View Full Version : Bond Market To Bernanke: F@&k You!

16th November 2010, 09:00 AM
Pretty loudly too; this is a "stop that right now or we're going to blow you to bits" sort of message.

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=630"/>

That's a monster move in the five-year bond yield, nearly 10% today and almost 50% higher on yield since Ben started QE2.

Then there's this:

<img src="http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallery=631"/>

That's the 10 year. Yield up almost 5% today and roughly 16% since Ben started QE2.

Note: Yields have their decimal places one to the right on these symbols - so the 10 year is 2.89%.

Remember, Bernanke told us all that his plan would bring down interest rates, including those for home loans. In point of fact, just like last time with QE1, yields and thus interest rates for mortgages actually went up, not down.

To be blunt, Bernanke lied. Again.

There was no intent to help homeowners. There was no intent for rates to go down. In point of fact the entire purpose behind QE2 was to try to let banks skim off the spread on their "transactions" to The Fed, therefore providing them a huge, tens-of-billions of dollars in windfall profits with which they could try to cover up their losses from bad loans.

That's all it is, and whether it destroys the economy and further depresses housing doesn't matter to Bernanke.

I said that all QE2 amounted to was yet another chapter in the looting scandal of America, and would result in more job loss, more cost-push margin compression and ultimately could lead to a profit and thus stock market collapse.

Bernanke doesn't give a damn about any of that.

All he cares about is bailing out his insolvent friends.

Throwing you, America, under the bus is just fine with him.

Wake up America... while there is still time.


16th November 2010, 11:31 AM
Scary because the whole reason QE2 was announced was to push interest rates even lower. It's not working, Ben.

16th November 2010, 11:40 AM
Scary because the whole reason QE2 was announced was to push interest rates even lower. It's not working, Ben.

You sometimes have to wonder, do these idiots (Ben Shalom Bernanke) even take into consideration the bond market?

16th November 2010, 02:13 PM
Bernanke and them just do as they are told, the interesting part is when some senile man starts spewing the truth around (Vlocker). I truly believe the elite don't have a clue how to keep control anymore which will hopefully be swift for our kids sake.

16th November 2010, 02:17 PM
Am I the only one here that thinks this is being done DELIBERATELY? The fed has no desire to save the U.S. economy... a crash has been carefully planned and is being implemented. Look at it from that perspective, and all the "stupid" moves by the fed over the last 20+ years suddenly make sense!

The power that be want Americans broke, hungry, and fighting each other.

16th November 2010, 02:33 PM
Am I the only one here that thinks this is being done DELIBERATELY? The fed has no desire to save the U.S. economy... a crash has been carefully planned and is being implemented. Look at it from that perspective, and all the "stupid" moves by the fed over the last 20+ years suddenly make sense!

The power that be want Americans broke, hungry, and fighting each other.

It always amazes me that this is about the only place where people get it. Outside of this place they still sit on their azzas watching amerikas idle.

16th November 2010, 03:06 PM
Am I the only one here that thinks this is being done DELIBERATELY? The fed has no desire to save the U.S. economy... a crash has been carefully planned and is being implemented. Look at it from that perspective, and all the "stupid" moves by the fed over the last 20+ years suddenly make sense!

Nope, Gaillo. The last thing these guys are is stupid. Despite the gold price suppression scheme, I'd bet the largest holders of gold are whoever is behind the banking system.

16th November 2010, 05:30 PM
Am I the only one here that thinks this is being done DELIBERATELY? The fed has no desire to save the U.S. economy... a crash has been carefully planned and is being implemented. Look at it from that perspective, and all the "stupid" moves by the fed over the last 20+ years suddenly make sense!

Nope, Gaillo. The last thing these guys are is stupid. Despite the gold price suppression scheme, I'd bet the largest holders of gold are whoever is behind the banking system.

No doubt this is true. But should this make you completely opposed to a gold standard? Would anyone else be interested in going over and talking to this guy?


Filthy Keynes
16th November 2010, 06:50 PM
Would anyone else be interested in going over and talking to this guy?


No, because he will kill me because what I have in my pocket represents "the empire". He would rather have "honest" paper, which is what all paper starts out as - "it's for your own good".

16th November 2010, 06:57 PM
Despite the gold price suppression scheme, I'd bet the largest holders of gold are whoever is behind the banking system.


A few Rabbis in the City Of London set the price of gold every day.

Us goyim are never allowed to audit the Federal Reserve Banks.


16th November 2010, 08:47 PM
I never saw these Germans at work before, where is the corroboration?

General of Darkness
16th November 2010, 08:59 PM
I'd like to nominate this thread as the best thread title of the year, aside from the great content.

16th November 2010, 10:48 PM
Am I the only one here that thinks this is being done DELIBERATELY? The fed has no desire to save the U.S. economy... a crash has been carefully planned and is being implemented. Look at it from that perspective, and all the "stupid" moves by the fed over the last 20+ years suddenly make sense!

The power that be want Americans broke, hungry, and fighting each other.
Bond rates SHOULD go down or at least stay down with monetary easing, especially with a program that is designed to keep them that way by buying bonds. If it doesn't happen. Then something may be wrong. However there is a possibility, that the falling value of bonds right now is caused by bond investors getting out of USD denominated assets, because they expect high inflation... However you wouldn't expect at the same time to have falling prices in Stocks and PMs, and a rising dollar...

My bet is that the fed did the opposite of what they told. First of all it is not true that they haven't monetized after QE1, they did that with other central banks, through currency swaps, where the Fed conjured out of thin air dollars, which was swapped against GBPs and other Fiat currencies, and bought each others bonds for these money. At least $500 Billion was created and swapped like this. Another large Net buyer during the time was the carribean banking institutions. Probably the Fed just monetized and gave them the money to buy bonds. Most likely the Fed is injecting money into the market at a far lesser rate than they did before, which create deflationary pressures.