View Full Version : Prayers for The Wee One

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 08:55 AM
I was just informed By the Missus that there may be some complications with The Wee One.

On her most recent visit she had Bloodwork and one of the tests came back positive for Downes Syndrome.

At this time we are trying to schedule a amniosentisis so we can get a confirmation as to the weather its true or not.

In the interim we would greatly appreciate if good thoughts and intentions could be sent our way as these Bloodwork test are not conculsive.

We thank everybody in advance for the well wishes.

15th November 2010, 09:04 AM
good luck man, i'm pulling for you.

both my wife's pregnancies had the AFP test come back abnormal, so i know what you're going through.

hang in there.

General of Darkness
15th November 2010, 09:07 AM
Prayer said. :boohoo

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 09:10 AM
good luck man, i'm pulling for you.

both my wife's pregnancies had the AFP test come back abnormal, so i know what you're going through.

hang in there.

Did they do a followup bloodwork test to reconfirm it or you went with a Amnio??

Thanks for the well wishes.

15th November 2010, 09:12 AM
I will pray for your child. A family close to us had a test done with their second child (a basic blood test), and they got the same result. There turned out to be no problem whatsoever.

15th November 2010, 09:14 AM
good luck man, i'm pulling for you.

both my wife's pregnancies had the AFP test come back abnormal, so i know what you're going through.

hang in there.

Did they do a followup bloodwork test to reconfirm it or you went with a Amnio??

Thanks for the well wishes.

we just did follow up blood work. we never did an amnio either time.

we are both against abortion, so we were having the kids regardless. all the amnio does is tell you yes or no, it can't fix anything. plus, it adds increased risks (miscarriage) to the scenario. we just prepared for it, and then when they were both born normal, we cried.

15th November 2010, 09:21 AM
hang in there TA. with both our kids, we had a fleet of doctors ABSOLUTELY tell us that with the afp levels my wife had, they FOR SURE had downs. even after i pointed out how they were wrong the first time, they still kept insisting. both of them are fine.

Low Pan
15th November 2010, 09:23 AM
gl TT, he/she will be a treasure for you I am sure.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 09:23 AM
good luck man, i'm pulling for you.

both my wife's pregnancies had the AFP test come back abnormal, so i know what you're going through.

hang in there.

Did they do a followup bloodwork test to reconfirm it or you went with a Amnio??

Thanks for the well wishes.

we just did follow up blood work. we never did an amnio either time.

we are both against abortion, so we were having the kids regardless. all the amnio does is tell you yes or no, it can't fix anything. plus, it adds increased risks (miscarriage) to the scenario. we just prepared for it, and then when they were both born normal, we cried.

This is EXACTLY what I talking about

The Bloodwork is only right 50-60% that is HUGE margin of error IMO.

The Amnio can create a problem were none existed.

This is a bad postion to be in

I wonder who created the test for Downs Syndrome ineurto?? Was high flase positive rate encouraged???

I got a million questions and narrow window of time.

Thanks for sharing the story on your Wee Ones......... it gives me alot of hope to stick with my gut.


15th November 2010, 09:25 AM
Prayers and well wishes sent, brother Twisty.

15th November 2010, 09:34 AM
Prayer sent. Best wishes for you and your family TT.

15th November 2010, 09:36 AM
TA, our prayers are with you.

We had the same issue with our second child, we decided against the Amnio. Our boy has a speech impediment, but is extremely intelligent, and he knows that he has trouble forming sentences. For example, he transposes the verbs/subjects, that is to say he will say: Dad, let me tell you a question/ Instead of Dad, let me ask you a question.

He is a genius at math, and has easily grasped calculus at 9 years old, but nevertheless, I know he will have a difficult time as an adult.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 09:41 AM
TA, our prayers are with you.

We had the same issue with our second child, we decided against the Amnio. Our boy has a speech impediment, but is extremely intelligent, and he knows that he has trouble forming sentences. For example, he transposes the verbs/subjects, that is to say he will say: Dad, let me tell you a question/ Instead of Dad, let me ask you a question.

He is a genius at math, and has easily grasped calculus at 9 years old, but nevertheless, I know he will have a difficult time as an adult.

Well hell I do that now. ;D

You see some of the thing I post around here???

I contanstly will "think" a word but for get to write it.

Im Glad you stuck to your Guns...... Your boy is lucky is to have you.

15th November 2010, 09:45 AM
me and loveflower are parents again, me @ 59, she 55. Her oldest daughter is mentally ill, bipolar, bio father schizo. Mom was on heavy pscyh drugs when pregnant, had some worries there. Beth was born with all parts ok, real sleepy for about 3 months[detox?] from seraquell. She is 4 now, doing well. She knows what real money is, brings a lot of joy to our household. Legal guardianship papers just went thru the courts,4 year process. we brought her to the l;ast hearing in family court, i think it was the first time in a while that the old judge smiled, his face just lit up when he saw bethy. hang tough twisted, "if you can make it in new york, you can make it anywhere" mike

15th November 2010, 09:51 AM
My little girl (4 yrs old) and I just said a prayer for your little one. All the best to you and yours.

midnight rambler
15th November 2010, 09:54 AM
Prayers going out.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 09:59 AM
My little girl (4 yrs old) and I just said a prayer for your little one. All the best to you and yours.

Highly appreciated my Good Sir

When I started this thread I was gut wreching scared outta my wits.

Now a peace has overtaken me.

Im still cognigzant of what could be but I cant let that shape what the future holds.

Just a update: The Misses has spoken to few Moms that came back with the abnormal AFP one with 4 pregancies under her belt and each one is absolutely fine and thriving.

We will talk more tonite but I dont think we are going to proceed with a amnio.

Thanks you to everybody those who left a comment or those who just took the time to send a kind thought out.

I owe a debt a grattitude I can never repay.


15th November 2010, 10:00 AM

If it helps - a good friend had a false positive with the initial test and the amnio returned borderline results.
They ended up with a healthy, beautiful baby boy.
I visualize the same for you.


15th November 2010, 10:01 AM
My prayers and hope to your family TT, God bless.

15th November 2010, 10:03 AM
My little brother has Down's and I say "little" though he's 28 and bigger than me. There's a 12 year difference in our ages, so I spent a lot of time babysitting and being around other Down's children, many years ago. They're all affectionate, lovable people and I've learned many lessons from my brother especially.

What you're going through is scary - the wife and I have been there twice with false positive test results. I'm not sure if having a family history of the syndrome has anything to do with the results but we worried for days before getting the amnio for the first false positive.

We didn't bother with the second time. We figure that knowing would help us mentally prepare but it's not like we would have aborted the pregnancy if the amnio confirmed the result.

15th November 2010, 10:09 AM
Prayers for all TT. Especially that you & your wife don't have fear or anxiety over this.

I had a false positive too, and it's stressful, to say the least.

mick silver
15th November 2010, 10:14 AM
i hope every thing works out tt

15th November 2010, 10:15 AM
I hope the best for you and yours...

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 10:19 AM
[quote=MNeagle ]
Prayers for all TT. Especially that you & your wife don't have fear or anxiety over this.

I had a false positive too, and it's stressful, to say the least.

Yes it is

I work in Xray and one day a week we have a "chest clinic" where for 8 hours all I do is take chest x rays on patients that had a Positive PPD reading ( skin test)

I think there is a 98% failure rate with this exam yet it still standard operating procedure for most employers.

The reason why this method is used because it generate additional test and exams IMO.

I think this is a similar MO in terms of Prenatal Care.

Thanks for the insight MN.


15th November 2010, 10:26 AM
Our family is also slipping under your family's load and concerns at this time, T. This is just one of the earliest things you get to worry about where your little one is concerned. But, trust me, the joys outweigh all the worries, regardless of the circumstances. You are not alone. The Missus is not alone. And for darned sure, that precious life is not alone. Hang in there!!

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 10:45 AM
Our family is also slipping under your family's load and concerns at this time, T. This is just one of the earliest things you get to worry about where your little one is concerned. But, trust me, the joys outweigh all the worries, regardless of the circumstances. You are not alone. The Missus is not alone. And for darned sure, that precious life is not alone. Hang in there!!

Thanks Beef

I just typed in False Postive AFP results and got a huge hit

Its seem that AFP is based on STATS not SCIENCE. That is why they will give a ratio (1 in 10 or 1 in 200 )not a specfic piece of information that you can review independently

Also this test was created to monitor women who are under 25-35 as this catagory is more prone to having a DS child.

I feel much better that I arming myself with facts and on the ground evidence that this test is deeply flawed.


15th November 2010, 11:04 AM
Prayers sent to the little one your wife and you TT,

Can they do a less evasive test ? I had one called a Nuchal fold test more or less it measures the baby and the fold behind the neck, I was 39 when I had mine and I was worried about DS because of my age, but I didn't want to do the amnio, I didn't want to take a chance of miscarriage.

God Bless

15th November 2010, 11:36 AM
I would call the test flawed unless it also delivers false negatives.
Shame on your doctor for not explaining the intricacies of the test results, however.

My prayers for you and yours, TT.

15th November 2010, 12:15 PM
I know these blood tests have to be done, but I swear they cause so much unwarranted stress it is unbelievable that they still use them.
Really? Amazing humans delivered perfectly healthy babies for centuries prior to these tests. I'm not buying it and I don't see the necessity.

15th November 2010, 12:22 PM
I would call the test flawed unless it also delivers false negatives.

If the test delivered false negatives, wouldn't it be even more flawed?

Regardless, I am glad this test is flawed. It sounds like this test causes more grief than good. Prayer said, all the best to you and your family, TT.

15th November 2010, 12:22 PM
I will pray for your family, Twisted. I will ask my wife and kids to join me in prayer this evening before dinner as well.

15th November 2010, 12:27 PM
Prayed. Best wishes to you and your family in any circumstance.

15th November 2010, 12:37 PM
Misses Ares and I are wondering if we should even get the Down Syndrome test. We were just talking about it over the weekend. But I've read that too many couples get false positives. I'm even wondering why continue doing the test if it's accuracy is only 50%-60%?

Shorty Harris
15th November 2010, 12:40 PM
Prayers sent to you & yours Tristy. All works out in the end.

15th November 2010, 12:42 PM
Misses Ares and I are are wondering if we should even get the Down Syndrome test. We were just talking about it over the weekend. But I've read that too many couples get false positives. I'm even wondering why continue doing the test if it's accuracy is only 50%-60%?

lawsuits. my uncle's done obgyn for 40+ years. he says they never used to do any of this kind of crap years ago. people started suing "because the doctor should have told them." thus they do the test now, here's the results, don't sue us, you figure it out.

15th November 2010, 01:12 PM
I suppose my question is, if the test correctly identfies DS what can be done about it? If the answer is, as I suspect, nothing, then why bother with the test?

15th November 2010, 01:15 PM
I suppose my question is, if the test correctly identfies DS what can be done about it? If the answer is, as I suspect, nothing, then why bother with the test?

I'm not sure what stage of the pregnancy the test is administered at, but if it isn't too late, I'm sure some people would opt to abort their DS baby.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th November 2010, 01:21 PM
My heart goes out to your family and I hope everything works out. Regardless of what happens, it was supposed to happen.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 01:42 PM
Misses Ares and I are wondering if we should even get the Down Syndrome test. We were just talking about it over the weekend. But I've read that too many couples get false positives. I'm even wondering why continue doing the test if it's accuracy is only 50%-60%?

I wouldnt recommend it

How your wife lives, eats and handles stress will be the biggest determinates as to weather your child is healthy.

All three of those are under your direct control focus on them.

All the best with yours Ares...... keep us in the loop ;)

15th November 2010, 02:16 PM
Titan, god bless your family, I wish I could help,
good to see people here helping with experiences.
Sounds like a totally bogus test to me like you said.
It's news to me. That is the only reason why I mention
it. Maybe you should get another one and 2nd opinion.
Even for other conditions they misdiagnose regularly.

15th November 2010, 02:19 PM
I've know several folks that were given very scary test results back while pregnant. Each and everyone of them ended up with a healthy, happy baby.

Prayers sent Twisted. Keep the faith brother.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2010, 02:41 PM
I've know several folks that were given very scary test results back while pregnant. Each and everyone of them ended up with a healthy, happy baby.

Prayers sent Twisted. Keep the faith brother.

This is what I am talking about..........

Im so glad I started this thread because it brought a much greater comfort and clarity.

Also should a unfavorable test result rear its ugly head in the future I have every reason to question the validity of it because as this thread prove the majority are deeply flawed.

Thank God I have a GSUS family as I certainly needed to lean on all of you today.


15th November 2010, 02:44 PM
TT, we pray for all 3 of you.

The test is BS, when my kid was born there was no such test but if they did I am sure he would be guilty before tried as innocent. And if he was guilty I would still give him a hard time as I do now. Your in our prayers man.

gunny highway
15th November 2010, 02:50 PM
thinking good thoughts for ya buddy. take a deep breath every once in a while and remind yourself that nothing is written in stone yet.

15th November 2010, 03:25 PM
T.T. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

Going by the other posts, I never realized parents were subjected to such bogus test.
It just seems like something else to keep you fretting about.

15th November 2010, 08:24 PM
Me too Twisted. I said a prayer for all 3 of you. and will continue

What a great group of Caring folks here at Gsus! :)

We are all with you Twisty!

15th November 2010, 09:16 PM
Positive thoughts here friend! :)

15th November 2010, 09:17 PM
I have sent up a prayer for you, Twisted Titan.

A very close friend of mine had tested positive for Down Syndrome for her baby. She and her husband opted for the amnio test. I was so confused, because she's the most loving person I know . . . I couldn't understand why she would endanger her baby just to know if he was going to have Down Syndrome. When I asked why, she told me, very uncomfortably, that they were planning to abort if the amnio tested positive. Needless to say, I was shocked. I would expect that of many other friends, but not this one.

Thank God they didn't have a false positive on the amnio too, or they wouldn't have this brilliant, giant, independent, beautiful boy that they have now. I mean, this kid is the size of a 6 year old and he's 4. He can read fluently, and can add, subtract and multiply! He can cast his own fishing rod! He amazes me, and as a bonus, he thinks I am cool. ;D

These false positives frighten me in a very bad way. I really hate to say something like this . . . but maybe I am not the only one thinking it after reading all of these examples of false positives . . . could it be some sick sort of voluntary population control?

Filthy Keynes
15th November 2010, 09:28 PM
I'll be praying for you. My first child nearly died after 21 days. He had to have emergency surgery. So I know the panickkkkk feeling. He had the surgery and is now a normal, healthy, regular, typical five-year-old (he had pyloric stenosis). Just had his birthday party on Saturday. My second child had a cyst in the umbilical chord inutero according to the ultrasound. But it turned out to be nothing. So again panickkkkkk!!!! But now I have two boys.

Anyway.... I feel your panick and I know what it's like. Nothing else matters when it's your (offspring) flesh and blood on the line.

15th November 2010, 10:47 PM
Please update us!!!

Twisted Titan
16th November 2010, 06:00 AM
Again thank you to everybody for all the kind thoughts and words.

The Wife and I really feel the good intentions coming from all angles.

After some disscusion we came to the conclusion that we wont do the Amnio we will just disregard the test as a false postive ment to spook the bejesus out of parents into additional unwarranted test that pose a ever greater risk.

There is a full sonogram that is due next week ( the name escapes me) where they be checking for full body developement if there were any challenges it would visualized there.

Side note: my wife works in a hospital setting and has had numerous tech do sono's for her and every report has come back normal so it will just be a reconfirmation of what we already know.

So that is the most recent info at this.

I cant thank everybody enough for the time and and energy they have put into this personal affair for us.

I really hope this thread can put others minds at ease should a questionable report surface in their Medical life.

Its good to have a place to turn to when you need a second opinion.


16th November 2010, 06:01 AM
Again thank you to everybody for all the kind thoughts and words.

The Wife and I really feel the good intentions coming from all angles.

After some disscusion we came to the conclusion that we wont do the Amnio we will just disregard the test as a false postive ment to spook the bejesus out of parents into additional unwarranted test that pose a ever greater risk.

There is a full sonogram that is due next week ( the name escapes me) where they be checking for full body developement if there were any challenges it would visualized there.

Side note: my wife works in a hospital setting and has had numerous tech do sono's for her and every report has come back normal so it will just be a reconfirmation of what we already know.

So that is the most recent info at this.

I cant thank everybody enough for the time and and energy they have put into this personal affair for us.

I really hope this thread can put others minds at ease should a questionable report surface in their Medical life.

Its good to have a place to turn to when you need a second opinion.


check your private messages ;)

16th November 2010, 06:13 AM
I'm praying now.

We have a child on the way as well. My wife won't get any test where there is nothing we can do about.

Twisted Titan
16th November 2010, 06:16 AM
I'm praying now.

We have a child on the way as well. My wife won't get any test where there is nothing we can do about.

That is a very sound thinking.

It save alot of unwarrented stress.

We will keep your Wee One in our thoughts as well.


16th November 2010, 06:25 AM
Whhile we're all praying about the wee ones; my wife and I decided after 10 years of marriage to finally hang up the independent life and start a family with children. She quit the pill after 12+ years at the start of this month. We try to make a baby daily. We'll see how long it takes.

She would probably kill me if she knew I posted this but she won't let me tell anyone so this seems a safe outlet.

16th November 2010, 06:25 AM
for your sake, i hope it takes a few months ;D

Twisted Titan
16th November 2010, 06:36 AM
Whhile we're all praying about the wee ones; my wife and I decided after 10 years of marriage to finally hang up the independent life and start a family with children. She quit the pill after 12+ years at the start of this month. We try to make a baby daily. We'll see how long it takes.

She would probably kill me if she knew I posted this but she won't let me tell anyone so this seems a safe outlet.

Best music for the moment............ ;D ;D ;D


16th November 2010, 05:22 PM
These false positives frighten me in a very bad way. I really hate to say something like this . . . but maybe I am not the only one thinking it after reading all of these examples of false positives . . . could it be some sick sort of voluntary population control?

I was thinking the same K-os.....I didn't want to say anything and I don't wanna derail Twisted's thread.

But i feel the need to say this....

I can't think of anything I hate more than Abortion >:( ...

and reading about this test for down...and the false positives has really angered me...a lot :boom

rant off.

17th November 2010, 04:02 AM
Population control is a true and real agenda.
Abortion is part of it, vaccines are part of it, food and water poisoning is part of it, war is part of it, the list goes on.

Back to the OP:
My wife and two Children and I said a special prayer for your family, Twisted.
We will continue to do so. Keep your chin up brother.

Twisted Titan
17th November 2010, 06:05 AM
Population control is a true and real agenda.
Abortion is part of it, vaccines are part of it, food and water poisoning is part of it, war is part of it, the list goes on.

Back to the OP:
My wife and two Children and I said a special prayer for your family, Twisted.
We will continue to do so. Keep your chin up brother.


17th November 2010, 06:50 AM
I posted yesterday but it didn't show up. I wanted to mention, in case you hadn't heard, that mothers over age 35 have a very high false positive rate for the triple screen. I think that is the test you are referring to. There are false positives at all ages, but more so for older moms. I was over 35 when I was pg with my son so I did not have the tests. I didn't want the added worry. Instead, I had a level 2 ultrasound, very detailed. Everything looked fine so I did not have an amnio. If something wouldn't have looked right, I may have considered the amnio, just to know and prepare if the baby had a problem. Best of luck to you. I'm sure everything is fine.

Triple-Screen and Quad-Screen Tests
These tests go beyond alpha-fetoprotein testing to help your healthcare provider determine if your child might have Down syndrome and to rule out other problems.
The triple-screen test helps identify problems using three blood components: alpha-fetoprotein, a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and a form of estrogen produced by the placenta called unconjugated estriol. Abnormal levels of these three blood chemicals can indicate Down syndrome. For older mothers, the detection rate is higher than 60%, with a false-positive rate of nearly 25%. Abnormal results of a triple-screen test are usually double-checked with ultrasound and amniocentesis.

17th November 2010, 07:35 AM
Youtube is blocked here TA, so I can't see what you posted.

Twisted Titan
17th November 2010, 07:52 AM
Youtube is blocked here TA, so I can't see what you posted.

It has Bill Gates openly addmiting that Vaccines assist in Population reduction which is inline with his personal agenda.

Twisted Titan
22nd November 2010, 01:21 PM
Just a Update we had a full fetal scan and appears everthing is pretty much fine ( we have to go for additional sono because she was not able to fully visualize the nose and lips two chambers on the heart) But that had more to do with The Wee One being a tad bit uncooperative during the exam.( wont sit still)

We do know the baby is okay because the wife has a co worker with OBGYN experince and she has being doing sonos for her every other day at the job so this exam is more of a reconfirmation of what we already know.

Again I just wanted to thank everybody for the well wishes and help.

22nd November 2010, 01:27 PM
Thank Heavens!!! :) :) :)

22nd November 2010, 01:28 PM
Just a Update we had a full fetal scan and appears everthing is pretty much fine ( we have to go for additional sono because she was not able to fully visualize the nose and lips two chambers on the heart) But that had more to do with The Wee One being a tad bit uncooperative during the exam.( wont sit still)

We do know the baby is okay because the wife has a co worker with OBGYN experince and she has being doing sonos for her every other day at the job so this exam is more of a reconfirmation of what we already know.

Again I just wanted to thank everybody for the well wishes and help.

Great to hear, Twisted Titan! We're all interested in hearing more about Little Click Click. :D

22nd November 2010, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the update TT,

Wife and I go next week to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'm wanting a boy, she wants a girl, but more than anything I just want it to be born healthy. I'll do what I can to keep it healthy even telling the doctor to pound sand when it comes to vaccines before 24 months old.

22nd November 2010, 01:35 PM
Just a Update we had a full fetal scan and appears everthing is pretty much fine ( we have to go for additional sono because she was not able to fully visualize the nose and lips two chambers on the heart) But that had more to do with The Wee One being a tad bit uncooperative during the exam.( wont sit still)

We do know the baby is okay because the wife has a co worker with OBGYN experince and she has being doing sonos for her every other day at the job so this exam is more of a reconfirmation of what we already know.

Again I just wanted to thank everybody for the well wishes and help.

That's great. I would be careful about too many ultrasounds though. Some studies show that it really puts stress on the baby. You may want to research that a little.

22nd November 2010, 01:37 PM
May the wee one have!

all ten fingers and toes..

Look better than dad, ......and mom in th long run..

be smarter than the two of you combined,

and run rings around you while you try to raise the young one.,.

22nd November 2010, 01:38 PM
Great News !

I am glad you guys didn't go for the amnio, to evasive in my opinion. Maybe you and your wife can relax a little now.

22nd November 2010, 01:45 PM
Just a Update we had a full fetal scan and appears everthing is pretty much fine ( we have to go for additional sono because she was not able to fully visualize the nose and lips two chambers on the heart) But that had more to do with The Wee One being a tad bit uncooperative during the exam.( wont sit still)

We do know the baby is okay because the wife has a co worker with OBGYN experince and she has being doing sonos for her every other day at the job so this exam is more of a reconfirmation of what we already know.

Again I just wanted to thank everybody for the well wishes and help.

Just do what men do for there ladys for thousands of years, be there for her,

and love the kid, I would stuff a cuban cigar in your face , but the distance ,shit you know!!

Twisted Titan
22nd November 2010, 01:46 PM
Oh yeah.........

We are having a Little Lady!!!!

22nd November 2010, 01:53 PM
How exciting !!!!! Congratulations to you and your wife , on your new little girl !!!!

Have you picked names yet? :D

Twisted Titan
22nd November 2010, 02:00 PM
Not yet but I am sure something will come.

I havent told my family yet ( i wanted to be the first to know) so the sparks are gonning be flying is few short days.

My Mom is probally gonna flipp ( I was last holdout on the grandkids).

Wild times.

22nd November 2010, 03:46 PM
Hee he!

23rd November 2010, 07:30 AM
You're going to love being a father, TA.


23rd November 2010, 01:00 PM
Just discovered this thread! Good, it seems like your baby girl, is healthy. Awful with the scaremongering though. Good that you opted out of the amniotic fluid test. As far as I know that test creates more still births/abortions than it correctly identifies babies with DS... The very test in itself is unethical...

Twisted Titan
23rd November 2010, 01:27 PM
Thanks Neuro

As result of this False Positive reading it was advised we meet with a get this " Genetic Counselor"

I would have laughed my @$$ off if the implications werent so serious.

If they couldnt get a dam screening test right WTF makes them think they can unlock and explain my childs genetic code?

Thank God me and my wife are forward thinking people because if we just did as we were told I might not have my little Girl today.


Low Pan
23rd November 2010, 02:52 PM
Oh yeah.........

We are having a Little Lady!!!!

Grats TT, they're a handful even early on =)

23rd November 2010, 03:13 PM
Oh yeah.........

We are having a Little Lady!!!!

Congrats Twisted! :)

Road Runner
23rd November 2010, 08:41 PM
So glad everything turning out well with your tests. When I had my "wee ones" you maybe went in to let them confirm what you already knew, you were pregnant, then being busy and living out in the country I never went back until I was in labor on more than one of mine!! Not so many worries in our generation. I have watched one of my daughters go through the same thing you did, only they thought it was a downs baby cause of a short femur bone. That little grandson is 2 now and we still laugh about it cause his femur bone is still short!! Blessings to you and your wife on you having a baby girl. They capture a daddys heart.

23rd November 2010, 09:32 PM
Oh yeah.........

We are having a Little Lady!!!!

With that picture as a clue, you may have to change your avatar, Twisted!

Twisted Titan
1st December 2010, 01:43 PM
Just heads up.

We went back for the Most recent Sonogram and everything is fine so its pretty much steady as it goes.

Because of the wife's age she was moved into high risk catagory so we will be doing Sonos I think once every two weeks. So in my eyes beyond all reasonable doubt that AFP result was a false positive.

But the confrimation really came when we spoke with the Dr that said and I quote ' So you had a postive AFP but you declined the amino ...you know those numbers dont mean anything right?

I just stood there for a moment slacked jawed as this woman flippantly dismissed the test that had me and the wife tied up in ball of knots for almost two weeks.

Everything that was done: The Research,The Reports, The second opinions, and most importantly all the well wishes and prayers that were put forth by all our friends and family......... It makes my blood boil because I dont like to trouble Good People and call in a personal favor unless I absolutely have to.

I could jawbone about it but its more important to focus on the positive rather than the negative and there's alot of positives:

My Little girl is fine and Moving right along.

I got educated on a screening exam and will be able to pass that info along to others to help them make a better informed desicion.

I have great people here that showed up in my dark hour to keep my knees from buckling with worry.

Thanks to all.


1st December 2010, 02:24 PM
Dude, we ALL would have been wiggin' too! No apology needed. Glad to hear things are hunkey-dorey.

1st December 2010, 02:33 PM
Good to hear TT. Because of your experience wife and I never went with the test to begin with. The Ultrasound today put everyone at ease as the sonogram tech and doctor both said the head, heart, and femur are developing well, and the Amniotic fluid "looks good" according to them.. Heart is doing about 150 beats per minute and all valves that could be seen were closing and opening as they should.

When's the due date if I may ask? Sounds like we might be delivering close to the same time. LOL

Twisted Titan
1st December 2010, 02:41 PM
Glad to be of help Ares.

I think she is due around April.

1st December 2010, 02:42 PM
good news, my man! ;D

gunny highway
1st December 2010, 02:57 PM
glad things worked out!

1st December 2010, 03:06 PM
Glad to be of help Ares.

I think she due around April.

We're due around early May

Joe King
1st December 2010, 03:16 PM
Congratulations TT.


Glad to hear you got some good news. I hope all remains well and you and your wife have a healthy, happy baby.

1st December 2010, 04:56 PM
Yes, the tests aren't always right and it goes both ways. I know people who had "normal" tests so did not do further invasive testing and ended up having a baby with Down syndrome. So everything can look perfect but there can still be a problem and you just never know 100% for sure until the baby is born. As I mentioned before, high AFP is common with older moms so I did not have the test. I did however have a detailed ultrasound at 17 weeks and everything looked perfect. But my baby had a major problem that should have been caught on ultrasound. It should have been impossible to see the stomach since fluid was not getting there due to a structural defect with his esophagus but they did not catch it and we were totally off guard when he was born and he had to be sent to a different hospital a couple hours after he was born. He had surgery and is fine today but it was really scary at the time. AFP or amnio would not have caught this since it was not a genetic defect. Knowing ahead of time would have helped though because I would have delivered at the children's hospital and not had to be separated from him and the doctors would have been there and ready to handle things sooner. I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes the tests do help. And most false positive AFP's occur in older women. Best of luck to you guys. It is an exciting time!

1st December 2010, 05:00 PM
Just heads up.

We went back for the Most recent Sonogram and everything is fine so its pretty much steady as it goes.

Because of the wife's age she was moved into high risk catagory so we will be doing Sonos I think once every two weeks. So in my eyes beyond all reasonable doubt that AFP result was a false positive.

But the confrimation really came when we spoke with the Dr that said and I quote ' So you had a postive AFP but you declined the amino ...you know those numbers dont mean anything right?

I just stood there for a moment slacked jawed as this woman flippantly dismissed the test that had me and the wife tied up in ball of knots for almost two weeks.

Everything that was done: The Research,The Reports, The second opinions, and most importantly all the well wishes and prayers that were put forth by all our friends and family......... It makes my blood boil because I dont like to trouble Good People and call in a personal favor unless I absolutely have to.

I could jawbone about it but its more important to focus on the positive rather than the negative and there's alot of positives:

My Little girl is fine and Moving right along.

I got educated on a screening exam and will be able to pass that info along to others to help them make a better informed desicion.

I have great people here that showed up in my dark hour to keep my knees from buckling with worry.

Thanks to all.


Don't worry about your worry. This is serious stuff. The ones that we knew who whet through this continued to fret (a little) for a few years! In the end it became obvious nthat there was nothing to the test result. Again, Congrats!

23rd December 2010, 10:57 PM
TT, give thanks and praise.

I have good news to share with you, my son with the speech impediment has made tremendous improvement. My wife and I noticed that he is speaking very well and we have not had to help him correct his speech in weeks. Guess what? His latest test results came in at 87%. He used to score down in the 30s, sometimes in the high 40%, but that was it. I asked him what was he doing differently than before and he replied that he didn't know, but now the words somehow just come out right.

We are one happy family! Merry Christmas!

Thanks be to God!

24th December 2010, 04:31 AM
If you really want to help yourself and your wife out, take a bradley prenatal class.

24th December 2010, 08:26 AM
Glad to be of help Ares.

I think she is due around April.

Uh oh, you're going to have a tax day baby! ;)

Twisted Titan
24th December 2010, 02:44 PM
Special Christmas wish for All Parents to be and a Blessing of Health, Favor, Protection,Strenght, Love for all The Wee Ones.