midnight rambler
14th November 2010, 09:16 AM

General of Darkness
14th November 2010, 09:33 AM

Twisted Titan
14th November 2010, 11:12 AM
It is very interesting but at the end of the day The Pickpockets and Thieves will not be bound by words,laws or definitions.

If you have something they want they with steal outright or kill you for it and work the "justification" afterwards.

Your job is the keep enough distance between yourself and those Bandits by any means at hand.


midnight rambler
14th November 2010, 11:20 AM
Twisted, their own code proves that truly the pen is mightier than the sword, as there is widespread unquestioning compliance to their written nonsense with hardly a shot fired. sh*t, they've got everyone to the point that the people rarely rise up and challenge them when they are blatantly operating outside their own codes! By your own words it appears they have you complying when you know better. And certainly Book complies as he's the #1 apologist for state power.

Go ahead and burn that pinch of incense for Ceasar, in the end there will be Hell to pay, literally.

7th trump
14th November 2010, 11:56 AM
Dont take too much what Family guardian has to say. Take it with a grain of salt.

Twisted Titan
14th November 2010, 12:03 PM
Twisted, their own code proves that truly the pen is mightier than the sword, as there is widespread unquestioning compliance to their written nonsense with hardly a shot fired. sh*t, they've got everyone to the point that the people rarely rise up and challenge them when they are blatantly operating outside their own codes! By your own words it appears they have you complying when you know better. And certainly Book complies as he's the #1 apologist for state power.

Go ahead and burn that pinch of incense for Ceasar, in the end there will be Hell to pay, literally.

I have seen it too many times now

The only time wordsmith game works is when they can run rings around the helpless Pro Se Litigant

Anytime you try to get them to clarify their wording you are waved away in absolute digust and if you continue to press the issue you'll be arrested by the court officer and held until you "wise up"

I have seen a man jailed only for asking logical questions.

So I hold no illusions about what happens when the rubber meets the Road.

The Only defense you have that is truly effective IS PHYSICAL

14th November 2010, 12:14 PM
their own code proves that truly the pen is mightier than the sword,

That just proves they're more tyrannical than the outright murderer/killer.

7th trump
14th November 2010, 12:14 PM
Twisted, their own code proves that truly the pen is mightier than the sword, as there is widespread unquestioning compliance to their written nonsense with hardly a shot fired. sh*t, they've got everyone to the point that the people rarely rise up and challenge them when they are blatantly operating outside their own codes! By your own words it appears they have you complying when you know better. And certainly Book complies as he's the #1 apologist for state power.

Go ahead and burn that pinch of incense for Ceasar, in the end there will be Hell to pay, literally.

I have seen it too many times now

The only time wordsmith game works is when they can run rings around the helpless Pro Se Litigant

Anytime you try to get them to clarify their wording you are waved away in absolute digust and if you continue to press the issue you'll be arrested by the court officer and held until you "wise up"

I have seen a man jailed only for asking logical questions.

So I hold no illusions about what happens when the rubber meets the Road.

The Only defense you have that is truly effective IS PHYSICAL

Often times its too late to ask questions because its not the place to ask or argue semantics.
If you are in court then you are within their jurisdiction and either broke a law or regulation. Asking or argueing the Constitution in a Civil Law form court over breaking a civil law will get you nothing but trouble.
If you do your due dilligence you'd know to not ever step foot in their jurisdiction.
Two things 99.9% of the layman population does not understand:
1. The difference between "legal" and "lawful".
2. The legal difference between a "US citizen" and the "People of the United States of America".

14th November 2010, 02:48 PM
You know, from my "life experience", I wouldn't give everyone in this country "the vote" or a "voice" in "government".