View Full Version : 12 Ridiculous Government Regulations that are Almost Too Bizarre to Believe

15th November 2010, 11:31 PM
Even with all of the massive economic problems that the United States is facing, if the government would just get off our backs most of us would do okay. In America today, it is rapidly getting to the point where it is nearly impossible to start or to operate a small business.

The federal government, the state governments and local governments are cramming thousands upon thousands of new ridiculous regulations down our throats each year. It would take a full team of lawyers just to even try to stay informed about all of these new regulations.

Small business in the United States is literally being suffocated by red tape. We like to think that we live in "the land of the free", but the truth is that our lives and our businesses are actually tightly constrained by millions of rules and regulations. Today there is a "license" for just about every business activity. In fact, in some areas of the country today you need a "degree" and multiple "licenses" before you can even submit an application for permission to start certain businesses. And if you want to actually hire some people for your business, the paperwork nightmare gets far worse. It is a wonder that anyone in America is still willing to start a business from scratch and hire employees. The truth is that the business environment in the United States is now so incredibly toxic that millions of Americans have simply given up and don't even try to work within the system anymore.

Today, the U.S. government has an "alphabet agency" for just about everything. The nanny state feels like it has to watch, track and tightly control virtually everything that we do. The Federal Register is the main source of regulations for U.S. government agencies. In 1936, the number of pages in the Federal Register was about 2,600. Today, the Federal Register is over 80,000 pages long. That is just one example of how bad things have gotten.

But it is not just the federal government that is ramming thousands of ridiculous regulations down our throats. The truth is that in many cases state and local governments are far worse. We have become a nation that is run and dominated by bureaucrats. Yes, there always must be rules in a society, but we have gotten to the point where there are so many millions of rules that the game has become unplayable.

The following are 12 examples of ridiculous regulations that are almost too bizarre to believe....

(visit link to view the rest)

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ridiculous-regulations-big-government-2010-11?slop=1#ixzz15QcPJq94

16th November 2010, 02:13 PM

16th November 2010, 04:25 PM
Thanks for that article, I hope this isn't too far off topic. If it is, I apologize.

The system is set up against small business, against small farms, against small ranches, and against small towns.

Small towns also being forced into bankruptcy because of the ridiculous requirements of the state. My town is very small, yet it is required to have all of the same very long, very technical, very expensive reports filed regarding water drainage and things of that nature.

Literally nothing changes in my town for 10 years - no roads would change, no elevation change, no population change, no construction, nothing. Yet, we are required to submit, yearly, a report that cost $10K to generate.

Our town is being bled dry, year by year, and I'd say within 5 years, we will have no more money to maintain our existence. We will then be annexed into the larger city nearby (worst-case scenario), annexed by the small town nearby, or become unincorporated.

It also helps (or hurts, depending on your point of view) that our Council Members refuse to add fees and taxes enough to cover these ridiculous expenses.

What really gets me, is that although we have to generate and file these expensive reports, the state gave us $40K for a new park that nobody uses. That was part of the "stimulus" package that your kids and grandkids will be paying for.

I have come to the realization that logic does not exist in government. The machine exists for the purpose of the machine's existence.

17th November 2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks for that article, I hope this isn't too far off topic. If it is, I apologize.

The system is set up against small business, against small farms, against small ranches, and against small towns.

Small towns also being forced into bankruptcy because of the ridiculous requirements of the state. My town is very small, yet it is required to have all of the same very long, very technical, very expensive reports filed regarding water drainage and things of that nature.

Literally nothing changes in my town for 10 years - no roads would change, no elevation change, no population change, no construction, nothing. Yet, we are required to submit, yearly, a report that cost $10K to generate.

Our town is being bled dry, year by year, and I'd say within 5 years, we will have no more money to maintain our existence. We will then be annexed into the larger city nearby (worst-case scenario), annexed by the small town nearby, or become unincorporated.

It also helps (or hurts, depending on your point of view) that our Council Members refuse to add fees and taxes enough to cover these ridiculous expenses.

What really gets me, is that although we have to generate and file these expensive reports, the state gave us $40K for a new park that nobody uses. That was part of the "stimulus" package that your kids and grandkids will be paying for.

I have come to the realization that logic does not exist in government. The machine exists for the purpose of the machine's existence.

Good post with good points.

Nail head, meet hammer.

17th November 2010, 01:48 PM
I have come to the realization that logic does not exist in government. The machine exists for the purpose of the machine's existence.

The state is indeed a self-perpetuating system which always seeks to expand itself regardless of the consequences.

History has proven this time and time again.