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23rd November 2010, 01:50 PM
Here's Why the Fed Plan Is Failing: We’re All Austrians Now

It’s no accident that Austrian economics is newly popular. It provides the best explanation for the business cycle we’ve just lived through.

But the resurgent popularity of Austrian economics may actually be hampering the ability of the Federal Reserve to reflate the economy with low interest rate policies. Businesses, now aware of the dangers of a low-inflation sparked economic bubble, may simply be refusing to fall for the age-old boom-bust trap.

The Austrian theory of business cycles is rather straight forward:

By: John Carney
Senior Editor, CNBC.com
Published: Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010

Filthy Keynes
23rd November 2010, 02:15 PM
Filthy disgusting Keynesianism is DEAD!

23rd November 2010, 02:19 PM
It provides the best explanation for the business cycle we’ve just lived through.


You tell 'em Mr. Swift!


23rd November 2010, 02:25 PM
I would have gone for Romanian jew, there isn't nearly enough dignity around to be Austrian quite yet.

10th December 2010, 07:55 AM
Convenient how these guys suddenly ran out of a bloodline exactly during revolutionary period.

The Austrian branch went extinct in 1780 with the death of Empress Maria Theresa and was succeeded by the Vaudemont branch of the House of Lorraine in the person of her son Joseph II. The new successor house styled itself as House of Habsburg-Lorraine

