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24th November 2010, 07:39 AM
You've got to admit this is pretty clever


Everyone's like huh?

Sorry Its not linking properly.

Its some kind of middle school football play.

Twisted Titan
24th November 2010, 08:24 AM
I had to watch it like three times to be certain because I thought the QB was offsides.

Just futher proof the unorthodox approach can reap fantastic results.


Hatha Sunahara
24th November 2010, 09:15 AM
I had to paste the link into a new window to watch this.

My hats off to the kids in this video. I doubt that their coach dreamed this one up. I'm pretty sure one guy--probably the quarterback thought of this, and at their age, this kind of thing would be an easy sell to get the team to adopt it. That kind of inventiveness and bravado gets squashed as they get older, and it's gone by the time they are ready to join the workforce. Try to sell an unorthodox approach to people who have money invested, and you're farting in the wind.


24th November 2010, 10:33 AM
I had to paste the link into a new window to watch this.

My hats off to the kids in this video. I doubt that their coach dreamed this one up. I'm pretty sure one guy--probably the quarterback thought of this, and at their age, this kind of thing would be an easy sell to get the team to adopt it. That kind of inventiveness and bravado gets squashed as they get older, and it's gone by the time they are ready to join the workforce. Try to sell an unorthodox approach to people who have money invested, and you're farting in the wind.


When that video first gained attention, I read an article that said that the coach had remembered the play from when he was a kid, but when the team he was on had attempted it, the play was not as successful.

They (this years team) had practiced that play in case a good opportunity came to use it, and it did.

The article also said that this was in a championship game. The team lost the championship, but gained a helluva lot more attention because of their clever play.

24th November 2010, 11:44 AM
I have mixed feelings about this one. Clever, but doesn't this type of tactic at the Middle School level shows a complete lack of sportsmanship? I could appreciate something like this in college or pro, but is this what you should be teaching 8th Graders who are trying to learn the fundamentals of the game?

24th November 2010, 12:29 PM
That was hilarious.

I think the only time to pull that off is in Middle School. Hopefully High School, College, Pro wouldn't fall for it.

24th November 2010, 12:53 PM
Obviously, the crucial part of this play is before the snap. The QB is gesturing towards the coach as if he is confused and it appears he says something to the the center that is loud enough to be hard by the defense that indicates to them that a play is not about to take place. The snap itself also has to appear to not be a snap and I have to say I am surprised no one on the defensive line doesn't stand in the way of the QB even if they don't think a play is underway. Defensive back #19 wasn't fooled but he was too busy trying to close the gap to yell anything to wake up the closer teammates.

That is a once a decade kind of play to even attempt to pull off and I'd say you have to try it on a 1st down after taking the kickoff or some similar time when an emergency attempt is least expected.

24th November 2010, 01:04 PM
When I was a first string right guard, my favorite play was the fumble-ruskie. The QB would down the ball behind the line and I'd pick it up and plow some people down : )

1970 silver art
24th November 2010, 04:43 PM
I thought that was cool. 8)

24th November 2010, 04:46 PM
Heard about it last week on NPR (on at work) and a guy was talking about it and likening it to child abuse as it was the coach taking it out on the poor kids from the other team.

24th November 2010, 05:38 PM
Child abuse?! Only some NPR idiot would say that. Fact is, a lesson like that teaches you to take off the blinders, to not live on the assumption that the next moment will be like the last, to think outside the box. That defensive line was so trained to key on their men that when they weren't moving they didn't know how to react. There's a life lesson in there and it is the polar opposite of abuse.

24th November 2010, 05:50 PM
Heard about it last week on NPR (on at work) and a guy was talking about it and likening it to child abuse as it was the coach taking it out on the poor kids from the other team.

Part of the football experience, I'm afraid