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17th November 2010, 01:50 PM
Food for the Moon

The moon is more than just a pale satellite of interest to poets and astronomers. Its influence goes beyond merely creating ocean tides or driving biological cycles. More importantly, the moon exerts a significant influence upon the mechanical, emotional, and psychological states in man. The werewolf myth and superstition concerning full moon lunacy are not far from the truth. Certain lunar phases heighten the possibility for emotionally draining situations and stimulate reactivity and sensitivity in vulnerable individuals.

Personal observation reveals what numerous esoteric sources have explained at length, namely that we are food for the moon. In this article I shall summarize these sources and then give an account of how through personal experience I independently arrived at similar but more expansive conclusions framed in context of the matrix control system. This is an incredibly fascinating and practical subject since the lunar factor can be observed by anyone with eyes to see and knowledge of such cycles can be used to bypass obstacles normally exacerbated by the fog of ignorance.
Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

Fourth Way philosophy aims to strip man of his mechanical behavior and hypnotic programming in order to build within him a core of heightened consciousness. It is an esoteric system assembled from incomplete fragments of inner Christianity and Sufism. It's founder, Georges Gurdjieff, frequently admonished the thoughtless mechanical behavior of humanity and was fond of saying that we are "food for the moon."

What did Gurdjieff mean by this phrase? Many have interpreted "food for the moon" as a figure of speech, that perhaps Gurdjieff meant we are slave to our mechanical conditioning and feed our baser impulses. While it can be additionally interpreted that way, Gurdjieff was likely being literal. Peter Ouspensky, one of Gurdjieff's most prolific disciples, lectured at length concerning the moon's role in human affairs and its place in the cosmological scheme of things. It is reasonable to assume what Ouspensky wrote about the moon accurately reflects what Gurdjieff taught him.

According to Ouspensky, the moon acts as a giant electromagnet pulling upon all organic life on earth and sucking into itself the soul essence of dying creatures. The moon is an embryonic planet receiving its nutrition from organic life on earth through an etheric umbilical cord, an energy conduit between earth and moon.

In man, the moon drives his mechanical aspects like a pendulum moving the gears of a clock. The degree to which one's actions are driven by the moon is proportional to one's level of reactivity and non-being. For people incapable of moving themselves through life by nobler spiritual impulses, the moon provides a propulsive force. Without this force, mechanical individuals would be passive as puppets without a puppeteer.

Ouspensky went so far as to say that the very physical motion of our limbs was made possible thanks to the moon. Other Fourth Way initiates like Rodney Collin explained that because our body was largely made of water and the moon pulls on water to create the ocean tides, our bodies are made to move in similar but more complicated ways through hydraulic principles. Though I find this explanation dubious, I have included it only to be complete in my summary. The moon's gravitational field pulls on all masses equally and is not strong enough to have any measurable physical influence over the motion of water within the body.

It would be more accurate to say that the moon exerts some subtle influence upon the organs of our etheric body responsible for initiating neurochemical impulses that trigger habitual motions. Such mechanical behavior may therefore be driven by the moon, but not necessarily via crude physical means.

The moon is therefore an important factor in driving our mechanical actions. As long as its influence is limited to such effects, the moon is doings its job properly. Ouspensky warned, however, that if lunar influences trespassed into one's emotional and mental aspects, then emotional and mental imbalances would occur. How can the moon affect our emotional and intellectual centers? By the very fact that these lower centers have their own mechanical aspects.

Ouspensky was asked whether there was any truth to the connection between full moons and lunacy. He said there was none and that lunar phases are irrelevant because the moon is always around earth exerting virtually the same pull regardless of its phase. That much is true, however as I shall explain later, it is the alignment between earth, sun, and moon that colors the lunar influence, therefore lunar phases do correlate with cycles of mental and emotional stability and instability.

In the cosmological schema, earth is like a mother to the moon which is still a fetus in the sense that it cannot yet "breathe" on its own, hold an atmosphere, or support life. Gurdjieff said: "The Moon is actually a fragment of this Earth, which must now constantly maintain the Moon's existence." In that sense, the moon is like a parasitic thoughtform. Nevertheless, the equation is balanced because in exchange for the moon propelling our mechanical movement, we feed the moon so that it may grow and one day be born as a living planet. As to how organic life feeds the moon, Ouspensky explained that upon death the physical body returns to the earth but the soul essence, the astral and etheric energies sloughed off by the evacuating spirit, float toward and deposit themselves upon the moon. This comes with the dissolution of the body's mechanical center. During life, however, unprovoked emotional turmoil and unconscious psychological suffering produce subtle energies that feed the moon, and this much is detrimental to personal esoteric evolution.

In line with the objectives of Fourth Way, to escape the more deleterious lunar influences Ouspensky said we must 'create moon within ourselves." By this he meant we must develop within us a driving mechanism that can take the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we would break free of the puppeteer. Assuming for a moment a more general and practical interpretation, this simply says that in order to become free from mechanical conditioning and reactive behavior we must reinforce our sense of self-awareness so that conscious choice and awareness reigns supreme over any external stimuli that might provoke an unconscious reaction. In this way we stop feeding the moon while living, and still properly pay our dues upon death.


Practical Matters

There are a variety of reasons why some people seem to experience the lunar influence more than others.

First, active targeting plays a large part in the worst of the trouble, those who are not targeted will not experience much trouble other than some crankiness between themselves and others.

Second, where the moon is placed in one's natal chart (what the lunar configuration was at moment of birth) may play a role in how strongly its mechanizing influence trespasses into one's emotional and psychological states. Different people have different natal charts and will thus be influenced to different degrees.

Third, although this is speculative, I suspect geographic latitude factors into how strongly one falls within the earth-moon energy conduit; because the moon orbits around the earth's equator with a maximum eight degree deviation north or south, those nearer to the equator will be more deeply caught up in the gravitational line of tension between earth and moon while those in the higher latitudes might experience the lunar influence more weakly.

And fourth, the lower one's soul frequency, the greater one's mechanical tendencies, and the less esoterically developed one is, the greater the lunar effect. It would take fission from the base matters of the soul and fusion of the nobler qualities to gain victory over the lunar influence within oneself, and great wisdom and compassion to handle whatever disruptions may arise among others. In fact, it is toward this end that the moon can actually catalyze our progress by making us aware of our weaknesses.

If you want to test this theory for yourself, consult the Moon Chart for the current month to see whether the shaded regions on the chart correlate with any patterns in your own experience. You can also download this chart to your computer, to run within a browser.

Generally, the shaded regions (gray = new, red=full, purple = quarter moon) are merely windows for turmoil - there is no guarantee each window will bring trouble, but in my case I have found that when trouble does arise it does so exclusively in the shaded regions. There have been some weaker disturbances on quarter moon days (moon square sun) and during certain very strongly discordant astrological aspects, but these are infrequent and no where near as severe as what tends to arise around new or full moons so I consider them insignificant. If you find the moon chart has some validity, then you can use it to better prepare for and perhaps head off potential obstacles. It should merely assist in giving you a heads up, to be used in conjunction with your own intuitive system of "reading the weather".

Without being aware of the lunar influence one falls too easily under its soporific influence. One is likely to perceive the wrong dynamics behind a situation, take things too personally and succumb to depression or misplaced outrage, and fail to place one's energies at the right place at the right time. The types of lessons attracted during lunar windows can be learned in easier ways through foresight; by becoming aware of a problem before it happens, one learns the same lessons that would otherwise come about through painful experience.... therefore awareness protects against involuntary suffering.

The ultimate goal of this knowledge is to increase awareness and help one gain an upper hand over otherwise invisible and subliminal influences. Applied awareness always has an inverse effect upon negative influences; for instance, while lunar windows tend to induce suffering by default, through awareness one can make use of temporary dimensional fluidity to more effectively intend for and manifest positive futures. With awareness one can learn more efficiently, have a smoother and more exciting path of progress through life, avoid unproductive obstacles, and gain a measure of liberation from the enslaving effect of ignorance.

17th November 2010, 07:26 PM
What are you, Egyptian, a lunatic?


19th November 2010, 06:17 PM
What are you, Egyptian, a lunatic?


Remember, I'm a nocturnal Egyptian.

Since everyone else was worshipping the sun, I did the opposite =)

19th November 2010, 06:28 PM
Is it true the Moon is hollow?