement in dollars and not silver and probably a few other techniques we don't know about. The other possibility is that the mints themselves come up short because they cannot get delivery or the amount of silver available is spread more thinly between mints and warehouses.
just thinking out loud
20th November 2010, 07:02 PM
LOL @ This vid.
Warning, vid contains disturbing images of metals abuse. :P
20th November 2010, 07:29 PM
LOL @ This vid.
That's a keeper, must have taken awhile to set that all up, and a strong ladder...5 Stars!!!
:sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun:
20th November 2010, 07:52 PM
What a beautiful sound Plastic! Yes, it had me lol by the end too!
Uncle Salty
22nd November 2010, 12:21 PM
We need billboards of this all over America.
22nd November 2010, 02:33 PM
22nd November 2010, 04:16 PM
Silver Shortages Accelerate As Wholesale Supplies Plunge: Krieger/Keiser - 1; JP Morgan - 0
Is the Kriger/Keiser "Short Squeeze JPM to Oblivion" plan working? Judging by the wholesale availability of silver (or lack thereof) the answer is a resound yes. In Coin Updates News we read that "as of today, there are no longer any regular wholesale supplies of the 1 ounce through 100 ounce silver rounds and bars available for immediate delivery. It may be possible to locate incidental quantities of some product, but most wholesalers are now promising two to four weeks delivery to allow time for the silver to be fabricated." Over the weekend we noted that even at the smaller, retail level, Silver American Eagles sold by the US Mint, have surged to a 2010 high in just the first three weeks of November. Is America now fully intent on ending Jamie Dimon's domination over the precious metal space?
Full article..... (
22nd November 2010, 04:23 PM
Silver Shortages Accelerate As Wholesale Supplies Plunge: Krieger/Keiser - 1; JP Morgan - 0
Is the Kriger/Keiser "Short Squeeze JPM to Oblivion" plan working? Judging by the wholesale availability of silver (or lack thereof) the answer is a resound yes. In Coin Updates News we read that "as of today, there are no longer any regular wholesale supplies of the 1 ounce through 100 ounce silver rounds and bars available for immediate delivery. It may be possible to locate incidental quantities of some product, but most wholesalers are now promising two to four weeks delivery to allow time for the silver to be fabricated." Over the weekend we noted that even at the smaller, retail level, Silver American Eagles sold by the US Mint, have surged to a 2010 high in just the first three weeks of November. Is America now fully intent on ending Jamie Dimon's domination over the precious metal space?
Full article..... (
We should pull our resources & start a mint.
22nd November 2010, 05:21 PM
Max Keisers' next episode of the Keiser Report on -> Live on air @ 8:00PM Central GSUS time.
I have it at about 6:21 now.
23rd November 2010, 09:03 AM
23rd November 2010, 09:36 AM
That girl had some huge gold necklace, wonder if it were the real?
Keiser is too candid, loved the tablecloth cutting.
26th November 2010, 12:15 AM
I don't know where else to put this. It's on Max's web site so I'll post it here. It might deserve it's own thread. I never understood the appeal of art bars. I can see it clearly now.
America's Story Told In Silver
It's a bit quick (long story so little time) so be prepared to hit the pause button to read the story on the back of the bars.
30th November 2010, 04:35 PM
I don't know where else to put this. It's on Max's web site so I'll post it here. It might deserve it's own thread. I never understood the appeal of art bars. I can see it clearly now.
America's Story Told In Silver
It's a bit quick (long story so little time) so be prepared to hit the pause button to read the story on the back of the bars.
Nice, would love to own that as a set in sealed plastic sheets.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd December 2010, 01:30 PM
Read the comments at the end to see the sheeple reaction to Max's Buy Silver Crash JP Morgan campaign...
A sad state of affairs is what it is. Most just don't get it. Probably never will.
For decades, the world's banking system has been on a fiat currency standard that has led to banks that are "too big to fail". They have overreached their remit of providing loans and have leeched into the political system, using our money to change the political agenda in ways that boost bank management's compensation over the interests of their depositors.
Over the past 11 years, the Gata (Gold Anti-Trust Action) committee has worked to reveal the silver/gold price suppression scheme; thanks to whistleblower Andrew Maguire in London, an investigation has been opened. As part of the ongoing exposé, it has now become clear that JP Morgan is sitting on what is estimated to be 3.3bn ounce "short" position in silver (which they have sold short, meaning they don't own it to begin with) in an attempt to keep the price artificially low in order to keep the relative appeal of the dollar and other fiat currencies high. The potential liability for JP Morgan has been an open secret for a few years.
On my show, Keiser Report, I recently invited Michael Krieger, a regular contributor of Zero Hedge (the WikiLeaks of finance). We posited that if 5% of the world's population each bought a one-ounce coin of silver, JP Morgan would be forced to cover their shorts – an estimated $1.5tn liability – against their market capital of $150bn, and the company would therefore go bankrupt. A few days later, I suggested on the Alex Jones show that he launch a "Google bomb" with the key phrase "crash jp morgan buy silver".
Within a couple of hours, it went viral and hundreds of videos have been made to support the campaign.
Right now, silver eagle sales for the month of November hit an all-time record high and the availability of silver on a wholesale level is drying up. The most important indicator is the price itself – holding just under a 30-year high. With each uptick JP Morgan gets closer to going bust or requiring a bailout.
Here's how the campaign works: wealth tied to a fiat currency is easily overwhelmed by wealth tied to silver and gold. And the world is waking up to the fact that they have the ability, without government assistance or other interference, to create a new precious metals-based backed currency system by simply converting their fiat paper into real money.
This campaign has 100% chance of working; it falls into the category of a self-fulfilling prophecy. As more individuals buy silver and gold, all attempts to replenish the system with more paper money will only cause the purchasing power of the silver and gold to increase – thus prompting more people to buy more. Any attempts to bail out JP Morgan would have the same effect. If the US Fed was to flood the system with bailout money for JP Morgan to cover their silver short position (as they did after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management), more inflation will ensue and the price of silver and gold will rise more, triggering more purchases. A virtuous circle is born.
4th December 2010, 05:10 PM
Cute video that explains this problem so any dummy (like me) can understand:
"The Goldman Sack Blows The Whistle On The JP Morgue Silver Manipulation Scheme"
9th December 2010, 08:27 AM
Bid Bullion Releases 171,500 Ounces Of Silver "Max Keisers" In Ongoing Campaign To Destroy JPMorgan (
9th December 2010, 11:08 AM
Thanks to joe_mama
9th December 2010, 07:01 PM
Max Keiser launches a concerted campaign to bring down major silver market manipulators and all round fraud guys JP Morgan.
I love this campaign. I bought a S.A.E. on my break this afternoon. It felt good carrying it in my pocket, knowing that I was not only buying something that will likely go up in value, but I was also doing my part to help bring down a financial terrorist. 8)
17th January 2011, 09:39 AM
18th January 2011, 05:08 PM
крах JP Morgan, купить серебряный !
16th February 2011, 03:39 AM
Bid Bullion Releases 171,500 Ounces Of Silver "Max Keisers" In Ongoing Campaign To Destroy JPMorgan (
Has anyone actually received a Silver Keiser yet? I got an email from BidBullion back on Jan 24th offering a bunch of excuses as to why the order has not been shipped yet. My order was placed on Dec 13th.
I've not heard back from BB yet as to when delivery will take place. Be interesting to see if anyone has taken delivery yet.
4th March 2011, 05:44 PM
Nice emblem!
4th March 2011, 10:42 PM
March 2, 2011, 7:40 pm
A Conspiracy With a Silver Lining (
5th March 2011, 09:15 AM
March 2, 2011, 7:40 pm
A Conspiracy With a Silver Lining (
Just read's like reading a whodunit short story. As soon as it mentioned informant Andrew Maguire, I KNEW he was going to get the ax. *sigh*
It's too bad he got the Ewan McGregor treatment in The Ghost Writer." Stay out of London if you're a potential informant/whistle blower!
6th March 2011, 12:04 PM
A Deep Walkthru For Silver Manipulation - Redux (
Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/02/2011 13:43 -0500
30th March 2011, 06:15 AM
The Anti-Thesis of the New World Order / Die Anti-These der Neuen Weltordnung
Vis-à-vis a pile of “Silver Keiser Thalers” I talked to Max Keiser about the status of his “Crash JP Morgan” campaign. Moreover: Rob Kirby on the “How and Why of the silver price manipulation.”
First in English, then in German / Erst auf Englisch, dann auf Deutsch:
Yesterday, after I saw this little exhibit from the new “Keiser Report“:
I’ve had some questions for the guy with the blue tie, Max Keiser – the spokeperson of the global Silver Liberation Army, SLA.
Mr. Keiser, how do you evaluate the current state of your “Crash JPM, Buy Silver”-campaign? Will you ultimately succeed?
MK: With each dollar appreciation of Silver we get closer to our goal. When the price of Silver exceeds the stock price of JPM, the end should come quickly for them as they have leveraged their own stock in an attempt to impose slavery and terrorism around the world.
Full interview transcript (
30th March 2011, 06:19 AM
Bid Bullion Releases 171,500 Ounces Of Silver "Max Keisers" In Ongoing Campaign To Destroy JPMorgan (
Has anyone actually received a Silver Keiser yet? I got an email from BidBullion back on Jan 24th offering a bunch of excuses as to why the order has not been shipped yet. My order was placed on Dec 13th.
I've not heard back from BB yet as to when delivery will take place. Be interesting to see if anyone has taken delivery yet.
I hope none of them show up with one of those eyes. ::)
30th March 2011, 09:31 AM
I hope none of them show up with one of those eyes. ::)
Quick! Somebody buy one of these and send it to Magnes for analysis.
14th April 2011, 07:33 AM
:oo--> Just a question of time! 8)
source: (
27th April 2011, 08:56 PM
Max on Greek TV. Max has been travelling around and doing live shows in various countries based on how many people are visiting his web site from each country. Apparently he used to be a standup comedian once upon a time and he puts on quite a show. This video is not his show but the first part of a TV interview he did.
29th April 2011, 10:31 PM
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