View Full Version : The Black Hypertiger Bible. WARNING - OBSCENE LANGUAGE

18th November 2010, 10:56 PM

Must read ebook, although the very obscene language of the author will offend your sensibilities.

Read at your own risk of damage to your mental health.

Everything Hypertiger was afraid to give out to the peons and morons.

18th November 2010, 11:16 PM
He seems to be in the early stages of waking up. In defense of the sheep, most people just do what authority figures tell them they should do.

2. Anger – "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"
Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Any individual that symbolizes life or energy is subject to projected resentment and jealousy.

18th November 2010, 11:45 PM
Now THAT is hard to read. Do not know what to say about it besides I skimmed half way through. Not really impressed either.

19th November 2010, 12:01 AM
Not really impressed either.

Right! Why wake the sheep?! Love it.

19th November 2010, 12:39 AM
He says some good things. By the way, his mispellings are on purpose. I like the pink propaganda the best..

Another evening in Philadlephia.
But tonight is different.
For I will see the city be transformed into
Breast cancer awareness month is amoung us.
And with it comes the most mind-boggling
moranology one can possible witness on an annual
basis. PINK.
I will never get over the stupidity and mindcontrol
of breast cancer awareness month. Few, if
anyone out there realizes that the goal of breast
cancer AWARENESS is to do just that. Make you
AWARE that something is going to kill you. I want
to be clear. And I want you to understand this:
The point of breast cancer awareness month is
NOT a CURE. It is to condition you into thinking a
historically RARE disease is now NORMAL.
NORMALAIZATION. If something which DID
NOT kill women in the PAST suddenly starts killing
thousands of women NOW, the only way to
NORMALIZE it is to make you AWARE that it is
happening (ie NORMAL). This is the whole point
of AWARENESS. To stamp in your feeble minds
that what was once RARE is now an EPIDEMIC
and is COMPLETELY NORMAL. “Think pink” has
been STAMPED into your MIND.
Go to a breast cancer awareness event and look
at them. Look at them. Just look at them. Faces
grinning from ear to ear. Camp. Silliness. Wacky
hats. Goofy outfits. Noise-makers and party
favors. Is this a rally for a cure for breast cancer?
Or is this a bachelorette party? How did the most
serious issue in the world facing women turn into a
wacky, child-like celebration of the color pink?
Surley the #1 cancerious killer of women would not
produce such a circus-like freak show....
Hats with plastic breasts on the. Pink baloons.
Pink ribbon hats. Pink afro wigs. Pink sunglasses.
Hair dyed pink. You simply MUST observe the
mentality of these creatures attending these breast
cancer awareness events. It's sickening. They are
like children. How one can smile, laugh, and goof
around in the face of a DEADLY illness simply
atttests to one fact: These sheeple are LOVING
their own genocide. And the DO love their own
genocide. And they are DESERVING of this
genocide. For is one never stops to THINK why
they are LAUGHING at CANCER....then they can
never see the NORMALIZING EFFECT of their
BUFFOONERY. Do the actions of these SHEEP
convey a SERIOUS demand for a CURE? ...or do
The most ironic part is that these SHEEP are
exactly the ones who normalize the high prevalence
of breast cancer among american women. The
current RATES of breast cancer are NOT normal.
But the sheeple participating in these events MAKE
But alas – I know what some of you CATTLE
out there will argue: Breast cancer awareness is
meant to get women SCREENED for cancer. That
is BULLSHIT. There is only ONE person that
needs to be concerned about the necesitty of
screening, and that is your DOCTOR. And all YOU
need to know is to see your doctor for regular
check-ups. Then your doctor will screen you on
what he or she has become AWARE of reguarding
screening. You see FOOLS, you don't have to be
AWARE of anything. That's what doctors are for.
Into the doctor and get their BALLS CUPPED and
asked to caugh. Most men have no idea why this is
done. My point is that YOU don't have to be aware
of the reasons why – only your doctor does, who is
checking for hernias. The ONLY reason for MASS
PUBLIC AWARENESS of a disease is to
The propaganda is simple: Breast cancer is killing
millions of women world-wide and this is as
NORMAL as catching the common cold.... It's
ALWAYS been this way. And each and every time
you see pink, it shall serve as a reminder.
Made by the benevolency for population
control. Put into your birth control. For your
...But with the displays of baboonery you see at
a typical breast cancer awareness event.... can you
blame them?

19th November 2010, 12:47 AM
Holysh*t, this good and true to boot..

Now before you nig-nogs call me a racist I want to
demonstrate my intellectual power over you: If I
say the word 'nigger' it makes you think one thing.
If I say the word 'honkey' it makes you think
another. If I say the word 'dyke' or 'fag' or 'kyke' it
makes you think yet another. So don't be a fucking
8-ball. Listen to the message fools.
The white man is destroying himself. He is
headed for self destruction. Look around fools.
Look who is running for president: A negro. A
woman. And an elderly white man. Why is there
no representative for the so-called MAJORITY? Ill
tell you why....
You see there exists a SICKNESS in the mind
of the white man. It is a mental illness called
“PRIVILEGE”. The white man for centuries in this
countery has falsley believed that he is
PRIVILEDGED. This is a manefestation of the
historical ammounts of CREDIT available
exclusively to him. In other words, historically the
white man was the only one approved for loans.
And what does exclusive, instant access to free
momey do to ones mental state? It makes them
privilege. I call it borrowers smugness. The act of
walking in a bank with nothing, and exiting with
thousands makes one feel, well... PRIVILEDGED.
Certainly to be handed over instant riches would
make one feel worthy, high, exclusiove, esteemed,
and most of all, SPECIAL. And the white man does
get that feeling.
These very feelings are engrained deep within
him – even though he may not even realize where
they stem from. Surley to a white man in America
means you have the 'advantage' over others.
Subconcsiously this advantage is simply the
'priviledge' of being the only ones allowed to
borrow money. But that's where the stage effect
ends. For he who pays the piper picks the tune.
You see the white man, in all his smugness,
spawned from his borrowing, is about to cast
himself in the from of a metaphorical bread-line
sooner than you can imagine. No doubt he will
have his nose high in the air, wall dtreet journal in
hand, bank account, 401K, stocks, and his second
mortgage in mind....confident and proud... right up
until the guillotine severs his head from his body.
To understand WHY the white man has
unknowingly evolved into the most docile of
societies slaves you must inderstand two things:
1) In america, the while male represent the
MAJORITY. Therefore to emasculate and
demoralize this group is to control the
populace of the country and eliminate
Nemonomics is simple math that helps to
explain how control through lending works in the
real world.
1 dollar is printed => 1 dollar everything
becomes inflated by => 1 person dies => 1 more
police officer is hired
As you can see, fools, money is a MEANS to an
END. The means is paper, the end is control.
Weather you chose to believe NEMENOMICS or
not is up to you... But when one dollar is printed,
someone somewhere has to DIE in order to keep
the game afloat. Simultaneously, everythins in the
economy inflates by one dollar as well. This
ensures that the lazy borrower will never profit
from his borrowing. Next RESTRICITIVE
LEGISLSTION is made into law that limits the
borrowers so called rights. The more you fees a
wild animal – the more DOCILE it shall become.
The white man has been on a free lunch feeding
frenzy for the past 300 years. Is it any wonder he is
presently emasculated to virtual slave status right
now? The END or 'proof' that he has been totally
castrated is always in plain sight.
What did the white man lose through his
“PRIVILEDGE” of borrowing?
#1 Sovergnty - The most common example of
this is the “Wild West” - a man could carry a gun in
public, kill anyone he pleased, shoot it out in the
streets all without ANY intereference from law
enforcement. You see there once was a time when
got into a fight with another person, you could kill
him... it was YOUR BUSINESS. Likewise you could
also protect yourself however you chose fit all
without any interference from the law. This is
freedom. And this concept is almost COMPETELY
lost today.
I must be clear:
The notion of killing, or murder being illegal is
a NEW CONCEPT. Ironically soverignty DOES still
exist in america in a number of poor black
neighborhoods. If two black people shoot it out,
and dont endanger anyone else (that is white),
chances are you will get away with murder. There
WONT be any police investigation.... Nobody will
care. The majority of murder victims in the U.S.
Are black males. The majority of UNSOLVED
murders are cases where the VICTIM was black.
There WAS a day when the white man had this
freedom... But he gave it all up, ...for paper. When
once he could murder a man in front of the sheriff,
now he must cower from the cops on his way home
from work each day. But I digreess.
#2 – Recreation – Who remembers when only
men were police, fireman, military, factory
workers, etc? There was a time when a white man
could actually SMOKE A CIGARETTE while
working, keep a bottle of whiskey on his desk, have
a dalmation in his firehouse. These simple
pleasures have been given up, in echange for paper
money. Did you know that firefighters aren't
allowed to slide down the firepole anymore? The
white man has been efectively turned into a women
at the workplace all due to his PRIVILEDGE of
bank loans.
Quick & simple test:
If a woman can do your job – you've been
#3 – Are you dubmer than a n*gger??? You've
all seen the TV commercials: Smart black man
teached umb white man all about a new SMART
product. Dumbfounded white guy gives black man
look that says “I'm a dumbass”. Message to white
male viewer is simple: If you don't buy this
product you are as dumb as a negro. You don't
want to be as dumb as a colored person do you?
Then buy the tupperware set. Or else you are a
black man. But that's just the phase one reaction
to these commercials. After a few commercials
with this theme, the white male viewer will soon
think: “I am a dumb white-boy”.... “I am a dumb
white-boy”.... “I am nothing”. Sometimes the
commercials even gang up on the white man by
having a black, a mexican, and a woman all
emasculating the white male at the same time. And
now you have your very own black presidint. You
see fools, they always TEST things on darkie, but
the TARGET is whitey.
Roll back 45 years. If you heard “police state”,
“human rights”, “freedom of speech”, “police
brutality”, “check-points”, “warrantless searches” -
Those were all black people problems and
gripes in the 1960's.
The priviledge of borrowing is like wool over
your eyes. You will continue to think you are
pillars of society as you are led into the gas
chambers, not having a CLUE as to how you got
there. True, anoyne can get money these days –
but for the white man, it is BEYOND too late. You
have attached borrowing to prestige and privilege –
a nasty human emotion that is nearly impossible to
Think back to the 80's. Remember when the
white man would pull out his CREDIT CARD as if
it was the most PRIVILEGED thing he could so?
Back then it WAS seen as a privilege to have
PLASTIC. And in the white mans mind it was
privilege. But this sort of privilege is like grazyglueing
a grenade to a person with downs. I can't
get over the masses of sheep taken over by
delusions of PRIVILEGE when the gredit floodgates
are lifted open. And the look on their faces
having NO CLUE that this is the very MEANS to
their END – literally.
If you come away with anything from this
chapter, remember this: $1=1 more control. So if
you wonnder why the white male has been
emasculated – the answer is as simple as
mathematics: The more you borrow, the more you
are controlled. It's all mathematics.

19th November 2010, 02:32 AM
That is the first time I've ever read something by the tiger that actually makes sense.

OK, I downloaded the book and IT started out pretty good, but quickly bogged down in Malthusian CLAPTRAP.

The above post shows there are some nuggets, but as far as I got it is just tailings.

7th trump
19th November 2010, 04:40 AM
I stopped reading where he points out that money is the reason why we can no longer be like the wild west where we could wear guns and shoot it out in the streets and the law watched and did nothing.
It has nothing to do with money at that level.
Yea the 14th says the federal "US citizen", not the free People, cannot question the national debt. In order for the government to stop us from wearing guns and shooting it out in the streets you have to volunteer in consenting to the government. You do that by signing on the SS-5 therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, to be treated, taxed and regulationed as a US citizen. Money and its mechanics has nothing to do with your political choice to be able to shoot it out in the streets or submit to gun control.

I'm starting to lose respect for hyper. He should stick to money and its mechanics and not mix in political choices and pass it on as truth.

19th November 2010, 04:47 AM
I stopped reading where he points out that money is the reason why we can no longer be like the wild west where we could wear guns and shoot it out in the streets and the law watched and did nothing.
It has nothing to do with money at that level.
Yea the 14th says the federal "US citizen", not the free People, cannot question the national debt. In order for the government to stop us from wearing guns and shooting it out in the streets you have to volunteer in consenting to the government. You do that by signing on the SS-5 therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, to be treated, taxed and regulationed as a US citizen. Money and its mechanics has nothing to do with your political choice to be able to shoot it out in the streets or submit to gun control.

I'm starting to lose respect for hyper. He should stick to money and its mechanics and not mix in political choices and pass it on as truth.

He is a big failure at money mechanics, or he has lead you all down the path to dodo land.

Silver Shield
19th November 2010, 05:41 AM
The immature rantings of a small mind...

19th November 2010, 06:17 AM
I'm starting to lose respect for hyper.



19th November 2010, 06:19 AM
The immature rantings of a small mind...

Correct, nevertheless he seems to be on a roll to knock out those of us with scruples.

<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">DEAR HIDDEN-HAND,<br /><br />Are you practicing lying? If so, it is MOST EXCELLENT! Lies with NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS are seen as BEE-LIE-VABLE. If this is true (and only you can answer that) then I am <span style="font-style: italic;">most impressed</span> on you picking up my lesson so quickly and accurately!<br /><br />YOU DID A MOST EXCELLENT JOB!!!!<br /><br />The lesson here is to always LIE in the NEGATIVE/SELF-DEFEATING fashion. Pretend for example hidden had WAS indeed LIEING in that letter he wrote. Did all of you bee-lie-ve it? <img src="http://smfnew.com/files/5/nbalakers.smfnew.com/Smileys//default/huh.gif" alt="Huh" border="0" /> <span style="font-style: italic;">Of COURSE you did,</span> <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">for it was filled with examples of how he was such a LOSER!</span> Had his letter bragged about wild exploits (positive ones) you all would DOUBT it and find it hard to beelieve. But there is NO LIMIT to the amount of lieing you can do if its formed "negatively". Hidden-hand literally wrote one of the longest posts ever - and he had you all transfixed and BEELIEVING IT all the way until the end.<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">[END OF MY ORIGINAL RESPONSE]</span><br /><br /><br />...<br /><br /><br />As you all have learned by reading "Die Sheeple Die". Society itself is founded on ONE HUGE DECEPTION, or LIE. Titan Surge once wrote me asking HOW he could "join the elite". After a verbal emasulation, I explained to him that you cannot 'join' the elite, you 'become' it. You see the problem with 99% of of PEOPLE <span style="font-style: italic;">within</span> society is that THEY DON'T EVEN REALIZE THEY ARE *INSIDE* SOMETHING CALLED "SCOIETY" TO BEGIN WITH! They haven't a CLUE as to NATURAL LAW/LIFE and ONLY know of 'societal law'/SOCIETY as being the one 'true'/'normal' 'reality'/existence. They don't know that every time you get up at 6am brush your teeth with aspartame and polaxomer 407, and turn on the TV, and then go to work for 12 hours, then return home to TV after shopping at a mall --- they don't realize that participating in such baboonery IS the GAME of society itself.<br /><br />They are CLULESS to this fact.<br /><br /></span><img style="width: 353px; height: 213px;" alt="http://hotcelebs.today.com/files/2009/08/amber-valletta-as-angie-in-gamer.jpg" src="http://hotcelebs.today.com/files/2009/08/amber-valletta-as-angie-in-gamer.jpg" /><br /><br />Anyway, here is the LESSON: Society was created using the eclipse trick. Since the very inception of society was based on a lie, it is therefore simple to deduce that the most 'sucessful' individuals in society will be the BEST LIARS! Period. To 'get ahead' you must LIE.<br /><br />Let me say it again to avoid confusion and shock:<br /><br />YOU MUST LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />NATURE made it this way, and you KNOW it to be true! Why do you think the masses upon birth are inundated with religion and 'morality'. Trained from sesame street object lessons to tell the truth and trick no-one. Trained to confess thy sins the the giver in the church and BEG for forgiveness and mercy from da lawd.<br /><br />The biggest, best, and brightest LIARS win! Always! In EVERY aspect of life this is true. Advertisers lie all the time, of course I do too. Politicians, bosses, and rulers also lie all the time. I find it facinating how the typical labotomized sheep can borrow tons of free lunch money in the form of loans, but cant formulate a simple lie to get out of jury-duty. The 'guilt' of lieing is programmed so deep within the cattle that he cannot realize that this is his greatest defense against slavery and his most valuable tool for creating freedom. Years ago when I began business, the first thing I realized is that everyone LIES in business... "guaranteed forever", "insured and bonded", "since 1923", "voted best in the city", "half price off", "limited supply" and so on. Everything is a lie. "Success" depends on two things, #1, your willingness to lie, and #2 the skill at which you can lie.<br /><br />Interestingly to a deceiver he can spot a lie a mile away - I for instance think objectively - any and everything 'claimed' on a product or service, I INSTANTLY dismiss as an out and out bold faced lie. Period. But not the masses - for they bend down on their wolly knees and falcon punch mother nature square in the cunt everytime they see an outlandish claim by BEGGING for such subjective nonsensory. I noticed waaay back when, that when I would tell the client the TRUTH about a product, they would actually ARGUE with me, even as I was trying to keep them from paying ME money for something they didn't need. It's like taking a sheep away from his multi-vitamin. Pretend I was the vitimin manufaturer and I told a customer, "Hey, this really just causes cancer" - they would look back at me and say "NOOOOO!!!! IT DOESNT!!! IT CURES EVERYTHING!!!" -- it would matter not if I was the creator of the very thing in question, for the demand of LIES is greater than ANY combination of truth.<br /><br />THUS YOU LIE!!!!!!!<br /><br /><span style="font-style: italic;">LIE OR DIR!!!!!!!!!!!!</span><br /><br /><img style="width: 334px; height: 250px;" alt="http://blog.ctnews.com/naturecenter/files/2009/08/katydid.jpg" src="http://blog.ctnews.com/naturecenter/files/2009/08/katydid.jpg" /><br /><br />Just LOOK at this little nigger above! Look at his brilliant ass! Is this black motherfucker being 'moral', is he 'doing what Jesus would do?', is he 'reporting for Jury duty' OR IS HE PRETENDING TO BE A ****** FIG LEAF TO SCORE SOME SCRATCH!!!<br /><br />Again, fools, I didnt make it this way, nature did.<br /><br /><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in; width: 309px; height: 309px;" alt="http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/1846057.jpg" src="http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/1846057.jpg" /><br /><br />Little moral faggots only end up turning he cogs of the 'morality machine' for 60 hours a week until they DIE! Meek 'honest' slaves to nature.<br /><br />Lie at every opportunity you get, and make them self defeating to trick your food into thinking you would have no reason to lie about such a thing. And most of all, change your sheep 'morality' guilt OFF, forever, for it is NOT NATURAL and was only put there to become more easily fooled.<br /><br />LIE OR DIE!<br /><br /><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><br /><br /><br /><br /></span>

19th November 2010, 06:35 AM
If I want to get out of jury duty all I have to do is tell them the truth.

I have the obligation to judge both the facts of the case and the merit of the law being exercised.

I'll be out so fast, it will make your head spin.

I think it is important that we teach our children not to be too trusting and to look for the lie. When we are growing up that lesson is always taught by our peers who try to sucker us into being the fool and getting a big laugh at our expense. April fool's comes to mind as an object lesson taught once every year.

7th trump
19th November 2010, 06:38 AM
I'm starting to lose respect for hyper.



Whats your point Book?

19th November 2010, 06:41 AM
I'm starting to lose respect for hyper.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th November 2010, 07:05 AM
I can't get to the link but what I see quoted on this thread doesn't sound like HT, it sounds like hives from www.djhives.com.

19th November 2010, 07:17 AM
This observation is brilliant!

19th November 2010, 07:20 AM

19th November 2010, 07:21 AM
...it sounds like hives from www.djhives.com.


Nice find SRB.

Filthy Keynes
19th November 2010, 07:22 AM
This observation is brilliant!

...or present it in a totally ridiculous format, like a comic book for girls:


(notice the URL is from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston).


19th November 2010, 12:11 PM
...or present it in a totally ridiculous format, like a comic book for girls:

Truly brilliant!

19th November 2010, 02:33 PM

19th November 2010, 06:13 PM
I haven't been her for quite a long time, and this is one of the first threads I read after pulling gsus back up. The kitty cat has a much more mundane, no-emotion-attached writing style... this is clearly not by HT. I like HT's ramblings on.

Sex change?
