View Full Version : Baby Bearded Dragons
25th November 2010, 01:30 PM
on thanksgiving day :P
They are hatching! jpg
1st one out so far jpg
aww he is tired jpg
Close up of baby #1 jpg
26th November 2010, 11:25 AM
we have four babies so far and more trying to get out of their eggs
This little guy is mean one pg
My wife say's "This is the ferocious, "get away from me you scary monster!" face. LOL"
26th November 2010, 11:38 AM
They aren't mean, per se, but they are reptiles. Why people insist on ascribing anything more than reptile behavior to these things is beyond me. They offer zero companionship and therefore, in my book, they do not classify as pets. They are captive reptiles, nothing more. Good luck selling them to people who hold delusions that they are otherwise.
26th November 2010, 11:57 AM
SLV I understand what your saying...
BUT Breaded dragons ARE pets...they are NOT like a snake that just lays there.
They are very alert. They watch you when you are in the room with them and they actually like to be held.
They are neat to watch too.
and they sometimes wave at you ;)
Just sayin
26th November 2010, 12:48 PM
I still don't know what they are.
Where do they come from?
How big do they get?
Can they be trained to defend the homestead from, oh, say cockroaches or other unwanted creepycrawlies?
26th November 2010, 06:03 PM
They are very alert. They watch you when you are in the room
They are aware of your presence and are watching to see if you are A)Food or B)Threat
They actually like to be held.
They utilize the warmth of your body heat just like they would a sun-warmed rock. They are cold blooded creatures that require external heat sources.
They are neat to watch too.
No argument, there.
they sometimes wave at you
Sometimes they take a notion to explore their surroundings and see if maybe they can diversify them and possibly their food source or their choice of mates. They quickly find themselves contained in a glass cage.
26th November 2010, 06:13 PM
They offer zero companionship and therefore, in my book, they do not classify as pets. They are captive reptiles, nothing more. Good luck selling them to people who hold delusions that they are otherwise.
Reptiles can make great pets actually. They actually do have personalities, each one is different. I used to have boa constrictors, had two. They got to be around 7 feet long before I had to give them up. One of them, Marianne was a total sweetheart. I'd let them roam my house free when I was there. She'd crawl on my lap, head on my shoulder, and doze off for a nap.
I think all God's creatures are unique, in some way...
Great pic's Ken. Those are neat little fellers... ;)
27th November 2010, 06:13 AM
the parents must be happy in captivity - breeding is a sign that they like their home.
have you fed the babies some mealworms ? since their mom doesn't have any breast milk to feed them, i figure the babies must be ready to pounce on any squirmy little bug that is dropped into their cage.
27th November 2010, 04:00 PM
the parents must be happy in captivity - breeding is a sign that they like their home.
have you fed the babies some mealworms ? since their mom doesn't have any breast milk to feed them, i figure the babies must be ready to pounce on any squirmy little bug that is dropped into their cage.
Gundriller; The babies cant eat mealworms..too hard to digest
We raise dubia cockroaches (live breeders)and are feeding tiny ones to the dragon babies
27th November 2010, 04:02 PM
We made a video of the babies eating for their first time. :)
These three day old little guys are about two inches long(not including their tail)
27th November 2010, 04:25 PM
I still don't know what they are.
Where do they come from?
How big do they get?
Can they be trained to defend the homestead from, oh, say cockroaches or other unwanted creepycrawlies?
Check them out on youtube.... search "Bearded dragons"
They get about a foot long (not including their tail) maybe a little bigger
they come from Australia (I think)
They need to be in a warm unless the house was in the high 80's to low 90's I don't think they could survive...they also need to bask in sunlight.
27th November 2010, 06:26 PM
It appears to me you raise these things to sale. If that is the case I am curious at what age you would sell them and for what price. I'm primarily interested in the ROI. It seems an interesting, profitable hobby; not that I would engage in it myself.
27th November 2010, 06:45 PM
It appears to me you raise these things to sale. If that is the case I am curious at what age you would sell them and for what price. I'm primarily interested in the ROI. It seems an interesting, profitable hobby; not that I would engage in it myself.
These babies can be sold at about 6 weeks they sell at the pet store for about $49 each
Selling them for profit is really not the reason we have these babies....we do it because we like it.
For years we raised and hand fed Birds...mostly Cockatiels..and some Lovebirds and Canaries
Because we both love birds
We sold quite a few birds to folks. But that got kinda out of hand and was a lot of work,. so we sold most of them...we made a little bit of money...but wasn't enough to quit my day job.
We raise cockroaches and mealworms because its easy and a cheap way to feed the pets.
We may soon be able to sell the cockroaches though. That maybe profitable...we'll see :P
16th December 2010, 05:44 PM jpg
update with Baby Pictures :) jpg
We have a total of 36 baby beardies now. pg
Bath time jpg
Basking pg
16th December 2010, 06:08 PM
From one that likes big spiders and other critters, extremity cool.
And I will differ with some opinion here , reptiles all in their own way
have their own personality's, I have seen it with my pets of the past.
I want one!! And can promise my last cat would not eat it, the dog ,
will say ,,"shit now I have to guard that" ;D
Doing good , looks like a good (not sure what to call the bunch)
16th December 2010, 07:52 PM
lol...yeah the eggs are a Clutch...i think....Not sure what a group of lizards are called...a herd?
We do need to find homes for them...and are not doing this to Make money we plan to give a lot of them away for free....They can be shipped overnight with special packaging as long as its not too terribly cold.
But Im sure that is probably not cheap.
But if anyone here wants one they will be ready in a few weeks :)
18th December 2010, 05:07 AM
For someone who obviously has some talent and dedication to raise that many lizards from a clutch I am very disappointed that you didn't know that a group of lizards is termed a "lounge". It's about the coolest animal group term of them all. I still think a "murder" for crows is the coolest one, though.
So, no you know, lizardman.
18th December 2010, 06:06 AM
cool. 36 ! i didn't know a mama Bearded could crank out that many eggs in one batch.
do you ever get 2 lizards coming out of one egg, like twins ?
18th December 2010, 07:51 AM
The offspring of reptiles and amphibians are generally numerous because, with few notable exceptions, the eggs are laid and then abandoned. The hatchlings are statistically lucky and any that live on to breed are even luckier.
18th December 2010, 08:43 AM
a "lounge" Cool, thanks SLV. I guess I could have just Googled it :)
The mother layed 3 batches of eggs two weeks apart. the 1st clutch produced 15 babies and the 2nd all 21 eggs hatched. So now we have 36 total...and may get even more from the 3rd clutch :P
We have found homes for a a few And We have found a place that will buy the rest :) But we still want to give some away to good homes
18th December 2010, 01:00 PM
We made a video of the babies eating for their first time. :)
These three day old little guys are about two inches long(not including their tail)
i like all of 'em.
the one that's eating at 1:48 looks especially vigorous.
it's sort of wierd when you think about it. it's fascinating to watch reptiles eat, but i couldn't say the same about dogs eating.
19th December 2010, 01:51 PM
i like all of 'em.
the one that's eating at 1:48 looks especially vigorous.
it's sort of wierd when you think about it. it's fascinating to watch reptiles eat, but i couldn't say the same about dogs eating.
Yup, I agree, and the one at 1:48 really seems to enjoy eating. Actually they all seem to really enjoy their meals. I like how they lick their lips after chomping down on a roach, you can tell they are happy little creatures. :)
21st December 2010, 05:41 AM
i like all of 'em.
the one that's eating at 1:48 looks especially vigorous.
it's sort of wierd when you think about it. it's fascinating to watch reptiles eat, but i couldn't say the same about dogs eating.
Yup, I agree, and the one at 1:48 really seems to enjoy eating. Actually they all seem to really enjoy their meals. I like how they lick their lips after chomping down on a roach, you can tell they are happy little creatures. :)
Ken, have you ever heard one belch in satisfaction after a large meal ? :o
24th December 2010, 07:35 AM Driller...but they do eat alot for such little things...
They love their veggies too. jpg
26th December 2010, 06:19 AM Driller...but they do eat alot for such little things...
They love their veggies too. jpg
and they never have to floss or brush their teeth.
lucky lizards.
is that a canned pea-carrot-corn type mix they're eating in the pic ?
26th December 2010, 10:21 AM Driller...but they do eat alot for such little things...
They love their veggies too. jpg
and they never have to floss or brush their teeth.
lucky lizards.
is that a canned pea-carrot-corn type mix they're eating in the pic ?
Naw.... we give them Fresh veggies :)
27th December 2010, 05:55 AM Driller...but they do eat alot for such little things...
They love their veggies too. jpg
and they never have to floss or brush their teeth.
lucky lizards.
is that a canned pea-carrot-corn type mix they're eating in the pic ?
Naw.... we give them Fresh veggies :)
they look like they would come in mighty handy in the garden - eating bugs that would otherwise eat your vegetables.
12th January 2011, 09:02 PM
they look like they would come in mighty handy in the garden - eating bugs that would otherwise eat your vegetables.
Im sure they would Driller...If you lived somewhere warm :)
12th January 2011, 09:06 PM
Last Picture of these little ones pg
We just sold 28 babies to a wholesaler for 20 bucks each. ;D
Another 30 should be ready to go in a couple weeks :)
Liz Anya
15th January 2011, 04:24 PM
My mom bought a pearl lutino cockatiel from a breeder in her neighborhood. "Doodlebug" was a runt, and had crooked little bird feet that looked like he had bird-arthritis. That was the coolest pet ever. Doodlebug was so easily trainable - I taught him all sorts of words, phrases and songs. He LOVED to dance. If I put a yellow Tupperware glass on the table (he had free run of the house but slept in his covered cage each night), he'd do a dance (prolly mating dance) around it. Loved toothpicks - would stand at the toothpick holder and pull them out one at a time to nibble each one before moving on to the next birdy activity. Doodlebug lived for 18 years!
I have friends that bought their 8 year old daughter a bearded dragon... two years later, it still rides around on her shoulders. I'm not a huge reptile fan, but she loves "Rosa" who also rides on the backs of their labs.
Your little guys are too cute - in a cold-blooded kind of way! Good for you!!!
As for the cockroach breeding... that's just, well, gross!
16th January 2011, 12:20 AM
Ken, you take great pix.
And the one you posted where the BD was "waving....?" Looked like a 5 finger salute t'me. Too funny.
Congrats on your ROI gig...$20 per is pretty cool. How did the wholesaler find you? He hang out here on GS?
16th January 2011, 10:02 AM
Ken, you take great pix.
And the one you posted where the BD was "waving....?" Looked like a 5 finger salute t'me. Too funny.
Congrats on your ROI gig...$20 per is pretty cool. How did the wholesaler find you? He hang out here on GS?
Actually My wife took the pics. I found the wholesaler in a classified section of a reptile forum.
There were several of them looking for clutches. I contacted 4 of them and all 4 wrote back wanting them.
The one we went with says they sell 6000 baby dragons a year.
I was a bit worried about finding homes for them...But Im not worried any more. :)
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