View Full Version : Any vets or people with vet skills on here? I've got a Q about my cat.

Grand Master Melon
15th November 2010, 08:53 AM
I figure this is as good a place to post as anywhere else given the vast knowledge on here.

So here goes:

My cat who is a big fat mean bastard had ben increasingly forming dread locks/matted hair. I didn't really want to take him to a groomer or the vet as he's awesome with us but pretty much hates everyone else in the world. So, this morning I was trimming all that crap off and was going to give him a bath. He was loving every minute of it but I was making a cut and he decided he need to move, consequently I knicked into his skin a wound about the size of a quarter. Initially there was no bleeding and then it started to bleed after a couple of minutes. I went ahead and put some peroxide on it and some neo-sporin type anti-biotic. Should I let it heal on its own or should I take him to a vet? My guess would be that they would put him under, remove the rest of the skin to make one easily treatable wound and then dress him. Should I do that myself?

Any advice would be great, thanks!

15th November 2010, 08:56 AM
Personally, I'd leave it alone but keep an eye on it. If the wound doesn't show healing progress or shows infection go to the vet.

I used to have a cat exactly as you describe yours only female. She was a badass.

15th November 2010, 09:04 AM
Cats in general are tough bastards, If you put any medication on the wound, the cat will lick it off, so if you try make sure the stuff is not toxic to cats. They can recover on their own most times.

But it is up to you, take to the vet and maybe stitches? Or let the cat do what most cats do and let it take care of its self. It is your call. Again if you put anything on the wound, make sure what you use is not toxic to the cat because what is on the cat will end up in the cat.

On a side note I have a semi wild female semi short hair that is matted like hell and I can not do any thing about it. Big cat and sharp claws, she gets pissed off quick when I try to cut out the mats. wont let me get close now.

willie pete
15th November 2010, 09:14 AM
Just keep an eye on it and watch for any signs of infection..I had a female that I raised from a kitten and she was OK with me, but no one else... :D ...anyone tried to pet her or pick her up, you're going to get scratched or biten... :D ...IF she'd been 300-400 lbs....probably would've been bad for my neighbors dogs...although he has a big shepard he claims could kill a lion...I'm not so sure about that

Grand Master Melon
15th November 2010, 09:16 AM
Yeah, mine has the claws still too.

He's such a fat bastard that I don't think he could properly clean the area on his own so I'm not sure if that's good or bad. On the one hand he can't mess with it because of where it is on his back and on the other hand he won't be able to lick off any anti-biotic.

I think I'm going to let it be for a day or so and see if he acts more sensitive in that area or becomes more irritable.

So far so good and thanks for the tips guys.

15th November 2010, 10:33 AM
I did that to my cat once (he was old and had a hard time cleaning himself so the hair would knot)... cried for hours after... a good one inch gash on his tummy, the cat did not even care... but my brother looked it over and said, it was already healing on it's own... Kitty was ok

18th November 2010, 01:56 PM
Cats are very good at healing without help. Their obsessive self grooming is also handy for wound treatment. Licking it keeps it clean and moist.

26th November 2010, 01:07 PM
Keep a wound clean and moist ( not wet).

Peroxide and topical antibiotics are out now (ask any doctor).

28th February 2011, 04:14 PM
If the wound isn't continuing to bleed, your big ole kitty is probably good to go.