View Full Version : What a Dollar Collapse Will Look Like

mick silver
14th November 2010, 08:20 AM
http://www.shtfplan.com/books/what-a-dollar-collapse-will-look-like-indivisible-full-blovel_11122010/print/ ... The following introduction is the prelude to Troy Grice’s Indivisible, a blovel (blog novel) about what it may look like when the dollar collapses. Troy has made the blovel available for free to interested readers - details follow below.

Unable to sleep one night, you turn on the television and hear this…

“…the selloff started about midway through the session with rumors swirling about the cash strapped Bank of Japan liquidating half their U.S. Treasury holdings. Prices on the Ten Year Note plunged taking yields up one hundred basis points over the span of about eight minutes. Record volume led one trader to speculate that the Central Banks of the U.K., Saudi Arabia and China were stepping in to halt the U.S. Bond collapse.

Yields seemed to level off for about a half hour but then the frantic selloff resumed driving Ten Year Treasury yields up another whopping one hundred and ninety basis points!” Observed a reporter in Australian accent.

“So what impact has this had on the currency markets?” asked the anchor. “Is everyone moving into cash?”

“Yes…well, the conventional wisdom is that such a dramatic move down in Treasuries would drive many investors into U.S. dollars but that has not been the case. There is a dollar selloff happening concurrently with the dollar down almost ten percent against the yen and euro and off a whopping fifteen percent against the Chinese yuan. These are all unprecedented moves, Sam.”

“Where are the investors going?”

“Right…(nodding and holding earpiece)…well, it’s been a huge day for metals, ag commodities, and oil with oil itself up almost twenty five dollars during the session.

“So what happens from here?”

“Yes…(nodding and holding earpiece)…well, with commodity futures still climbing and Treasuries still tanking, it looks like the bloodbath will continue when the DAX opens.”

“Thank you, Mel…uh huh…one moment…(holding ear)…uh we’ve just received word that the Federal Reserve will be holding an emergency session in…”

About Indivisible

“The professorial Fed Chairman, his ever-whitening beard and ever-receding hairline making him look ever-the-more gnomish, loosened his tie and poured himself a drink at the 7:30 open. Perhaps the great ship would not sink, he hoped. The Fed had key-stroked hundreds of billions of dollars throughout the night and had managed to prop up the wobbly futures markets. Their hope was that the animal spirits could be tamed by the NYSE open. But the entire system sank right from the bell.”

Indivisible tells of survival amidst the turmoil of an economic collapse in contemporary America. Triggered by an Asian selloff of U.S. Treasuries, the United States devolves from currency collapse to price controls and shortages, riots, Martial Law and ultimately into civil war.

Bob Garrity is the Under-Sheriff of Jefferson County, Colorado. He is a man willing to exceed the bounds of the law in order to solve a rash of recent kidnappings in his normally peaceful jurisdiction.

Maiden Lane is an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury. A femme fatale, Mae is not afraid to use her “assets” to get what she wants.

Jimmy Marzan is a soldier, tormented by allegience to his unit and adherence his morality.

Vaughn Clayton is an unemployed father who must figure out how to keep his family together in the chaos.

Their lives converge on the backdrop of the American implosion. To what lengths will they go to survive? …And how far will the D.C. go in order to preserve the established order?

If you’re ready to kick back with a book that promises to be as exciting as it is timely, check out the options for readers below:

Click here to read Troy Grice’s blovel online, for FREE [1]

If you prefer to download an easy to read electronic, printer-friendly version, Troy has made Indivisible available for just $2.99 in PDF format. Click here to order the online version in PDF format. [1]

You can also download the e-book on your Kindle [2] or order the paperback at Amazon [3].


Article printed from SHTF Plan - When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You: http://www.shtfplan.com

URL to article: http://www.shtfplan.com/books/what-a-dollar-collapse-will-look-like-indivisible-full-blovel_11122010

URLs in this post:

[1] Click here to read Troy Grice’s blovel online, for FREE: http://goldsteinrepublic.com/indivisible

[2] Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Indivisible-ebook/dp/B0046H9GOY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=books&qid=1286848064&sr=1-1

[3] Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1453846727

Twisted Titan
14th November 2010, 12:06 PM

14th November 2010, 04:50 PM
Wow! What a great book, a really interesting read - and for free too!

Here's a section definately dear....

(It comes just days into the collapse)


But despite the gaping holes, sound businesses endured by the wits of their brilliant, industrious managers who hustled fuel with collateralized IOUs to keep their fleets rolling. The goods that were moving were moving based on million dollar deals sealed with handshakes and emails. There were crafty, resourceful men and women, millions of them, dealing in millions of products, making billions of decisions that held the fragile economic order together. They were adjusting to the extraordinary situation. They were surviving.

Then the government just had to do something.

The government’s busybody administrators could not resist their pervasive and pathological need to save the day. So like a monkey wrench…nay…a hand grenade tossed into the works, the government busybodies went about meddling and destroying the fragile arrangements created by the resourceful managers. The government busybodies had to save everyone from evil greed!

First, the evil price gougers were to be cited, than arrested, than their assets were to be commandeered....

14th November 2010, 11:09 PM
Here's more....

...There have never been limits on what established orders will do to maintain their power— and this played itself out even in America. Things never change.

The ‘collateral damage’ inflicted by the Domestic Security Force was being broadcast to the rest of the world. Images of tanks and armored personal carriers rolling through Beaver Cleaver neighborhoods, demolishing houses and cars, troops in black kicking in doors and opening fire on so-called domestic combatants, were spreading virally worldwide.

The anxiety in the governmental ranks turned to outright panic after the Department of Homeland Security threw the internet kill switch. The security measure which was authorized in a military spending bill so that the so-called conservative republicans would approve. The establishment managed to regain control of the information…for a whopping twelve hours. But a spontaneous order of thousands of computer hackers launched assaults on the government and their corporate shills, blowing their firewalls apart (virtually), and infecting and destroying the servers of all collaborators. They erased everything.

18th December 2010, 06:57 PM
I paid the $2.99 for the kindle edition and just finished it today, and I really, really recommend this book to everyone here. The story is surprisingly good, and you will learn a thing or two about SHTF scenarios by reading this. It's not very long but is still a riveting read. The story involves the Chinese failing to roll over or "reverse-repo" as they call it, their Treasury holdings, which collapses the US bond market and starts a chain reaction which melts down the US economy. The way things develop and the reaction of the "sheeple" is very realistic as far as what would be expected to happen after this. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read this book.

Lessons learned from this book: keep your mouth shut regarding what preps you have, make sure you have enough guns and ammo to protect yourself from kidnappers and gang bangers, and make sure you can lay low and wait out the S when it HTF.

18th December 2010, 07:29 PM
Reading the story now, in the first four paragraph the author is using what I call "fancy English" where many people don't know what he is talking about and much less the meaning of the words.....I would say that this book was written for those with some education and not for the average English reader......most people use only about 800 English words in their everyday life........he should had used simple English to say anything about WTSHTF so that EVERYONE is able to follow the story.

18th December 2010, 07:47 PM
Reading the story now, in the first four paragraph the author is using what I call "fancy English" where many people don't know what he is talking about and much less the meaning of the words.....I would say that this book was written for those with some education and not for the average English reader......most people use only about 800 English words in their everyday life........he should had used simple English to say anything about WTSHTF so that EVERYONE is able to follow the story.

Damnit Ponce, learn the language so you can quit complaining. I'm reading it now, pretty darn good book on a rainy night. It's not the author's fault most americans read at a 3rd grade level.

Heck, half the post on this board go right over my head. You don't hear me complaining about it.

Get a dictionary and look up the words you don't understand! ;)

18th December 2010, 08:24 PM
Solid? very seldom do I see a word of which I don't know the meaning........and if I don't used them myself if because I don't want to be out of character hahahahahahah.

OK Book.......come on, give it to me..........I can tell by the "thank you" that you gave him hahahahahahah.

18th December 2010, 11:12 PM
It's a good read, I read it when it was originally posted here. The author was timely and kind about getting me the passwords to the last three chapters. He only asks that you post link or put the word out that the book is there to read. As for the genre, Lights Out kills this, but it is a slightly different story and different book. Still has very valuable content for the prep mind.

19th December 2010, 01:06 AM
Reading the story now, in the first four paragraph the author is using what I call "fancy English" where many people don't know what he is talking about and much less the meaning of the words.....I would say that this book was written for those with some education and not for the average English reader......most people use only about 800 English words in their everyday life........he should had used simple English to say anything about WTSHTF so that EVERYONE is able to follow the story.

I know your kidding right? The folks that can't read it don't have AG/AU or preps and plenty of ammo let alone fire arms to protect their wallmart holdings. The book was not made for them. LMAO.

19th December 2010, 02:51 AM
[quote=Ponce ]

Heck, half the post on this board go right over my head. You don't hear me complaining about it.

Whoa thats a pretty low percentage...... :sun:

19th December 2010, 02:54 AM
Solid? very seldom do I see a word of which I don't know the meaning........and if I don't used them myself if because I don't want to be out of character hahahahahahah.

OK Book.......come on, give it to me..........I can tell by the "thank you" that you gave him hahahahahahah.


19th December 2010, 07:26 AM
Cebu? the "average" American is not here with us...........

OK, I read to chapter 21 and then said "to hell with it"..........all that I could see was mistakes upon mistakes and if my English was better I could write a better story myself.

What idiot would not have a safe or secret room where they could hide in case of an emergency? and leaving the wife without a weapon? and having a front door easy to open? and why have the gun lock up? because of the 2 year old kid?........anyway I better shut up before the arm chair warriors come after me.

mick silver
19th December 2010, 09:37 PM
bring it back up

20th December 2010, 07:18 PM
got through chapter 21, just waiting on the password for the last few chapters

good read, but i agree with the previous poster that Lights Out is one of the best for the genre

20th December 2010, 07:26 PM
I read this a few months back. I didn't look at to see if anything was added after last time I had been at the site.

It wasn't too bad.

I really like johngaltfla's The Day the Dollar Died (http://johngaltfla.com/blog3/2009/11/18/the-day-the-dollar-died-a-blovel-entire-series-single-thread-not-edited-for-content-yet/)
He has started the second part to it. I listen to his radio program every once and a while. Some good info if you can download the broadcasts. They are a pain in the derriere to download.

20th December 2010, 08:31 PM
got through chapter 21, just waiting on the password for the last few chapters

good read, but i agree with the previous poster that Lights Out is one of the best for the genre

Lights out is good, but if I remember, that one's about an EMP attack wiping out the electrical grid, right? This one is about a US Treasury and Dollar collapse, which is a totally different scenario. In the EMP scenario, it's done in a blink of an eye and if you're not prepared or are in the wrong spot at the wrong moment, you're done. In the Treasury collapse scenario, the people who see it occurring first (GSUS would be all over it) can still make a few grocery runs to stock up on some final essentials. So I don't know if I'd really compare the two since they tell distinctly different stories.

20th December 2010, 09:06 PM
Franks? but the results are the same ......... the average American is ready for NOTHING and can only hope that the government will "SAVE" them...........Katrina and New Orleans is a good example as to what will happen............BUT WORSE and lasting for a longggggggggggg time........the only favor that they will do for you will be not to shoot you.