View Full Version : TSA chief: Body scan boycott would be mistake

22nd November 2010, 06:21 AM
My post for the day...


TSA chief: Body scan boycott would be mistake
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Jim Abrams, Associated Press
50 mins ago

.WASHINGTON – With one of the year's busiest traveling days fast approaching, the Obama administration's top transportation security official on Monday urged passengers angry over safety procedures not to boycott airport body scans.

John Pistole said in nationally broadcast interviews he understands public concerns about privacy in the wake of the Transportation Security Administration's tough new airline boarding security checks.

But at the same time, he said a relatively small proportion of the 34 million people who have flown since the new procedures went into effect have had the body pat downs that have come under withering criticism in recent days.

With the Thanksgiving travel rush less than 48 hours away, Pistole implored passengers Monday not to take delaying actions or engage in boycotts of body scans, actions he said would only serve to "tie up people who want to go home and see their loved ones."

Pistole had pledged Sunday to review security procedures in the wake of a public outcry. But he also said the TSA must balance people's demand for privacy with the need to protect passengers from those who would try to set off bombs on planes.

A loosely-organized Internet boycott of body scans is under way, and Pistole said he hoped people would exercise sound judgment over the busy Thanksgiving holiday. A National Opt-Out Day is scheduled for Wednesday to coincide with the busiest travel day of the year.

"Just one or two recalcitrant passengers at an airport is all it takes to cause huge delays," said Paul Ruden, a spokesman for the American Society of Travel Agents, which has warned its more than 8,000 members about delays resulting from the body-scanner boycott. "It doesn't take much to mess things up anyway — especially if someone purposely tries to mess it up."

Body scans take as little as 10 seconds, but people who decline the process must submit to a full pat-down, which takes much longer. That could cause a cascade of delays at dozens of major airports, including those in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta. nationwide security programs, "there is a continual process of refinement and adjustment to ensure that best practices are applied."

Pistole on Sunday noted the alleged attempt by a Nigerian with explosives in his underwear to try to bring down an Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight last Christmas. "We all wish we lived in a world where security procedures at airports weren't necessary," he said, "but that just isn't the case."

The statement came just hours after Pistole, in a TV interview, said that while the full-body scans and pat-downs could be intrusive and uncomfortable, the high threat level required their use.

In the TV appearance, Pistole appeared to shrug off statements by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that the TSA would look for ways to alter screening techniques that some passengers say are invasions of privacy.

Obama said in Lisbon on Saturday that he had asked TSA officials whether there's a less intrusive way to ensure travel safety. "I understand people's frustrations," he said, adding that he had told the TSA that "you have to constantly refine and measure whether what we're doing is the only way to assure the American people's safety."

Clinton, appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," said she thought "everyone, including our security experts, are looking for ways to diminish the impact on the traveling public" and that "striking the right balance is what this is about."

She, for one, wouldn't like to submit to a security pat-down.

"Not if I could avoid it. No. I mean, who would?" Clinton told CBS' "Face the Nation."

"Clearly it's invasive, it's not comfortable," Pistole said of the scans and pat-downs during the interview on CNN's "State of the Union." But, he added, "if we are to detect terrorists, who have again proven innovative and creative in their design and implementation of bombs that are going to blow up airplanes and kill people, then we have to do something that prevents that."

Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., who is set to become Transportation Committee chairman when Republicans take over the House in January, differed with the approach.

"I don't think the rollout was good and the application is even worse. This does need to be refined. But he's saying it's the only tool and I believe that's wrong," Mica, a longtime critic of the TSA, said on CNN.

With the peak traveling season nearing, air travelers are protesting new requirements at some U.S. airports that they must pass through full-body scanners that produce a virtually naked image. The screener, who sits in a different location, does not see the face of the person being screened and does not know the traveler's identity.

Those who refuse to go through the scanners are subject to thorough pat-downs that include agency officials touching the clothed genital areas of passengers.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appearing on CBS, said Congress would hold hearings on the "very controversial" issue of how to strike the right balance. Asked how he would feel about submitting to a pat-down, Hoyer said, "I don't think any of us feel that the discomfort and the delay is something that we like, but most people understand that we've got to keep airplanes safe."

Pistole was interviewed Monday morning on ABC's "Good Morning America," CBS's "The Early Show," NBC's "Today" show and MSNBC.

22nd November 2010, 06:23 AM
everyone should show up in burkas.

General of Darkness
22nd November 2010, 06:26 AM
Well he can go fuck himself. ;D


22nd November 2010, 06:38 AM
"Just one or two ***recalcitrant*** passengers at an airport is all it takes to cause huge delays," said Paul Ruden, a spokesman for the American Society of Travel Agents, which has warned its more than 8,000 members about delays resulting from the body-scanner boycott. "It doesn't take much to mess things up anyway — especially if someone purposely tries to mess it up."

re·cal·ci·trant [ri-kal-si-truhnt]

1. resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory.
2. hard to deal with, manage, or operate.

Paul Ruden, you can kiss the fattest part of my ass!

Still Barbaro
22nd November 2010, 06:47 AM
Well he can go f*ck himself. ;D


Yes, and this prick is saying this because he know it may well WORK!!!


And I will anyway when I fly next b/c I don't trust the numb-nuts in the gov that these new body scanners are safe, as they haven't been used long enough to determine if they are. Screw the MsV Limit or whatever, for now.

22nd November 2010, 06:49 AM
From some one that first started flying in the 1950's! It used to be that flying was fun and also an event. Now they have made it an ordeal, changing the seat spacing so if you are over 5' your legs are crowded, running the security gauntlet, walking in your socks or bare feet, When I think of what we have to go through to fly, an image of cattle comes to mind.

I would just roll on the floor LMAO if the general public, would revolt and boycott all of the shit they make people go through to fly today. It would be a hoot!

Just wish our train service was better across the nation, than it is now. Have traveled by train in my early years and back then it was very cool. but it did take time to get from point a to b.

22nd November 2010, 06:57 AM
F*ck him and his goons.

This man is begging us "oh, just submit to us so everyone can get where they want to go faster." And the sad thing is, most people will.

Delay everyon as much as possible, make things as humiliating as possible for the TSA agents. Cause a (polite, so you dont get arrested) scene that everyone has no other choice but to stop what they are doing and watch you and your one on one with the pat down. "Oh, mr tsa, if only daddy could see the man you've become!" "oh, mr tsa agent, I was expecting flowers first, but we can skip the foreplay if you insist."

Make the entire process a joke so everyone around you sees it as the joke it really is.

22nd November 2010, 07:00 AM
But he also said the TSA must balance people's demand for privacy with the need to protect passengers from those who would try to set off bombs on planes.

It's easy. Stop the CIA goons from getting on the planes.

You guys realise they are gonna blow up one of these planes now for real, right?

22nd November 2010, 07:10 AM
But he also said the TSA must balance people's demand for privacy with the need to protect passengers from those who would try to set off bombs on planes.

It's easy. Stop the CIA goons from getting on the planes.

You guys realise they are gonna blow up one of these planes now for real, right?

Yeah, somethigs gonna happen. More than likley at one of the bigger airports that "opts out" of the TSA program or after somewhere where they just do regular metal detectors and no pat downs.

22nd November 2010, 07:13 AM
We are done flying commercial--period.

What anyone else does is their business but no more for us.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd November 2010, 08:50 AM
This is the same Pistole fvcker who says he wants to take the TSA "to the next level" and implement this technology on trains.

I have no plans of flying under these conditions and maybe that is their intent. That or they are prodding the cattle to gauge docility.

22nd November 2010, 08:59 AM
Pistole implored passengers Monday not to take delaying actions or engage in boycotts of body scans, actions he said would only serve to "tie up people who want to go home and see their loved ones."

Its not bad enough that these pricks take naked pictures and grope people and your children, now they want to tie people up and break up families! ::)

Yes the Pistole pricks are prodding.

Twisted Titan
22nd November 2010, 01:54 PM
Pistole on Sunday noted the alleged attempt by a Nigerian with explosives in his underwear to try to bring down an Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight last Christmas. "We all wish we lived in a world where security procedures at airports weren't necessary," he said, "but that just isn't the case."

The same Nigerian asset that was wavied passed the metal detector and was able to board a US bound plane with no passport.


22nd November 2010, 01:59 PM

If you want to fly in America go ahead and put your feet in the stirrups Sir.


willie pete
22nd November 2010, 01:59 PM
how many terrorist/bombing threats have been on domestic flights? .....Most if not all have been on int'l flights ORIGINATING in other countries...

midnight rambler
22nd November 2010, 02:04 PM
This is entirely about shutting down your right to free movement, or as John Locke put it, one's right "to change one's circumstances" (by voting with your feet).

Those of you whom betray yourselves and your fellow countrymen by continuing to re-draw your line in the sand will get exactly what you justly deserve.

Free yourselves of your government issued identity NOW! The longer you put this off the harder it's going to be on you, you're getting boxed in.

your canary in a coal mine

Black Blade
22nd November 2010, 02:47 PM
What's wrong? It's just a pat down:


22nd November 2010, 08:16 PM
Chertoff’s TSA Death Scanners - BrN On Video! (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=575)
