View Full Version : US briefs allies on WikiLeaks dump

26th November 2010, 12:20 PM
US allies around the world have been briefed by American diplomats about an expected release of 3mil classified files by the WikiLeaks website that could cause international embarrassment.

Steve Field, the UK prime minister's spokesman, said on Friday that the government had been told of "the likely content of these leaks" by US Ambassador Louis Susman.

Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, said he spoke on Friday with the US state department, which told him that there would be documents regarding Italy in the leak, "but the content can't be anticipated."

"We're talking about thousands and thousands of classified documents that the US will not comment on, as is their custom," Frattini said.

The governments of Canada, Norway, and Denmark also said they had been briefed by US officials.

Further afield

Israel has been warned of potential embarrassment from the release, which could include confidential reports from the US embassy in Tel Aviv.



28th November 2010, 01:05 AM
November 27, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/27/gordon-duff-wikileak-predictions-sticking-my-neck-out-2/)



Were we to ask author Jeff Gates, he would point to the “storytelling” aspect of Wikileaks, Assange and his “on again-off again” rape charges or that someone that manages to make it to continual television interviews can’t be found by police or security services. We call this “storytelling” and Jeff Gates tells us that Israel, the power behind Hollywood and the American press, is the “storyteller” of all time.

There are better ways to “prove,” a word as subjective as any of the storytelling around the Wikileaks myth itself. The proof, always depending on who accepts the proof, and as is almost always the case, dependent on whether the press itself chooses to report it, which if Israel is involved, is more than a bit predictable itself. Lack of reporting potential Israeli complicity in Wikileaks, knowing AIPAC and Israel have the longest history of accessing classified information and, by far, the strongest agenda for leaking information, could be seen as conclusive proof itself.


If dual citizens who make up much of the Pentagon’s leadership are working with Israel or AIPAC to formulate Wikileaks, as seems to be the case, then the upcoming leak will serve a pro-Israeli agenda, even if it damages the United States, as other Wikileaks have. These are Israeli agenda items:

Discrediting Obama foreign policy in order to weaken the president’s influence with congress to push for a halt on new settlements in Palestine and the forced removal of Islamic property owners.

Accusations involving Turkey, now feuding with Israel over the killing of Turkish citizens on the Mavi Marmara, now recognized as a purely humanitarian mission. These accusations against Turkey may include weapons being supplied to terrorists in Iraq, a fanciful abuse of reality. What will not be reported, if this story is “leaked” either through Wikileaks or the other Israeli sources, “Debka”..”Stratfor”..”FamilySecurityMatters.org”.. or the infamous “IsraelNationalNews.com” is Israel’s 40 years of complicity in the very acts they now accuse Turkey of.

More importantly, is the issue of blaming Turkey for the actions of the terrorist group, PKK, long funded by Israel and now claimed to be allied to Al Qaeda, is vital to Israel’s strategy against Turkey.

Expect Pakistan to be hit, as usual. An Islamic nuclear power with a top rate million man army that outclasses Israel hands down, Pakistan, primary competitor for US aid dollars, a country that actually has agreements with the United States and real troops fighting alongside Americans, will get their usual Wikileaks bashing.


Is it a coincidence that documents regarding Israel, their spying, influence peddling, suspicions of complicity in terrorism, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, across Europe and even the Detroit bombing, those reports are there, they are classified but you will never see one on Wikileaks. In fact, they are the only classified information that never gets out to the news. Is that because, as we have learned, the borders of Israel extend well into Washington DC, well into the Pentagon? What won’t we see in Wikileaks:

Nothing in Wikileaks will accuse anyone, even Pakistan or Afghanistan, or complicity in narcotics trafficking nor mention the huge new narcotics industry operating in Iraq. Ask yourself why.

One of the biggest areas of complaint in the Pentagon, more classified White Papers have been written on this than anything else: “How Israel is Endangering the United States“

In fact, the biggest “classified” debate in America is what supporting Israel, a nation with incredible wealth and utterly obnoxious leaders costs the United States. Rumors of such issues aren’t rumors at all. When General Petraeus presented his now famous power-point presentation to Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, outlining how Israel is undermining American foreign policy, he wasn’t operating without tens of thousands of pages of intelligence behind him. Not one page, not one word of these studies will be in Wikileaks.

When Vice President Joe Biden said the following to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu:

“This is starting to get dangerous for us, what you’re doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace.”

Are we to believe these statements were taken out of thin air? In fact, Petraeus, Mullen and Biden are only the tip of the iceberg. Admiral Mullen, America’s top military leader under the Commander in Chief, has repeatedly cited Israel and America’s relationship, as, not only a liability but something far worse, so much worse that:

As public statements by Admiral Mullen, Vice President Biden, General Petraeus and others, citing America’s relationship with Israel as a military disaster, are obviously “watered down” for public consumption, can you imagine what classified reports are saying?

Zionist sheep making Canadian Propaganda Corporation is promoting WikiLeaks again. All I need to know to assume this is supporting Zionist interests.

28th November 2010, 07:38 AM

it is sort of odd - they have a link to the Amy Goodman interview with Ellsberg.

Goodman perpetuates the "scary Muslims did 9-11" official conspiracy theory - not in this interview, i mean in her broadcasts.

Wikileaks on Israel -


nothing there. a few reports of protests against the December 2008/ January 2009 Israeli attack on Gaza - that is, reports on the protests, not on the attack itself.

considering the amount of material the US gov. does have on Israel - below - Wikileaks isn't doing a very good job of shedding light on Israeli crimes and/or US-Israeli crimes, e.g. 9-11.


"Scratch a counterintelligence officer in the U.S. government and they'll tell you that Israel is not a friend to the United States. This is because Israel runs one of the most aggressive and damaging espionage networks targeting the U.S..

The fact of Israeli penetration into the country is not a subject oft-discussed in the media or in the circles of governance, due to the extreme sensitivity of the U.S.-Israel relationship coupled with the burden of the Israel lobby, which punishes legislators who dare to criticize the Jewish state. The void where the facts should sit is filled instead with the hallucinations of conspiracy theory -- the kind in which, for example, agents of the Mossad, Israel’s top intelligence agency, engineer the 9/11 attacks, while 4,000 Israelis in the Twin Towers somehow all get word to escape before the planes hit. The effect, as disturbing as it is ironic, is that the less the truth is addressed, the more noxious the falsity that spreads.

Israel's spying on the U.S., however, is a matter of public record, and neither conspiracy nor theory is needed to present the evidence. When the FBI produces its annual report to Congress concerning "Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage," Israel and its intelligence services often feature prominently as a threat second only to China. In 2005 the FBI noted, for example, that Israel maintains "an active program to gather proprietary information within the United States." A key Israeli method, said the FBI report, is computer intrusion. In 1996, the Defense Intelligence Service, a branch of the Pentagon, issued a warning that "the collection of scientific intelligence in the United States [is] the third highest priority of Israeli Intelligence after information on its Arab neighbors and information on secret U.S. policies or decisions relating to Israel."

28th November 2010, 09:05 AM
I smell a rat, who must be smelt to be a rat.


28th November 2010, 03:52 PM
Wikileaks under DDOS attack http://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/8920530488926208

28th November 2010, 06:03 PM
Webster Tarpley speaks about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange on the Alex Jones Show July 2010
Suggest limited hangout Patsy (grew up in, on the run from a cult) and/or third rank intelligence operation.
Big lie of 21st century is terrorism/Osama, WikiLeaks supports the lie.



28th November 2010, 09:23 PM

Michael Rivero

Wikileaks, following much media fanfare (reason for suspicion right there) has just released a huge number of documents supposedly leaked to WikiLeaks and no other websites'. The media is denouncing this as a threat to the United States while US politicians wring their hands and wonder when they will be free of the curse of the First Amendment and all that troublesome nonsense about Freedom of Speech. Many observers think this is a propaganda set up and that neither Julian Assange or WikiLaeks should be taken at face value. After all, Julian Assange keeps insisting there was no 9-11 conspiracy and the 9-11 truth movement a "distraction." Apparently Julian Assange has patented conspiracy and nobody else may expose one except himself!

Of course, there is really not that much that is new in this latest dump. Like prior WikiLeaks dumps, most of it is old news mixed with some rather dubious claims. In his last such dump, Julian Assange included a claim that Osama bin Laden is still alive and controlling Al Qaeda. Of course, it is well documented outside the United States that Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years and that Al Qaeda itself is a fake front group created to hoax Americans into endless wars of conquest, much as the fictional Emmanuel Goldstein was used in George Orwell's "1984."

As for the present batch of documents, again it is a rehash of stories already known to the blog-o-sphere. Even those people who did not know US diplomats spy on their United Nations counterparts did not find it surprising or in any way a new idea.

So what is the real purpose of Assange's little charade? Propaganda.

Propaganda is like rat poison. 95% of it is tasty, healthy food. But the purpose is to get you to swallow the poison. The same is true of the WikiLeaks document dump. The bait are all these old stories which we already knew about, used to convince us that the entire pile is "tasty, healthy food," except that it isn't. Buried in the pile of delicious, albeit past the expiration date morsels are the bits of poison which the US Government knows you will no longer accept at face value from the controlled media, but hope you will eat if handed to you by a con artist posing as hostile to the government.

So, given that 95% of the current WikiLeaks is really old news, as a public service I will point out the bits of poison that Julian hopes you will eat.

1. Iran is bad so you should all want to kill them.

2. Saudi Arabia is bad because they are funding Al Qaeda so you should all want to kill them.

3. North Korea is bad because they gave really long range missiles to Iran for Iran to put their nuclear warheads in, so you should all want to kill them.

4. China is messing with your computers, so you should all want to kill them.

That about sums it up.

Funny thing about rat poison. After a while the rats learn to eat the food and leave the poison behind.

29th November 2010, 07:47 AM
Funny thing about rat poison. After a while the rats learn to eat the food and leave the poison behind.

Well, they keep talking about how everyone has been compromised & Assangle needs to be hung.

But yet no repeat of actual content that is so damning?

Looks like a runup up to "Internet Dos" complete with all the commercials.

We will all be made to pay for it.

29th November 2010, 08:15 AM
Ok, now we are starting to see some details, most of it appears as tiny straws on the camels back.

Looks like its going to sink the U.S. Titanica that much quicker. :-X

29th November 2010, 10:32 AM

The New York Times is participating in the dissemination of the stolen State Department cables that have been made available to it in one way or another via WikiLeaks. My friend Steve Hayward recalls that only last year the New York Times ostentatiously declined to publish or post any of the Climategate emails because they had been illegally obtained. Surely readers will recall Times reporter Andrew Revkin's inspiring statement of principle: "The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won't be posted here."

Interested readers may want to compare and contrast Revkin's statement of principle with the editorial note posted by the Times on the WikiLeaks documents this afternoon. Today the Times cites the availability of the documents elsewhere and the pubic interest in their revelations as supporting their publication by the Times. Both factors applied in roughly equal measure to the Climategate emails.

Without belaboring the point, let us note simply that the two statements are logically irreconcilable. Perhaps something other than principle and logic were at work then, or are at work now.

mick silver
29th November 2010, 02:32 PM
who give money to Wikileaks to help keep there doors open

30th November 2010, 07:55 PM
Israel has been warned of potential embarrassment from the release, which could include confidential reports from the US embassy in Tel Aviv.



I'm still waiting for the jeWiki leaks Aljazeera...

1st December 2010, 07:25 PM
WikiLeaks Exposes Al Jazeera Achilles’ Heel

In October, Al Jazeera played a leading role in examining a huge trove of classified American documents released through WikiLeaks. It brought to light important revelations on a wide range of topics, including the killings of hundreds of civilians at coalition roadblocks and the U.S role in Iraqi state torture.

This time, however, as WikiLeaks released more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables extending from the mid-1960s to the present day, Al Jazeera has opted for the back seat.

Its coverage of what the Italian foreign minister called “9/11 of diplomacy” for the most part has been shallow, sometimes based on translated and paraphrased articles from the New York Times and the Los Angles Times — for a very good reason.

This time the subject of the embarrassing leaks involves not only the United States, but also the leaders of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, including Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kuwait.

The leaked U.S. diplomatic cables have shown that Qatar shares the other GCC states’ view that Iran is the primary threat, not Israel.

This is completely contradictory to what the ruling family in Qatar has been saying in public. It is also contrary to Al Jazeera’s own coverage, which presents Israel as the primary threat, not Iran. In fact, Qatar probably boasts the closest ties with Iran of all the GCC states.

Now, the leaked U.S. cables expose Muslim countries backstabbing another Muslim country. That is one of the ugliest acts a Muslim can perform. The Prophet Muhammad, in fact, compared it to “eating the flesh of one’s own dead brother.”

Al Jazeera tried to mitigate the embarrassment by singling out the roles of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, saying that the two kingdoms strongly urged the United States to strike Iranian military facilities, contrary to what those countries have been saying in public. Al Jazeera conveniently attributed the information to a Los Angles Times article.

What Al Jazeera totally ignored, however, was the role that Qatar played in highlighting the Iranian threat against the United States.

According to one of the leaked U.S. diplomatic cables, the Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani told Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) last February, that based on 30 years of experience with the Iranians, they will give you 100 words but he should trust only one of the 100.

The Qatari Prime Minister Hamad Al Thani also told Kerry that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had told him: "We beat the Americans in Iraq, the final battle will be in Iran."

Assad Abukhalil, professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus, who has appeared numerous times on Al Jazeera, strongly criticized the network on the radio show Democracy Now.

During the radio interview, he said: “I think the extent to which the Saudi government- and all Arab governments in the Gulf- are embarrassed by these leaks, is evidenced by the clampdown that is being exhibited throughout the Saudi-controlled Arab media. And even the so-called "independent" Al Jazeera- which, contrary to its reputation here in the West, is the most serious news organization - is also trying to cover up the embarrassing revelations about the way Arab governments operate vis-à-vis the United States.”

Al Jazeera television not only found itself in an awkward position because its “independence” was tested, but also because the leaked cables raised an important question about its coverage of Iranian affairs, which tends to be more positive than other Arab television networks.

For example, Al Jazeera often assiduously covers Israeli violations against Palestinians as well as U.S. violations in Afghanistan and Iraq while ignoring Iranian violations against Arabs such as the oppression of Arabs in the Iranian province of Khuzestan, bordering the Iraqi province of Basra, and the occupation of the three UAE islands of Abu Masa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb.

This helps Iran improve its image among Arabs and distracts them from the growing Iranian influence in the oil-rich region in southern Iraq. Iran’s support for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is also ignored by Al Jazeera.

The question is why does Al Jazeera make Iran look good despite the hidden mistrust between the two neighboring countries: Qatar and Iran?

Qatar shares several offshore gas fields such as al-Shaheen and South Pars with Iran, which makes it extremely important to have good relations with its strong neighbor. In fact, Qatar’s livelihood as a nation depends on its good relations with Iran.

"Iran, if it wanted to, could click its fingers and sever Qatar's money,” David Roberts, a doctoral candidate in Qatari foreign policy at Durham University in England, wrote on The Gulf Blog.

However, Qatar also uses U.S. military presence on its territory to deter any possible Iranian infringement on the shared offshore oil fields. According to secret diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks, “Qatar agreed to pay 60 percent of the upkeep costs for the Al-Udeid airbase, which has already been used by the U.S. military to launch air sorties in Iraq.” It agreed to support its use against Iran as long as the South Par natural gas fields were not threatened.

Qatar’s willingness to host the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East is, in effect, a diplomatic balancing act against the threat of Iran.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, a WikiLeaks document quoted Mossad chief Meir Dagan saying to American diplomats, "I think that you should remove your bases from [Qatar]…[The Qataris] owe their security to the presence of the Americans]."

Arguably, Al Jazeera’s coverage of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still superior to that of all other Arab television networks, which explains why it’s still the most watched Arab news source. However, Al Jazeera’s failure to report on the recent U.S. leaked cables highlights its Achilles’ heel: the Qatari ruling family and its powerful neighbor, Iran.
