View Full Version : Woman harassed by TSA over breast milk, detained and misses flight

26th November 2010, 10:30 AM
This should piss everyone the fvck off!!!


Twisted Titan
26th November 2010, 10:48 AM
Boob Milk is a Threat to National Security

mick silver
26th November 2010, 10:48 AM
if anyone still thinks the police state is not here yet is crazy as hell . welcome to the new usa

Filthy Keynes
26th November 2010, 11:06 AM
What was the FIRST thing they did when this poor mother started to object by using dismissive finger motions? That guy at the bottom of the screen did the classic "drunk-on-power" move by talking into his walkie-talkie. Police do it all the time - and it is done on purpose because the message it sends is: "I'M GOING TO TELL MOMMY ON YOU! AND WHEN SHE COMES SHE'S GOING TO BEAT THE SIT OUT OF YOU!".

This is the classic power-tripping pose:


midnight rambler
26th November 2010, 11:09 AM
What was the FIRST thing they did when this poor mother started to object by using dismissive finger motions? That guy at the bottom of the screen did the classic "drunk-on-power" move by talking into his walkie-talkie. Police do it all the time - and it is done on purpose because the message it sends is: "I'M GOING TO TELL MOMMY ON YOU! AND WHEN SHE COMES SHE'S GOING TO BEAT THE SIT OUT OF YOU!".

This is the classic power-tripping pose:


This move is aka: "Everyone swarm around me and back up my egregious behavior."

Filthy Keynes
26th November 2010, 11:19 AM
I do have to wonder, though... there is NO SOUND...... How do we know that what the captions say happened is really what happened. Also.... the baby is "at home" and away from the mother... it's rather strange....

midnight rambler
26th November 2010, 11:25 AM
"Call(ing) your Congressman" is a complete waste of time. People need to be filing Title 42 lawsuits against these asshats.

26th November 2010, 11:28 AM
I think this is good. I would like to see this much more. Did you see all the sheeple go by without questioning why a fellow citizen was being detained? They are all afraid. We need to increase the oppression until that fear bubble pops.

BTW- they were teaching her a lesson. How sweet of them to remember her as a trouble maker from the last pass through. I think they may have taught her a good lesson.... and regardless of where she was before, she NOW knows what TSA is all about.

Hope & Change.

26th November 2010, 11:31 AM
I do have to wonder, though... there is NO SOUND...... How do we know that what the captions say happened is really what happened. Also.... the baby is "at home" and away from the mother... it's rather strange....

I found the absent baby thing bizarre too. If she is going to see the baby later, she can feed him direct. That part sounded flakey- but it is not my position (nor the TSA's) to judge. Maybe the timing just worked out that she had to get the milk out while traveling so she does not shut down and she needs to rotate stock.

26th November 2010, 11:39 AM
Women need to express breast milk even if the child is not going to be with them, or there supply will dry up in about 24 holurs. There needs to be a constant demand to be able to produce.

Now you might be wondering how the kid eats when mom is away.

You can also freeze breast milk in an ice cube tray and it will keep for almost a year frozen and you just thaw and warm it when junior needs to eat. this way you can be feed breast milk while staying at grandmas.

We did this with our daughter a few times but the whife had to pump when she was away from the child.

still afloat
26th November 2010, 12:41 PM
I can't believe this , the one time that would have been perfect for someone to go into a Mime routine and she blows it .
She could have made a major statement and entertained everyone going through the lines with a simple I'm stuck in a box and the TSA won't let me out show.
Personally I think she would have a better chance of a set up lawsuit if she did like everyone else and took advantage of winter coming on and faked a slip and fall on ice in the parking lot at a big box store like WalMart.

26th November 2010, 06:12 PM
They enjoyed leaving her in there. Now consider this. They are RESPONSIBLE for their prisoner. What would have happened if she laid down and did not move? Oh- is laying down in a prison cell against some law? Let THEM have the angst.

Filthy Keynes
26th November 2010, 06:24 PM
They enjoyed leaving her in there. Now consider this. They are RESPONSIBLE for their prisoner. What would have happened if she laid down and did not move? Oh- is laying down in a prison cell against some law? Let THEM have the angst.

The socialist healthcare would have taken care of her and she might have been excused from being fined, but she most likely would not get her breast milk back or the rest of her belongings.

26th November 2010, 06:56 PM
They enjoyed leaving her in there. Now consider this. They are RESPONSIBLE for their prisoner. What would have happened if she laid down and did not move? Oh- is laying down in a prison cell against some law? Let THEM have the angst.

Hell yes they enjoyed leaving her in there! and making her miss her flight and making her a public spectacle...that'll teach her good!!! Don't mess with the TSA biatch. I woulda layed right down in the floor and shut my eyes.

26th November 2010, 07:01 PM
The SOB's, I wouldn't have stayed in there as long as she did, I would have been arrested, It would have been a huge scene ! bastards.

26th November 2010, 07:06 PM
I can't believe they locked her up like that, in that glass prison, for so long. People shouldn't be treated like that.

And breast milk, why would you need to x-ray breast milk? Do they think she's hiding a bomb in it...it's breast milk. They can look at it without the x-ray, there's nothing to hide. Doesn't make sense.

Shorty Harris
26th November 2010, 07:32 PM
Totally disgusting!!!..

All that was, was a total & Absolute display of force designed to do nothing accept to intimidate & control fellow travelers. "" SEE, look at this Women, Don't question US, we will put you in the box..you DON'T want to be put in the box!""

This is no different then back in times of slave/slave owners, when the slave master would whip and punish a "trouble maker" in front of the other slaves to try and keep them in line. No difference, none at all.

Very Sad..Very Troubling!

Filthy Keynes
26th November 2010, 08:56 PM
Just curious, did anybody see any breast milk in that video? I'm calling into question the titling of the video. Without audio we don't really know the context. It sure does appear that she was abused, but ... breast milk for a child that was miles away at home - and she was BOARDING a plane to fly him his "breast milk" when she's got too tata's that presumably still work? What sort of milk has the baby been drinking while she was away?

Something here does NOT add up, in my mind. ....

...just sayin'...

26th November 2010, 09:18 PM
Just curious, did anybody see any breast milk in that video? I'm calling into question the titling of the video. Without audio we don't really know the context. It sure does appear that she was abused, but ... breast milk for a child that was miles away at home - and she was BOARDING a plane to fly him his "breast milk" when she's got too tata's that presumably still work? What sort of milk has the baby been drinking while she was away?

Something here does NOT add up, in my mind. ....

...just sayin'...

You won't see it because by that point they have it their possession, everything else went through the x-ray machine. The milk in question is with one of the agents. I'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt as there are any number of scenario's that she might want to avoid direct feeding time, such as meeting family at the airport and going to dinner or some such? IDK? I did though see a TSA agent make a woman drink from her bottled formula before she could leave the inspection area, I wonder why this situation was any different?

It almost matters not to me as they were clearly power tripping and teaching her not to buck the system or question their authority.

still afloat
26th November 2010, 10:57 PM
What if she is / was just an actress for the TSA ?
Put on a little show , lock her in the display case for all to see .
Oh my , look if we cause any disruption we'll get locked away too and miss our flight, we better just follow the rest of the herd through the scanners and keep our mouth shut.

Here we have the mother of the year that has fears for her baby because of the milk being exposed to the radiation in the scanner why would she choose / prefer for a TSA agent that has been fondling strangers all day to play with this special milk ?
I personally wouldn't feed it to my dog after someone played with it radiated or not .Once it left my sight I'd assume it was contaminated .As mentioned above it is out of sight .

26th November 2010, 11:27 PM
What if she is / was just an actress for the TSA ?
Put on a little show , lock her in the display case for all to see .
Oh my , look if we cause any disruption we'll get locked away too and miss our flight, we better just follow the rest of the herd through the scanners and keep our mouth shut.

Here we have the mother of the year that has fears for her baby because of the milk being exposed to the radiation in the scanner why would she choose / prefer for a TSA agent that has been fondling strangers all day to play with this special milk ?
I personally wouldn't feed it to my dog after someone played with it radiated or not .Once it left my sight I'd assume it was contaminated .As mentioned above it is out of sight .

To tell ya the truth, that does seem very plausible. I think we need more info.

26th November 2010, 11:47 PM
Why wouldn't she just go home and breast feed the child directly? That fact alone is idiotic.

Part of it is they check for people making up stupid illogical stories, and put the brakes on the entire situation as a precaution. i.e. run things twice, recheck paper work, and probably rescan her checked luggage as well.

That's why she was made to wait.

27th November 2010, 02:37 AM
This 'narrated' video is something else, who knows whats going on let alone the time frame and stuff, how does he know exactly what anyone is saying... No credibility in my eyes.

27th November 2010, 04:05 AM
Just curious, did anybody see any breast milk in that video? I'm calling into question the titling of the video. Without audio we don't really know the context. It sure does appear that she was abused, but ... breast milk for a child that was miles away at home - and she was BOARDING a plane to fly him his "breast milk" when she's got too tata's that presumably still work? What sort of milk has the baby been drinking while she was away?

Something here does NOT add up, in my mind. ....

...just sayin'...
@8:43-45 Gestapo agent in shirt and tie is holding a bag containing unknown white substance. Probably a seven letter word starting with A and ending in X.

still afloat
27th November 2010, 07:08 AM
Yep , that 8:43 / 8:45 does show a white substance but if that is breast milk I'd hate to mess with that chic because the bag contains white solid cube shaped objects .I'd think a double barrel cube shooter would be more dangerous than the already spent ammo that came out of them , it's not like she can reload with the bag contents.
Don't come back with the oh she froze it in ice cube trays therefore the cube shape is right .
its not going to stay frozen this whole time and if you note the agent does tilt the bag and no liquid is moving .If there were milk , breast or cow even it would have left a opaque white coating on the bag when tilted .

Not to mention I'm still looking for the breasts that shot them out .

27th November 2010, 07:08 AM

My God! They are treating us goyim like Palestinians now!


27th November 2010, 10:22 AM
book has got it right here...dont get angry with other americans, you play right into the jews hands...they THRIVE off public protest.
protest against the HEART of the issue; JEWS controlling/ influencing Americans.

27th November 2010, 10:23 AM

My God! They are treating us goyim like Palestinians now!


Perhaps they are, and ultimately will, but I don't think this story is a good reflection of that.

Security agencies, police, and people in general have always been suspicious, and go to additional measures when they hear illogical stories that don't add up.