View Full Version : If You Don’t Hold It, You Don’t Own It

14th November 2010, 02:21 PM
Now where have I heard that before ?

Oh yeah; I heard it over 5 years ago after I had gotten to know Ponce. You see, Ponce and I talk on the phone almost daily. Sometimes over three hours ! And what could we be talking about for such a long time ? Some family stuff but mostly we talk about recent financial, political and social articles and what they imply. You would think that it wouldn’t take two or three hours to discuss what is going on but the deeper we look into the myriad of events going on, the more we understand how everything is interconnected. Not only does Ponce scour the internet worldwide daily but he also connects the “dots” almost instantaneously. Consequently, I am a beneficiary of this world view. For many years I have delighted in helping change lives for the better but Ponce has been instrumental (sometimes like a hammer) in changing my own life. Something I was pleasantly unprepared for.

For instance, did you know that Ambac had filed for bankruptcy earlier this week ? And just who IS Ambac and what is their significance to the rest of the markets ? Well, Ambac is only the second largest insurer of municipal bonds. So what, you say ? Let’s put it this way. If you were a bond investor, would you buy a municipal or state bond if you couldn’t get insurance against it defaulting ? Is you mind reeling yet ? Yes, local and state governments may not be able to issue any bonds in the future. And with their crushing deficits, where is the money to come from to fill this ongoing black hole ?

Bond insurer Ambac files for bankruptcy


Here’s an article that Ponce and I shared the other day. We had a lot of laughs as I read it to him. We were laughing because so much of the advice was identical to what Ponce has been talking about for several years. You see, Ponce can’t understand how few people know what is going on and as a result of this knowledge is preparing. He feels that they should have figured it out many years ago as he has.

A Final Checklist For Everyone


Read the whole article, in particular the recommendations of how to prepare. You will see Ponce’s recommendations that he has been posting for years, one after another. Now you know why we have been laughing at the articles; Ponce could have written them years ago !

Some of the things Ponce saw long ago :

Water will be the blue gold of the future. We can live without oil but not without water.

The necessity to prep for AT LEAST three years…

“Ready for all; worry about none”
And as an admonition to not get too cocky :
“To be ready is not”.

“The recovery of the U.S., if it recovers, won’t be for decades”

And last but not least, “If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it”. Lately more and more financial writers have been advising to sell paper investments and buy the physical gold and silver. With the recent revelations of the silver and gold ETF funds such as SLV and GLD not having the physical gold and silver they are supposed to, Ponce’s quote has become front and center to preservation of one’s wealth. And a corollary to that quote in view of potential future govt confiscation, “If you can’t hide it, you won’t own it”.


A few interesting articles Ponce and I have shared and discussed :

Let's Quantify What QE2 Means For Future Inflation And Gold & Silver Prices


The Silly Silver Manipulators


Silver Margin Hike Underscores Need For Bullion Ownership


What A Tangled Web We Weave…


And posted today :

The Day The Silver Suppression Stopped - How To Navigate The New Silver Market


Bull In A Bull Market


CHINA, "Thanks For The Jobs Uncle Sam,But We'll Pass On The Inflation"


Note that all of the above articles are posted on the Gold-Eagle website. There are many, many other sources where one can find more information than he can know what to do with. An overload, if you will.

Here’s another YouTube Ponce pointed out :

5 Alarm Fire At Comex : Silver Will Soar Once Again


No one here has hardly a clue of who is Ponce. I can guarantee that if you did, you would be shocked and amazed.

I hope that Ponce won’t get mad at me for posting this since I didn’t consult with him when I wrote it. Maybe he won’t see it since he no longer monitors this website.

Best wishes,


“People are so busy trying to survive today that they have no time for getting ready for tomorrow”.

14th November 2010, 02:28 PM
like ponce a lot. that being said, i don't understand why he always throws these little hissy fits and leaves. you'd think he has thicker skin or something.

Desolation LineTrimmer
14th November 2010, 02:30 PM
A Ponce shrine is in order. ;D

14th November 2010, 03:00 PM
I believe most of us here genuinely like Ponce. Why did he go?

14th November 2010, 03:26 PM
Maybe hes going to take what he has learned and the benefits he has gained from living in this First World Country and try to help his people.

Kind of a Gold Hoarders Without Borders kind of thing.

Desolation LineTrimmer
14th November 2010, 05:20 PM
I'd be very surprised if Ponce left permanently. Most everyone here loves him. Why would a person leave such an environment?