General of Darkness
16th November 2010, 06:34 AM
Oh boy, someone is going to be name called.


November 13, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Last week, 17 men were arrested in New York for defrauding Germany out of $42 million in payments to phony holocaust survivors. Tens of thousands of American Jews had filed for pensions from Germany claiming to be concentration camp survivors. All swore they had been in the camps, told stories about gas chambers, human skin lampshades and such but not a single one had been in a camp at all. The state of Israel claims to have, alive today, nearly one million holocaust survivors.

As many as 90% of these may well be, not only frauds but many could easily be former concentration camp guards themselves, far more likely than surviving death camps. What better place to hide than Israel?

With numbers of camp survivors going up each year, we tend to forget we are talking about death camps. There were few survivors and most of them died immediately after the war. Those alive were found dying and couldn’t be saved, and most of them weren’t Jews but rather Russians, Gypsies, Communists, trade unionists and anti-Fascists.

Look at the numbers. There were only 5.3 million Jews listed as living in Europe, outside the USSR, in 1940. In a rough average, 12 death camps, filled to the brim with gas chambers and crematoriums ran 24 hours a day for 1000 days. Some are said, in testimony of literally thousands, to have killed from 17,000 to 20,000 per day. Lets use the figure, 10,000 per day times 12 camps times 1000 days.

Where do a million survivors come from? I can see a thousand, ten thousand but not 30,000 and certainly not the 15 million necessary to justify the current number of claimed survivors according to typical actuarial tables for healthy adults of the period, those who were not starved and tortured for years. Look at Vietnam veterans. Only 700,000 of 2.9 million survive 35 years after the war. Something is wrong here.


There are laws in the United States that punish people who wear military medals they didn’t earn or claim other such honors. When veterans discover someone claiming falsely to have served in war, that individual is arrested but also publicly humiliated. They are hunted down like dogs.

There are concentration camp survivors living in America, people who suffered incomprehensibly at the hands of the Nazis. However, there are also, in America we now know, tens of thousands or more who claim falsely to be of the heroic numbers from that period and numbers inside Israel that are unimaginable. Why are these people not punished?

As a Vietnam veteran, I share a common problem with others. For 4 decades, I met veteran after veteran, many were children when the war ended, but each claims some honor tied to military service based on a movie or television show. I have met, over the years, hundreds of such individuals, many at meetings of veterans organizations. I don’t find it horrible or destructive but it is disturbing and I won’t even remotely begin comparing service in Vietnam with the experience of a death camp.


Last week, authorities announced that those who had wrongly filed for benefits had been fooled somehow. I can see fooling someone as to whether they had seen a televisions show or not but there is only one American I can think of who imagined he had been in a death camp who hadn’t and that was President Ronald Reagan and he only claimed to have visited. Reagan’s error was based on dementia, not profit or gain. Now it seems, not only do we have tens of thousands of people who have a single false memory, they seem to remember years of horror, incredible detail and all of it is utterly false. There is no comparison, not with Reagan, not with Vietnam veterans, not with anyone.

Reagan’s error, despite the respect he is held in and his obvious illness, was been used to defame him countless times. His error was not only honest but done in the context of human feeling. How many of the others are lying, not only for financial gain but for something less wholesome?

Why then, in the name of all that is holy, did the authorities and news media immediately write this off as tens of thousands of cases of minor lapses in judgement rather than one of the most horrible moral crimes of all time?

There is no greater disrespect for a holocaust victim than this.


Two thousand people in Europe are in prison today for questioning some part, no matter how minor, of the holocaust. The official story of the holocaust is a compendium of testimony of several hundred thousand people as there was little physical evidence left at the end of the war. Some facilities were reconstructed based on testimony, for historical perspective but in general, it is believed that the Germans destroyed all evidence of death camps and mass graves when they learned they were losing the war.

Thousands of those who find this explanation unsatisfactory and had chosen to disagree, some noted historians, some scientists and some simple troublemakers and activists, have been imprisoned. At the trials, holocaust victims claimed that such questioning harmed them irreparably. However, not one holocaust victim has ever spoken up about the endless numbers of phony holocaust victims who besmirch them every day and have for nearly 65 years. Why is that?

One thing the revisionists claim is that almost every story from the holocaust, including notable books and even world famous holocaust survivors are, in actuality, the worst phonies of all. The analogy of the “phony veteran” is applicable here. After each war, endless numbers of those, who for reasons legitimate or not, felt their contribution to the war effort was less than honorable or noteworthy, claim accomplishments they are undeserving of. It is also known that combat veterans are seldom seen on bar stools at service organizations talking about heroic exploits.

In fact, as Americans are learning more and more each day, combat veterans have great difficulty surviving coming home and are often homeless, incarcerated and commit suicide in huge numbers. It would be easy to extrapolate the same for holocaust survivors. There is no greater potential cause of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the history of mankind than the concentration camps of World War 2. Not only would survivors kill themselves out of guilt, most would suffer greatly shortened lifespans. This has been amazingly well documented.

This being the case, only a few hundred holocaust survivors could be alive today, not the one million living in Israel.


Anyone imprisoned wrongly, anyone whose family was killed or whose assets were seized illegally, should be compensated. Anyone wrongly claiming to be part of a group they are not, one this unique in the history of mankind, deserves punishment. Why is this not done? Why is there no normal social pressure to “out” these people and defend the honor of holocaust survivors?

Has anyone ever asked a real holocaust survivor what it is like to see phonies continually on television talking about the holocaust? Do they forgive? We will never know, as it seems nobody cares about real holocaust survivors. The holocaust is brought up when Israel bombs a school or asks for foreign aid but as for the people themselves, these misuses of the suffering of some cheapen human misery and the human condition.


If one child was taken away, died in a gas chamber, typhus, shot, it doesn’t matter, one life, this is a holocaust. If it was done because of race, the crime is doubly evil in nature. The lesson of “never again” was meant to be a lesson for all mankind to treat every single life with the same honor and respect, not to use the suffering of some as an excuse for financial crime, self delusion or outrageous acts of aggression.

Instead, the holocaust has become theatre, a stage for two sides to debate, to play, to “lawyer” the world to death. Some feel they should fight the holocaust because it has become a tool of evil. Some defend it because it is a tool of evil also but they believe the world is evil and only evil men are meant to survive.

Picture the death of a single child. Then go to the trial of a “holocaust denier.” Who is evil? Who is good? Do any of them ever think of the single child or only how it died, who signed what or how many Palestinian children could be murdered just like that child, in that child’s name perhaps?


Why ask the question if 6 million Jews died? It is equally possible that 6 million Germans died in the Ukraine and Europe, not soldiers, not in air raids, but in a holocaust type extinction. This is not talked of but it happened. All of us, Jews, Germans, the west, all of us, were silent when Josef Stalin killed twice that number or more. It started before the war and continued after. The human suffering caused by Stalin was immeasurable but is never spoken of, barely touched on except by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and now his books are banned. They fail to conform to popular mythology.

There was nothing pure about the real war as there is nothing pure about wars today. The myths we may or may not make up to protect some are never really to protect anyone. The weak and vulnerable are never protected, only the powerful. This is how the powerful become such and remain that way. We are such liars.

Nobody ever cared about the holocaust survivors only what using their suffering would bring in honor and riches. Is this the truth? Is this the partial truth? Has anyone asked the hard questions, the real questions? Isn’t it time that all the survivors got together? Some voice is needed, a voice that can say “never again’ with authority.

But..”never again”…what?


16th November 2010, 06:48 AM
100% are frauds.

16th November 2010, 07:05 AM

AS MANY AS 90% OF THOSE CLAIMING TO BE JEWS ARE KHAZARS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars).


16th November 2010, 07:07 AM

16th November 2010, 07:22 AM

You mean I can get free money and discounts just by claiming to be victim? And there's really no verification system to disprove it?

What could possibly go wrong here....

Thank goodness this would never happen with something like a class action settlement between the USDA and African American farmers (think Pigford)

Twisted Titan
16th November 2010, 08:19 AM
To get sympathy AND free money??

Who among them can resist???


16th November 2010, 09:01 AM
But the German's were such efficient killers, I don't understand how so many could survive. I mean, they were so efficient, they could cremate 2 or 3 bodies in one oven and it only took 15 minutes. (claim made by a jew in a video I watched a few weeks ago.) I was pretty upset, because every cremation I ever did took 3 hours minimum and that was for only one body. I should call the oven manufacturer and tell them that I want one of those ovens like they had in the death camps. It'll cut down on labor and fuel costs tremendously.

16th November 2010, 09:07 AM
100% are frauds.

Mambony not true. Take it from me, I lived in the area, my relatives lived in the area destroyed by WW2. They were clearing up areas, burning villages. It is safe to say that 100,000 died, and of course lots of people ran away, were homeless or got displaced otherwise. Factories were moved to the east, lots of people moved with them. Etc.

Of course...comparing this to Belarus, where 25% of the population out of 9 million people were killed...or 20 million russians... - their numbers are NOTHING.

willie pete
16th November 2010, 09:16 AM
100% are frauds.

The numbers just don't add up ...loosely calculating; it'd mean a population of a few million(and that's not all women of child-bearing years) would have to more than triple in approx. 65 years.....I seriously Doubt that

16th November 2010, 09:30 AM
There's absolutely no doubt that 100,000 to half a million died, considering how many were there, in Eastern Europe and Russia. And considering relative percentages of war-related deaths in these countries. And even possibly half a million to 1 million if you consider all crypto-jews, and there were MANY. We are talking here roughly about 10% of the population of 6 million (that's the number of jews in Europe before war that looks like is cited by a number of sources).

16th November 2010, 10:56 AM

AS MANY AS 90% OF THOSE CLAIMING TO BE JEWS ARE KHAZARS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars).


Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

16th November 2010, 11:28 AM
mid-13c., "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Gk. holokauston, neut. of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)) + kaustos, verbal adj. of kaiein "to burn." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1833. The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957, earlier known in Heb. as Shoah "catastrophe." The word itself was used in English in reference to Hitler's Jewish policies from 1942, but not as a proper name for them.

There were no holocaust survivors prior to 1957 because the holocaust was not defined until 1957. Perhaps if they called themselves "Shoah survivors"?

16th November 2010, 11:36 AM
mid-13c., "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Gk. holokauston, neut. of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)) + kaustos, verbal adj. of kaiein "to burn." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1833. The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957, earlier known in Heb. as Shoah "catastrophe." The word itself was used in English in reference to Hitler's Jewish policies from 1942, but not as a proper name for them.

There were no holocaust survivors prior to 1957 because the holocaust was not defined until 1957. Perhaps if they called themselves "Shoah survivors"?
There's no business like shoah business :whistle

16th November 2010, 02:16 PM

16th November 2010, 02:47 PM
The ovens and factory processor killing is not true, the 6 million jews is not true.

But for those of you that claim the Germans didn't mass murder people
including mass murder Jews most of the time with the help of locals,
you don't know history, by not recognizing this you are not credible
and easily dismissed when you counter the main propaganda promoted.
The deaths I talk of are not promoted for a reason. The hatred is real.
It goes way back centuries, look at Books link to understand it and
Russian history, going back to a time when there was no Russia, but
Viking tribes, even further back, this was one of the most dynamic
areas of the planet, more blood on that land than anywhere only after
the Middle East.

Take Simon Wiesenthal, he worked with and for the " Nazi's " , and he
helped bring them to the USA and other Western countries, and he
helped hide them in those countries, at the same time he was a
"nazi hunter". He helped bring totally penetrated networks to the USA.
This was all planned from the top cause nobody was held accountable.
Nobody. Kissenger, Nixon and Bush go way back, key history here.
US INTELL, totally penetrated, even working against each other,
one group running around trying to murder Germans, the other
trying to bring those same " germans " to US.

The source is pro Jewish perspective author, John Loftus, with key docs
and archives, key book to read among dozens I have read, many of which
are chapters in his book. John Loftus was shut down BY CONGRESS for a reason,
same reason McCarthy who was right about everything was shut down. They meet.
Wiesenthal threatened to sue Loftus, Loftus reminded him of his credentials
and access to key classified documents of which he would testify to in court.
Even FBI documents. One hand does not know what the other is doing by design.
There is no gas chambers, there is slave labor camps and mass murder
in places like Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, payback to the Bolshevik crimes.
This is why Jews do not promote understanding of this history. Leads to
too many questions. Jewish hatred of this area is great and transparent.
So they promote more dramatic lies. New York Jews
owned it all, created it all, the last century, they owned the factories,
Thyssen is covered by Loftus, not Farben, for a reason too.

16th November 2010, 02:55 PM
There's absolutely no doubt that 100,000 to half a million died, considering how many were there, in Eastern Europe and Russia. And considering relative percentages of war-related deaths in these countries. And even possibly half a million to 1 million if you consider all crypto-jews, and there were MANY. We are talking here roughly about 10% of the population of 6 million (that's the number of jews in Europe before war that looks like is cited by a number of sources).

Even David Irving, the foremost historian on WWII,
hated by the Jews and hounded strongly disagrees
with you here, your numbers are way too low according
to him, Jewish deaths may number in the millions.
People don't know what happened in Eastern Europe for a reason,
the propaganda is " germany " " gas chambers " " 6 million " .
Ironically TOP Jews themselves are directly responsible for this,
they made it impossible to figure out the actual deaths, all means of death.
In the process they dishonor their own dead, what irony.

We all know WWII caused the death of tens of millions.
Not just Jews. Not counting USSR Bolshevik crimes as well.

Tens of millions of Europeans were slaughtered.

mick silver
16th November 2010, 04:40 PM
that what make me mad magnes , you never hear of the others who have die . just the poor little jews

16th November 2010, 05:03 PM

A picture is worth 6 million words

16th November 2010, 05:24 PM
The worst verified genocide in human history is that of the American Indians. Though they were mostly killed by disease which would of spread upon contact with Europe whether intentional or not, the fact remains that it was minimum 900% worse than the highest numbers claimed by the holocaust.

I'm just saying.

16th November 2010, 08:03 PM
One has to remember that the Khazars ostensibly took Judaism as their identity about 1200 years ago and thus were left with the baggage of real Jews. I don't doubt that they used every opportunity to rid themselves of this baggage especially when they could claim victimhood while doing it.
I would surmise that if any Jews died in WW2, most were probably the disposable kind.

General of Darkness
16th November 2010, 08:14 PM
The worst verified genocide in human history is that of the American Indians. Though they were mostly killed by disease which would of spread upon contact with Europe whether intentional or not, the fact remains that it was minimum 900% worse than the highest numbers claimed by the holocaust.

I'm just saying.

Look up Kennewick man. The first man on the THIS continent was the white men, and the Indians that came from Asia killed all of them. Hey, since YOU'RE just saying, so am I.

19th November 2010, 06:21 PM
The worst verified genocide in human history is that of the American Indians. Though they were mostly killed by disease which would of spread upon contact with Europe whether intentional or not, the fact remains that it was minimum 900% worse than the highest numbers claimed by the holocaust.

I'm just saying.

Look up Kennewick man. The first man on the THIS continent was the white men, and the Indians that came from Asia killed all of them. Hey, since YOU'RE just saying, so am I.

Fair enough. Indians are *clearly* from an asian genotype. I have read some into the theory that whites populated all of north america roughly 20,000 years ago, but I have not read Kennewick.

Also, I'm not making the argument that one group or another has certain rights to certain lands...I'm only saying that if we're talking about pure death, Indians can post up 40,000,000 or more in under 50 years.

26th November 2010, 10:01 AM
Bumping this.
I want to read it again later.

26th November 2010, 10:16 AM
I don't know if the Holocaust really happened or not. I wasn't there and I don't know who or what to believe. So I haven't made a decision about it.

What I don't get is this...So many people(here on this forum and throughout history) Do Not like the "Jews".

Why do you find it hard to believe that the Nazis would kill them?

And after seeing this thread

And reading a bit of "On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543

by Martin Luther (1483-1546)


Im thinking that of course the Germans wanted to rid them-selfs of those "Jews"

Don't some of you want them to "go away" and be "rid of them" somehow?

26th November 2010, 11:45 AM
It's not that the holocaust deniers find it hard to believe that Hitler would have killed jews, Ken.

It's the numbers. I read a detailed article on this a while ago, but I can't remember where to find it now.
I can't remember the exact numbers, but just figure:

WWII lasted about 6 years

365 days a year X 6 years = 2190 days

24 hours in a day X 2190 days = 52560 hours

60 minutes in an hour X 52560 hours = 3,153,600 minutes

So then, you have a total of 3,153,600 minutes available to kill 6,000,000 jews during the 6 years of WWII.

6,000,000 jews / 3,153,600 minutes = 1.903 jews per minute, around the clock.

If they started at the very inception of the war, and continued right through at the same pace for 6 years straight, they would have had to have killed 1.9 jews per minute, for 6 years straight without stopping

Add to that, the 3 million Christians and 2 million poles, or whatever the number is. Supposedly 11 million people total.

26th November 2010, 12:27 PM
Thanks Awoke...

So, Its only the Numbers that folks have a hard time believing?
I would too.

Where did those numbers come from?

Did little Anne Frank say anything about the numbers of Jews killed?
If not
Why don't folks believe her story?

26th November 2010, 12:33 PM
It's not that the holocaust deniers find it hard to believe that Hitler would have killed jews, Ken.

It's the numbers. I read a detailed article on this a while ago, but I can't remember where to find it now.
I can't remember the exact numbers, but just figure:

WWII lasted about 6 years

365 days a year X 6 years = 2190 days

24 hours in a day X 2190 days = 52560 hours

60 minutes in an hour X 52560 hours = 3,153,600 minutes

So then, you have a total of 3,153,600 minutes available to kill 6,000,000 jews during the 6 years of WWII.

6,000,000 jews / 3,153,600 minutes = 1.903 jews per minute, around the clock.

If they started at the very inception of the war, and continued right through at the same pace for 6 years straight, they would have had to have killed 1.9 jews per minute, for 6 years straight without stopping

Add to that, the 3 million Christians and 2 million poles, or whatever the number is. Supposedly 11 million people total.

wait a minute...they why did you thank this post? :-\

100% are frauds.

26th November 2010, 12:56 PM
I thanked Monbonis post because the holocaust is a lie.

I crunched those numbers because those are the number that they jews have supplied for us to believe. That doesn't mean I believe it.

There is a post on this forum that one of our members posted, and it is a correspondance written by a jewish woman who was growing up after the war in NY. She said flat out that after the war, the rabbis went to every house of every jew and told them that they were all going to lie in cohesion, that they must all tell the same story, and that it was good for israel. The jewish woman said that it caused some serious divisions in some families who had members that felt it was unethical and immoral to fabricate the lie and the numbers.
She said that a majority of the jews agreed to lie, but there were a few who did not, but it is evident to this day that they are speaking in cohesion, regarding the holohoax, so it seems the ones with a functioning moral compass were rooted out over the last couple generations.

It's unfortunate that I can't remember the title of the thread, or I would link it for you. However, being a researcher who likes to have his truths backed up with irrefutable sources, I can not consider that a legitimate piece of correspondance. It could have been written by some creative nazi skin head for all I know.

However, it makes me raise questions.

I don't believe the holocaust happened as they claim it did. (and as they try to teach my children at the tender age of 10 - see my post #9 here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/this-is-what-my-kid-is-learning-in-school/msg141174/#msg141174))

Winston Churchill (jew) made no mention of gas chambers and ovens in his notes. All this shit was made up afterwards. A lot of the "concentration camps" never existed, and were built aftwards, based on the "eyewitness accounts" of some of the "survivers".

To many holes...

26th November 2010, 07:07 PM
I don't know if the Holocaust really happened or not.

Im thinking that of course the Germans wanted to rid them-selfs of those "Jews"

I know I've advocated this before. If you want to see the other side of the Holocaust story, look at this:

Yes, the Germans wanted to rid themselves of them, who wouldn't?


I personally find it amazing that there are so many survivors of "Death Camps" esp. Anne Frank's Father....

26th November 2010, 07:10 PM

Holocaust wolf hoax author gets nothing
Published: Nov. 25, 2010 at 4:07 PM

BOSTON, Nov. 25 (UPI) -- A publisher owes nothing to the writer of a hoax memoir about surviving the Holocaust with the help of wolves, a Massachusetts appeals court ruled.

But Mount Ivy Press owner Jane Daniel -- publisher of the 1997 best-selling "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years" -- does owe $10 million to the book's ghostwriter, who did not know the story was a hoax, the state appellate court ruled.

A jury had awarded $22.5 million to hoax author Misha Defonseca and $10 million to ghostwriter Vera Lee in a dispute over the best-selling book's profits.

Judge Gabrielle R. Wolohojian wrote Daniel did not have to pay Defonseca, 73, because the jury had been inappropriately swayed by the false story that Defonseca was Jewish, survived the Holocaust as a child by roaming through Europe on foot, and received protection and food from a pack of wolves.

It was later learned that Defonseca, born Monique de Wael in Belgium and now living in Dudley, Mass., is not Jewish and was safely attending a Brussels school during the time she claimed she was a refugee.

In addition, her father, Robert de Wael, reportedly provided information about the Belgian resistance movement to the Nazis.

Defonseca's lie was "so emotionally inflammatory" that it impeded "the jury's ability impartially to evaluate facts and adjudicate a case," Wolohojian wrote.

Daniel had no immediate comment on the ruling, but her lawyer, Brian McCormick, called it fair -- although he told The Boston Globe he would appeal part of the ruling because he believed Defonseca's conduct tainted the trial.

Defonseca told the Globe she had long ago written off receiving money from Daniel.

"I want my life back. I want peace. This has been very painful," she told the newspaper.

Lee's lawyer said he would begin collecting on the $10 million by selling Daniel's $2 million home.

26th November 2010, 07:13 PM
pretty good site on the holoco$t...studies it through the eyes of population statistics


26th November 2010, 08:04 PM
pretty good site on the holoco$t...

This, I think, is also good. Hosted by guys who have been in jail for thoughtcrimes concerning the holocaust.


26th November 2010, 08:25 PM

Interesting stuff from the Amazon reviews of the book:

"It is indeed difficult if not impossible to even check on, let alone determine, the veracity of the stories of Holocaust survivors. Nazi records, if there is anything of relevance in them regarding individual survivors, are only just now beginning to come out, as in the case of the recently released Bad Arolsen archives. Often, one has little to rely on besides an occasional lucky link between available records and a traumatized, and perhaps somewhat compromised, elderly memory. Exaggeration, embellishment, and fabrication, which can and do exist in any interviewing, always end disastrously, as we see in this saga, which even drew in the likes of Elie Wiesel. " -- quote from a writer for the Jewish Advocate (basically admitting in as nice a way as possible what others go to jail for...)

This is revealing as well:


AFTER READING this story, I was speechless. I have known Misha Defonseca since 1988, when she and her family moved to Millis, and we became close friends. I truly believed her story, and supported her efforts in writing her memoirs.
One speech she gave stands out in my mind, a night at Brandeis. Several hundred students, faculty, friends, and true Holocaust survivors gathered to hear her story, and many tears were shed as the story unfolded. Holocaust survivors in attendance that evening called out the names of the death camps they were in, and a moment of silence was observed. This experience will live in my memory forever.
I feel so betrayed, yet my heart is broken for the true Holocaust survivors she used to promote her lies. When her book was published, I felt honored that she put my name in it, and now I am ashamed. I want no association with the lies.

26th November 2010, 08:32 PM
Another fraudster, mentioned in the comments about the Misha book:


26th November 2010, 08:50 PM
Maybe we could also use this thread to track the false memoirs of the Holocaust:

Misha by Defonseca
Fragment by Wilkomirski
Angel at the Fence by Rosenblatt
Night by Elie Wiesel

27th November 2010, 10:19 AM
The worst verified genocide in human history is that of the American Indians. Though they were mostly killed by disease which would of spread upon contact with Europe whether intentional or not, the fact remains that it was minimum 900% worse than the highest numbers claimed by the holocaust.

I'm just saying.

Look up Kennewick man. The first man on the THIS continent was the white men, and the Indians that came from Asia killed all of them. Hey, since YOU'RE just saying, so am I.

true..how can people argue against hard scientific fact??

and on another note; WHAAT??? holohoax "victims" are lying?? who EVER would have thought! :sarc:

27th November 2010, 12:45 PM
We all know people believe what they want and choose to believe...

I choose not to believe either side on this matter

23rd December 2010, 01:19 PM

Is the Jewish "Holocaust" a massive fraud? Did six million really die? This excellently documented book exposes the Zionist’s outrageous mind control scheme to twist and distort historical truth for political and financial advantage. The Holocaust "dogma" is proven to be a racket perpetrated by unscrupulous, ungodly power-brokers.

The author, Brian Alois Clèraubat, has bravely put his life on the line by writing this book, which will surely become a scholarly classic.

Warning: This book is not available in any bookstore in the world—not even on Amazon.com. This subject is so hush-hush and forbidden that in many countries in Europe and elsewhere, anyone who agrees out loud with the author’s facts will be tried and sent to prison for a "thought" and "speech" crime. Fortunately, in America the Zionist Big Brother Brigade does not yet have the power to stop you from discovering the truth. However, we recommend you rush your order for this hard-to-find-book, "A Greater Miracle" today, before the Obama thought-police make freedom of speech a crime here, too!


23rd December 2010, 01:35 PM
The most shocking thing about this story, is that it made it onto ABC's Good Morning America,


23rd December 2010, 01:52 PM

that's the book !

23rd December 2010, 02:29 PM
We all know people believe what they want and choose to believe...

I choose not to believe either side on this matter

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
------Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)------

23rd December 2010, 05:30 PM
...90 % are frauds....and the other 10 % are just LYING hahaaaaa :ROFL:

24th December 2010, 12:08 PM

25th December 2010, 08:40 AM
Synoposis of the video Patcolo posted:

Reporter: "Why did you tell this lie?"

jew: "It wasn't a lie. In my imagination, it was true"

Reporter: "But it didn't happen, and you know it didn't happen, so it was a lie"

jew: "It didn't happen, but in my imagination, it happened."

Man, that is some pathetic shit right there.
That pretentious prick sees nothing wrong with his lies, and justifies it by saying it was real in his imagination.

25th December 2010, 09:51 AM
The most shocking thing about this story, is that it made it onto ABC's Good Morning America,


Exclusive: Holocaust Faker Speaks Out (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/US/story?id=6903068&page=1)
Movie and Book to Come Out of 13-Year Lie

Feb. 18, 2009

Oprah Winfrey (http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6549181) called it the "greatest love story" she'd ever had on her show.

The love story was so touching, that Hollywood is even making a movie about it.

Herman Rosenblat received international attention for his tale about being a hungry little boy in a Nazi concentration camp who was thrown apples every day by a little girl named Roma, on the other side of the fence.

Years later, according to the story (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=6537144), Rosenblat met that same girl on a blind date in New York City and proposed to her on the spot.

The only problem was, Rosenblat's story, which he and his wife had been telling for 13 years, was a lie (http://www.tnr.com/booksarts/story.html?id=f458c2c8-0d4f-4dc7-8cba-15e465c2201a&p=1).

Six weeks ago Holocaust scholars proved that it was physically impossible (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=6537144) for prisoners to approach the fence at the concentration camp where Herman was kept and that Roma's family was actually 200 miles away at the time.

Today, for the first time, Rosenblat spoke out in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America" to share his side of the story.

"It wasn't a lie," he told "GMA." "It was my imagination. And in my imagination, in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it, that she was there and she threw the apple to me. ... In my imagination, it was true."

Rosenblat said he told the story to give people hope and to promote understanding about the Holocaust. His wife went along with the story because, as Rosenblat said, she "loved" him.

But even Rosenblat's son said his real motivation was money.

"It was always hurtful," Rosenblat's son Ken Rosenblat told The New Republic. "My father is a man who I don't know. ... I didn't agree with it. I didn't want anything to do with it."

"I can't respond to it," Rosenblat said of his son's comments. "I don't know why he said that. Maybe I'll ask him."

There certainly is money. The Rosenblats were offered both a movie and a book deal.

Before he was exposed, Rosenblat sold his memoir, "Angel at the Fence," to Berkley Books; the publishing company's deal was later canceled.

A children's book called "Angel Girl" was published in September, but was also pulled by its publishing company (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=6547526).

Nevertheless, a reported $25 million film version of the fictional story called "Flower of the Fence" is going to proceed.

Harris Salomon, who is producing the film adaptation, is unperturbed that some Holocaust denier Web sites are using the story as an example of why people should not trust concentration camp survivors.

"And those Holocaust denier Web sites would perpetrate some other story if it wasn't Herman Rosenblat," Salomon told "GMA."

Now, as he stands to make a fortune peddling his story, Rosenblat is unrepentant, and would do it again.

Rosenblat told "GMA" it was the right thing to do and never thought he was not telling the truth.

"Even now, I believe it," he said.



meanwhile, Truth-tellers like Rudolph, Zundel & Irving get locked up for thought crime. (http://www.google.com/search?q=holocaust+thought+crime+prison+Irving+Rud olph+zundel) Oh yeah, and Zundel's lawyer was also locked up for trying to present evidence of Zundel's innocence (http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/media_law_prof_blog/2008/01/ernest-zundels.html).

29th January 2011, 10:47 AM
I haven't watched this 2 hr docu yet, it's loading, got a mediocre-speed connection right now.

New Documentary: The Last Days of the Big Lie – First Draft (http://holocaustdenier.com/2011/01/the-last-days-of-the-big-lie-first-draft/)

It's also on youtube here:

also see (hear) this interview by host Carolyn Yeager of filmmaker Eric Hunt. Hunt served 1.5 years in prison for "attempted kidnapping" of Elie Weasel:

The Heretics’ Hour: Interview with Eric Hunt (http://reasonradionetwork.com/20110124/the-heretics-hour-inverview-with-eric-hunt)

January 24, 2011 · Print This Article
Eric Hunt

Eric talks about his new film, The Last Days of the Big Lie. Topics include:

* What preceded Eric’s making of this film;
* Turning the tables on Holocaust liars;
* Spielberg’s use of known frauds in his film;
* The two shiny “props” in The Last Days;
* What Eric wants his film to accomplish;
* What you can do to help.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

29th January 2011, 11:02 AM
The worst verified genocide in human history is that of the American Indians. Though they were mostly killed by disease which would of spread upon contact with Europe whether intentional or not, the fact remains that it was minimum 900% worse than the highest numbers claimed by the holocaust.

I'm just saying.

The only 100% factual post in this entire thread so far.
I could type a mile about the Holycost and also about having lost half of my family in WW2,Russians,Jews and Greeks.
Nobody in my family ever got a red cent or even a red kopek for this:

29th January 2011, 06:11 PM
All of us who grew up in the West, with more/less the standard cultural repertoire of "education", "news", & "entertainment", can righteously proclaim our VICTIM status as:


I want reparations from Israel. Every dime of my share of taxpayer "aid" that's gone to Israel, and another phat sum for the trauma, pain & suffering, and defamation of my people.