View Full Version : Why the influences in your life are so crucial to outcomes

midnight rambler
24th November 2010, 11:57 AM
"...according to the most tested theory in physics, Quantum Mechanics, your consciousness changes reality. In this theory, the phenomenon known as the collapse of the Quantum Wave Function is what brings reality into existence. This is a fancy way of saying that one's conscious observation of small unseen waves actually causes those waves to "collapse" into matter. In other words, conscious observation materializes particles into existence."

Consider all the influences in the world, and the instances where a very well organized adversary foist these influences on you and those around you.

Kill your television.

24th November 2010, 12:13 PM
"...according to the most tested theory in physics, Quantum Mechanics, your consciousness changes reality. In this theory, the phenomenon known as the collapse of the Quantum Wave Function is what brings reality into existence. This is a fancy way of saying that one's conscious observation of small unseen waves actually causes those waves to "collapse" into matter. In other words, conscious observation materializes particles into existence."

Consider all the influences in the world, and the instances where a very well organized adversary foist these influences on you and those around you.

Kill your television.

There is a lot of truth in this.

Here is the rule I saw in my life: What you feed and exercise will grow.

Now, adding in this concept: What you put your mind to work on will move you in that direction.

Rebel Yarr
24th November 2010, 12:14 PM
Positive thinking - same concept as "The Secret". Powerfully simply.

24th November 2010, 12:56 PM
And keep aware that there are people around you that want to see you fail.

A long time ago I noticed that some members of my family were happy to see me fail, I cut them out of my life and have never looked back. At family reunions I keep a friendly face and play it humble to keep the peace, but I avoid bringing them into my life at all times other than family reunions.

24th November 2010, 01:00 PM
People are extremely vulnerable to the power of suggestion and only a small percentage of them will admit it to themselves. My life changed for the better when I finally admitted it to myself.

Twisted Titan
24th November 2010, 02:07 PM
Every since I started my thread on The Wee One

I dusted off a old set of Tibetan Mala Beads ( similar to a Rosary) and have since focused on saying a small Mantra for Her and also all the other expectant couples here on the Forum Twice daily.

Every report has since comeback with great news and all is moving forward as anticipated.

There is something to be said for truly focusing the mind on a chief aim.

With enough definativeness of purpose the Universe could be bent to your will.

Right now Im focusing on keeping all The Wee Ones Safe,Healthy,Strong,Brilliant,Blessed, Favored and Loved.

Now Watch it come to be.


24th November 2010, 02:11 PM
Twisted, dunno about the beads but it is very gratifying to read of your little one's smooth progression. Please keep us updated as the happy day approaches.

24th November 2010, 02:16 PM
Agree with all posts so far, reality is what you make of it, Unless you Drop some great orange mini-barrel back in your 20's in the heydays of the 60's and your eyes are opened to different ways of seeing shit!!



Twisted Titan
24th November 2010, 02:20 PM
Agree with all posts so far, reality is what you make of it, Unless you Drop some great orange mini-barrel back in your 20's in the heydays of the 60's and your eyes are opened to different ways of seeing sh*t!!


24th November 2010, 02:26 PM
Agree with all posts so far, reality is what you make of it, Unless you Drop some great orange mini-barrel back in your 20's in the heydays of the 60's and your eyes are opened to different ways of seeing sh*t!!


Been there and done that!

Those were some dam fine days and yeares!


24th November 2010, 02:29 PM

My generation and proud of it!

Always wanted to bang her and Stevie nix !

24th November 2010, 02:40 PM
your consciousness changes reality...


Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


24th November 2010, 02:42 PM
your consciousness changes reality...


Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


Yea book , but the other way is so much fun! for interludes to escape the monotonicity. ;D

24th November 2010, 03:03 PM
your consciousness changes reality...

Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


What is, is. But what about what is to be?

You see, it is foolish to ignore reality as it is and it is silly to think you can change the past. But we do control choices now and those impact the future.

If I tell myself that a job is too hard for the reward, I will likely not even try. If I tell myself that the job is probably hard but well worth the effort anyway, I will accomplish something. Having a positive outlook makes you READY to take advantage of opportunities that you could not have foreseen. I just know this from real life experience.

btw- I will be flying soon. ;)

24th November 2010, 03:08 PM
your consciousness changes reality...

Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


What is, is. But what about what is to be?

You see, it is foolish to ignore reality as it is and it is silly to think you can change the past. But we do control choices now and those impact the future.

If I tell myself that a job is too hard for the reward, I will likely not even try. If I tell myself that the job is probably hard but well worth the effort anyway, I will accomplish something. Having a positive outlook makes you READY to take advantage of opportunities that you could not have foreseen. I just know this from real life experience.

btw- I will be flying soon. ;)

Good luck in the contest!

24th November 2010, 03:17 PM
your consciousness changes reality...

Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


What is, is. But what about what is to be?

You see, it is foolish to ignore reality as it is and it is silly to think you can change the past. But we do control choices now and those impact the future.

If I tell myself that a job is too hard for the reward, I will likely not even try. If I tell myself that the job is probably hard but well worth the effort anyway, I will accomplish something. Having a positive outlook makes you READY to take advantage of opportunities that you could not have foreseen. I just know this from real life experience.

btw- I will be flying soon. ;)

Good luck in the contest!

Which one? The Darwin awards? LOL... if that's what you mean... I have no intention of leaping from a high place in order to make an impressive splat. When I lift off, it will be upward from a lowly place, not downward from a lofty perch.

24th November 2010, 03:18 PM
Every man is where he is by the law of his being; the thoughts which
he has built into his character have brought him there, and in the
arrangement of his life there is no element of chance, but all is
the result of a law which cannot err. This is just as true of those
who feel "out of harmony" with their surroundings as of those who
are contented with them.

James Allen .. . As A Man Thinketh

24th November 2010, 03:22 PM
your consciousness changes reality...

Believing you can fly or believing you can "ignore" gravity is nonsense. What is......................is.


What is, is. But what about what is to be?

You see, it is foolish to ignore reality as it is and it is silly to think you can change the past. But we do control choices now and those impact the future.

If I tell myself that a job is too hard for the reward, I will likely not even try. If I tell myself that the job is probably hard but well worth the effort anyway, I will accomplish something. Having a positive outlook makes you READY to take advantage of opportunities that you could not have foreseen. I just know this from real life experience.

btw- I will be flying soon. ;)

Good luck in the contest!

Which one? The Darwin awards? LOL... if that's what you mean... I have no intention of leaping from a high place in order to make an impressive splat. When I lift off, it will be upward from a lowly place, not downward from a lofty perch.

Ham radio saying. sort of like saying break a leg in the theater racket.

24th November 2010, 03:36 PM
Indeed, Book!

Reality is what it is... here's what I think of "positive thinking". I believe in "fortune" and "luck" - the harder and more focused I work, the more of them I have! ;)

Applying quantum physics to the notion that "we create our own reality" is sheer nonsense... quantum physics governs atomic-level events, not the large "macro" world we live in. THEORETICALLY, if every one of the TRILLIONS of particles in your body were to behave in unison, you could do things like walk through walls... but I've never seen anyone manage this... have you?

24th November 2010, 03:42 PM
People are extremely vulnerable to the power of suggestion and only a small percentage of them will admit it to themselves. My life changed for the better when I finally admitted it to myself.

“Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

24th November 2010, 07:20 PM
Reality is what it is... here's what I think of "positive thinking". I believe in "fortune" and "luck" - the harder and more focused I work, the more of them I have! ;)

I know what you are saying. I can't say this without sounding crazy, but there is some 'higher' force at work that is there. It is something I've accepted as fact, but understand why folks question it.

There is time where the "luck" doesn't make sense anymore, and you look at things differently after that.

But, reality is there too. The reality, is our society is programmed by the media...and the people eat it up. When you realize, that life isn't a popularity contest, you don't need to impress others..you are finally free from it all.

It's all a big smokescreen to keep folks entertained.

So, when folks talk about 'influences' in life, yeah...I agree. Kill the TV. I did, and heck, haven't missed it one bit. :)