View Full Version : School milk programs being challenged in UK as unhealthy

17th November 2010, 02:04 PM
School milk programs being challenged in UK as unhealthy
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Critics of the United Kingdom's school milk program are becoming more vocal, challenging the widespread national assumption that drinking milk is good for children.

"From Winston Churchill's wartime order to keep the milk flowing, which was formalized under the 1946 School Milk Act ... the idea that it is natural, healthy and an essential part of a good diet has been unchallenged," writes Andrew Marszal in The Telegraph.

That consensus is wavering. Recently, junior health minister Anne Milton suggested that the national program to provide free milk for children under five should abolished. And research continues to emerge that milk is neither an essential nor healthy part of the human diet.

As Marszal notes, milk contains no nutrient that cannot be found in a balanced, dairy-free diet. Although milk is high in calcium, most of this nutrient cannot actually be absorbed by the human body, making green leafy vegetables a much more effective source. Cow milk, designed for calves, also contains more fat and protein than the human body needs -- which is unsurprising considering that while it takes a human infant 180 days to double its birth weight, it takes a newborn cow only 47 days.

Much of the concern over milk comes from the hormones and antibiotics inserted into it by modern factory farming. In the book Alternative Cures, author Bill Gottlieb quotes cancer specialist Elizabeth Ann Lowenthal as saying, "All dairy products, even those such as fat-free milk, contain potential tumor-promoting growth hormones that are fed to cows to improve their milk production."

Yet even organic milk has more than 30 proteins that can produce adverse reactions in the body, such that 7.5 percent of British children suffer from dairy allergies. Milk may also produce eczema, constipation, lingering ear infections and frequent colds. In addition, as many as 75 percent of adults may be lactose intolerant.

More recent research has also linked milk consumption to an increased risk of prostate cancer and both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.


17th November 2010, 04:18 PM
Right. Cows contain tumor promoting growth hormones that man puts in them. My answer. Kill all the cows. Are humans lactose intolerant due to the hormones perhaps or maybe because it is pastuerised?

Cows live for 15 years on average, humans 75 years. Cows gestate for 9 months like humans but the size of the offspring is not comparable. So growth rates are a nonsensical thing to compare.

You just have to have a look at the names of the people contributing to this "information".

21st November 2010, 10:56 PM
Most kids I know would rather drink milk than eat vegetables. Full-fat milk (especially from grass-fed cows) is quite nutritious, and a good source of vitamin A.

The problem with standard milk from the grocery store is that it's from grain-fed cows given hormones. This milk has virtually no vitamin K2 and lots of pus and bits of poop (from standing in it), which is of no concern to the authorities since the mess is pasteurized.

Vitamin K2 is important, because it puts calcium in the bones where it belongs, and out of places where it doesn't. The fat and organs of grass-fed animals contain a lot of K2.

The U.S. has a long tradition as a dairy-consuming nation. The Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the Mayo Clinic used to give its patients raw milk from grass-fed cows as part of "The Milk Cure."

Check out this edited copy of an article written in 1929 called "Real Milk Cures Many Diseases" by Dr. J. R. Crewe.


The PTB definitely don't want us to have access to this type of dairy product, and are doing whatever they can to scare people away from it and shut down any farmers who dare to provide it to the public.

The Natural News article makes some good points about factory-farmed dairy, but leaves out information about good milk.

Like a lot of propaganda, it's not what's stated that's the problem, but what's left out. But if you don't know what's left out, you're totally in the dark.

Be wary of any "health" articles that warn you against consuming saturated fat and animal foods like full-fat dairy and organs. These are extremely nutrient-dense, and there's just no replacement for them in the diet.

22nd November 2010, 05:40 PM
Most kids I know would rather drink milk than eat vegetables. Full-fat milk (especially from grass-fed cows) is quite nutritious, and a good source of vitamin A.

The problem with standard milk from the grocery store is that it's from grain-fed cows given hormones. This milk has virtually no vitamin K2 and lots of pus and bits of poop (from standing in it), which is of no concern to the authorities since the mess is pasteurized.

Vitamin K2 is important, because it puts calcium in the bones where it belongs, and out of places where it doesn't. The fat and organs of grass-fed animals contain a lot of K2.

The U.S. has a long tradition as a dairy-consuming nation. The Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the Mayo Clinic used to give its patients raw milk from grass-fed cows as part of "The Milk Cure."

Check out this edited copy of an article written in 1929 called "Real Milk Cures Many Diseases" by Dr. J. R. Crewe.


The PTB definitely don't want us to have access to this type of dairy product, and are doing whatever they can to scare people away from it and shut down any farmers who dare to provide it to the public.

The Natural News article makes some good points about factory-farmed dairy, but leaves out information about good milk.

Like a lot of propaganda, it's not what's stated that's the problem, but what's left out. But if you don't know what's left out, you're totally in the dark.

Be wary of any "health" articles that warn you against consuming saturated fat and animal foods like full-fat dairy and organs. These are extremely nutrient-dense, and there's just no replacement for them in the diet.

I have to disagree that cows milk from grass fed animals is nutritious.

Milk: Should your child drink it?

Randall Neustaedter OMD

Cow's milk has been promoted as a perfect food for children, high in protein, calcium, and healthy calories. On the other hand, milk's detractors, including knowledgeable physicians, have noted milk's many problems. Cow's milk ingestion has been associated with allergies, anemia, autism, diabetes, and cancer. What should parents do? Let's try to sort out the issues.

First, I do not recommend cow's milk until children are at least 18-24 months old (unless they still need a milk-based formula when weaning from breast milk). Breast milk is the best food for babies. Introduce yogurt first because its enzymes and bacteria result in a more digestible product. If no obvious symptoms occur, then try milk.


Like most foods, the nutritional quality of milk suffers considerably during processing. Homogenized fat becomes inaccessible, and we need the fat in milk to absorb calcium. Pasteurizing milk kills bacteria essential for its digestion, converts lactose to an indigestible form, interferes with calcium absorption, and destroys vitamins A, C, and B complex.

For more information about raw milk go to www.realmilk.com where you will find nutritional information and sources of raw milk in your community (in the USA and around the world). Call your local health food store and ask about raw milk availability.

Feed your children raw milk for adequate bone growth and the prevention of tooth decay. And remember, avoid soy products for children.

Dangerous chemicals in milk

Avoid milk that contains bovine growth hormone, antibiotics, and pesticides. That means you should drink only organic milk. These chemicals may be responsible for some of the health problems associated with milk. Use organic dairy products (ice cream, cheese, yogurt) whenever possible.

Eight grams of protein in one cup of milk or yogurt, six grams of protein in one ounce of cheese. That is a concentrated protein food. A protein enzyme (xanthine oxidase) contained in milk has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease if the enzyme is absorbed intact into the bloodstream. This occurs when drinking homogenized milk because small fat globules surround the enzyme, preventing the body from breaking it down. Drink milk that has not been homogenized. Non-fat dried milk frequently added to low-fat milk is high in nitrites, so avoid milk with added dried milk.

Milk protein molecules are large and irritating to the intestinal tract, which can result in microscopic intestinal bleeding and anemia. When milk protein molecules leak through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream they can initiate an allergic response. Symptoms of milk allergy can include chronic nasal and sinus congestion, asthma, and frequent ear infections with persisting middle ear fluid congestion.
Vitamin D

Butterfat contains a natural vitamin D complex. Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption, and the body will produce vitamin D from sun exposure, therefore during winter months many people become deficient in vitamin D. A synthetic form of vitamin D is often added to milk (vitamin D2, ergocalciferol), but vitamin D2 is associated with liver toxicity. Those who live in areas with cloudy winter skies and cold weather should take natural vitamin D3 ergocalciferol, either in a supplement or in fish oil.

A cup of milk or yogurt contains more than 200 mg. of calcium. The problem is milk's high phosphorus to calcium ratio, which tends to cause calcium excretion. A solution to this problem is to supplement a child's diet with calcium citrate. Fat is required to absorb minerals and vitamins in milk, so children should drink only whole milk and eat whole milk yogurt, not low-fat products. Vitamin C assists in calcium absorption, so eating fruits that contain vitamin C or taking a supplement will help.

Recommended calcium intake for children is:

1-3 years old 500 mg

4-8 years old 800 mg

9-18 years old 1,200 mg

If children are eating dairy products use only organic whole milk and yogurt, preferably not homogenized. Buy raw milk if possible. Do not switch to low fat milk products as children get older. Children need fat, and the cholesterol in milk is beneficial. Supplement children's diets with 500-1000 mg of calcium citrate, depending on age and other calcium sources. Give an omega-3 fat supplement to facilitate calcium absorption. Consider using a vitamin D supplement during the winter months.

With all of milk's problems, you may want to use alternatives. Do not use soy milk, however, because soy depletes the body's calcium and tends to decrease thyroid function. Almond milk is a good alternative because it contains protein and fat. Children with a family history of allergies, however, may develop allergic reactions to nuts, so rice milk would be a better choice. Rice milk is a less desirable alternative because it is almost solely carbohydrate. Both almond and rice milk are low in calcium. The best non-dairy sources of calcium are dark green vegetables and sesame seeds (tahini). Since children are unlikely to consume these foods on a regular basis, a chewable or liquid form of calcium citrate is a good idea for all children. Interestingly vegetarian populations with a low dietary calcium intake tend to have a higher bone density than their Western counterparts, but this may be a result of diets low in calcium depleting substances (caffeine, refined sugar, red meat, and soft drinks).

If your child has problems with chronic congestion and/or ear infections try stopping all dairy products for a month. Then if symptoms improve, try reintroducing milk to evaluate its effect. Digestive problems (stomach aches and gas) may be caused by lactose (milk sugar) in children who are deficient in lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose). Taking lactase as a supplement when eating a meal with dairy products may prevent these symptoms.


23rd November 2010, 11:52 AM
I left out an important thing: the milk should be raw as well.

The "Milk Cure" utilized raw milk, for a lot of health problems that are now caused by processed homogenized and pasteurized milk.

It's really interesting that most so-called health experts who are against processed milk act as if raw milk from properly-raised cows doesn't exist. Again, like all good propaganda, it's what's left out that is vital. They also conveniently forget that for most of U.S. history, people consumed a lot of dairy without any bad health consequences. Why is that?

Modern food processing laws now require milk to only contain about 8 grams of fat per 8 oz; the rest is skimmed off (and sold to food manufacturers).

But if you buy milk directly from a farmer, you can get butterfat-rich milk because they don't skim the fat off. I think this is the other reason why traditionally people have done so well on milk, whereas processed milk gives people problems.

Nutrition researcher Weston Price found that the African Masai and the isolated Swiss villagers living in the Loetschental Valley consumed huge amounts of raw grass-fed dairy and were in excellent health.

He wrote about them in his seminal book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration:

"Isolated and modernized Swiss"

"Isolated and modernized African tribes"

He was a dentist, and used what he learned about healthy native people's diets to cure his patients' cavities once he came back to the States to resume his practice.

Part of the protocol was consuming raw milk and butter:

"The nutrition provided these children in this one meal included the following foods. About four ounces of tomato juice or orange juice and a teaspoonful of a mixture of equal parts of a very high vitamin natural cod liver oil and an especially high vitamin butter was given at the beginning of the meal. They then received a bowl containing approximately a pint of a very rich vegetable and meat stew, made largely from bone marrow and fine cuts of tender meat: the meat was usually broiled separately to retain its juice and then chopped very fine and added to the bone marrow meat soup which always contained finely chopped vegetables and plenty of very yellow carrots; for the next course they had cooked fruit, with very little sweetening, and rolls made from freshly ground whole wheat, which were spread with the high-vitamin butter. The wheat for the rolls was ground fresh every day in a motor driven coffee mill. Each child was also given two glasses of fresh whole milk.

The menu was varied from day to day by substituting for the meat stew, fish chowder or organs of animals. From time to time, there was placed in a two quart jar a helping similar to that eaten by the children. This was brought to my laboratory for chemical analysis, which analysis showed that these meals provided approximately 1.48 grams of calcium and 1.28 grams of phosphorus in a single helping of each course. Since many of the children doubled up on the course, their intake of these minerals was much higher. I have shown in the preceding chapter that the accepted figures for the requirements of the body for calcium and phosphorus are 0.68 grams of calcium and 1.32 grams of phosphorus. It is obvious that this one meal a day plus the other two meals at home provided a real factor of safety. Clinically this program completely controlled the dental caries of each member of the group.

The chemical analysis of the saliva (1, 2) revealed a marked improvement which progressively increased. At the beginning of the test the average for the group showed a very low factor of safety, so low that we should expect tooth decay to be active. In six weeks the average changed to a condition which we should expect would be accompanied by a cessation of tooth decay. The saliva factor of safety continued to improve for five months at which time the special program was discontinued for the summer.

Several incidents of special interest occurred. Two different teachers came to me to inquire what had been done to make a particular child change from one of the poorest in the class in capacity to learn to one of the best. Dental caries is only one of the many expressions of our modern deficient nutritions."

23rd November 2010, 01:35 PM
t's really interesting that most so-called health experts who are against processed milk act as if raw milk from properly-raised cows doesn't exist. Again, like all good propaganda, it's what's left out that is vital. They also conveniently forget that for most of U.S. history, people consumed a lot of dairy without any bad health consequences. Why is that?

Modern food processing laws now require milk to only contain about 8 grams of fat per 8 oz; the rest is skimmed off (and sold to food manufacturers).

But if you buy milk directly from a farmer, you can get butterfat-rich milk because they don't skim the fat off. I think this is the other reason why traditionally people have done so well on milk, whereas processed milk gives people problems.

You do know that it is illegal for farmers to sell raw milk in most states, don't you? I wish I had access to it.

23rd November 2010, 03:01 PM
Another article about why milk is not very healthy

Know the new science for healthy bones
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 by: Dr. David Jockers, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Our western culture has an epidemic of poor health and degenerative disease. Some of the most common degenerative diseases today are weak-boned conditions such as osteopenia/osteoporosis. The most current science is showing that the dietary and lifestyle advice given to us by our national organizations is contributing to the epidemic. Fortunately, there are lifestyle and dietary patterns that can completely prevent and reverse these conditions.

One of the greatest myths we have all been raised to believe in America is that milk and dairy products provide the calcium we need for healthy bones. The notion is that if we do not consume these foods we run the risk of osteoporosis. The latest understanding is that most dairy products are actually some of the worst foods we can eat for building strong bones.

The current score board shows that most industrially advanced countries have the highest fracture rates, yet consume more dairy and calcium supplements than anywhere else in the world. Meanwhile, the people in much of Asia & Africa consume little or no dairy products and no calcium supplements, and yet their fracture rates are 50 to 70% lower.

Our blood stream has a very sensitive pH range of 7.365. If this range is thrown off as much as .1, it can be lethal to our body. When we consume a high proportion of acidic foods our body will pull and leach out alkaline buffering minerals like sodium, magnesium, & calcium. These will be pulled out of less critical tissues such as bone, muscle, & joints to stabilize the pH in the bloodstream.

Pasteurized dairy products from animals fed a grain-rich diet are very acidic and are inflammatory substances. Unless they are surrounded by an extremely alkalizing diet they will end up causing our body to leach out more calcium to boost the pH of the bloodstream. The net result is that we will lose more calcium than we gain in our bones. One exception is raw milk from grass-fed animals. This product is not as acidic and the nutrition is more bioavailable to our bodies.

The best foods for building healthy bones are fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. "When fruits and vegetables are metabolized they add bicarbonate, an alkaline compound, to the body," said lead author Dr. Dawson Hughes in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 1990. "Our study found that bicarbonate had a favourable effect on bone reabsorption and calcium excretion. This suggests that increasing the alkali content of the diet may attenuate bone loss in healthy older adults."

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants. This is critical for repairing the wear & tear that oxidative stress puts on bone tissue. Some of the best bone building vegetables include dark-green leafy veggies such as kale, collards, spinach, mustard greens, etc. These foods contain loads of calcium and magnesium, iron, vitamin K and other critical trace minerals.

The health benefits of a low fat diet are another misconception that leads to the progression of bone degeneration. Strong bones are absolutely dependant on healthy fat sources from avocados, coconut, olive oil, nuts/seeds, and fish oils. These fats provide anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, & trace minerals. These are critical to reduce inflammation and provide a healthy membrane for every cell in our body (including bone cells).

Another lifestyle tip we have been incorrectly taught is to stay out of the sun. The sun may be our most important nutrient source in that it energizes our cells and provides us with Vitamin D. Healthy bone structure is absolutely dependent on healthy vitamin D levels between 60-100ng/ml.


23rd November 2010, 03:53 PM
You do know that it is illegal for farmers to sell raw milk in most states, don't you?

Yep. And why is that? Why do small dairy farms get raided by multi-governmental agencies when state budgets are showing deficits? I have a feeling that "they" know exactly how health-promoting this kind of milk is, and are doing everything they can to keep the sheeple from realizing this and wanting to buy it.

I wish I had access to it.

See if you live near a Weston Price Chapter Leader. They keep a list of farmers, and/or organize group buys from nearby states where raw milk sales are legal.

23rd November 2010, 04:24 PM
One of the greatest myths we have all been raised to believe in America is that milk and dairy products provide the calcium we need for healthy bones.

And where did this myth come from, exactly? Oh yeah, by the fact that people have been consuming dairy for thousands of years with no problems. But it wasn't milk from Wal-mart! ;)

The notion is that if we do not consume these foods we run the risk of osteoporosis. The latest understanding is that most dairy products are actually some of the worst foods we can eat for building strong bones.

Most, but not all. Milk from grass-fed animals contains vitamin K2, but milk from grain-fed cows contains virtually none.

The current score board shows that most industrially advanced countries have the highest fracture rates, yet consume more dairy and calcium supplements than anywhere else in the world.

Right, and they all consume milk from grain-fed cows.

But the Masai and the Swiss villagers that Price studied had strong bones and teeth.

Our blood stream has a very sensitive pH range of 7.365. If this range is thrown off as much as .1, it can be lethal to our body. When we consume a high proportion of acidic foods our body will pull and leach out alkaline buffering minerals like sodium, magnesium, & calcium. These will be pulled out of less critical tissues such as bone, muscle, & joints to stabilize the pH in the bloodstream.

This is why it's important to consume raw milk. It is alkaline.

But even with acidic pasteurized milk or grains like wheat, there's other things you can consume to keep your body in balance.

This part of the article was good to so-so:

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants. This is critical for repairing the wear & tear that oxidative stress puts on bone tissue. Some of the best bone building vegetables include dark-green leafy veggies such as kale, collards, spinach, mustard greens, etc.

These foods contain loads of calcium and magnesium, iron, vitamin K and other critical trace minerals.

Raw plant foods only contain vitamin K1. Fermented veggies contain some K2, but the fat and organs of grass-fed animals are the richest source.

And the most bioavailable source of iron is meat and organs. A lot of vegan health organizations even acknowledge this.

The health benefits of a low fat diet are another misconception that leads to the progression of bone degeneration. Strong bones are absolutely dependant on healthy fat sources from avocados, coconut, olive oil, nuts/seeds, and fish oils. These fats provide anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, & trace minerals. These are critical to reduce inflammation and provide a healthy membrane for every cell in our body (including bone cells).

Yes, and there's nothing wrong with fats like butter, tallow, or lard, as long as they come from healthy animals.

Another lifestyle tip we have been incorrectly taught is to stay out of the sun. The sun may be our most important nutrient source in that it energizes our cells and provides us with Vitamin D. Healthy bone structure is absolutely dependent on healthy vitamin D levels between 60-100ng/ml.

That's true, but during many months from Fall all the way to Spring, in places that are far from the equator it's virtually impossible for people to get any vitamin D from the sun (these places have a Vitamin D Winter). So they need to get vitamin D3 from food, which again is only in animal foods. Or else get one of those vitamin D lamps and stick their arms under it from time to time.