View Full Version : Strike against austerity cuts brings Portugal to a halt

25th November 2010, 09:55 AM
BBC: Strike against austerity cuts brings Portugal to a halt (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11825643)

Many of Portugal's public services have ground to a halt as workers strike in a bid to weaken the government's resolve to make deep budget cuts.

RT: Portugal Goes Pop? 'Euro burning, people pay, bankers get away'


Stirling (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/) comments:
The people of Portugal, like a very large part of the world, are being screwed by the global banking cartel. They are the ones that set up China to destroy the manufacturing bases of North America and Europe, along with Japan and other first world nations. They are the ones that engage in the trade of sovereign debt and act as/control most of the central banks on Earth. They are total parasites. There is no reason, no good reason, for their existance. They exist because they bribe the corrupt political classes. If the masses want to change things, they have to force their countries "leadership" to dump the global bankers, the EU (which the Rothschilds set up and organized), the IMF, and globalism. Stirling

25th November 2010, 10:36 AM
You can imagine what the protests will look like in the US when we have to start slashing welfare, food stamps, heating assistance, etc.. :box

25th November 2010, 01:32 PM
It's too bad that we, in the U.S., will likely have to wait for a collapse before anyone even considers any kind of austerity cuts to warfare/welfare.

25th November 2010, 04:30 PM
You can imagine what the protests will look like in the US when we have to start slashing welfare, food stamps, heating assistance, etc.. :box

The entitlement segment of society is the last to understand the reasons behind how things work in the world. It doesn't matter if it's Greece, Portugal, or the U.S. People that are brainwashed to believe the government is a central power and responsible for their care are a systemic problem and a convenient excuse to cloak the redistribution of wealth. A small percentage of individuals on public assistance are genuinely in need of help as they attempt to make a better life for themselves. But the majority are people who expect their needs to be covered at the expense of someone else - and those needs are artificially created for them by the same people that use them as a strategic liability to the rest of us. When the time comes that people take to the streets for their government cheese, it will be because that's when the government wants it to happen, not because they have the righteous indignation of parasites.

Stop Making Cents
25th November 2010, 07:18 PM
The real question is what will happen when the European economy comes crashing down. I pray that the right wing will come to power and evict the foreign invaders so that Europe and Western Christendom can be restored, but I'm afraid the sheeple will move in the opposite direction by embracing communism and ever more handouts.