View Full Version : WTF - Now Haitians with Cholera landing in Miami

General of Darkness
27th November 2010, 07:04 AM
They have to quarantine the entire country at this point is my opinion.


Passenger With Cholera Symptoms Lands at MIA
The patient is a doctor returning from fighting the disease in Haiti, where it has claimed 1,603 lives
Updated 8:30 AM EST, Sat, Nov 27, 2010

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A doctor returning from fighting a cholera outbreak in Haiti experienced symptoms of the disease while en route to Miami International Airport and was met by a medical team when his flight touched down Thursday night.

American Airlines Flight #778 arrived from Santo Domingo, the capital of neighboring Dominican Republic, around 6 p.m.

"Before landing, the crew radioed down and advised they had a passenger onboard who had symptom that appeared to be cholera and he would need immediate medical attention the minute they landed,'' said an American Airlines spokesman. The man was whisked to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where doctors have not been able to confirm cholera pending test results. Cholera is a severe diarrheal illness transmitted through fecal contamination that is especially dangerous among children and the elderly. Those infected can become too quickly dehydrated, go into shock, and die within hours. If suspicions are confirmed, it will be the first known case of cholera in Miami-Dade County ever and just the third in Florida -- the disease was erradicated in most first-world countries decades ago. However, it is currently ravaging earthquake-torn Haiti, claiming more than 1,603 lives in the past few weeks. Though passengers leaving Haiti and the Dominican Republic are being screened at departure for symptoms of the disease, the patient in question showed no signs of illness before the flight took off and thus was allowed to board.

27th November 2010, 07:15 AM

Chertoff announces purchase of Cholera Immunization Ltd. company...


27th November 2010, 07:39 AM
Don't touch his poop and put your fingers around your mouth and you'll be fine. Cholera is transmitted by lack of sanitation, not by landing in an airport.

Twisted Titan
27th November 2010, 09:26 AM
Cant a regimen of antibotics deal with Cholera???

27th November 2010, 09:48 AM
Yes, Twisted. Cholera is only a problem in areas with no sanitation and lack of medical care. The cholera doesn't actually kill you, the dehydration and lack of nutrients does. This haitian is lucky to have brought his disease to a first world country.

27th November 2010, 02:40 PM
Yes politicians, you too can get your very own photo op with your very own group of Hatian niggos! We've made it even easier for you to shine in the spotlight! Just come on down to the Sunshine State: Florida! Woopie!


27th November 2010, 02:51 PM
i don't even care about the cholera. my first concern is why are haitians landing in miami anyway?

27th November 2010, 03:08 PM
i don't even care about the cholera. my first concern is why are haitians landing in miami anyway?
Well, chad, cholera is the answer to that question.