View Full Version : SPLC video: understanding the threat of sovereign citizens

midnight rambler
13th November 2010, 10:32 PM
aka domestic terrorists


Twisted Titan
13th November 2010, 11:11 PM
Are you really surprised????

Think about it..........

SPLC Insinuates Itself into Department of Homeland Security


14th November 2010, 12:11 AM
McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate (http://www.insteadof.com/TerrorAttack/p7.htm)

But Captain Terry Guild, McVeigh's' former platoon leader, told reporters that the failure to become a Green Beret left the Iraq War veteran "upset. Not angry. Just very, very disappointed." In the Army, he demonstrated a willingness to carry out orders, any orders. He trained on his own time while other soldiers languished in their bunks or caroused at the PX. As a civilian, Timothy McVeigh continued to dwell on the military. In 1992 he took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo and was assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare. Al Salandra, a spokesman for Calspan, told reporters that McVeigh was "a model employee."

"He was real different," Todd Regier, a plumber, told the Boston Globe. "Kind of cold. He was almost like a robot."
Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber (http://www.whale.to/b/constantine8.html)

Jeff Camp, who worked as a guard with McVeigh in upstate New York after high school, told Newsweek that the bomber was "a very strange person. It was like he had two different personalities."

According to mind control researcher David Hoffman, in 1946 Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory was founded including the Fund for the Study of Human Ecology. The fund was a CIA financing conduit for mind control experiments by migr Nazi scientists and others under the direction of CIA doctors Sidney Gotttlieb, Ewen Cameron and Louis Jolyn West. Gottlieb, of course was the director of the CIA's infamous MK-ULTRA mind control program.

Cornell was later absorbed into Calspan Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo, NY. The company continued experiments in mind control and artificial intelligence. In 1997 Calspan was in turn absorbed by Veridian Corp. Veridian (Calspan) is deeply involved in artificial intelligence. In August of this year giant defense contractor General Dynamics acquired Veridian-Calspan.

Here is a strange coincidence. After Timothy McVeigh left the army, he joined the Army National Guard in Buffalo. He landed a job with Burns International Security and was assigned to guard the premises of (you guessed it) Calspan. McVeigh had told friends the army had implanted a microchip in him during the Gulf war. (We now know that a number of soldiers were implanted with microchips explained as an experiment to keep track of their locations during battle.) The CIA doctors at Calspan were experimenting with merging brain cells with microchips.

“If I told you what we were doing there, I would have to kill you” - Morris Dees (SPLC co-founder) OKC BOMBING FALLOUT (http://www.proxywhore.com/invboard/index.php?showtopic=172951)


14th November 2010, 05:12 AM
I watched that the other day and the first thing I thought about was this occurrence with the cops getting shot. I remember at the time thinking it was a false flag because it just didn't fit. The whole story didn't make sense. Now here to we are, a few months later with an SPLC educational video. A fake news story to create their propaganda showing white Americans as "terrorists".

14th November 2010, 08:15 AM
It only goes to show how shallow people are that accept SPLC face value as some kind of crusading positive. Short attention span theater means things like ALIPAC calling for Napolitano's resignation over false SPLC "intelligence" used by DHS fell on deaf ears and we moved on to the sports channel. When charismatic enemies of the state (the real ones) tell the public that people that want to be left alone to live their own lives are a danger to society it should register as tyranny. Instead it translates into Janet Jackson's tit.